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Let's discuss why Ninja Gaiden DS (apparently) is a MASSIVE FLOP


Well, it might just be me but I don't really picture the Xbox/X360 crowd of 20+ males who like space marines and manly stuff sitting around playing stylus DS games...

And I don't see DS gamers caring much for Xbox-franchise games that they never played when they were on consoles...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Hmm...well, I think it's kind of simple. Ninja Gaiden, since it's game on Xbox, is thought of as a big console game. When people think of "Ninja Gaiden" on DS, without even thinking or looking about it, they will perceive it as not as good or worth the time to play. Same with Assassin's Creed DS, Call of Duty 4 DS, etc etc. I think if Ninja Gaiden DS were like, the NES versions of the series on the DS as a retro pack, sales would be much better.

God of War and so forth may get a pass because it's on the PSP and looks like the PS2 game with production values that at least LOOK like they are comparable.

I think it's simply perception. I hear a lot of people talking about looking forward to Ninja Gaiden 2, preordering it and the like. When I point out the Ninja Gaiden DS game and if they're tried it, I get scoffs. Plus, the perception of stylus only controls sucking ass doesn't help.

That's just my thoughts and observations.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I dont think its lack of advertising
I dont think it is lack of hardcore audience
I dont think price is too big of a factor.

I think it is lack of general hype. For whatever reason no one seems to be to excited about the game releasing. I bought the game, but I do feel that there is a lot of competition for my ds game money at the moment. I had to choose two out of nanostray, ffcc, layton, aw2, ng, ff12rw, etc. I chose layton and ng.
I'm not a fan of the controls or how the game plays, its too similar to the xbox and doesn't feel suited to a handheld. I would've prefered a simple follow up to the snes series in 2d. Like what Wayforward did with Contra4, which is fucking great btw.


Master of the Google Search
Bebpo said:
Well, it might just be me but I don't really picture the Xbox/X360 crowd of 20+ males who like space marines and manly stuff sitting around playing stylus DS games...

And I don't see DS gamers caring much for Xbox-franchise games that they never played when they were on consoles...

Which is funny since the core of both fanbases originated on the 64.
It really was not advertised that well at all. Out of all the people I know with a DS, only myself and one friend picked it up. I never saw it heavily advertised, not even on the scale of Professor Layton, and it was only mentioned glowingly in the gaming press. I wouldn't shoot it down until some official numbers pop up, but anecdotally it doesn't look too good.


Bebpo said:
Well, it might just be me but I don't really picture the Xbox/X360 crowd of 20+ males who like space marines and manly stuff sitting around playing stylus DS games...

And I don't see DS gamers caring much for Xbox-franchise games that they never played when they were on consoles...

I have a 360, and I cannot wait for NG2, that said, I thought about picking the DS game, and bought professor layton instead, I bought the DS for those type of games that don't come to 360.


I had a choice between that and Crisis Core. I chose Crisis Core.

All the reviews said it's pretty easy (until you get hard mode, so you have to play twice, which I never do with games), which IMO isn't Ninja Gaiden.

I'll get it eventually, once it's price drops.


frogg609 said:
I had a choice between that and Crisis Core. I chose Crisis Core.

All the reviews said it's pretty easy (until you get hard mode, so you have to play twice, which I never do with games), which IMO isn't Ninja Gaiden.

I'll get it eventually, once it's price drops.

Forgot all about that one. Anyone who owns both systems probably went with crisis core that week. except...me :(


Mamesj said:
Forgot all about that one. Anyone who owns both systems probably went with crisis core that week. except...me :(

I went with NG that week too. My reasons for skipping CC were similar to what other posters brought up in this thread regarding NG.
- Heard it was easy.
- Not something I really wanted on a portable.
- Price.
It probably would do better if it were pushed as a game for 10-15 year boys with DS'. Sort of as an introduction for them to Ninja Gaiden. The core of the NG fanbase is over 20 and mostly playing games on home consoles. Trying to get them to "degrade" their gaming experience by playing a game on the DS is for the most part a waste of time and effort. The older gamer set would also be more aware of the controls and I would guess be mostly against them (as I am, stylus and action games just don't mix well).

That being said I wouldn't be surprised if it chalks up decent sales over its life. True a NG game should blow through half its lifetime sales in week 1 but I would guess this game will see steady sales for the rest of the year as birthday and holiday gifts for boys with DS' looking for something more violent than Pokemon. Especially if its seemingly large initial shipment doesn't sell quicly and it's discounted.


Crisis Core as competition.

The game is great quality and fun to play, but I don't know, I felt satisfied after playing it for about 30 minutes. I don't feel like playing it again.


Has this game seen a price collapse in Japan yet or were there low shipments to begin with? Also, how long does it usually take for a price collapse in the states, if in fact NG has bombed as badly as people think?
Look at the games that dominate the DS weekly/monthly sales charts. Did anyone really expect this game to do well?

Rephrased, did anyone expect this to sell better than the latest Castlevania and Contra bombs?
I waited until the B2G1 deal at TRU before I even considered getting Ninja Gaiden Black. For the new DS title I just don't care. The game doesn't appeal to me at all (I consider myself a pretty active DS consumer- NSMB, Mario Kart DS, Layton). Maybe the brand isn't as strong at the moment.
The touch screen attacks were pretty hard to execute and control. It's one of those "waste time killing waves of easy enemies who wear you down" instead of "use strategy to defeat harder enemies." I didn't think the gameplay is that great, plus it's a short game. The hardcore Xbox gamers who play the console Ninja Gaiden games don't want to play DS.


