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Major Nelson - "Perfect Dark XBLA coming this winter". Free theme tomorrow.


Proc said:
It boggles my mind how excited some of you are.

I loved playing split screen rare fps back in the day but I don't think I'll return to this. I'll give the demo a go though.

It boggles my mind how you fail to recognise how much better Perfect Dark is than any FPS to come before or after!

The game is almost 10 years old and I still play it, because it's still awesome. Crap framerate and all. Although playing it emulated helps too.


Revelations said:
A online multiplayer with 60fps and full 1080p native support is a rare find these days. Drink it Up.

Ehh, I primarily play fps on pc so I don't really share that problem. Are you seriously hyped for these graphics? I suppose its rad that they aren't just stretching the 4:3 image and giving fans something to get excited about.

parabolee said:
It boggles my mind how you fail to recognise how much better Perfect Dark is than any FPS to come before or after!

The game is almost 10 years old and I still play it, because it's still awesome. Crap framerate and all. Although playing it emulated helps too.

Well sir, I'm glad they are making your day with this port job then. Quake is like that for me. Since buying the iD super pack, I play a ton of my old favourite fps games way more than I ever would.


Ehh, I primarily play fps on pc so I don't really share that problem. Are you seriously hyped for these graphics? I suppose its rad that they aren't just stretching the 4:3 image and giving fans something to get excited about.
And which of your "fps on pc" games provide as many options as Perfect Dark does?
Proc said:
Ehh, I primarily play fps on pc so I don't really share that problem. Are you seriously hyped for these graphics? I suppose its rad that they aren't just stretching the 4:3 image and giving fans something to get excited about.

Reliving one of your childhood teengae days best game experiences in noticebale 60fps goodness in HD and surround sound is reason enough to get uber fuckin stoked. Have any idea how smooth this game will run on a 120hz HD television? :lol It's pretty exciting.
Even if this game is still 2 generations behind the norm the playing experience it gives is certainly not old in the slightest.


parabolee said:

And it looks FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is no quicky port!!!!

Sorry not enough time to post images into thread, leaving work.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I just had a close experience with God looking at those screenshots. And I'm an atheist!!

Game of the forever confirmed!. PD has more option and features than most fps today (including DLC).
I also like the new redesigned Joanna. SHe looks a helluva lot better than that cartoony trite they put in PDZ. She looks more lifelike now. Like they rendered her from a real life person.


jotokun over at Gamefaqs posted these great comparison shots from Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 54. Really shows what a great job they are doing on the XBLA upgrade.









Source: Gamefaqs


While I am not completely sold on the enemy model everything else looks pretty decent. I pray everything from the original is kept in tack as far as being able to shoot enemy guns out of their hands or them performing karate moves in close quarter situations.

By the way I've been playing the game for years now and this was the first time I've noticed the pattern on the ceiling in the villa level. On related note, anyone ever as bored as me and shoot all the class bottles before rescuing Daniel only for him to quip something about "acting your own age"? :lol


I finished the video of the game (emulator) running at 60fps in 720p (Solo mode).

Now, where the hell can I upload it? Youtube HD sucks, it reduces the video to 30fps (even in HD mode). Any ideas?


Dizzy-4U said:
I finished the video of the game (emulator) running at 60fps in 720p (Solo mode).

Now, where the hell can I upload it? Youtube HD sucks, it reduces the video to 30fps (even in HD mode). Any ideas?
I don't think its possible. Can you post the link to that video again though?


Dizzy-4U said:
I finished the video of the game (emulator) running at 60fps in 720p (Solo mode).

Now, where the hell can I upload it? Youtube HD sucks, it reduces the video to 30fps (even in HD mode). Any ideas?



ultim8p00 said:
I created an account there yesterday, but they said that you can't upload videogame related videos. Only family stuff or something...

I'll upload it to megaupload like before, but it's a pretty big file (240MB). I don't know if anyone would like that =/


Dizzy-4U said:
I created an account there yesterday, but they said that you can't upload videogame related videos. Only family stuff or something...

I'll upload it to megaupload like before, but it's a pretty big file (240MB). I don't know if anyone would like that =/
Who cares


Dizzy-4U said:
I created an account there yesterday, but they said that you can't upload videogame related videos. Only family stuff or something...

