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Millionaire tries to get $829 via kickstarter to send daughter to RPG maker camp?

This Ann Williams is a bit of a hypocrite:

I think most of the vocal backers are to some extent.

RC said:
@Where is Money Going To?
Again why is it any concern for people not involved in the project to know the distribution of the funds? When you invest on other Kickstarters,usually all backers want to know is the end product and the perks.

And what about the backers that do want to know how the money is spend? Like in most KS projects (unlike his claim that that is not the case). They don't have to know? Meanwhile his daughters are seemingly getting a bunkbed for their contribution to the project. :)

Maria Nelson aka Julie? said:
PS Most of the trolls don't live in the US, so maybe they really only care about themselves and where they live.

PSS Go back under the bridges where you came from!!

A very caring person she is, our Maria...

And then there's our actual Julie...


Her avatar speaks for itself...
She, and Kickstarter, would just argue that the book is part of the project. It wouldn't exist without the project, etc. Far from a slam dunk as a rules violation.

Yeah, probably.

Can't wait for the inevitable sequel; heck, she'll probably make a trilogy out of it. And then yet another trilogy, George Lucas style.

The next game will probably be called Truth and Trolls 2: The Trolls Strike Back.
And it will be revealed that one of the Trolls is actually Alex's father.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Doesn't make her any less of a hypocrite. Her name on there isn't "Julie Main Brown". So it's as much a "code name" as KingRidley (whose real name could be Ridley).
What would it speak towards anyway? I don't get it.

People who don't back the project must be ugly? And? Or what else could a picture possibly reveal? Oh, right, how some aren't Americans maybe. Some might not even be Christians, I guess? The horror!

What about the 10 projects I did previously back with the same nickname and lack of picture (I have my picture on facebook, I'm not gonna bother putting it everywhere, silly)? Was my money shady or worth less? Lol.

They're just descending further into madness with every attempt to pretend they're providing an argument...

As if not posting my full name is better than the supposed backers that are vocal who let slip they too profit from the scam or how they're friends with her in real life. Nope, no conflict of interest. They all want TRUTH.

It's like, I dunno, how can they be so obvious yet earn supporters? Thankfully as has been pointed out they got very few past the first days, but it's still a decent sum wasted on apparent scum...

As if a 9 year old wanting to make a game is all about buying things, hiring help and selling a product. Cos that's all she should learn out of this, how to sell crap with no effort using her age/sex/mom.

Like all that's going to be so very useful if she wants to get in the industry as a real part of a real project. Screw studying and learning anything other than how to exploit situations and people.

All those boys and girls reading books, getting together making mods, free games, and so on, laboring over years before they can break in the industry with something people can appreciate? Fools. All you need is mommy.


Jew Gamer
So official verdict... do we backlist kickstarter or what? It seems like it fucks over some really well meaning people but... on the other hand... the company is shady


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So official verdict... do we backlist kickstarter or what? It seems like it fucks over some really well meaning people but... on the other hand... the company is shady
My acccount is suspended anyway, and it's not like I'll apologize to Kickstarter for doing nothing to get it cleared. I'll just look for other ways to help a project I care about.

Even if they don't officially offer any other means maybe with personal correspondence I could send a sum over paypal to have them manually add me to their list for a given tier. Or whatever else.

Or just wait and buy the game, I rarely pledge for early access and stuff anyway, since I care about single player and don't want to play half finished parts before the real deal.


They don't care as long as they get a chunk of that cash.

I'd been thinking that they've mostly been scared into inaction by the potential wave of negative PR Susan Wilson and her supporters would stir up if they shut down the "project", with $1200 being a petty sum to sell out the integrity of your business to. But it really amounts to the same thing either way. Short-sighted greed or cowardice, they're completely dumping their own stated set of ethics in the face of a little pressure. I'm glad good projects have been able to find success they wouldn't have through Kickstarter, but Kickstarter as a company have proven themselves to be pretty disgusting at this point.


My acccount is suspended anyway, and it's not like I'll apologize to Kickstarter for doing nothing to get it cleared. I'll just look for other ways to help a project I care about.

Even if they don't officially offer any other means maybe with personal correspondence I could send a sum over paypal to have them manually add me to their list for a given tier. Or whatever else.

Or just wait and buy the game, I rarely pledge for early access and stuff anyway, since I care about single player and don't want to play half finished parts before the real deal.

What is the reason they gave you for suspending your account???