I actually really want this. I'm just behind. I should go pick one up soon, you know, to boost sales...



Sho_Nuff82 said:
Rephrased, did anyone expect this to sell better than the latest Castlevania and Contra bombs?

I didn't realize both bombed. What kind of lifetime projections did those titles have?


Crystal Bearer
OokieSpookie said:
I see more commercials for it on tv than I see for most games...

Personally I just do not think it fits the DS demographic ( in my opinion anyway)

I've seen maybe one. Most commercials I've seen were for FFVII and GoW lately.
OokieSpookie said:
I see more commercials for it on tv than I see for most games...

Personally I just do not think it fits the DS demographic ( in my opinion anyway)
Which makes little sense considering the amount of games like Metroid Hunters, Contra IV and Castlevania we get on a regular basis.


I guess a better question is what sales total would this have to hit to consider it a success, even a moderate one.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The bulk of the buyers for Ninja Gaiden have been XBOX fans, and most of the mainstream XBOX fans don't have a DS.

Sigma didn't do very well on the PS3, so I have doubts that Dragon Sword would have done much better on the PSP. I think it probably would have, but that would have increased the budget too.


Symytry said:
5 hours isn't nearly enough to warrant $35

Sure it is. COD4 single player was that much yet the game was double the cost. You can point a finger at Uncharted, HS, Halo, etc as well...


Xiaoki said:
If anything we have learned this: don't let your daughter dictate development.

I dunno, whether they made/lost money aside, we got a pretty good game out of it.


Maybe it's something like Monster Hunter or Pokemon - a franchise that appeals largely to a handheld rather than console (in this case, the opposite).

I also think there's too many DS games being sold now. The casual are still eating up those Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Ubi-Soft's Imagine line, Mario Party DS, etc., while the hardcore might have just recently bought Professor Layton, Apollo Justice, or are still playing Advance Wars DS 2 a bit here and there.

Also, $35 is quite high, even for a good handheld game. Just think, for $15 more people could have got SSBB or something. That IS what's taking all the sales this month, is it not?


Not enough number puzzles.

(Am i doing it right?)

Seriously. Lets wait till NPDs before anectodally calling it a "flop"


Xiaoki said:
If anything we have learned this: don't let your daughter dictate development.

actually it was his son who was digging the game.

but what the hell is up with that comment anyway-- it's not a bad game.

Scratch that-- it's one of the few DS games that has it all--playability, insane production values, and well-executed innovation. Which is what makes this all the more weird. It's not the first time the masses have slept on gold though.


Mamesj said:
actually it was his son who was digging the game.

but what the hell is up with that comment anyway-- it's not a bad game.

Scratch that-- it's one of the few DS games that has it all--playability, insane production values, and well-executed innovation. Which is what makes this all the more weird. It's not the first time the masses have slept on gold though.

I've never really got how the game has "insane production values".

I mean I think it's a great game, but pre-rendered backdrops from the Xbox assets, low-poly monsters, and 2d story panels don't strike me as super high budget. When I think "insane production values" I think of FFIVr DS or Zelda DS.
Bebpo said:
I've never really got how the game has "insane production values".

I mean I think it's a great game, but pre-rendered backdrops from the Xbox assets, low-poly monsters, and 2d story panels don't strike me as super high budget. When I think "insane production values" I think of FFIVr DS or Zelda DS.
I was in the process of making a post, but Bebpo beat me to it, so I'll just quote him...


This thread reminds me that I need to pick up Ninja Gaiden DS, however I'm a bit strapped for cash at the moment.

As for Japan: it's a game and not some brain training aplication...


Xeke said:
Who even knew it got released?


exactly. This game just basically came out. A stealth launch if I've ever seen on. This is probably oe of those cases where Tecmo should have advertised.


I was interested in the game until I tried the demo via a download station and couldn't get more than two hits on the boss before it killed me. The newer NG's are way too hard to put the character in a precarious position in relation to the camera against enemies that do huge amounts of damage each hit.

That's just me though...


Stylus only control + book style orientation + too many other great DS releases so far in 08'

That's my guess..


Bebpo said:
I've never really got how the game has "insane production values".

I mean I think it's a great game, but pre-rendered backdrops from the Xbox assets, low-poly monsters, and 2d story panels don't strike me as super high budget. When I think "insane production values" I think of FFIVr DS or Zelda DS.

fully 3D boss fights, tons of glowing orbs on screen at once along with tons of enemies on screen at once with good A.I. and all moving at a pretty steady 60fps framerate, and listen to it with your headphones. ;)

I don't think the pre-rendered backdrops are from the Xbox assets. They're just of the same areas of the first and second game, but with new perspective and layout to change them up.


Well, this thread has convinced me to buy the game, if that's any consolation. :lol I'm awfully surprised it's not doing well, as it has the marketing, reviews, production values, and virtually everything else going for it...
I think it may because it plays too differently than console counterpart, and also that handheld games may not appeal to the console gamer as much as the developer hoped. can also be the perception that it is a cheap cash in like the usual multiplatform games

I based my opinion largely on why I like gow psp, it played a lot like the console counterpart, it may be more limited than ps2 games, but it's something to play while I'm eagerly waiting god of war 3, also the high budget nature of the game prevent this title from being seen as a cheap cash in, even though it probably is a cash in of the franchise and is considerably cheaper to make than ps2 version.
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