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Man arrested after kicking cat

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Gabriel Knight
What a cunt. :(


Heartless kitten kicker arrested after punting cat in Brooklyn

A callous, cat-kicking creep was busted by cops Monday after he was caught on video heartlessly booting a trusting stray — sending the animal on a sickening spin through the air before it landed behind a bush some 20 feet away.

Video of the vicious May 2 attack was posted on Facebook and circulated for several days before police saw it Monday and tracked down the man responsible.

Andre Robinson, 21, can be seen on the tape crouching and crooning as he lures the curious cat to him.

The friendly feline — gray with white feet and a tuft of white fur under his chin — moves closer and closer, sniffing at Robinson’s outstretched hand as if looking for food.

But as soon as the small creature was within kicking range, the brute drew back and belted the cat full force with his right foot.

According to the arrest report, the cat flew an estimated 10 feet in the air for a distance of approximately 20 feet — and a veterinarian confirmed to cops the brutal blow likely caused serious physical injury.

As the animal flew head over tail, Robinson bounced gleefully from foot to foot in a sick parody of a field goal victory dance.

Video shows him waving his arms in the air and cackling with laughter for several minutes after the stomach-turning assault.

Cheers and whoops can be heard behind Robinson from a group of his friends.

Police said the incident happened near or around 1831 Fulton St. at the Brevoort Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Robinson lives in the complex, cops said.

The depraved abuser had gone outside with his friends to wait for a food delivery.

Robinson turned to his friends and said “Watch this,” according to cops.

One of his friends started recording with his smartphone as Robinson cajoled the cat closer.


Accused cat-kicker Andre Robinson, 21, was taken into custody in the 81st Precinct on Monday.

Robinson, who has eight prior arrests, including one for knifepoint robbery in 2011, was charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

He admitted to cops that he was the man in the video.

No details on the cat or its condition were available.

Police were unable to verify if it survived the brutal attack.

“We’re still looking for the cat. We have to see if the cat needs medical attention,” the arresting detective told the Daily News.

“We’ve got guys on it. It’s still an active investigation,” he said.

Residents at the Brevoort House said it was a stray that was a fixture at the complex.

Police were able to find Robinson with the help of determined animal lovers who began to play amateur sleuth as the vile video circulated online.

Several identified the scaffolding company and one sharp-eyed commenter posted the building address after using a software enhancer to blow up the background..

After identifying the Brevoort Houses, they showed the footage to police in the local 81st. Stationhouse precinct.

They immediately recognized Robinson as the cold-blooded cat-kicker.

Robinson has been nicked for jumping a turnstile on top of his 2011 robbery arrest.


Six of his eight priors are sealed, however.

Cops grabbed Robinson at Utica and Atlantic Aves. around 2:30 p.m. , police said.

Dozens of people wrote angry comments under the Facebook video and shared it online in the hope someone would recognize Robinson, dressed in an orange sweatshirt and a baseball cap covered in stars.

“This is NEVER okay to do. Please share; hopefully somebody will recognize this fool,” wrote one disgusted commenter.

“Hope the cat is ok. Innocent cat,” wrote another.

“This really disturbs me .... He has a crowd of people laughing as if hitting a poor defenseless animal is actually entertaining and amusing,” wrote another person.

Some of the posters also started a petition.

“Prosecute New York man that kicks kitten in the middle of the street!” it said.

As of Monday night it had 2,841 signatures.


sentenced to payback



Am I the only one who thinks it's jarring when a news report refers to a 21 year old as a "Man"

No, because as a 21-year old he's fully capable of taking responsibility for his actions. This isn't even his first offense:
NY Daily News said:
Robinson, who has eight prior arrests, including one for knifepoint robbery in 2011, was charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

Jail him.


would take the jailtime that follows my actions if i see something like this happening...
break that suckers neck!
no one fucks with cats!

keyboardwarriormode off.

but seriously, this is sickening...
cuddling my cat rightnow... why would someone do that? :/
There is way more important shit going on in the world or New York for that matter for the police to track him down for kicking a cat. Like seriously 2,000 signatures for a vine clip but no one can lift a finger to help 200 kidnapped girls? Fuck that cat.


There is way more important shit going on in the world or New York for that matter for the police to track him down for kicking a cat. Like seriously 2,000 signatures for a vine clip but no one can lift a finger to help 200 kidnapped girls? Fuck that cat.

The police probably told some of the residents around the neighborhood to keep an eye out. I don't think they are actually looking around.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
There is way more important shit going on in the world or New York for that matter for the police to track him down for kicking a cat. Like seriously 2,000 signatures for a vine clip but no one can lift a finger to help 200 kidnapped girls? Fuck that cat.

I'm sure the cop who arrested this guy was taken right off the case of the kidnapped girls.

Besides, the kitty kicker sounds like serious trouble and he was still walking around in public. It's more like this incident highlighted he's a much bigger problem waiting to happen.


There is way more important shit going on in the world or New York for that matter for the police to track him down for kicking a cat. Like seriously 2,000 signatures for a vine clip but no one can lift a finger to help 200 kidnapped girls? Fuck that cat.

I'm sure the cop who arrested this guy was taken right off the case of the kidnapped girls.

Besides, the kitty kicker sounds like serious trouble and he was still walking around in public. It's more like this incident highlighted he's a much bigger problem waiting to happen.
I can admit that having 8 priors is beyond insane but some of the comments and this story overall is sickening. It just gets to me when I see people getting riled up over stupid shit. Its people in this thread asking him to get 10 years and his neck broken. It's way more important shit going on then having an open investigation for a fucking cat. The article even says people went all Batman on the video and wee enhancing it to see the location. That same energy could be used to make the area a better place so stuff like this never happens.

