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Metroid: ‘Team Ninja wants to work with Nintendo again’ – Hayashi


I don't mind, long as its on 3DS this time. Other M wasn't that bad for me. Only thing I hated was how Samus has to get authorization to use weapons. I thought the voice actor was spot on. She is suppose to sound without emotion. At least for me. I mean hell, her parents were killed like in front of her eyes when she was young.
Let's also not pretend Nintendo cares about Metroid. It's only big in the west so it's a red headed stepchild.

They cared enough to give Sakamoto that amount of budget...and to give Prime 1 two sequels :p Too bad the damage was done with Other M. I honestly don't expect any Metroid game anytime soon and I blame it largely on Other M.

Right game at the right time with a great hype and marketing campaign. Prime 2 and Prime 3 and Other M all sold in the same bracket.
Prime 2 and Prime 3 weren't resounding successes either, but at least Prime 2 had the disadvantage of a thinned out active userbase on the GC. Prime 3 had some problems too and went into directions I didn't care for, but at least they all did better than Other M, which I think says something.



I haven't got Other M installed to my USB hard drive right now - is there an Ocarina cheat code to disable cut scenes and dialogue entirely?

If so, I would actually play through it again.

you can skip everything on a second playthough...

After playing Prime Hunters a few days ago I'd love a new metroid with the other:m engine for 3ds. I don't care who makes it.

the hate this game creates is always quite amusing... and sad at the same time


the hate this game creates is always quite amusing... and sad at the same time

Not sure what's sad or amusing about people being rightfully upset that the flawless track record of the Metroid series was shattered in one fell swoop by one particularly awful game.


I would expect a metroid game soon.
To a metroid minigame at last year e3 to Samus being with other top nintendo characters in the miiverse presentation and represented in nintendoland, nintendo surely doesn't want to drop it, the question is will it be totally focused on damage control and pleasing fans or another game trying to make the serie more successful. Or the third answer, Metroid V.


Let's also not pretend Nintendo cares about Metroid. It's only big in the west so it's a red headed stepchild.

They care about it at a creative level, but it's never sold much. Prime sold the most for a Metroid game ever, and that was 1.5 million copies. I would put more priority on franchises that actually sell, myself.

If you ever want to see sadness, go look up how many single game releases have outsold the Metroid Prime franchise in it's entirety.


Have we come from "Fuck Team Ninja" to "fuck Sakamoto"? I think both have been the problem. The characterization of Samus by Sakamoto was one part of it, the other has been Team Ninja action-oriented focus. Metroid was all about a lonely explorer of unseen places. Other didnt deliver this. So if they dont fuck it up this time, I got no problem with it, but I dont see this happening when Team Ninja is doing it.


Please, no. Give it to Retro Studios - with Donkey Kong Returns, they've proven they could make a great side-scrolling game, so they could make a game more like Super Metroid game, and less like Metroid Prime.

But either the style they choose to use, give it to Retro - it's almost guaranteed they will make a better Metroid - or any game, for that matter - than Team Ninja.


No additional functions
I loved the 2.5D parts but pretty much hated everything else, so as long as they go that route and expand on the exploration and action, I'd definitely like to see them return. Actually, the Wii U gamepad might work pretty well with the first person sections. What ever happens, they need to tone the story down on the next game.


Please, no. Give it to Retro Studios - with Donkey Kong Returns, they've proven they could make a great side-scrolling game, so they could make a game more like Super Metroid game, and less like Metroid Prime.

But either the style they choose to use, give it to Retro - it's almost guaranteed they will make a better Metroid - or any game, for that matter - than Team Ninja.

Game development is a business and right now it makes sense to have Retro Studios develop an FPS for the Western market. It means losing the niche Metroid license. You can have the same type of level design and visuals but with a different theme.

A 2D Metroid is niche stuff. One probably best done by Sakamotos real metroid team for the 3DS
Some people want to give the franchise to Retro Studios, a western developer with a good track record of reviving franchises.

Others want to give another shot to Team Ninja, a Japanese developer that has nearly killed both Metroid and its own beloved franchises.

So let's split the difference and give the it to Ninja Theory, a western developer that is currently killing a beloved franchise as we speak (also they have Ninja in their name).


Sakamoto was the issue. Team Ninja had good ideas, and Sakamoto shot them down (nunchuk support). He was also responsible for the story and characteristics of Samus.

THIS, every one of these threads and another group of vocal members damning Team Ninja for Other M. That is Sakamoto's crap, through and through. This doesn't mean I automatically dismiss the guy, he has brought us fantastic games. I am just tired of the misinformation being spread as to who is to blame for Samus' personality and the controls (all Sakamoto.)

OMG Aero

Guys who made ninja Gaiden 3 come

Guy who made metroid, metroid 3, rhythm heaven, Warioware. Stay the hell away.

Insert the welcome to NeoGaf
Sakamoto lost his touch with Metroid and it's really weird how he sees Samus. Maybe this is a recent change or maybe he always thought about her like this and he could just never show it in those older games because of the hardware.
Either way, making some good games once does not give you a free pass for life.

