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Michael Pachter says "PC Gamers are like Racists"

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I almost exclusively game on PC and nobody I know (that I respect) uses the term "PC master race" except in conversations where we make fun of the people who do.

Almost no one in the real world uses PC master race seriously..It's always been facetious and only fools get offended by it.

Respect to my boy Yahtzee.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Patcher has gone too far this time. What the hell does he think he's saying right now?

Just a horrible comment. To compare ANYTHING to actual real life racism is just ridiculous. Regardless of the master race meme, i don't think anyone on PC actually thinks they are better people because of how they game, that's just insane.

30fps vs 60fps, i don't care how hot the arguments and debates get, Patcher has no business taking an actual issue and giving it a face on PC gaming consumers. What a loser this guy is.
Couldn't have said anything dumber, and that's saying something when it's Pachter.

Maybe if he said the PS4 is "raping" the Xbox in worldwide sales that would probably be dumber, since that's another word that people misuse.

Here on gaf, the only people saying pc master race are the one using it to attack people playing on PC.

Exactly this.


I don't think Pachter understands PC gaming. On recent Pach Attack episodes he said Microsoft will eventually start charging Windows 10 users the Xbox Live subscription fee to play games in the Play Anywhere program. I don't agree with a lot of the predictions he makes.
Why is this guy famous?

Because he deliberately stir shit up and people fall for it.

I don't want to be thread complaining, but seriously what is the point of posting this stupid quote here other than initiating system wars?

And he is wrong regardless by comparing consumer product with real discrimination.


Ahhh. Kinda like how console players love their gimmicks (comfy couch experience, "games just working," no hackers online, etc etc...)

It's only a gimmick if the platform of choice does not have it. However, If the platform suddenly gets a similar feature, they become experts on the subject overnight and act like they invented the thing.
Portbegging is usually one-sided in this sense

It certainly isn't, but I can see why you think that if you mostly visit threads related to consoles.

considering I was talking about hardline, uncompromising PC gamers, I really don't think there's anything wrong in assigning them to a group. They do it themselves.

No, you chose to assign them to a group. Doesn't matter what they say.
Probably because you are over the age of 25.

Pc master race is, was, and has always been an ironic statement... From the very first video where it was used (in one of Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation videos) I've never met anyone who has used it seriously.


Well since there are PC gamers who refer to themselves as "PC Master Race", he has a point

I'm currently a PC gamer and looking forward to the PS4Pro for its esclusives. Never got the vanilla ps4 because reasons
So how is Patcher where he is, again? I haven't really liked anything he's talked about, especially with the NX, though that's my personal opinion. PC gaming is no different than a console, just a choice of system that has its own fair share of exclusives.


Here on gaf, the only people saying pc master race are the one using it to attack people playing on PC.

This was how the master race thing was started in the first place. The whole joke started as a negative perspective on PC gamers. Instead of getting angry PC gamers played a long with the joke.

Yet fast forward to today and some people actually still think its serious.


Ahhh. Kinda like how console players love their gimmicks (comfy couch experience, "games just working," no hackers online, etc etc...)

No. (Blast processing) Console players (BITS) Have never (The CELL) ever (Emotion Engine) EVER (Launch nukes) fallen (SUPERCOMPUTER) for gimmicks.

Next we'll be saying GSYNC is a gimmick.
Leaving the controversial shit aside, can't say I agree.

I feel like a lot of PC gamers have one current Nintendo system too.

It's not their fault that the PS4 and X1 offer very, very little over their PC.
Leaving the controversial shit aside, can't say I agree.

I feel like a lot of PC gamers have one current Nintendo system too.

It's not their fault that the PS4 and X1 offer very, very little over their PC.

Also this, PS4 and X1 have not nearly the exclusives that PS3/X360 had.

He did say that real time strategy games were turn based and that he did not like PC gamers.




You know, I'm a PC gamer and I'm simply not able to browse /r/pcgaming or similar subs - but then that's reddit, I guess... what I mean is that some PC gamers do say some really sutpid things. What's wrong is pretending console gamers aren't the same, though.


Gold Member
At times it feels like Pachter might be right about this. Sometimes though, only sometimes....on gaming boards....sometimes. I think.

Dont hate me, i love you pc guys ....sometimes. ;)


Funny enough i still want to own the PC Master Race emoticon and profile backround on steam.

Yahtzee must be laughing his ass off seeing so many people use his skit from a review as a means to offend others.


Junior Member
To all console players right here (except the Nintendo dudes):

Do you know that you are currently playing on x86_64 based PCs, right?

Actually, old&slow PCs, despite the new Pro and Scorpio, with no future over 2 years from now.

So all of you are already playing on PC.

My question is: are all of you retards?

Can't tell if serious


You know, I'm a PC gamer and I'm simply not able to browse /r/pcgaming or similar subs - but then that's reddit, I guess... what I mean is that some PC gamers do say some really sutpid things. What's wrong is pretending consoles gamers aren't the same, though.


r/pcgaming is for serious PC discussion and has always been fine imo.

r/pcmasterrace however is nothing but insufferable shit posting about consoles and should be ignored.
I don't think there is ever a "legitimate claim" for arrogance. if someone is an obnoxious ass then they're an obnoxious ass. Doesn't mean it's ok just because their PC outperforms some other gaming system.

