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MGSV in my opinion is a bad metal gear solid game.


The voice acting was meh overall.

David Hayter was something quite special. Still get nostalgia when I hear his voice in the older games.

You know, I used to be angry because of the removal of David Hayter, but in the end I finally understand the people who say that he "would not fit the tone of this game".

They were right all along. Hayter could never fit in a game with such a bland, boring and uninspired story where all the characters have paper-thin depth and zero charisma. Hayter would've provided some charm, and God forbids we could have something like that in MGSV.

Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.


You know, I used to be angry because of the removal of David Hayter, but in the end I finally understand the people who say that he "would not fit the tone of this game".

They were right all along. Hayter could never fit in a game with such a bland, boring and uninspired story where all the characters have paper-thin depth and zero charisma. Hayter would've provided some charm, and God forbids we could have something like that in MGSV.

Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.

aw... i actually do like Keifer. In the prologue, his personality is spot on. He can deliver BB one liners like a pro.


aw... i actually do like Keifer. In the prologue, his personality is spot on. He can deliver BB one liners like a pro.

I'm not blaming Kiefer on this one. He wasn't given good direction, and the script was crap. His character was one of the most boring in the franchise.


Gold Member
You know, I used to be angry because of the removal of David Hayter, but in the end I finally understand the people who say that he "would not fit the tone of this game".

They were right all along. Hayter could never fit in a game with such a bland, boring and uninspired story where all the characters have paper-thin depth and zero charisma. Hayter would've provided some charm, and God forbids we could have something like that in MGSV.

Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.

Ha, I see what you did there. Very clever!


Ha, I see what you did there. Very clever!

You know, I used to be angry because of the removal of David Hayter, but in the end I finally understand the people who say that he "would not fit the tone of this game".

They were right all along. Hayter could never fit in a game with such a bland, boring and uninspired story where all the characters have paper-thin depth and zero charisma. Hayter would've provided some charm, and God forbids we could have something like that in MGSV.

Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.

Personally, Venom Snake was an incredibly likeable character - and that's where the disappointment lies. Rather than a demon terrorizing the world with his venomous evil (which we were led to believe true of him), he will be remembered as the guy who took time to rescue animals during solo infiltration of Soviet-occupied ground.
I had been bracing for the possibility of a switch since the GDC trailer so it didn't matter to me who we played as. I simply wanted to see the Snake in question go nuclear.
I don't blame the character himself, rather my own expectations and Kojima's commentary on how the character would develop.

You're spot on regarding Hayter. Just think about it... Could he have possibly gone out on a higher note?

"We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in."



You're spot on regarding Hayter. Just think about it... Could he have possibly gone out on a higher note?

"We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in."


"This... Is Outer Heaven..."

Holy shit. I can't even describe the intensity of the chills that the speech gave me, especially those final words. To me, Big Boss arc was finished there. Nothing else was required.

Also when he tells Kaz "Assemble the men". You could feel the determination in his voice.

Too bad he became a fucking coward that abandoned his men. MGSV ruined the character for me, and not in the "good way" that Kojima was intending.


I agree, I'm very disappointed in it, even I though I liked the gameplay. I finished the game and I haven't touched it since. Thankfully I started playing the real GOTY, Bloodborne.


It felt like Keifer Sutherland and Troy Baker cosplaying as MGS characters. They never felt like the characters we have all known for years.


It's my favorite in the series by a long shot. The gameplay is just so good and I stopped caring about MGS's story line a long time ago.


"This... Is Outer Heaven..."

Holy shit. I can't even describe the intensity of the chills that the speech gave me, especially those final words. To me, Big Boss arc was finished there. Nothing else was required.

Also when he tells Kaz "Assemble the men". You could feel the determination in his voice.

Too bad he became a fucking coward that abandoned his men. MGSV ruined the character for me, and not in the "good way" that Kojima was intending.

Was it determination? I was sure it was gravel.
MGSV It's not bad, it's just unfinished.

Gameplay wise is very good but other that that, the story is all over the place and the "true ending" is not even in the game....so yep.