I'll upload it to megaupload like before, but it's a pretty big file (240MB). I don't know if anyone would like that =/

What? I've uploaded all my game videos on there. The guys at TigSource have indie game videos hosted on Vimeo all the time too.


Dizzy-4U said:
I finished the video of the game (emulator) running at 60fps in 720p (Solo mode).

Now, where the hell can I upload it? Youtube HD sucks, it reduces the video to 30fps (even in HD mode). Any ideas?

Can't wait I hope you got some great shots of some of the levles including Chicago, Datadyne cityscape and even the Carrington Insitute which still is such a great idea for a FPS, having this sort of hub world.


whitehawk said:
Well, apparently when you upload videos to mega upload, it automatically uploads to mega uploads you tube like site

here: http://www.megavideo.com/?d=9L2N5SJK
And it's at 60fps.

Such fond memories of that game. Hopefully the X-box version will run that smoothly and look much sharper. Either way, it's a day one purchase for me.

I wonder how well I'll do now that I am used to jumping and having a dedicated Melee button from Halo.
I'm very excited for this. I've never actually played PD before. As a kid, I wasn't aware that this was essentially Goldeneye 2, and now the game is pretty unplayable control-wise. Totally looking forward to playing this with usable controls and solid frame rate.


So many good games this Christmas...and I just know that I won't play any of them because I'll be stuck on Perfect Dark for days at a time. Again. This is going to be brilliant and there's other way to say it. If this game has online co-op/counter-op/multiplayer then it's goodbye social life for the next six months
whitehawk said:
Well, apparently when you upload videos to mega upload, it automatically uploads to mega uploads you tube like site

here: http://www.megavideo.com/?d=9L2N5SJK
And it's at 60fps.
It's so impressive how awesome this game still looks! I mean the reload animations, particle effects, level design etc. It really plays like a modern fps and (as many people said) still has countless features missing from totday's games.
Microsoft going out of their way to do things like this for their fanbase is a major reason why I own a 360. This is freaking awesome!


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Is this a premium theme? Do they still make non-premium themes even though the NXE destroys them?
They still make non premium theme (like the free final fantasy ones), but the Perfect Dark theme is Premium.


Dizzy-4U said:
Sorry for the delay guys, I've been quite busy yesterday =/
Anyway, here's a video of Perfect Dark's solo campaign running on emulator at 60fps.

Vimeo seems very choppy for me, maybe it's my Pc. You can download the full video for better resolution/framerate.

- Vimeo (let's you download the source video as well)
- Megaupload

Some screens for comparison:
Carrington Villa - dataDyne Research - Carrington Institute - Pelagic II

Quoted for the great effort!

Unfortunately it seems the morphing effect seems glitchy or not exactly how it was on the N64. Still the game looks very nice still given it's age and the hardware it was released on.

Seeing a gun blasted out of a guards hand and watching him scuttle back and being it back up, is something very few FPS have even today!


i'm really looking forward to this one. i almost kept my n64 around solely so i could continue to play this, but went back to it will into last generation and found that the awful frame-rate was severely hindering my enjoyment of what was otherwise a fantastic game.
this may well be the first game download i purchase.


Yeah, the emulation is not perfect (very old build of 1964), but it gets the job done very well. Didn't noticed the shield glitch, we only play with "one hit kill" in MP (sentinels not allowed).

Talking about glitches, I wonder if they are going to fix that glitch that lets you finish the first stage in like 10 seconds.

Also, Rare is now on twitter. I'll check it often hoping to see any new info on PD (or project Bean I hope ;P )


master15 said:
Quoted for the great effort!

Unfortunately it seems the morphing effect seems glitchy or not exactly how it was on the N64. Still the game looks very nice still given it's age and the hardware it was released on.

Seeing a gun blasted out of a guards hand and watching him scuttle back and being it back up, is something no FPS have even today!



Ghost said:
Rares twitter looks pretty decent, Terminator salvation review haiku is good stuff, :lol
haha even a mention about NeoGaf

NeoGAF comedy: "rare has also been average as a 360 developer, i never played viva pinata but i can tell by the title its very boring." [MW]


[Nintex] said:
So I finally got Xbox Live to work again, only to find out that the theme is gone :(
Rare said:
PD XBLA E3 THEME - sorry, theme - reverts to a paid item on Marketplace today, so that's 240 Points to anyone who achieved freebiefail.

I renewed my gold subscription just to get the theme :D . I could have waited a week, but I couldn't resist.
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