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Millionaire tries to get $829 via kickstarter to send daughter to RPG maker camp?


Wait a minute: let's make this clear once and for all: I don't hate on 9 year olds. I only hate on 9 year old girls that want to make their first RPG.
Maria, this is all sarcasm.
I have my standards, you know.

Yeah, probably best to put disclaimers on all our jokes now. Since some folks can't seem to pick up on that. And LOL.

Wonder if we'll hear from JCS before the end. Or if Maria will replace him.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, probably best to put disclaimers on all our jokes now. Since some folks can't seem to pick up on that. And LOL.

Wonder if we'll hear from JCS before the end. Or if Maria will replace him.
What if they are the same person?
What if they are the same person?

It's possible: Maria has backed one project and posted 1 comment.

With Maria's comment I started wondering about the following: are we sure Susan Wilson lives in the US? Does she care about Boston? Because $6,000 is a lot of money for a one week trip to Massachussetts. Unless you are living abroad. Or maybe she's not even American at all! That would explain a lot.

(Note: sarcasm)


It's possible: Maria has backed one project and posted 1 comment.

With Maria's comment I started wondering about the following: are we sure Susan Wilson lives in the US? Does she care about Boston? Because $6,000 is a lot of money for a one week trip to Massachussetts. Unless you are living abroad. Or maybe even not American at all! That would explain a lot.

LOL!! Even if you live abroad, I don't think it's cost 6k for a week (well FIVE DAYS) up at MIT. Planet tickets from Japan are around $1,500 at the moment to get to the east coast US. So I'm still not sure how she got 6k for MIT.
Maria decided to "call me out" on The Mommy Gamers:

(she's putting a lot of effort in defending Susan. It's probably Susan or her bff Julie)

Maria at the Mommy Gamers said:

Until any of us see Susan Wilson’s Profit and Loss Statement’s, bank statements, assets and liabilities I chose not to pass judgment on Susan Wilson’s wealth. Facts speak for themselves. Which I suggest other people take into account before passing judgment. I’ve been watching the thread on GAF and notice how passive agressive you’re being. Singing a different tune here, trying to look like the nice guy.

Bob Cherub,

Let’s repeat AGAIN Susan Wilson DID NOT violate Kickstarters TOS!!!
How is Susan Wilson’s Indiegogo a scam? People crowdfund multiple times. Why is only Susan considered a scammer? Is it because she’s a woman? Can you prove Susan Wilson received any money from her “supposed” scams?

Everyone against this profect is garsping for straws. EVERYONE already knows Susan’s past, thats repeated again and again. Hell, we even know her blood type.

Are the trolls jealous? Hate women? Have too much time on their hands? We as individuals chose to pledge on not.

With everything going on in todays world the Boston Marathon, bombings, school shootings, Sandy Hook, etc. Don’t you think we could all use our energy for good? Be grateful that you and your family are safe and healthly. Take your negative energy and flip it. A lot of people need it!!!!

Instead you negative people chose the latter…Makes me sick!!!!

PS Most of the trolls don’t live in the US, so maybe they really only care about themselves.

Rock on Kenzie!!!



Well, at least we know she is good at copy/pasting...

Also, because you don't like this one Kickstarter, you'd automatically hate any any other child has up on the internet? Sheesh.

I applaud you on your response as well foobarry. Spot on.
On a whim I decide to come back to this thread and I see that Susan is not only trying to vilify GAF but she's calling out $1 backers too. What else have I missed?
On a whim I decide to come back to this thread and I see that Susan is not only trying to vilify GAF but she's calling out $1 backers too. What else have I missed?

She's probably impersonating even more people apart from her 9yo daughter. We've had Susan's bff Julie. We've had this Joseph guy, privacy advocate and The Art Factory or something, which turned out to be all the same person and now there's Maria Nelson.

None of those (actual or made up) people want to know where their money is going to. Yet they're all fiercely defending Susan and "calling out the trolls". It's a pattern really. Like Susan they all put more time and energy in the real life trolls than in the virtual trolls in Kenzie's game.

Oh, and RC is now a "believer" in the project. (Could have something to do with his own daughters being invited by Susan to help out with the game.)
AWESOME comment appeared on the KS. Wish I had written it. Kind of jealous about it, really. Well done, KingRidley!