I for one enjoyed Kiefer's performance. Can't blame him for the lack of dialog, I think the material he does have is delivered solidly.
MGSV's post game had new story missions and new content apart from the optional recycled missions, with new cutscenes and plot developments dealing with Paz, Quiet, Huey, the man on fire, Mantis, the parasites, Eli (sort of...) and lots of background information on Code Talker, Skullface, Zero, Cipher, etc. The game ended in 31, the Skullface plot - the rest is just the post game, the extra for passionate and persistent players, and where they give closure to several characters and subplots.

I loved the closure codetalker gave about how parasites explain away everything in MGS3. The End? Parasites. The Cobra unit? Parasites. Not everything needs to be explained, and honestly it removes mysticism that is a staple of the franchise.

I will agree that Paz's story is well done along with Quiets. Huey turns for seemingly no reason based off of his persona in PW. To me it feels like they couldn;t live up to the "Big Boss becomes a demon" tag line and thought "shit, we better make someone become a demon. Huey will do.". They managed to make it stick retroactively, but it doesn't make much sense in coming from PW. This is a guy who developed legs to chase after strangelove (In PW ending shes says to him "I only like those who can stand on their own. If you fancy me, then come walk with me". Yeah, ill do that then sell out everyone. Come on.

PW post game is a joke, it's just the Zadornov missions with just joke dialogue of Kaz telling you he escaped again until you find him for the last time. There is nothing new in between.

Nothing new? Have you seen the unlocks AFTER the first Zadornov mission? Let me refresh your memory:

Main Ops Zadornov Search Mission 1 > 32 > 15 > 8 > 56 > 90 > 76 > Main Ops Zadornov Search Mission 2 > 42 > 19 > 95 > 39 > 35 > 106 > Main Ops Zadornov Search Mission 3 > 112 > 16 > 33 > 71 > 21 > 93 > 86 > Main Ops Zadornov Search Mission 4 > 63 > 74 > 57 > 59 > 84 > 40 > 82 > Main Ops Zadornov Search Mission 5 > 60 > 78 > 36 > 108 > 34 > 99 > Main Ops Zadornov Search Mission 6 > 116 > 17 > 101 > 110 > 43 > 97 > 118 > 23 > 24 > 105 > 25 > 70 > 26 > 27 > 94 > 44 > 41 > 77 > 20 > 89 > 55 > 79 > 9 > 66 > 73 > 107 > 58 > 61 > 92 > 62 > 100 > 64 > 65 > 87 > 111 > 45 > 46 > 102 > 47 > 48 > 91 > 49 > 75 > 50 > 83 > 37 > 98 > 104 > 72 > 85 > 109 > 96 > 81 > 113 > 115 > 117 > 119 > 68 > 120 (from now on, 121 to 128 are all Monster Missions)

That's alot of missions. Ranging from tougher mech battles, choppers, pooyan... Oh and Monster Hunter battles with parts to make a fucking slingshot. And it supports co-op. So little content.

Peace Walker could have been removed from the timeline altogether. As a standalone story, Peace Walker doesn't have anything beyond messing with the beauty of The Boss' story

With that logic, every game could be removed. What does MGSV add to the overarching story besides the MSX ending puzzle? Sahelanthropus is never spoken of again, the vocal cord parasites forgotten. PW shows the assembly of his army, his change towards establishing outer heaven since they interfered in global issues (direct line to the war room to cease launch of retaliatory nukes). The Boss A.I i will agree is a weak story point, and it would have been better to leave the Boss' story as was in MGS3. However it serves its purpose in PW to help Big Boss accept her death and move forward.

MGSV's story struggles to add new lore to the series (as everything beyond MGS4) but as a standalone story is much better and what it does is unique in structure, presentation, mood, gameplay. That is Kojima pushing the gameplay and narrative boundaries of the series, even if it doesn't met the expectations in some areas. PW is just a watered down MGS3 with worse map design, worse AI, worse controls, story, everything, but there is nothing like MGSV.

