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Marvel Heroes 2016 |OT3| Highway to the Danger Room


Well, sometimes it isn't even about the damage. Like we were talking about Wolverine the other day... there's just not much to him. His skills are boring, redundant, not flashy, pretty basic.

He might kill everything in one hit and still not be that fun to play, fora few of us at least. Some heroes are in a worse spot than others.


Ant-Man, Venom or Widow?

Who to choose?


Of the three, I found Venom a little disappointing for the character and got bored of him quickly, and Black Widow was just okay- but I played her forever ago, and she's had a ton of changes since. Ant-Man has a bunch of neat, dumb skills that I found really entertaining to play with. Like punching dudes with a giant fist of ants.


Loki has the highest sustainable DPS in the game currently.

Colossus was just incredibly boring. There's nothing flashy at all about him.

I saw your comment about him sucking earlier but was hoping you just didn't dig him. Seeing others say the same has kept me away.

Well, sometimes it isn't even about the damage. Like we were talking about Wolverine the other day... there's just not much to him. His skills are boring, redundant, not flashy, pretty basic.

He might kill everything in one hit and still not be that fun to play, fora few of us at least. Some heroes are in a worse spot than others.

Yeah, I don't care if I'm steamrolling things if I'm not having fun with the character. I don't want to be super weak but the fun matters more than the power. Thor was the first character I played as and I had fun with him when he was considered pretty bad just because I enjoyed his powers.
The problem with Colossus is that his power set/mechanics are still from 2013 (unlike the vast majority of the roster), when character design was super basic. He is in dire need of some revision.

Ant-Man, Venom or Widow?

Who to choose?

I'd go either with melee Widow or Ant-Man.


Sooooo I've closing in on 600 hours... This game is REAL GOOD but I can only get time in on my work PC at lunch times and after hours... What the chat for a PS4 version? Because that will END me... Damn. Oh and when is it changing to 2016??


Colossus is simple but I enjoy him. The problem is that he has almost the worst damage in the game and is outdated.

If you just want to punch/stomp/yell at people and be super tanky while doing it, he's enjoyable. His ult makes him unkillable,resist all CC effects and have 100% brutal chance for 20 seconds. In that 20 seconds he plays like how he should play all the time.


Been away from he game awhile and I totally forgot you can play with anyone up to level 10 soI messed around with some characters. Punisher seems pretty fun, any big problems with him?


Unconfirmed Member
TIL I learned a Loki summoner with mediocre gear, no blessings and an unleveled legendary does better DPS than like... anything

shit is broken, fam. I don't even enjoy the build that much but it's fucking insane. I've never done that kind of damage and I've played everyone at endgame to some extent.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
TIL I learned a Loki summoner with mediocre gear, no blessings and an unleveled legendary does better DPS than like... anything

shit is broken, fam. I don't even enjoy the build that much but it's fucking insane. I've never done that kind of damage and I've played everyone at endgame to some extent.

It's one of my favorite builds and I'm kind of scared at how strong it is now because the inevitable nerf is going to hurt me so.
You puny humans haven't seen the true power of Colossus.

Below average damage, amazing tank. He's on par DPS with Emma, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Juggernaut, and several others. He is boring, though.


This game definitely has problems balancing summons. They went from trash to insane. The same thing holds true with Noray's favorite game, Future Fight. Loki's summoner ability is the most powerful in the game by a very large margin. A viable strategy in challenge modes is to summon his images and run around in circles. Dumb.
Been away from he game awhile and I totally forgot you can play with anyone up to level 10 soI messed around with some characters. Punisher seems pretty fun, any big problems with him?

He's pretty good all around. Lots of options for building him.


Unconfirmed Member
Punisher is very strong and has several top-tier builds but even the ones that aren't theorycrafted A+ builds are good. I enjoy flamethrower and although none of the top builds on marvelheroes.info use it, it's perfectly viable.

I just wish the .44 was stronger, it really sucks.
Punisher is very strong and has several top-tier builds but even the ones that aren't theorycrafted A+ builds are good. I enjoy flamethrower and although none of the top builds on marvelheroes.info use it, it's perfectly viable.

I just wish the .44 was stronger, it really sucks.

Flame thrower is definitely the more fun of the two and has the smoothest gameplay mechanics. Doesn't hurt that it's so visually appealing. The Old Painless and SMG builds are spammy as fuck, you have to monitor the ammo bar all the time, and if you mess up the timing get pretty screwed up.

He's the best character in game in terms of having dual builds, in my opinion. They play very differently, even if I'm in flame thrower mode most of the time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Still don't know what I'm doing when it comes to builds and stuff. I'm just going along with the story and quests.

just play whatever you like with whatever spells (skills, wahtever you want to call them) you enjoy. Dont let this wow-style talk scare you, you seriously can do any solo content in this game with whatever build you want, its only for the most hardcore group content (aka raids) that it actually matters


Still don't know what I'm doing when it comes to builds and stuff. I'm just going along with the story and quests.

Don't worry about builds while leveling or even at 60. I would put some points into every ability and try them all. You have infinite free respecs after all. Little by little you'll realize how abilities work and how to improve them. The game is easy enough that everything mostly works fine.

The main aspects to consider when building are 'tags' and 'damage type'. Tags are the way each power is marked at the top (in orange text: ranged, melee, area, movement etc). And damage types are: physical, energy and mental. Then it's just a numbers game of how best those all work together, what extra gear improves those powers, etc. but it's not required at all to do content. Gear that gives +X to a power is great to have for example and a very simple way of improving your gear.

