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Let's do this again. What's your most disappointing game of the year?

Resident Evil 6.

Loved 4 and 5 but this one got even basic mechanics wrong, the graphics are worse than the previous game, and QTEs + camera work was terrible.



What a snore.

interesting, it's prob my fav game of the year behind walking dead

T.M. MacReady

AC3 hate is out of control.

Most disappointing can only be Dyad. Insane hype from Gaf and media, bought it and it was terrible.


It cant be anything but AC3.

Sure the ending of ME3 was meh, but it was at least fun to play.

I thought AC3 was going to be my biggest disappointment of the year, but then I played Hitman Absolution. Absolution is so far removed of what made the other games in series good, its barley even a Hitman game.

For me at least AC3 was an assassins creed game even if it wasn't as good as the others.


Easily AC3. A great series that has consistently surprised and improved with each iteration. Then came AC3 with its horrible bugs/glitches, lackluster storyline, and busted mechanics.


You have GOT to be kidding me... Journey's amazing! Sounds like you were expecting something completely different considering you're negatively comparing it to Flower.

I've only payed the demo of Journey and that demo is by far the most boring piece of gaming software I've ever encountered in my life.

If that game has sold well, it'd be scary to think what it COULD have sold if the demo wasn't the gaming equivalent of watching paint dry. I never bought it based on that demo.

If that demo misrepresents what the game is actually like, that's their fault for not making it better. I refuse to lay money down based on my experience with that demo.


Street Fighter X Tekken was released this year, no? Long time Tekken fan, majorly disappointed. Thankfully TTT2 came along and the year.


I kind of agree. The beta of Journey was extremely boring. I also hated Flower and flow.

(it's not a huge disappointment for me though because I didn't buy it)
Would you agree that level of disappointment is proportional to the amount of hype and interest going in?
Yeah, that makes sense. I suppose a lot of people simply never really got into the series to begin with (which is a bit of a shame, really).


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Super disappointing compared to Alan Wake and its episodes.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I didn't really get very excited for much this year...so I'm not sure. I guess Max Payne 3, which I actually was really enjoying until the end where I 180'd on the game out of nowhere and just detested it. One of the most game-y things I've played in awhile, where I always knew when a fight was over and a cutscene would play based on Max slowing his walk down. The game feels like you're simply going through the motions an insane amount...it is quite literally shootout -> cutscene -> shootout -> cutscene repeat until you get to a new level and the cycle begins anew. Those very cutscenes murder any attempt at replaying the game.

I've only payed the demo of Journey and that demo is by far the most boring piece of gaming software I've ever encountered in my life.

If that game has sold well, it'd be scary to think what it COULD have sold if the demo wasn't the gaming equivalent of watching paint dry. I never bought it based on that demo.

If that demo misrepresents what the game is actually like, that's their fault for not making it better. I refuse to lay money down based on my experience with that demo.

It's hard to demo a game like Journey but yeah, that is the 'game'. I didn't like it at all, even if it's very pretty and has a good soundtrack.


I don't want to say it's bad, but Mark of the Ninja is not as awesome as I imagined it to be. Plus the controller support on the PC version is awful (Xpadder is a godsend) and the art is really bad.

It has built in 360 pad support. It's fantastic. What issue did you have?


It has built in 360 pad support. It's fantastic. What issue did you have?
I don't own a 360 controller. My PC gaming gets done with my Hori Pad 3 which is supported by most games, but for some reason MotN doesn't let me assign the d-pad as a d-pad... it automatically uses the left stick, and I hate playing most 2D games with a stick.


I wonder how many posters in this thread have never played Diablo 3.

It's just... kind of hard for me to fathom any game being more disappointing than it.

It's hard to be disappointed by something that never looked interesting in the first place.

That game turned out exactly the way I thought it would.


Guild Wars 2. For all its "dynamic" events there sure wasn't that much to do. I'm not ready to say I'm done with it entirely, but they need more content.


Kings bounty warriors of the North. Been waiting for this game for awhile as it's been years since the last real entry into the series. The game is extremely buggy, text is more messed up than a Google translation, 75% of the game is a cut n paste job, you receive the ability to fly way too early, and the thing that got me to stop playing: they completely ruined followers and rage abilities. You basically have 4 less equipment slots than the previous game and 6-8 less than the legend since followers no longer get equipment. Quest items rarely if ever (haven't seen one yet) have a fun easter egg or bonus when examining, there's way more back n forth for quests, the maps are uninspired and dull, and we'll.. That's about it. There are about 4 new songs in the game and I like em, I still love the game formula, but it was very poorly put together to the point where I no longer trust katurai going forward.

I love Diablo 3 though. Started playing in august and all the patches basically were timed perfectly for where I was at progression wise. I would have quit playing long ago if it was still using 1.0.3. (never played anything earlier than that, and while 1.0.6 still has issues, it's an incredible game and I'm surprised by all the sustained hate). Online only is a very valid criticism, but beyond that it's very solid and a lot more satisfying than torchlight 2 was.


Diablo 3. Error 37, monetized player transactions, boring itemization, authenticators, Jay Wilson's "fuck that loser" slip up, the hilarious writing, etc. Diablo 3's strengths (and it does have its strengths, combat being one of them) are overshadowed by all the bad decisions Blizzard made. The game did sell extremely well (10m I believe), though Blizzard didn't deserve a fraction of those sales, as bitter and crabby as that might make me sound.

But every cloud has a silver lining. D3's entry into the market actually sparked interest in other arpgs - pre-orders for Torchlight 2 increased by 40% when D3 launched. Path of Exile is enjoying similar success, and I'm sure part of that is from people looking for a worthy D2 successor.