@Maria, if you're reading this: Afaik KingRidley is not a GAF'er, so he's not necessarily in "the troll camp". He makes a lot of sense though, so he might as well be. ;-)

KingRidley said:
I've been seeing this project buzzing around the internet for a while now. I've read good things and bad things, and ultimately I do not want to reveal which side of the issue I am on, because I have something to say that shouldn't be influenced by a "you're with us or against us" mentality. Backers, please don't mark me as a 'troll' and ignore what I have to say. I need to clear some things up that I think are important.

First, Susan has made some comments discussing the pricing and the timeline for her game (or her daughter's game, but more on that later). She has compared what she's doing to the development of larger games with budgets of millions (or even billions) of dollars. While parallels are certainly visible, I think everyone needs to remember that Truth Vs Trolls is not one of these games. Many of you are unfamiliar with the workings of game design, and that's completely understandable. But these million dollar games have development periods of years and often need hundreds of people working ungodly hours to make them playable. Of course no one expects this from Truth Vs Trolls, but the matter stands that she's promising a finished product by July. For those of you who don't know much about game design, please trust myself and others when it is said that making a game doesn't work like that. If you're constructing a game with a timeline this short, you really won't need money. Enough funds to purchase any software you need (in this case $70 for RPG maker, which actually includes a tutorial inside the game to tell you how to make games) is really all you need. True, Susan is asking for help from other people to aid in game development which really speeds some things up. But it doesn't sound like she's paying them. Maybe she has offered financial compensation and I just haven't heard about it, but what I HAVE heard is that she wants volunteers to submit work for the project. So I say as an individual with a deeper understanding into game design, the comparisons of this game's budget to larger budgets is actually pretty irrelevant because games of this nature actually don't have budgets. Games made in three or four months are typically done for the love of game design.

Second, the nature of Truth Vs Trolls. I'm sure many people think that's a cute turnaround on this issue to get back at the jerks who are trying to keep this project down. But what I see is a phenomenon that happens a lot as of late that I really do not like. I don't want to discuss the content of arguments on either side of the line here, but when has it become acceptable to label any form of intellectual dissent as "trolling?" A troll is someone who causes trouble, insincerely, for the sake of their own amusement. Trolling is done because it's fun for the people doing it. People who dig into the past, put infographics together, and make strong attempts to make their messages heard are not trolls (but people who photoshop genitals into public photos are, for example). No one likes to face someone who disagrees with them, and it has become waaaaay too easy to label any dissenter as a troll recently. It's hurtful to everyone involved, especially to those who can't stand exposing themselves to a sincere opposing opinion. I LOVE to hear people tell me what's wrong with my ideas so I can spot the flaws and improve on them. If someone tells me I'm making a bad idea (or hundreds of people tell me, because that has happened), I usually back down and listen to them before making up my mind. Do none of you really believe that these people actually mean what they say? That maybe they aren't unwashed teenagers trying to be jerks in someone's basement, but are actually concerned adults and even parents just like many of you? They don't agree with you, but that doesn't make them trolls. Plus someone is taking them seriously, because after this issue exploded funding has trickled to a near stop. That has to indicate something. So I say as a person used to seeing both sides of an argument, please stop labeling anyone who disagrees as a troll.

Third, the plot of Truth Vs Trolls. Wasn't this game originally supposed to be non-violent? I remember reading that Kenzie wanted a game with dancing instead of combat. I remember a video with her talking about ninjas, not trolls. Where did any of this even come from? I don't think that many children (especially nine year olds) commonly take up arms in defense of their parents like this. For anyone who watches cartoons with your children, kids that young don't understand the concept of satire (which is why so many programs can get away with making extremely adult jokes without the kids noticing, aka it "goes over their heads"). This is about psychology and child development. So either Kenzie didn't write this plot, she's an extremely developed nine year old girl, or she's not nine years old. I won't pin any of those down, and it's totally acceptable for a parent to help with the writing or details of the story. But I will say that I don't think it's fair to Kenzie to have her story turned into a satire of this 'battle' you lot are fighting with each other. I say bring back the dancing, because that totally sounded interesting to see in a game.