First off it isn't a complete story. The resolution of Eli and Sahelanthropus wasn't included. And no I don't count the extra blu ray. It didn't make it in the game. Smaller stories tie themselves up but as a whole there is a lot to be desired. Story missions in PW always had purpose. Whether it was helping a member of the cast, advancing towards a desired point (control tower, PW base) or a boss. TPP has missions with no relation to the story, with Kaz filling in after completion saying "oh and this guy had information on Cipher". Please.

You rail on PW about its A.I, controls? It was designed for a PORTABLE console. And even with those limitations its story has far more depth and weight than TPP, production values aside along with the "controversial" torture and child soldiers.
You know, I used to be angry because of the removal of David Hayter, but in the end I finally understand the people who say that he "would not fit the tone of this game".

They were right all along. Hayter could never fit in a game with such a bland, boring and uninspired story where all the characters have paper-thin depth and zero charisma. Hayter would've provided some charm, and God forbids we could have something like that in MGSV.

Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.

Honestly, I don't think there's any reason why Hayter couldn't have pulled it off- even if he wasn't able to provide input for the script as to what he feels Snake would say. I don't feel much / any weight in Kaz' VO, and they still have Christopher Randolf from the last 4 MG's- who if we're honest, doesn't feel like an A grade actor. That said I am more than happy with Kiefer's performance, just such a shame he's so underused.


Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.

This game has the worst version of every character! And that's the most dissapointing thing.

It basically had an all star cast, Liquid, Ocelot, Big Boss, Mantis, Volgin. All of them are in my top 10 characters but they're just so plain and bland in this game. You learn nothing about them as they literally do jack shit.

If I was making an MGS compilation video, I think the only scene I'd include from MGSV would be the destruction of Mother Base. Everything else is irrelevant and uninspiring.


Some random thoughts about Ocelot in MGSV (note that I haven't finished the game yet):

Obviously he acts quite different here, but to me so far it doesn't seem that off. To me it kind of seems like BB and co. are in his inner circle and that his personality depicted in other games is kind of like his "stage persona" (and MGS3 Ocelot being young and foolish on top of that). This is the only game where we really work with him on a level this personal.

This isn't even all that MG-style convoluted, it is not like the guy doesn't have any talent
or future
in taking a stage persona after all ;) And many people actually do this in real life as well, to varying extents.

Maybe intented by Kojima, maybe not, well never know. But for me it doesn't feel off, especially since Ocelot was always this idiodic over the top villain, yet his actions (in retrospect by account of 4) hint towards him being very calculative and intelligent behind the scenes (again, by standards that make sense within MG, haha). Some traits inherited from his mother for sure.


Gold Member
Some random thoughts about Ocelot in MGSV (note that I haven't finished the game yet):

Obviously he acts quite different here, but to me so far it doesn't seem that off. To me it kind of seems like BB and co. are in his inner circle and that his personality depicted in other games is kind of like his "stage persona" (and MGS3 Ocelot being young and foolish on top of that). This is the only game where we really work with him on a level this personal.

This isn't even all that MG-style convoluted, it is not like the guy doesn't have any talent
or future
in taking a stage persona after all ;) And many people actually do this in real life as well, to varying extents.

Maybe intented by Kojima, maybe not, well never know. But for me it doesn't feel off, especially since Ocelot was always this idiodic over the top villain, yet his actions (in retrospect by account of 4) hint towards him being very calculative and intelligent behind the scenes (again, by standards that make sense within MG, haha). Some traits inherited from his mother for sure.

We see him as a normal human being for the first time in the series, as opposed to his personas in every other game. Including MGS3. I needed to see that. In MGS4 we get the reveal that Ocelot, one of your biggest enemies, is friends with Big Boss; but we never got to see that.
This game has the worst version of every character! And that's the most dissapointing thing.

It basically had an all star cast, Liquid, Ocelot, Big Boss, Mantis, Volgin. All of them are in my top 10 characters but they're just so plain and bland in this game. You learn nothing about them as they literally do jack shit.

If I was making an MGS compilation video, I think the only scene I'd include from MGSV would be the destruction of Mother Base. Everything else is irrelevant and uninspiring.