So, D3 was disappointing, yes. But just it's existence has benefitted smaller studios, which is great. How many of us remember saying "those games look good, but when D3 comes out they're dead". Pretty sure I did...
Mass Effect 3...followed; after a significant distance by Diablo 3.

Mass Effect 3 - a sloppy, lazy effort created solely to "get it over with". The ending isn't why the game was a massive disappointment. The ending is a symptom of what is really wrong with the game and Bioware in general. I hope they're embarrassed.

Diablo 3 - A lovely, polished game...utterly devoid of fun and lost that addictive component of playing for just ten more minutes to get an epic drop. Lost because Blizzard wants a long revenue tail on their games now so why have the normal drop rates for great loot when people can just buy it for real money in the auction house? Fuckin' ridiculous.


No really big dissapointments this year but quite a few games didn't turn out to be as good as i had hoped:

- Sine Mora: loved playing Velocity and was ready for another shoot-em-up but this was definately (a lot of) style over substance
- The unfinished swan: i hoped this would be a new TGC but the first game from Giant Sparrow didn't meet my (too high?) expectations at all.
- Datura: again, i was hoping for a unique experience but felt dissapointed
- Little Big Planet Vita: one of the main reasons why i bought a Vita since i loved LBP on ps3. However, it missed the magic from previous LBP games (and/or maybe i'm getting franchise fatigue). It was ok but not great.
- Uncharted Golden Abyss: i love the uncharted franchise on ps3 but the 4th Uncharted game didn't impress at all. I was glad when it was over and never went back (contrary to the ps3 games).


Diablo 3. The auction house and streamlined skill system effectively trivialized the things I liked about Diablo 2. It's still a well put-together game, but doesn't have anywhere near the staying power of many other loot-driven games.


looks like i missed a few choice games this year (AC III, Diablo 3, MP 3 etc). i rented RE6 with my chick for about a week (5 was a huge drop in quality but we at least enjoyed co-oping it)...we got through Leon's chapter okay but finishing Chris killed any remaining momentum. it's the first RE in quite a while i havent bothered finishing. deep down i think it had a more fun experience than 5 had to offer, it just didn't let me get at that often enough.

I played ME3 post-patch, so the ending wasnt as bad for me. it wasn't fantastic, but again, the game had some of my favorite locations of the series (Geth thing, Wrex's homeworld etc) so i enjoyed that, once the game got up & running i had my usual good time with it, it just ended kinda...not memorable, anyway.

NSMB2 likewise wasn't bad but i'd just finally tied up 3D Land which felt better in nearly every way. same with Yakuza: Dead Souls, i loved playing as Goda and Majima but it did make me wanna play 4 more.

still wanna play Lollipop Chainsaw and SH Downpour.

Would you agree that level of disappointment is proportional to the amount of hype and interest going in?

absolutely, this accounts for much of my dislike for what we got from MGS4. it's likely not so awful on its own, but the hype of "finishing" a storyline i started on the NES didn't help.


Guild Wars 2 (D3 a close 2nd).

Extremely repetitve/grind questing.
Lack of any kind of progression (good and bad thing).
Overflow servers suck.

I don't know why this bothers me so much, but I really hate instanced zones that every MMO but WoW has. I realize that WoW has instanced continents but the fact that I can run from STV to EPL without having to sit at a load screen is so appealing.

I had other complaints about the game but I'm having a hard time recalling them at the moment.


Guild Wars 2 (D3 a close 2nd).

Extremely repetitve/grind questing.
Lack of any kind of progression (good and bad thing).
Overflow servers suck.

I don't know why this bothers me so much, but I really hate instanced zones that every MMO but WoW has. I realize that WoW has instanced continents but the fact that I can run from STV to EPL without having to sit at a load screen is so appealing.

I had other complaints about the game but I'm having a hard time recalling them at the moment.
I was so hyped about WvWvW but it was just... bleh imo. The dungeons in general were also a complete let down. Bosses were nothing more than a kite-fest.

Although I really loved the jump puzzles, the Events (when they worked properly) and the crafting system.


Strong competition for disappointment this year. I would have to say between Diablo 3 and Assassin's Creed I would give the award to D3.


Tales of Graces f prolly. Literally the only thing I liked was the combat system (I was either okay with or hated everything else.)

2nd might be Resident Evil 6. I don't have the full game, but I've played the demo and I only really liked Leon's part (I was really looking forward to the game too since I loved 4 and 5...)


The only two games I've bought this year - Halo 4 and AC3, were both pretty disappointing.

Doesn't give me much hope for the industry's trajectory going forward.


Twisted Metal

The core gameplay is quite good. But that just magnifies the fact that the game around it is such garbage. Good luck playing online...

Fucking THIS!

I love the core gameplay of it and I still think it's the best TM game gameplay-wise but..
I could not play it online. I had a lot of problems with it like lag issues, disconnecting every 10 minutes and not being able to get on matches which is such a fucking shame because when it worked, it was so fun. And the online activity died quickly because of those problems.


Diablo 3

  • Story that reads like a fanfic
  • A game that shoves the story down your throat at every given opportunity
  • Blatant lack of rng-environments
  • An artstyle so different from D1/2, and so cartoony it makes me wonder if Blizzard is capable of anything else
  • Bland loot and main stats
  • Act IV
  • Auction house releiving you of the fun that is hunting loot
  • Atrocious grouping system tied around quests noone gives a fuck about the 3rd time around

There's simply no way Blizzard would change any game to the point I would consider buying an expansion for this.


Darksiders 2, primarily because while every single quest was 2 or 3 of the same thing, the story moved at a turtles' pace.
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