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Little Big Planet 3 Shown PS4 (November 2014)


I guess it's safe to say that LBPHub was canceled. Lol.

I don't remember seeing Mm's logo though. Sumo Digital rumor was true then?


This is awesome. Love LBP. And coming this November is great. First great news from E3.

I wonder who is developing it. Not MM.


Surprised no mention of the developer. Guessing Sumo Digital & Tarsier due to LBP Vita and LBP Hub developers.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What happened to LBP Hub? Did that get dropped?


Now only if I don't have to play the game and just create stuff (that doesn't have any sackboy in it)

Oh, btw, the flying sack is almost as good as cheating. (If in doubt, fly)


So... Sumo Digital is developing Forza: Horizon 2 (Xbox 360) and Little Big Planet 3 (PS4)? That's weird, but interesting. Both come out around same time too.

The Lamp

Not even kidding when I say this was the best surprise of E3 for me, now my #1 anticipated title of the year.

LBP is fucking magical. The stuff I can make in this game is amazing and it's the kind of freedom and creativity console gaming was sorely missing before the series arrived, and it looks better than ever. I can't wait to make amazing levels with an even more intuitive level creator than before.


Oh snap! All the LBP levels are playable in LBP3!

For better or for worse, this means that the default jumping physics will be the same, right?
Sumo are good developers (and based in Sheffield! - The jewel of South Yorkshire). I'm pretty certain LBP3 will be in safe hands, I worry about MM though, after Tearaway flopped you have to hope that Sony don't shut them down.
I love LBP, but seemed pretty underwhelming. Not sure what I expected of a PS4 LBP debut, but after the leap from LBP1 to 2, this wasn't really it.

Oh well, i'm sure it'll be lots of fun.

Sumo are good developers (and based in Sheffield! - The jewel of South Yorkshire). I'm pretty certain LBP3 will be in safe hands, I worry about MM though, after Tearaway flopped you have to hope that Sony don't shut them down.

Man, the LBP series is actually a pretty big seller. Sony won't blame MM for Tearaway's performance given they probably begged them to make a Vita game, esp given it was such a critical darling. I don't think it had a huge budget either.


Oddly enough, this is the first platformer in years (since i played... what, Super Mario Bros 3 on Super Nintendo?) that looks even remotely interesting to me.
Funny looking.
Not a compelling game but something that might be fun to get in addition to whatever else i might get for PS4, if i did get one.


I hope they make the platforming actually fun this time.

Pretty underwhelmed by this series as a whole, I was hoping for a new IP.
So happy this game is real!

Seriously an unexpected surprise!

Sumo are good developers (and based in Sheffield! - The jewel of South Yorkshire). I'm pretty certain LBP3 will be in safe hands, I worry about MM though, after Tearaway flopped you have to hope that Sony don't shut them down.

Tearaway was a incredibly small development team.
Eh... I love LBP1&2 but this did nothing for me.
I expected them to innovate and show some crazy Morpheus LBP game (what was that tease at the PS4 reveal about then?!).
edit: oh I missed it's not by MM, makes sense then.

The different characters may be charming but it's nothing that couldn't be done with a power up or whatever. It actually kinda restricts the gameplay considering you already can make ANYTHING in LBP2, no need to implement shit for 4 different types of characters.
How does it even work if you don't have 4 but just 2-3 players etc.
To me this is the most exciting thing at E3 yet. Glad MM isn't making it though - they're too creative to be locked down to a franchise, even if that franchise deserves to keep going.


"wait this music, is that Shugo Tokumaru"

That's a nice way of catching my attention! I never played LBP, but it looks fun.


I'm excited about this, but I was pretty underwhelmed with the graphics. Maybe some direct feed footage will be more impressive.


Personally thought it looked great, will buy it just to play with friends alone, coop looks better than ever.


I loved the way it just popped up out of nowhere. It looked really good too and it was interesting to see the different character classes. I skipped out on LBP2 but I'll be getting this one.
I will say, while I love my PSV & PS3 & plan to get a PS4 later this year, and while I mostly play Nintendo games and love them more, unless Nintendo shows something very very shocking, then Sony has won E3 with these announcement to me.

I suck at creating levels, but have spent over 50 hours on its create mode and besides that, all of the LBP game's story modes are simply fantastic, plus the limitless amount of good levels you can play online just keep the fun going.

Don't know all the details, it looked semi 3D and looked to have like 5 layers, but either way, just the way it looked, and the new abilities and such just is so hype. Love the LBP series and this is coming THIS YEAR! Glad to actually have a real surprise and a megaton at e3. Will most certainly buy day one. :)
So amped!

I really, really hope they include the LBP1/2 story levels in this, like they planned to do with the now MIA LBP Hub. At least LBP1. Loved the levels and their music so much!
Worst live reveal demo .....evah.

Bad players , bad scripting to even bad banter.

It almost overshadowed what they were presenting. Almost.


Oddly enough, this is the first platformer in years (since i played... what, Super Mario Bros 3 on Super Nintendo?) that looks even remotely interesting to me.
Funny looking.
Not a compelling game but something that might be fun to get in addition to whatever else i might get for PS4, if i did get one.

Eh... for creating levels it's pretty nice but as a platformer the physics and controls render it very bad... Fun to build, frustrating to play. It's such a shame because I love to build stuff.


Bad gameplay reveal but the game itself looks really really neat and I hope it's 60fps. The movement and physics of the big guy when he shrinks down reminded me of Super Meat Boy.

Oh, and man, what a surprise announcement. Can't wait to get it!
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