And last, some personal notes. In my life's experience, I have learned to become extremely distrusting of anyone who insists on bringing up their love of 'the truth.' People who are really concerned about keeping the truth don't try to wave it around like a flag. The truth isn't actually some black and white constant. Truth is a variable and it can be manipulated. People can still lie while telling the truth. "Yes mom, I finished my cleaning. -Because I hid everything in the closet hoping that you won't look there-" People who really care about the truth answer every question asked of them as often as they need to. They stay transparent, and they know when to back down and let the issue evolve on its own after they've said everything they need to say. I watch out for people who wear 'the truth' on their banner, and if Susan Wilson wants to earn my trust (and my pledge) then I am hoping for much less "I support the truth!" and much more "What do you all need to know, once and for all?" Also RPG stands for "Role Playing Game," so saying RPG game is redundant.

Also because this one actually does kind of irk me, tweeting numerous celebrities and feminist blogs about your kickstarter project IS against the rules, and I am surprised that KS decided to let that slide here. I'm certain that if I tried that, I would have my project terminated and that's unfair.

But I have said what I needed to say, and it's up to the backers to decide if I have any merit. Again, I'm not putting myself onto either side of the argument here. I just don't like the way it's being conducted.


I found it funny that she compared a game company who made Planescape Torment,Baldur's Gate,Icewind Dale with her own thing. She doesn't clearly understand those people are working in the game industry for 20+ years and why we know that they have fans and that she has the nerve to talk about InXile alone with people who are doing this there whole life. I am baffled the way she is talking to people like this and says you are all trolls! But you know Susan if you are reading this,the truth will come harder at you then you think.


I think the abuse here goes further than just setting too low an initial goal.

Also, Susan Wilson has no intention of spending the initial goal money, because her daughter is no longer going to the camp it was for. So she's not even fulfilling thát obligation.

I know, just saying that these kinds of things are easy to scam, and won't work without proper reinforcement of the rules.
I know, just saying that these kinds of things are easy to scam, and won't work without proper reinforcement of the rules.

Yeah...Kickstarter basically only removed comments that question the validity of the project in a too direct way. If "backers" and even the project creator openly insult the "trolls" in general and even individual naysayers, they just look the other way.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Lol @ that Maria character. All that ranting about supposed haters then the gem about non Americans at the end. That's totally not hateful, nope, tis a very healthy attitude for sure. We're probably all terrorists.
Lol @ that Maria character. All that ranting about supposed haters then the gem about non Americans at the end. That's totally not hateful, nope, tis a very healthy attitude for sure. We're probably all terrorists.

What?? Alex?! You're not American?

Stake him, guys!

(note: sarcasm)
Maria Nelson posts exactly like Susan's BFF, Julie, who types similarly to Susan but with an even more militant tone (overuse of exclamation marks, abuse capitalization- it's actually painful to read). I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Julie=Maria Nelson...


Reposting from last page so more people see it:

Creator Susan Wilson about 7 hours ago

@David (not DavidS), just because you don't like the answers I keep giving does not make them lies. The project was and IS Kenzie making her first RPG. Period. That's what people supported.

It's just like any other campaign that funds a video games creation - even Torment. If this violated KS ToS in any way, it would have been pulled down. The reality is that the funds were so small that it was VERY clear where the money was going because I was so clear about it all. The bigger video game campaigns don't break it down to the cent and it appears that for some reason (either b/c you choose not to know or you've targeted this campaign) you refuse to realize or understand that a portion of those funds buy equipment, pay people (that funds other people's lives), pays for classes (yes, tuition), books, laptops, etc.

In addition, KS is not need based bc it's about creating something and often pays others but not the person that posted the campaign. Even companies are posting campaigns now. Crowd funding is about people voting with their dollar and it's a platform that allows a lot of people to come together with just a little money and have a huge impact. And if you'd just give the project a change you'd see that's what's happening. Again, I'll point to Torment NOT b/c they did anything wrong or deserve to be harassed b/c they do not, but b/c like this campaign, Torment far exceeded their goal, but kept going b/c it created opportunities to make a better game and help others.

