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Microsoft clarifies whether or not there will be Scorpio exclusive Xbox games

People are still confused by this? It's pretty clearly stated. Regular games will be supported by both systems. VR will be Scorpio exclusive. Read slowly.
So, VR is off the table. That's to be expected I think.

That said, they've reiterated that there won't be exclusive games outside of VR again.

How long do you think we'll have before this message gets changed?

I'd say it either goes:
A) Scorpio is going to try to push 4k resolutions and little else beyond the standard slider type things you see on PC.
B) This gets scrapped eventually and games that can't run on Xbox One will start to come out for Scorpio.
The VR games won't be exclusive because they're using Rift and/or Vive as their VR headset. Those games also release on PC and as we've established, a game releasing on PC and console means its not exclusive.


It just feels like they're really tiptoeing around this because they don't want to piss off current XB1 owners, which does make sense but if a developer out there wants to create a game that simply won't run on older hardware...are you really going to say no? It doesn't make sense to say no.
But if the game is made an an UWP, why wouldn't it be able to run on older hardware, just badly
I got this one guys:

"VR games aren't console games, so VR games aren't console games exclusive to the Xbox Scorpio. Therefore, there won't be any Scorpio exclusive Xbox games."

Your invoice is in the mail.

"'Plays on Windows™ 10.5 devices For certain!™' games aren't console games therefore there won't be any console exclusive games for Scorpio.


I'm still baffled that they announced a console that is over a year away from release. what was the point? there's going to be a whole year of this PR shit
It's confusing again because now (again) suddenly Scorpio won't have exclusive software (VR aside) If you asked people yesterday about Neo vs Scorpio there is a common opinion that Scorpio is a new gen.

This is a narrative that only exists on message boards in the minds of some posters.

I'm pretty sure all Xbox suits have stated time and timee again that 'no gamer gets left behind.'

In what world does that mean a new gen?


I swear some people here want to be confused by what Greenberg is saying. It doesn't matter if you don't like how he's phrasing the differentiation between VR and non-VR games, the message is still clear as day.

It's confusing again because now (again) suddenly Scorpio won't have exclusive software (VR aside) If you asked people yesterday about Neo vs Scorpio there is a common opinion that Scorpio is a new gen.

Then those people are not paying attention, as what was said when Scorpio was announced was that it will sit alongside the Xbox One (S) and that "no one will be left behind".
People are still confused by this? It's pretty clearly stated. Regular games will be supported by both systems. VR will be Scorpio exclusive. Read slowly.

Last time I read something Greenberg said slowly it was something about a certain game not coming to Steam. I literally can't believe people out there believe a single word this guy sais, given his track record.


Yes. Which nobody cares about. It's when Halo 6 or Gears start ending up becoming exclusive to Scorpio that people will rage.

That's not happening. They need to sell the game and why leave behind all those users.
The VR games won't be exclusive because they're using Rift and/or Vive as their VR headset. Those games also release on PC and as we've established, a game releasing on PC and console means its not exclusive.

Exclusive in this sense means the game is playable on Scorpio but not XB1.

But if the game is made an an UWP, why wouldn't it be able to run on older hardware, just badly

Yeah, I just wonder what the cut off is there. How much worse can the game look and/or run before it's just not feasible? At that point does Microsoft say yes or no? Or maybe it becomes less about pretty graphics and high resolution and developers find new ways to take advantage of the power that the XB1 just simply can't support. I'm just wondering what MS is thinking when it comes to stuff like that.

I'm still baffled that they announced a console that is over a year away from release. what was the point? there's going to be a whole year of this PR shit

It was already leaked anyway, there was no harm in just announcing it. It allows them to engage on a much more broad and open level too.
It's confusing again because now (again) suddenly Scorpio won't have exclusive software (VR aside) If you asked people yesterday about Neo vs Scorpio there is a common opinion that Scorpio is a new gen.

Can't say I've ever heard this sentiment. They've been pretty definitive about everything, and this thread is the first place I've seen people manage to be confused.
I don't get why some of you think this isn't clear. It's as clear as fucking day. All games work on both machines except games specifically built for VR. What's difficult to understand about that?


My guess is still that games will be compatible as long as its worth it for developers to make a stepped down XB1 version. But when that first Scorpio-only non-vr game comes out... expect PR to change their mind quickly.
Can't say I've ever heard this sentiment. They've been pretty definitive about everything, and this thread is the first place I've seen people manage to be confused.

People do repeatedly say that about Scorpio. I agree, the messaging has denied this repeatedly, but people still seem convinced the Scorpio won't be at all held back by the Xbox One.

My guess is still that games will be compatible as long as its worth it for developers to make a stepped down XB1 version. But when that first Scorpio-only non-vr game comes out... expect PR to change their mind quickly.

It's all true! Unless we change our minds.


Perfectly clear, makes perfect sense, and is very pro-consumer as far as new hardware is concerned.