Hopefully it's OK for me to bunp this, but I wanted to add that Huey was also wasted in MGSV. For some reason, they portrayed him as
a backstabbing, snivelling piece of shit who not only murdered Strangelove, but unleashed a parasite thay killed dozens of soldiers just so he could sell it as a weapon
. Where the fuck did that come from? He was nothing like that in Peace Walker.


At the point i'm playing the game i undestand your feelings OP. Maybe is too soon, i'm on Episode 4 recently. My early feelings:

- When the game started i thought that it would be a rollercoaster of tactical action espionage to the end, like every Metal Gear Game. But NO.
- The surprise is that is the same shit like Peace Walker. A gameplay for a mobile game bringed into a home console. Points, Recruitments, Ranking, Secondary Hidden missions, Mother f*cking base administration shit.
- Interrupted Mission system (like Resident Evil Mercenaries mini game from RE4)
- Opening and ending credits every fucking time?! How edonist are this guys? (more interrumptions)
- It's just me or this time Snake speak almost nothing? He just listen and when i talk i speak just a few words. It's like a JRPG main character. Maybe it was because Keifer's words are too expensive?
- You can do everything without even "appreciate" the open world.

For now i miss MGS 2 and 3.


At the point i'm playing the game i undestand your feelings OP. Maybe is too soon, i'm on Episode 4 recently. My early feelings:

- When the game started i thought that it would be a rollercoaster of tactical action espionage to the end, like every Metal Gear Game. But NO.
- The surprise is that is the same shit like Peace Walker. A gameplay for a mobile game bringed into a home console. Points, Recruitments, Ranking, Secondary Hidden missions, Mother f*cking base administration shit.
- Interrupted Mission system (like Resident Evil Mercenaries mini game from RE4)

- Opening and ending credits every fucking time?! How edonist are this guys? (more interrumptions)
- It's just me or this time Snake speak almost nothing? He just listen and when i talk i speak just a few words. It's like a JRPG main character. Maybe it was because Keifer's words are too expensive?
- You can do everything without even "appreciate" the open world.

For now i miss MGS 2 and 3.

I'm going to play a little bit of Devil's Advocate here (Since I didn't like the game). But the bolded we knew from a long time before launch. So if you bought the game, you should've known those things were main features. Every report about this game told us that.


I'm going to play a little bit of Devil's Advocate here (Since I didn't like the game). But the bolded we knew from a long time before launch. So if you bought the game, you should've known those things were main features. Every report about this game told us that.

Well sorry, but i like to go blind when i want to play a game. With more reason if is a franchise that it didn't dissapointed on his previous home console versions.
I guess that this time i was trolled hard.


It's unfinished and it's different for sure. However I think the gameplay is easily the best MGS gameplay period. I just wish it could've been properly finished and complete.


Believe me, you're not alone. There was absolutely no reason for this to be an open world game. There's nothing to do outside missions; there's little diversity and there's no friendly npcs or towns. I just don't understand what they were thinking.The helicopter pauses from mission to mission are extremely painful as well. Would adding a quick travel system hurt, Mr.Kojima? The open world is its only, but unforgivable flaw. It doesn't add anything to the game and it kills the game's pacing. The story is a another matter; it was interesting in my opinion. I'm only focusing on the gameplay here.


Loved the game, but I didn't really play most of the prior games.

If you're a non fan, it's great. If you are, it seems you'll hate it.

Although, even as a non-MGS fan the shitty story still impacted my overall enjoyment, but nowhere like someone who has been invested in Kojima's Wild Ride for years and years.


My biggest complaint is that they called it Metal Gear Solid V. It should have been Peace Walker 2. Fans of the main line series were expecting similar to those games, simply because MGSV is named MGSV and not a sub series.

I'm sad that the series is likely dead, but I will probably remember the series ending at MGS4. Not the best game in the series, but still a fairly decent finish.


My biggest complaint is that they called it Metal Gear Solid V. It should have been Peace Walker 2. Fans of the main line series were expecting similar to those games, simply because MGSV is named MGSV and not a sub series.