Edit: Dude is a fucking dumbass though. Of all the things to get locked up for you get canned for kicking a cat.
I can admit that having 8 priors is beyond insane but some of the comments and this story overall is sickening. It just gets to me when I see people getting riled up over stupid shit. Its people in this thread asking him to get 10 years and his neck broken. It's way more important shit going on then having an open investigation for a fucking cat. The article even says people went all Batman on the video and wee enhancing it to see the location. That same energy could be used to make the area a better place so stuff like this never happens.

Edit: Dude is a fucking dumbass though. Of all the things to get locked up for you get canned for kicking a cat.

People love animals, so I'd get used to it if I were you.
There is way more important shit going on in the world or New York for that matter for the police to track him down for kicking a cat. Like seriously 2,000 signatures for a vine clip but no one can lift a finger to help 200 kidnapped girls? Fuck that cat.

It's not like going after some asshole for animal cruelty prevents anyone from helping the 200 kidnapped girls.

Do I think the guy was an asshole, hell yeah I do. I think anyone who attacks cats, dogs or any animals for no reason is an asshole and yeah I love animals, but you know what, at the same time I understand there are other important issues out there like human trafficking is also important even more so.

It's not like any of the people involved in hunting this cat punter down were on a bunch of kidnapping cases and said, "you know what? tracking down this guy is more important than tracking down these kidnapped girls.


Online Ho Champ
As a cat owner, screw it, throw the damn book at him.

he's not going to go to jail thats dumb but he is going to be in lock up, processed, have to either plea and sit before a judge or get fined and get some community service. 20 secs clip for a long time of repayment...over nothing just really go about your business harming animals is a crime but sounds like this guy will hurt people anyway so im not surprised.


Animal abuse is a major sign that you're a fucking nutjob. Lock him up.

For the people saying "oh it doesn't matter because more important things are going on!", should I stop giving a fuck about anything else because somewhere out there something way worse is happening? No. That's a horrible attitude to have.

I hate people who abuse animals. I hate them so much.
He's nothing but a product of his environment.
That's some major bullshit.
It's not like going after some asshole for animal cruelty prevents anyone from helping the 200 kidnapped girls, but hey thanks for being so self righteous.
You're right it probably didn't. But do the police really need an ongoing investigation to look for a kicked cat? Do 2,841 people really need to make a petition about this either. Does people can make a petition to send someone to jail but how many actually care to try and fix the neighborhood this occurred in. He's nothing but a product of his environment.


It's way more important shit going on then having an open investigation for a fucking cat.

we can read where your prioritys are...

this time it was a cat, the next time it is a dog.
after that its a small kid.
animalcruelity is one of the first signs that someone is a psychopath.

yes, id like to see this fucker in jail. easy as that.


You're right it probably didn't. But do the police really need an ongoing investigation to look for a kicked cat? Do 2,841 people really need to make a petition about this either. Does people can make a petition to send someone to jail but how many actually care to try and fix the neighborhood this occurred in. He's nothing but a product of his environment.

And he chose to take this action against another living thing that did him no harm, which is something that gets most people riled up. There are consequences to that, regardless of how many times you want to invoke the fallacy of relative privation. Cruelty to animals is not a minor thing, and has a tendency to escalate. It's in society's best interests to identify and deal with people who do such things.
we can read where your prioritys are...

this time it was a cat, the next time it is a dog.
after that its a small kid.
animalcruelity is one of the first signs that someone is a psychopath.

yes, id like to see this fucker in jail. easy as that.
So much this. We need to nip this behavior in the butt before it becomes worse.


Homeland Security Fail

Rescuers have captured the Brooklyn stray that managed to survive being kicked like a football by a local punk — a vicious attack that was captured on video.

The gray and white kitty, which some residents of the Brevoort Houses have taken to calling King, will be taken to a nearby ASPCA hospital where it will be given a checkup and put up for adoption if healthy, officials from the North Shore Animal League said.

Kirby (his mom) insisted in an earlier interview with the Daily News that her boy "loves animals."

"He loved his cats, he had dogs, he always loved them," she insisted.
Just the other day, I was walking back to my front door when I happened to notice this little orange cat just bounding up the neighbor's driveway and navigating through the underbelly of the car before coming to rest right underneath the right front tire, where it proceeded to calmly observe me fishing my keys out of my pocket.

I don't think it was a stray, since it had a pretty clean orange coat, nicely groomed and free of dirt. Probably one of the neighbors' pets. And I confess I'm not much of an animal person. Never owned any pets in my life. But just seeing that cute little cat, lazily and tranquilly resting under the shade of that car, with bright blue curious eyes observing me... I couldn't help but melt a little inside. The impression of innocence and gentle good nature was all too much for me to withstand.

And that's when I thought of all those infamous crush videos, with people doing unspeakable acts to cats. And you really have to wonder at how monstrous those people are inside, to do such things to such creatures like the one I was standing next to. Really makes you wonder what happened to them to where they'd forsake all decency and compassion.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack

Fuck him. What did an innocent and harmless animal ever do to deserve that?

I'm surprised the cat even went near him, most street cats just walk away.


I couldn't muster up the anger necessary to ever do something like that. I was making funny faces at a neighborhood cat just earlier today.
I remember in my youth, just chilling around on my rollerskates. Well this cat is on the ground, begging to get cuddled with, as a gentleman and one who always wanted to please animals, i petted it for a good solid minute and it was well happy about it. Then this little evil fucking creature, when I was about to take off into the sunset on my rollerskates, for whatever reason very unprovoked attacked my leg. This hurt like a motherfucker and I might only have been around 12, but I kicked it off and it went flying, I can't imagine taking rollerskates to its sides must have felt nice. Why I am telling you this I don't know, but you just read it, so clearly it was exciting to you. It was purely in self defense, this was a killer cat, looking for young boy blood.
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