I'm not trying to condone obnoxious behavior. However, what I am saying is that currently the only pitch of the Pro is "the same game with better graphics and/or performance." If you already have that in the form of a good gaming PC, then I think there's absolute justification to not be excited about the Pro. "I'm not interested in the Pro because I already have a gaming machine that is superior to it" may come across as arrogant to some, but it's also fair.
What a dumb thing to say. Think he's reacting poorly to some of the backlash he got from pc gamers in the past.

edit: wait, people here are agreeing with him? fucking lol
At times it feels like Pachter might be right about this. Sometimes though, only sometimes....on gaming boards....sometimes. I think.

Dont hate me, i love you pc guys ....sometimes. ;)
The analogy is awful and Pachter is just about the worst messenger but I don't know how a lot of people on here can say with a straight face that they don't see people rush to promote the virtues of their platform of choice and/or denigrate consoles on this site. It's not just secluded to reddit or elsewhere. It also doesn't always come packaged in over the top 'master race' talk either. There's elements of it happening in this thread.

Fanboyism has always been bad but PC evangelism has never been higher than it is right now. So much discussion centered around games right now is about how and where you play games instead of the actual games and that to me is just shitty.

M.J. Doja

At times it feels like Pachter might be right about this. Sometimes though, only sometimes....on gaming boards....sometimes. I think.

Dont hate me, i love you pc guys ....sometimes. ;)

The same love you'd feel for your uncle or cousin if they were a Neo-Nazi or a racist? Because that's what you're saying hes right about.

How's he right about that? An annoying fan of gaming on a certain platform is like a person who hates everybody outside of their race? How? I don't even see how they're both equally bad.

Leaving the controversial shit aside, can't say I agree.

I feel like a lot of PC gamers have one current Nintendo system too.

It's not their fault that the PS4 and X1 offer very, very little over their PC.

In a perfect world I'd have Sony and Nintendo's consoles and portables, and the exclusives, but I can't justify the time/money investment.

"Exclusives" are overrated though, but that's just business. Always had to have something to get people to buy your product. The titles themselves aren't overrated, just having to buy a piece of hardware for 3-4 exclusive games is not worth it to me anymore.


I'm not trying to condone obnoxious behavior. However, what I am saying is that currently the only pitch of the Pro is "the same game with better graphics and/or performance." If you already have that in the form of a good gaming PC, then I think there's absolute justification to not be excited about the Pro. "I'm not interested in the Pro because I already have a gaming machine that is superior to it" may come across as arrogant to some, but it's also fair.

As a statement of personal preference it's not arrogant, and not any different than a PC gamer saying the exact same thing about the PS4 three years ago.

The issue is when people try to extrapolate their personal preferences to the market as a whole and ignore the exclusives, low entry price and ease of use that made the PS4 a massive success around the world.
The analogy is awful and Pachter is just about the worst messenger but I don't know how a lot of people on here can say with a straight face that they don't see people rush to promote the virtues of their platform of choice and/or denigrate consoles on this site. It's not just secluded to reddit or elsewhere. It also doesn't always come packaged in over the top 'master race' talk either. There's elements of it happening in this thread.

Fanboyism has always been bad but PC evangelism has never been higher than it is right now. So much discussion centered around games right now is about how and where you play games instead of the actual games and that to me is just shitty.

Yeah. I don't get how you deny that when we just recently got a pretty big thread with tons of people discussing the notion that they don't get why people still play on a console.
Never been a fan of Pachter and honestly if you are I prob can't take you all that seriously. This is the kind of dumb trolling shit he's been about since day 1.
Why is he so salty tho?

AAA has less market penetration into the PC market where smaller publishers can compete on closer to equal footing. Financial analysis (Pachter's livelihood) is more difficult when there's far more than just a few big players holding all the cards.

Closed platform markets, especially when more marketing is spent on them, are inherently simpler to analyze.
Why is this guy famous?

The same reason Skip Bayless is. Over-the-top clickbaiting and trolling that excites people for some reason. Yet, when any of us on GAF calls Pachter what he is - garbage - there's a bunch of people rushing to his defense. I have a feeling these same people would vote for Trump, there's another charlatan jerk like Pachter who says inflammatory and stupid things daily, but hey man, "he's just telling it like it is, he's just speaking his mind."
I'm not trying to condone obnoxious behavior. However, what I am saying is that currently the only pitch of the Pro is "the same game with better graphics and/or performance." If you already have that in the form of a good gaming PC, then I think there's absolute justification to not be excited about the Pro. "I'm not interested in the Pro because I already have a gaming machine that is superior to it" may come across as arrogant to some, but it's also fair.
I also think thats the right pitch for the PS4pro. Considering before official announcement there was so much fearmongering about how the pro makes the ps4 worthless and its getting outdated so quickly and w/e. Now the PS4 pro is coming soon and the only reason to buy it is if you want shinier graphics. Thats pretty good. It doesnt need to sell gangbusters, its just an option.

I already buy every multiplatform game thats available there on PC and will continue to do so. However I'll still grab a pro so I can have shinier graphics on PS4 exclusives
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