I'm sad that the series is likely dead, but I will probably remember the series ending at MGS4. Not the best game in the series, but still a fairly decent finish.

lolwut do you know that Peace Walker was supposed to be named MGS5 right?
I recently started playing it again, just to try and 100 % it.
The gameplay is ridiculously good. It's so good, it makes me sad that there aren't more setpiece moments. Would have loved to tackle a mission in multiple surprising ways à la MGS3
The multiple ways you can kill The End

MGSV in many ways just seems stripped of it's soul. No silly codec conversations, or barely any at all. Silent protagonist (although, to be fair, there's an explaination for that - But it still felt like a cop-out, especially after a certain scene
Medic Snake's car ride with Skully

Imagining an MGSV game with everything that makes MGS - MGS, hurts my soul... Could've potentially been one of my all-time favorite games.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
My problem with the game and ending is that there was no build up, it felt like it was thrown in last minute as a "look there is a twist". They really should have developed Venom Snakes character throughout the game. We could have seen a "different" side of big boss but all we got was the strong silent type, which may be good for some but not many. Also this game could have been dark as fuck. Leading up to the ending in the game we should have seen hallucinations throughout, then towards near the end us the player feels as if we are personally going crazy because what we see we can not tell if it is "real or fake" (much like mgs2 codec with the colonel. This game could have also dived DEEP in mental illness, such as schizophrenia, paranoia and dual personalities. Us as the player we should have felt out on control near the end, begging for it to stop because it would even drive us as the player mad. This is the type of interactivity I feel they missed big time, which is a shame.
No that's just stupid assumption.

I consider myself a fan and loved MGS5. Does it have issues? Definitely, but I don't understand the massive backlash that it gets.

I'm a metal gear fan going back to the NES days.

I loved MGS5.

Being open world offered nothing to the experience. But I can't really complain about that, since you could ignore all of it and essentially fly to the next mission. For people who love that sort of empty brainded gameplay? I can appreciate that they would have got something out of it.

All the FOB micro transaction stuff? Well it pissed me off massively because fuck having timers in retail games. But on the other hand, I used the tranq gun for the entire game like you are supposed to and didn't give a shit about any of the technology stuff. My gattling gun takes 16 years in real time to build? Well that is shit, but I was never going to touch it anyway so I can't really complain about that. Somebody stole my fuel reserves? Oh shit, I was saving that up so I could completely ignore it.

The story? It was dumb, went nowhere and had few memorable moments. In this regard you could say it suffered in comparison to the previous games, which had memorable moments. But it was all still incredibly dumb, so no real complaints there.

The gameplay? Absolutely solid, suffering only from repetition in side missions that you could safely completely ignore.

Being unfinished? This is a shame, but do you really need more stupid story on the top of stupid story? Do we need loose ends tied up which lead to a mess of more loose ends? I don't think so.

So all up, it is an amazing MGS game. It wasn't quite what I wanted (The second half of MGS3), but in an age where a sequel means something like Dragon Age Inquisition or Fallout 4 or any number of games that are almost unrecognisable to their predecessors?

MGS5? You're pretty good.
The key is to stay away from the side ops missions mostly, that will take tedium to the next level, with its repetitiveness! Big enough game without all that filler.


2 hrs is like 3 percent. I'd hold judgement if I were you. This seems to be a trend with haters. This game is pretty great for fans of the series. Bet you havn't even seen the location where Outer Heaven began in Africa yet. Same location of the very first Metal Gear. Story even ties into first game.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I'm a metal gear fan going back to the NES days.

I loved MGS5.

Being open world offered nothing to the experience. But I can't really complain about that, since you could ignore all of it and essentially fly to the next mission. For people who love that sort of empty brainded gameplay? I can appreciate that they would have got something out of it.

All the FOB micro transaction stuff? Well it pissed me off massively because fuck having timers in retail games. But on the other hand, I used the tranq gun for the entire game like you are supposed to and didn't give a shit about any of the technology stuff. My gattling gun takes 16 years in real time to build? Well that is shit, but I was never going to touch it anyway so I can't really complain about that. Somebody stole my fuel reserves? Oh shit, I was saving that up so I could completely ignore it.