Are they blocking you out of updates for games you've backed?

You should raise hell with that, man. Not cool, just because you pledged $1 to ask questions about Susan's con.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
That update smh

" Nor did we expect to be working with a team of experts creating an indie gaming site for kids by kids, but you asked and PinkieSquare.com was born (though backer funds will NOT support this effort)."

Who the hell asked for that website? She's so full of shit lol

"The Art Factory about 5 hours ago

so can we all come on the boat when you escape with the loot to the bahamas? i actually think the answer is: yes, and bring your laptops.. so.. who loses? maybe it's an adventure.. worth $1 for a spectator seat and endlesss.. absolutely endless supply of tomatoes.. seriously. kickstarter is the ultimate fan democracy... the chorus can harass the gods theatrically and endlessly.."



Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
What is the reason they gave you for suspending your account???

Are they blocking you out of updates for games you've backed?

You should raise hell with that, man. Not cool, just because you pledged $1 to ask questions about Susan's con.
My comment was abusive apparently.

I dunno about updates, I will tell you when the next Torment or Wasteland stuff happen. I don't have any ongoing pledges.

Granted it wasn't polite but it's not like worse language wasn't allowed as long as you were supporting the project, I'd say it was quite mild given that.

I'd say it was on the same level as the whole "trolls" crap people had to take personally but hey, that became the flagship of the campaign so it's all good.

PinkieSquare has the potential to become a steady source of revenue for Susan, sadly... Just a continuation of this campaign, claiming it helps all sorts of kids and posting random happy pics and blog updates.

Look forward to the IGF panel with Susan talking about what's good (people's money going to herself, obviously) and "Kenzie's game" that she will have barely done anything for to make a killing on Steam too. Success.
My comment was abusive apparently.

Granted it wasn't polite but it's not like worse language wasn't allowed as long as you were supporting the project, I'd say it was quite mild given that.

I'd say on the same level with the whole 'trolls" crap personally but hey, that became the flagship of the campaign so it's all good.

I dunno about updates, will tell you when the next torment or wasteland etc stuff happen. Don't have any ongoing pledges. Can't do new pledges or comment anywhere or anything.

PinkieSquare has the potential to become a steady source of revenue for Susan, sadly... Just a continuation of this campaign, claiming it helps all sorts of kids and posting random happy pics and blog updates.

Look forward to the IGF panel with Susan talking about what's good (people's money going to herself, obviously) and "Kenzie's game" that she will have barely done anything for to make a killing on Steam. Success.

Your comment might not have been polite, but they didn't even bother looking into stuff like this:

Maria Nelson said:
PS Most of the trolls don't live in the US, so maybe they really only care about themselves and where they live.

PSS Go back under the bridges where you came from!!

That comment is still there after a whole day...


Trucker Sexologist
I'm still amazed KS values their integrity at a paltry $2300. Must not have been very important to them in the first place.
I think the KS organization wants money, a large userbase of donators, and positive press. Susan wants the same thing, so their goals align. The media wants the most views on their stories, and under normal circumstances, the people who are most likely to be interested in a project are the ones who would be sympathetic to its stated goal.

It's clear that they can all achieve their goals by working together, and anyone that "betrays" the group risks losing the benefits. It is too late for the involved parties to admit this was a bad idea without damaging their reputation, so everyone will continue to complement the emperor's new clothes unless there is no more plausible deniability.


Unconfirmed Member
Only 28 more hours to go. Then the fun begins.

So official verdict... do we backlist kickstarter or what? It seems like it fucks over some really well meaning people but... on the other hand... the company is shady
I will blacklist them for sure. Not going to support a site that protects and helps scammers. It's a shame I already gave them my money for a previous project, if it were still active I'd take away my money and support those devs by other means.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Just change your debit card on amazon to one without funds or whatever.

But it's not like it will go below $829 by the dollars withdrawn.


Maybe this has been said a million times already.. but I can't read the entire thread for obvious reasons.. but isn't this a "fund my life"/tuition type thing which is directly against Kickstarter policy? Why have they not shut it down?
Maybe this has been said a million times already.. but I can't read the entire thread for obvious reasons.. but isn't this a "fund my life"/tuition type thing which is directly against Kickstarter policy? Why have they not shut it down?

Kickstarter are babysitting this like a first born.

One of the employees has even said he supports it.