Have we come from "Fuck Team Ninja" to "fuck Sakamoto"? I think both have been the problem. The characterization of Samus by Sakamoto was one part of it, the other has been Team Ninja action-oriented focus. Metroid was all about a lonely explorer of unseen places. Other didnt deliver this. So if they dont fuck it up this time, I got no problem with it, but I dont see this happening when Team Ninja is doing it.
Well yeah, arguably you could say both of them were the problem but Sakamoto is the bigger one and chances are his effects on the game aren't going to change. With the gameplay Team Ninja can refine it and improve on the things that were bad in the original game. It still might not be in the same style of the old games, but it would be action oriented take on the series that some people might like.
Sakamoto on the other hand clearly showed what he thinks Samus as a character is and if he is kept on board the baby baby baby stuff won't change. I'd give Team Ninja another chance at the series but I wouldn't give him one.


Well, I actually liked Metroid Other M, so no objections. I hope for a really dark and claustrophobic atmosphere thought.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Metroid Other M was a really well made Wii action adventure game.

Everybody seems to assume that Team Ninja is responsible for THE BABY.

That was Sakamoto.

He kind of was in charge of, you know, the plot.

Sakamoto lost his touch with Metroid and it's really weird how he sees Samus. Maybe this is a recent change or maybe he always thought about her like this and he could just never show it in those older games because of the hardware.
Either way, making some good games once does not give you a free pass for life.

Actually, I find this ridiculous based on the premise that because of one game that some Metroid fans lost their minds over, Sakamoto has now 'lost his touch' and cannot ever be trusted to make a game anyone would like again.

That's the degree of the emotion based reaction people had to Other M I guess. Compare to how many other developers, producers, and designers are involved with one game that is mediocre or flawed, and measured against their output people say "I wonder what happened" and grant that next time perhaps they'll return to form. Hey, remember that Warren Specter guy? He's an evil blight on gaming now because Epic Mickey was kind of boring and lifeless and bad platforming. He clearly has no idea how to make games and should never touch another project.

The sheer degree of Sakamoto hatred seems to throw reason out the window. Nobody thinks Nintendo, or Sakamoto himself, will look at the mixed reactions to Other M and reconsider certain elements for the next Metroid game? That's normal. I think you'd have to be a follower of a certain Nintendo troll blogger who has turned every individual employee at Nintendo into a monstrous dictator on a specific mission to ruin gaming, to not realize that. You'd actually have to swallow the narrative that Other M singlehandedly "killed Metroid" when it hardly sold worse than holy Retro's Metroid Prime 3, at a time when disinterested core gamers had stopped buying any Wii games.
Other M had bland visuals, bland sound design, very linear level design, super simplified combat and THE BABY on top of that. At least half that is Team Ninjas fault, so please keep them away from Metroid.


Sakamoto designed the original Metroid and Metroid 3. The only game Yokoi ever designed was Dr. Mario. Yokoi was a hardware genius, gadget inventor and team manager not a game designer.

I don't recall mentioning anybody designing anything or stating that design = right to continue making games in my overly expressive post. Gunpei was boss in that department and that was an apt figure in my mind to lay down the law, but whatever...irrelevant.

Point is I'd rather see no Metroid at all than see it become the next "post Sonic adventure series."


It's good to read at least some of the people here defend Team Ninja, but as expected it seems far too many still conflate the disastrous storyline with the generally solid gameplay. I was as distraught as anyone that the game was so suffocatingly linear, but aside from that the game essentially played like a 2D Metroid game in 3D. Samus was fast and nimble, she was finally able to speed boost and shinespark, she finally had a useful screw attack and space jump. These were awesome things! In terms of control quibbles, there was nothing wrong with the game that couldn't easily be resolved with minor tweaking, and if anyone bothered to play through the game on hard mode you'd know there was actually a surprising amount of hidden depth to combat.

Honestly,though you had to overlook some glaring flaws to see it, there was a lot to love about Other M, and I'd gladly give Team Ninja a second shot provided fixing these flaws was the focus.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Gonna chime in to say that on a mechanical level I'd be happy to see another Metroid by Team Ninja. I thought the controls, weight, momentum and functions of Samus in Other M were right at home for a Metroid game. Loved the way you traversed through environments, and really like the combat.

It's everything surrounding those mechanics that needs to never come back. The unnecessary focus on story speaks for itself, but it was the overly linear formula that abandoned much of what I love about Metroid, and the boring setting and soundtrack, that really hurt the title for me.

Another Metroid where Samus controls and plays quite similarly to Other M, wrapped in an actual Metroid game, is something I'd be very happy to buy and play.


Not sure what's sad or amusing about people being rightfully upset that the flawless track record of the Metroid series was shattered in one fell swoop by one particularly awful game.

and you don't notice the problem with your statement? people hate on everything, and in this case, the hate goes way over the top. If you can't see that, than you are part of the problem.