Good news! He's in the game too. :D

Even better news, he's fucking great.


The holiday event has been pretty good. I seem to be leveling like crazy. At 58 with my Hulk right now. Just finished chapter nine. This is my first time through the game. Thinking about who to play as my next hero. War Machine/Captain Marvel/Hawkeye?
Wait, so there's actually a game to fill the Ultimate Alliance sized hole in my heart and I'm just now hearing about it? Looks like the only question is whether I should try it on PC or wait for the console release you guys say is probably going to happen. Does anyone know if it's going to be F2P on consoles as well?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Wait, so there's actually a game to fill the Ultimate Alliance sized hole in my heart and I'm just now hearing about it? Looks like the only question is whether I should try it on PC or wait for the console release you guys say is probably going to happen. Does anyone know if it's going to be F2P on consoles as well?

more than likely F2P they dont need to change the model to be honest, just look how much money they have got out of me alone thats more than a wow sub accross 6 years ( a shit load more)lol

id play the game now i can see pc and console version being same and linked.


Ahh okay. Yeah I just add points to the skills which I like more. When it comes to gear I just equip what seems to do more damage. I should read up on stuff more though.


Is there a concrete release date for the "2016" patch or whatever its called? I am assuming sometime in January?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Is there a concrete release date for the "2016" patch or whatever its called? I am assuming sometime in January?

Late Jan probs around 20 something. Winter event is till 8th. I imagine deadpool or black cat go on tc that weekend with agent venom n 2016 with few weeks testing depending on

So march or April it is


The Hulkbuster Physics package that Red Skull drops. is it only on him or can the chest that spawns also have it? Buffed my rif upto around 1200 and just gonna run him over an over. Its the last thing I need besides fragment of twilight to finish gearing up captain marvel besides upgrading levels
more than likely F2P they dont need to change the model to be honest, just look how much money they have got out of me alone thats more than a wow sub accross 6 years ( a shit load more)lol

id play the game now i can see pc and console version being same and linked.

The only reason I ask is because Marvel Puzzle Quest wasn't F2P when they ported that over from mobile/PC. Truthfully, I almost never game on my PC for a bunch of reasons (not the least of which is that I'm rocking a Radeon 4870 right now). Might have to make an exception to try this out, though.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
The Hulkbuster Physics package that Red Skull drops. is it only on him or can the chest that spawns also have it? Buffed my rif upto around 1200 and just gonna run him over an over. Its the last thing I need besides fragment of twilight to finish gearing up captain marvel besides upgrading levels

I have one with no use for ill happily give u it. Im off to bed currently so have to be t9morrow.

Yup bounty chests in terminals n one shot end chest can both drop boss artifact or unique.

They were buffed recently n the chance is like boss chance


Leveled Fist and Rhodey the last few days. Was pretty excited for Danny but he just feels a little... clunky. Running a dual stance build and i swear I'm just looking at the hot bar the whole time waiting for stuff to come off cooldown. His damage seems good, and he seemed tanky enough till i tried the trial. Got welped pretty bad. Also his VO is shit (sounds a bit like iceman) and a zig is a MUST. I was hoping for a movement power like D3 monk, zipping all round the screen with fly kicks but.... Will stick with him though cos I like his kung-fu-ness and I'm sure there will be some tweaks to come.

Rhodey on the other hand was great. Wasn't a fan of Iron man so thought I'd level him and be done. He seems a little more complex then IM though and there's a few different ways to build him. I'm not sure if I've ever done so much re-speccing on the way to 60. Maybe 10-15 times. Initial intention was ranged cos War Machine equals guns, but then he pulled out a bad ass energy sword.... Tried a few hybrid setups, which eventually led to going more or less full melee. Abuse shock trooper when ever possible, and otherwise use the flamethrower to build heat quickly and tried to stay overheated as much as possible and smack on fools with chainsaws and energy swords. I really dig his sig too. I've stuck some reasonable gear on him and his damage is good, but I've got some real squishyness issues that I need to sort out, particuarly playing melee. 28k hp is nice but 39% damage reduction isn't and he gets shredded pretty bad in higher level stuff. Still shopping for a nice core though, so that should sort it out

TL;DR Expectations were inverted. Had good fun with Rhodey, and waiting for Iron Fist to click properly


The only reason I ask is because Marvel Puzzle Quest wasn't F2P when they ported that over from mobile/PC. Truthfully, I almost never game on my PC for a bunch of reasons (not the least of which is that I'm rocking a Radeon 4870 right now). Might have to make an exception to try this out, though.

I was using a 4870 until a couple months ago, I feel your pain. That card was a beast to last me 7 years :p


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I just got back from big family dinner. I had a giant delicious steak. Time to level a marvel idiot.


Some shitty news.

Wed, December 30 Log in for another Blue Omega Box that contains one of many rare Boss-specific Uniques!

That was previously a crimson box...?

Stealth edit on the event page.

Probably so people couldn't make a ton of new accounts to trade the artifact to their mains.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Some shitty news.

That was previously a crimson box...?

Stealth edit on the event page.

Probably so people couldn't make a ton of new accounts to trade the artifact to their mains.

That sucks. They should have just made it give out personal artifacts instead of changing it to a shitty blue box that'll probably give me another Helm of Doom or something.
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