No words...I have no words. She thinks her project isn't different than Torment in that both exceeded their goals by a large margin. Torment never changed their project goal multiple times. They added stretch goals. The fact that I have to clarify this is beyond absurd.


Neo Member
At this point, might as well throw in the towel. Susan could post that it's all true, she plans to pocket the money, have some college kid intern make the game and post pictures of the family in the bahamas and people will say "Good for you! You went through so much!" It's over.


Gold Member
At this point, might as well throw in the towel. Susan could post that it's all true, she plans to pocket the money, have some college kid intern make the game and post pictures of the family in the bahamas and people will say "Good for you! You went through so much!" It's over.

Yep, it's true. There has been enough time to stop this, no one cares, Kickstarter doesn't care, they're set to make over a grand$ from Susan's scam.

Despite it violating the KS TOS, KS don't care, and they know the people backing this project don't care about this child's piece of shit game and aren't backing for that so why would KS bother taking it down?
At this point, might as well throw in the towel. Susan could post that it's all true, she plans to pocket the money, have some college kid intern make the game and post pictures of the family in the bahamas and people will say "Good for you! You went through so much!" It's over.

I'm just curious how the last 48 hours are going to shape up. Is she planning to campaign for a last minute push for fund? Will a significant amount of backers withdraw or up their pledge values? Knowing that KS is on her side, will she go on a media bombardment? Or if she's devious enough, get her non affiliated friend to do the dirty deed? So many angles she can play at this point, it'll be fascinating to see which one she'll use...
I'm just curious how the last 48 hours are going to shape up. Is she planning to campaign for a last minute push for fund? Will a significant amount of backers withdraw or up their pledge values? Knowing that KS is on her side, will she go on a media bombardment? Or if she's devious enough, get her non affiliated friend to do the dirty deed? So many angles she can play at this point, it'll be fascinating to see which one she'll use...

She could still open a Paypal account and leave it open for another month or two of donations free money...

After all, the $50K goal has not been met yet. And the Creative Commons thingy is so important to Kenzie's game...


I'm just curious how the last 48 hours are going to shape up. Is she planning to campaign for a last minute push for fund? Will a significant amount of backers withdraw or up their pledge values? Knowing that KS is on her side, will she go on a media bombardment? Or if she's devious enough, get her non affiliated friend to do the dirty deed? So many angles she can play at this point, it'll be fascinating to see which one she'll use...

her campaign has been stale for 2 weeks. The scam isn't working on anybody else, and that's the funny aspect of all this. She's been pushing her pinkie square, creative commons, kids making games, and all other bullshit agendas but it hasn't worked since the first few days.


I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of her backers saw the project and thought, "Oh, a girl wants to make a game? Cool!" They pledged, forgot about it, and probably are unaware of what's going on. Susan has, what, 10-15 vocal supporters on her KS page? And some of them appear to be the same person with similar writing styles.

She fooled that initial batch of unsuspecting rubes. She failed to really fool anyone or make a significant push after that. She reached $22k after four days and has been hovering under $24k since then. And that tells me that most people knew this was bullshit anyway. But it's still sad these poor fools don't care about their money enough and have allowed Susan's playground manipulation deceive them.

I think that even if you pledge to a KS project, you need to select "remind me" on the project page to get a 48-hours left email. Imagine how many people who haven't followed would check out the project, see some comments and updates, look into it more, see her bullshit fund allocation, read about the laptop and trips to MIT, and just say, "Fuck this, I'm out."
I think that even if you pledge to a KS project, you need to select "remind me" on the project page to get a 48-hours left email. Imagine how many people who haven't followed would check out the project, see some comments and updates, look into it more, see her bullshit fund allocation, read about the laptop and trips to MIT, and just say, "Fuck this, I'm out."

I think that most people actually find the laptop and the trips to MIT to be amazing. Actually, I think it's quite nice too. So they will probably like most of what they read, maybe even be proud they were part of this lovely story.

But clearly now that she has all of that, there's really no plausible reason not to cancel the Kickstarter, apart maybe from relentless greed.


She has compared what she's doing to the development of larger games with budgets of millions (or even billions) of dollars.)

Which game had a budget of billions of dollars? Must have been the best selling game ever to break even.


"Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network Event"?

Little doubt in my mind that she had something worked out with Dell from the beginning. I have no proof but it fits the narrative.

@ Flink - harm to what? The campaign or the real truth?


Wow. That interview on the MommyGamer blog really backfired. Good for them for allowing real discussion on the project now. It will help their site more than them blindly defending her. Susan probably thought they would just back her no matter what and delete any comments casting her in a negative light.

Maria also is on here as M.Nelson spamming the same post. Bottom of page.



It's hurting Susan, so the campaign.

Just wanted to clarify. But I don't necessarily agree, at least not yet. She's lost 5-6 people the last couple days, but for 2+ weeks she's more or less had her 1390ish backers.

I think her scheme worked on all the people it could have worked on during the first 4-5 days. Since then she's been pathetically desperate in trying to convince people how GOOD her campaign is despite the NAYSAYERS. But it hasn't worked on anybody else.

Who knows, maybe some news sites will finally pick up on this now that the word is slowly spreading. I'd love it if this thing dropped down significantly in the final days.


Just wanted to clarify. But I don't necessarily agree. She's lost 5-6 people the last couple days, but for 2+ weeks she's more or less had her 1390ish backers.

I think her scheme worked on all the people it could have worked on during the first 4-5 days. Since then she's been pathetically desperate in trying to convince people how GOOD her campaign is despite the NAYSAYERS. But it hasn't worked on anybody else.

True, but a backer in the comments already stated she's gonna take away her backing. And that's just over this little hidden article.


God are people this stupid?


Until any of us see Susan Wilson’s Profit and Loss Statement’s, bank statements, assets and liabilities I chose not to pass judgment on Susan Wilson’s wealth. Facts speak for themselves. Which I suggest other people take into account before passing judgment. I’ve been watching the thread on GAF and notice how miserable these people must be to bash for 24 hours a day. It’s really sad. Sad little trolls with no life…..

Let’s repeat AGAIN Susan Wilson DID NOT violate Kickstarters TOS!!!

How is Susan Wilson’s Indiegogo a scam? People crowdfund multiple times. Why is only Susan considered a scammer? Is it because she’s a woman? Can you prove Susan Wilson received any money from her “supposed” scams?

She didn't get any money because her scams failed, you fucking dolt. And yes, it's because she's a woman - that is the only reason. It just grinds the gears of so many people on the internet that a woman is doing something, detective dipshit.

Everyone against this profect is grasping for straws at this point. EVERYONE already knows Susan’s past, thats repeated and posted again and again. EVERYONE has seen all the links, screenshots, quotes, pictures, etc. Hell, we even know her blood type. Get over yourselves!!

Apparently not everyone has seen all the evidence because there are still 1394 unsuspecting victims of this two bit con.

Are the trolls jealous? Hate women (notice how 9 out of 10 are men)? Have too much time on their hands? We as individuals chose whether or not to pledge. It’s NOT your business to save us from Susan Wilson’s evil doings as you trolls say. We’re all grown ups here. I think we can take care of ourselves and make our own decisions. But trolls thanks for caring about us “pledgers” .

We care about the precedents this sets. We care about the actual projects that need help but have been dwarfed by Susan's scam. We care about the horrible message to teach a kid, that the world owes you something even if you haven't earned it (and especially when you don't need anything because your mom is a top Forbes female entrepreneur).

With everything going on in todays world the Boston Marathon, bombings, school shootings, Sandy Hook, etc.
Don’t you think we could all use our energy for good?
Be grateful that you and your family are safe and healthly.
Take your negative energy and flip it. A lot of people need it!!!!

This is pathetic and horribly desperate. You should be incredibly ashamed to use recent tragedies as shields and deflections for this con "profect".

Instead you negative people chose the latter…Makes me sick!!!!

Tell me about it.

PS Most of the trolls don’t live in the US, so maybe they really only care about themselves and where they live.

PSS Go back under the bridges where you came from!!

Rock on Kenzie!!!


LOL, she has to be a troll herself. No way someone is this obtuse, stupid, and illogical.


Waqar returns.