For those backing $1 dollar to post comments, I just saw this:
I'd been able to cancel my Shadowrun pledge litterally seconds before it closed. They either changed it, this guy's full of shit, or they don't strictly enforce that (what a show this would be if they conveniently enforced it for her!)

I wonder if they would've shut them down if it weren't for the "but for the 9 year old!" angle, that that's bad publicity if she wanted to stir shit up. I can just hope that if she fails to properly follow through they double down on her.


I'd been able to cancel my Shadowrun pledge litterally seconds before it closed. They either changed it, this guy's full of shit, or they don't strictly enforce that (what a show this would be if they conveniently enforced it for her!)

"if the campaign is in its final 24 hours and the cancellation or reduction would drop the campaign below its goal"
I'd been able to cancel my Shadowrun pledge litterally seconds before it closed. They either changed it, this guy's full of shit, or they don't strictly enforce that (what a show this would be if they conveniently enforced it for her!)

I wonder if they would've shut them down if it weren't for the "but for the 9 year old!" angle, that that's bad publicity if she wanted to stir shit up. I can just hope that if she fails to properly follow through they double down on her.

The wording is tricky....I think it's meant that if your cancellation or pledge decrease results in the total value to drop below the funding threshold, then you can't cancel it prior to 24 hours...Might need a clarification on that...
Hey, is it just me, or have all the comments on TheMommyGamers been removed?


That's odd.. It loaded the comments but then they disappeared.

They removed it..
We did this interview as a chance for Susan Wilson to tell her side of the story and get to know more about her. If you are posting more of the cruel comments that are all over the internet, please think before you post. We moderate all of our comments and The Mommy Gamers is not a place where we encourage negativity of any sort. We simply wanted to offer her side of the story in her own voice. While we respect your opinions, we prefer to keep this a positive place. Thank you in advance for helping.


Alongside the headline it still says "62 comments", although above the message field it says "0 comments".



They removed it..
We did this interview as a chance for Susan Wilson to tell her side of the story and get to know more about her. If you are posting more of the cruel comments that are all over the internet, please think before you post. We moderate all of our comments and The Mommy Gamers is not a place where we encourage negativity of any sort. We simply wanted to offer her side of the story in her own voice. While we respect your opinions, we prefer to keep this a positive place. Thank you in advance for helping.

That disclaimer was up since the start. They were allowing as well as participating in the discussion yesterday, I don't see why they would suddenly censor everything.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
That's pretty shitty of the mommy gamers, if it's not a mistake. A couple of them were participating in a pretty decent discussion I thought. Maybe one of their daughters is getting a bunkbed too...
That's pretty shitty of the mommy gamers, if it's not a mistake. A couple of them were participating in a pretty decent discussion I thought. Maybe one of their daughters is getting a bunkbed too...

Just click on any other article on that site...comments are all missing..at least for me they are


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Well I dunno if any other articles had comments to begin with, never heard of that site before myself.

But anyway, maybe they tried to delete these comments and accidentally purged everything else.

Or it wasn't their intention at all. As I said, if it's not a mistake, it's shitty.
Well I dunno if any other articles had comments to begin with, never heard of that site before myself.

But anyway, maybe they tried to delete these comments and accidentally purged everything else.

Or it wasn't their intention at all. As I said, if it's not a mistake, it's shitty.

You can tell since the article at the top will say X amount of comments but none of the comments are on the bottom..


"if the campaign is in its final 24 hours and the cancellation or reduction would drop the campaign below its goal"

The wording is tricky....I think it's meant that if your cancellation or pledge decrease results in the total value to drop below the funding threshold, then you can't cancel it prior to 24 hours...Might need a clarification on that...
Ah right, that'd make sense then.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Took me all of 10 seconds to do it...Don't be so quick to judge...My initial reaction was the same too but not everyone is out for the take..
Who did I judge? Again, big fat if in my first post you quoted there. Ok, it's neither big nor fat, but it's a major part of those simple sentences.


So, is anyone going to do a $10 pledge to keep up with happens after the kickstarter ends, and to see how game will turn out?

No way! Giving Susan even one penny would be a mistake.

There will be ways to learn about the (lack of) progress on (*chuckles before typing this*) "Truth & Trolls." Nobody needs to flush $10 down the toilet to keep up with this nightmare.


How many fucking rules has she broken?

"Oops, my mistake, blue collar gal here who's new at this and just trying to do good."

Every time. Jesus Christ Marie.
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