Well done MS, you're back to making good decisions again.
Ok so scorpio will be the only console with VR but the older models will not be left behind and all games will be playable to everyone.
Sooooo there will be no games on VR?


What a needlessly convoluted way to say "VR-only games will be exclusive to Scorpio, but everything else will work whether you're on Xbox One or Scorpio."
Alright let's be clear. The people who want to be confused are confused. Everyone else who has basic reading comprehension gets it. Microsofts PR and messaging is a mess but this statement is clear as day.


That's how it should be. Fuck I hate PR talk though. Can't just come out and clearly say it.

On one hand you think to yourself , "Cool I won't be left behind if i stick with the original version" on the other hand , "Fuck! I bought this newer console but none of these games are taking advantage of this extra power!"

This is what I constantly worry about with the Neo and Scorpio.

Considering just how much stronger Scorpio is rumored to be over the X1, you shouldn't worry about that if all games are hitting 60FPS or games being supersampled.

Now, if a game ends up being 1080p/30fps on the Scorpio, that's when you should worry.

Neo is a different thing though, since the gap isn't as big, so we'll see how it goes.

I assume it'll be business as usual for devs, some will put in the effort to make the Neo version vastly superior, others will do the bare minimum.

It's best to just wait until those systems are out for a while and see what the devs do rather than just "DAY ONE" everything like people tend to do.


Alright let's be clear. The people who want to be confused are confused. Everyone else who has basic reading comprehension gets it. Microsofts PR and messaging is a mess but this statement is clear as day.

Now explain to me how playing VR games on the Scorpio doesn't count as console gaming.


Ok so scorpio will be the only console with VR but the older models will not be left behind and all games will be playable to everyone.
Sooooo there will be no games on VR?

Right. You buy the VR, plug it in, and admire it for the aesthetics.
I'm still baffled that they announced a console that is over a year away from release. what was the point? there's going to be a whole year of this PR shit

"I'm still baffled that they didn't announce a new console a year ago when the Xbox One S went on sale. They're going to get so much PR shit for not revealing that. They tricked people into buying a One S only to reveal a new console months later!"
Now explain to me how playing VR games on the Scorpio doesn't count as console gaming.

It's an external add-on with it's own library of games. Like Kinect. It's not the same as a controller or XBL of games made for the core Xbox family with the same code running on each machine in the family.


Alright let's be clear. The people who want to be confused are confused. Everyone else who has basic reading comprehension gets it. Microsofts PR and messaging is a mess but this statement is clear as day.

It's clear as day? Clear as day would be to say, "If a game is VR-only, it will be exclusive to scorpio. Everything else will work with both." That's clear as day.

Saying, "The idea was, first, how can we innovate with hardware without sacrificing compatibility? Generally when you bring a new iteration of console hardware you lose compatibility with their games and accessories. So we're saying, if you bought games and accessories for your Xbox One, or you buy an Xbox One S, those games and those accessories are going to work on Project Scorpio. When you think about backwards compatibility and our games lineup, we want gamers to know that when they're ready to upgrade to Scorpio, that content will go with them. That's our promise and commitment around compatibility.

The next thing was "Are you going to make games exclusively to Project Scorpio?" And we said we're not going to have console-exclusive games for Project Scorpio. It's one ecosystem -- whether you have an Xbox One S or Project Scorpio, we don't want anyone to be left behind, Now, with the power and capabilities we have, we'll be able to do high-fidelity VR. Now, that space, we don't think of that as console gaming, we think of that as high-fidelity VR, and so with the VR experiences those will be new things that you will get on Project Scorpio." is not clear as day.


I'm still baffled that they announced a console that is over a year away from release. what was the point? there's going to be a whole year of this PR shit

The point was to keep people like me from buying a Neo.

With me, they succeeded. Scorpio sounds better.


"I'm still baffled that they didn't announce a new console a year ago when the Xbox One S went on sale. They're going to get so much PR shit for not revealing that. They tricked people into buying a One S only to reveal a new console months later!"

Transparency sucks!


What a needlessly convoluted way to say "VR-only games will be exclusive to Scorpio, but everything else will work whether you're on Xbox One or Scorpio."

What is wonderful is how pedantic companies have to be about exclusivity and the terminology used to emphasise the positive vs a competitor, yet when it doesn't serve a necessarily positive bullet point to a conversation, the messaging is anything but clear.
The way i see it those VR games will probably have a normal console version as well thats available on everything. But if you wanna play it in VR, youll need the headset that xbox one isnt powerful enough to support.

This is common sense.
Considering just how much stronger Scorpio is rumored to be over the X1, you shouldn't worry about that if all games are hitting 60FPS or games being supersampled.

Now, if a game ends up being 1080p/30fps on the Scorpio, that's when you should worry.

If that's all people can expect, is that enough to sell them on a new console? As someone who is invested in 4k, getting my games at a higher resolution matters to me, but given that you've seen people on this very forum argue that they can't tell the different between 720p-1080p or 30fps-60fps, what's in it for them? If games sell consoles, and all the games are the same to many people, what will move these consoles?
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