The only thing that was poorly done was the writing itself, not the story, not the gameplay (which was imho great, the fast flow was something always missing in the prime games, and that alone makes other m feel more like a metroid game than any of those.)
So, yes, every line was overwritten. But in a game like Metroid where stuff like that is secondary at best, who gives a shit?

People who complain about that aren't metroid fans, they are prime fans. And that's why it would be probably best to split the franchise. Because that bitter, sad and broken girl is samus, and not the Robot from the prime games.
They really should give Metroid back to Retro (2D game please) and keep Sakamoto away from it. Every Metroid he has touched sinse Super has been bad.
People who complain about that aren't metroid fans, they are prime fans. And that's why it would be probably best to split the franchise. Because that bitter, sad and broken girl is samus, and not the Robot from the prime games.

Ummm, no.

Nope. Fusion and Zero Mission were fantastic.
Agreed. Fantastic games. Other M is the only bad seed in this otherwise gorgeous franchise.
Lol you guys act as if Metroid Other M was really a bad game. It felt more Metroid to me than the Prime series, even though I enjoy Prime a little more.
No please stay away, espceially if this is NG3 team ninja.

Other M story was atrocious, i though the controls were clunky and unsatisfying game-play over all. Get platinum games to make it please.
Lol you guys act as if Metroid Other M was really a bad game. It felt more Metroid to me than the Prime series, even though I enjoy Prime a little more.
A game with no sense of exploration/discovery; a game with action as the focus; a game with no upgrade progression system; a game with no real music or brooding atmosphere. Eh, to each his own, I guess. But I definitely disagree.

On an aesthetic level (and I guess base mechanics level such as control, Samus' agility), it is maybe truer to the 2D games, but that's fine. I think the Prime games are a different beast in that regard.


Team Ninja's involvement was the least of Other M's issues.

The whole game was bad. Sorry. But that's the way it is. The level design was looking nice, but it was linear. It had nothing to do with proper Metroid level design. And there was even a situation, where you couldn't screw-attack jump to some ledge to get the powerup. I mean in a proper Metroid game this would have been possible, but they actually PUT AN INVISIBLE WALL THERE, so that you had to go the other way round. This is just awful.

The dodge mechanic was also bullcrap. If the game would have been called something completely different for example: Baby: Other B, you could argue that it wasn't that bad. But it was supposed to be a Metroid game and it is not a Metroid game at all. It's a "game" with the protagonist wearing a Metroid skin and the intro CGI movie shows the ending of Super Metroid. But that's basically it. Oh and the escape sequence (1-2 minutes) felt kinda Metroid-ish. Everything else didn't.

So many awful decisions. All the "Lookie here, Samus is a girl with a nice ass"-shots. smh.


There wasn't anything inherently wrong with what Team Ninja did with Metroid, it is what Sakamoto did that killed Other M.

But then I don't trust Metroid in Nintendos hands these days, they have just left the series on the side to die at this point when they have had perfectly viable platforms in the DS/3DS for some classic Metroid games but have completely ignore them.


at last, for christ's sake
perfect news when you just wake up




To clear out and give an idea why this response really is filled with genuinity and not just a random guy saying "no":

I've played every metroid game, bought super metroid and original one via Wii virtual console.

Metroid Prime is responsible for key moments in my pre PC gaming life ( i got a capable PC in 2005, everything before was school (commander keen, duke nukem 3d,) and friends, (doom 3, quake, cs, red alert 2, civilization, C&C, UT lan parties)

I've played over 1000 hours of Metroid Prime - it got metroid prime PAK (black GCN boundled with Metroid prime), remember being a kid having no idea, a friend actually told me what to look for, forgot to buy the memory card, so first week of play was not saved at all, only pirate frigate stuff.
Probably over 200 hours of Metroid Prime 2 SP, and another 300 hours of it's multiplayer which was not bad at all as even my father played with me and brother in those times, not as much as mario kart and smash bros but it was substantial.
Wii stats shows me that I played 360 hours of Metroid Prime 3

Metroid Prime should not be neglected, do it right or don't do it at all.

Conor 419

Just get them on one of Nintendo's C team or the reserves, they can work their way up.


Current Standing of Nintendo Ip's as of this generation

(Excludes compilation IP's and focuses on hardcore appeal)

Note - Three A team titles would beat 7 B team titles in a fight, and so fourth.

A Team

- Mario: Lord Paramount of Nintendo
- Pokémon
- Zelda

B Team

- Kirby: Lord Commander of the B team
- Donkey Kong
- Xenoblade
- Kid Icarus
- Fire Emblem
- Advance Wars
- Golden Sun
- Metroid
- Sin and Punishment

C Team

- Animal Crossing: Captain of the C team.
- Pikmin
- Punch Out
- Pilotwings
- F-Zero
- Starfox
- Yoshi
- Wario
- Excite
- Endless Ocean
- Steel Diver

Reserve Team

- Earthbound
- Startropics
- Balloon Fight
- Waverace
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