The story? It was dumb, went nowhere and had few memorable moments. In this regard you could say it suffered in comparison to the previous games, which had memorable moments. But it was all still incredibly dumb, so no real complaints there.

The gameplay? Absolutely solid, suffering only from repetition in side missions that you could safely completely ignore.

Being unfinished? This is a shame, but do you really need more stupid story on the top of stupid story? Do we need loose ends tied up which lead to a mess of more loose ends? I don't think so.

So all up, it is an amazing MGS game. It wasn't quite what I wanted (The second half of MGS3), but in an age where a sequel means something like Dragon Age Inquisition or Fallout 4 or any number of games that are almost unrecognisable to their predecessors?

MGS5? You're pretty good.

I didnt mind the "openness" to the game however a franchise like metal gear that is supposed to have an in depth story etc, I feel needs a little bit of a tighter leash to drive the narrative. In past mgs games everything you did was to unfold the story. This game the majority of missions you did were well just "because..." and added nothing for me.
I don't think I'd ever fully replay it again because of how draining it is but I think a lot of Metal Gear fans were setting themselves up to be disappointed anyway. Once again proving hype is a bad thing, all over Twitter feed people literally screaming about how this game is gonna be amazing and a few days after release there was nothing but silence about it. I played it and went it with a normal amount of expectation and honestly I haven't enjoyed a game so much in a long time, I do think most people don't seem to realize what they were actually given. Sure it's unfinished but in no way is it a bad game, although I do find it funny people say things like "No, no, it's amazing but really disappointing." I think you mean the quality is there but you can't look beyond your own expectations to actually see it. I also played KotoR II when that was "unfinished" and I'd put MGS V on equal levels of quality with that alone for different reasons.

The only Metal Gear game I'd put on my top ten list is
Peace Walker


The key is to stay away from the side ops missions mostly, that will take tedium to the next level, with its repetitiveness! Big enough game without all that filler.

The trick is to use the right equiptment. I'd begin the game by doing a fsw side ops then running toeach outpost collecting invoices. Get the rapid shooting stun gun, upgrade sniper to sleeping silencer, and then upgrade night vision to see everything, and binoculours to scan A and S rank soldiers. Buy bases in to extend your military to build weapons. From here beat campaign from 1-30. The next goal should be to upgrade towards the most powerful rockect and second bandana that gives you unlimited ammo. Give Quiet the silencer sleeping dart sniper and the game speeds up at a brisk pace. You will complete all side ops listed as important, then unlock the real intro to the game.


You know, I used to be angry because of the removal of David Hayter, but in the end I finally understand the people who say that he "would not fit the tone of this game".

They were right all along. Hayter could never fit in a game with such a bland, boring and uninspired story where all the characters have paper-thin depth and zero charisma. Hayter would've provided some charm, and God forbids we could have something like that in MGSV.

Now I'm actually glad he was not in the game. The man did not deserve to play the worst version of a Snake to date.

David Hayter was mostly a Snake Pliscon kind of Kurt Russel persona, the Phantom Pain is a new character personality entirely. David Hayter will always be hired to play as Kurt Russel sounding Solid, while we will get over the top for Liquid, special guest actors for plot twists, and quiet troubled old guys for real Big Boss.
i'm enjoying it a lot, definitely better than MGS4, maybe not quite MGS3 levels

MGS3 is God tier. Finished MGSV about a week or so ago so I need a little time to reflect, but it could replace MGS1 as my No. 2 after MGS3. I loved Peace Walker too.

It's so fucking weird for me because I've been a fan of the franchise since the NES days. The thing I've loved about the Metal Gear series is the actual gameplay. MGS1 and MGS3 are to me a perfect balance between story and gameplay. I think the thing that annoys me is that it seems like the people who hate MGSV are the Metal Gear fans who like the franchise for the story moreso than the gameplay. I'm in it for the gameplay mostly and MGSV has the best gameplay in the franchise quite frankly. The original Metal Gear on the NES is among my favorite games in the franchise also and it barely has any story.
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