Waqar Arshad about 2 hours ago

Okay guys I haven't been following the comments on this project for a while now as I've been more focused on things going on IRL but I have kept in touch with Susan a couple of times via email.

After checking back and reading through all the comments I'm surprised to see that once again people who are voicing their concerns are continuing to be targeted as "trolls", "basement dwellers" and being called other insults.

I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. The fact that I can still read these comments under Kommunist Kickstarter's blatant censorship is unacceptable.

Btw @Kickstarter Staff - the comments where @privacy advocate dropped the f-bomb and repeatedly called me a "wanqar" are still all there (see page 7 oof the comments). Don't know about you but I'd define them as "nasty" comments. So if you're gonna censor comments, at least do it properly.

Sorry that I'm repeating myself but to those of you brandishing concerned backers as trolls, I highly suggest you read as many comments as you possibly can on this project. Go right back to the start if you can and skim through them. Cos you'll see that those who have been branded as trolls, naysayers and dissenters etc initially are the ones that have probably contributed the most to this campaign and are continuing to do so.

Now I'm gonna put this very bluntly and try and summarise as best I can:

Susan started a campaign, it was met with all kinds of criticism. Susan reached out to the critics and pretty much said "okay, well what would you do then?"

The critics stepped up.

They offered ideas, things to improve, submitted artwork, provided software solutions, hardware solutions, different ways ways to go about this kickstarter, helped create new backer rewards etc. Not to mention that there were some critics that actually reached out to Susan themselves to try and help this campaign go in the right direction (one of them was me).

Susan has declared herself as a lover of truth and transparency. The thing is, new concerns have been popping up quite often but that is understandable due to the changes made in the kickstarter campaign and due to the changes that have occurred which were mentioned in updates. like the free Alienware laptop from Dell, or the trip to Turkey.

The problem is these weren't mentioned in the initial budget Susan put forward but so much has changed but not been addressed.

Example 1: $2500 budget for a laptop - No longer needed as Dell are giving Kenzie an Alienware laptop for free

Example 2: Kicking It Forward - Another $500 saved from the budget as you're not allowed to put backer's money towards other projects. They have to be taken from the profits after the campaign has finished.

Example 3: @KS Backer's revised budget. A significantly reduced alternative budget that I don't think has been raised by Susan yet. I've not seen the comment if she has so sorry if you have mentioned the revised budget.

As of right now and after reading the updates I'm a little confused as to where all this money is going myself. Especially seeing as so much money can now been saved, especially alongside @KS Backer's revised budget and as far as I'm aware any artists submitting assets/artwork are currently doing so for free (like RC's daughters).

No offence Susan and sorry to be so blunt but when you called the critics out we did step up to help and we're (or at least I am) still here to help you out in whatever way we can. I do think it's time though to step up and address a few of the concerns backers are still having and to be as truthful and as transparent as you can be. It's the only way we'll all be able to move forward and settle this once and for all.

There's just over 2 days to go now and the last 48 hours is usually the final push if you really want this campaign to head anywhere near your stretch goal. If you have mentioned any of my points already I apologise as I've skimmed through a lot of the comments.

Waqar exhibits cognitive dissonance. He has all the concerns, but for some reason he can't pull away and still wants to help. My dear Waqar, wake up and smell the roses.

More people should be asking for a revised budget. Let's see what Susan comes up with.

I still just can't believe how people cling so hard to the impossibility of this project having a grain of genuineness. IT'S A CON AND YOU'RE ALL BEING HAD.
God are people this stupid?

She didn't get any money because her scams failed, you fucking dolt. And yes, it's because she's a woman - that is the only reason. It just grinds the gears of so many people on the internet that a woman is doing something, detective dipshit.

Apparently not everyone has seen all the evidence because there are still 1394 unsuspecting victims of this two bit con.

We care about the precedents this sets. We care about the actual projects that need help but have been dwarfed by Susan's scam. We care about the horrible message to teach a kid, that the world owes you something even if you haven't earned it (and especially when you don't need anything because your mom is a top Forbes female entrepreneur).

This is pathetic and horribly desperate. You should be incredibly ashamed to use recent tragedies as shields and deflections for this con "profect".

Tell me about it.


LOL, she has to be a troll herself. No way someone is this obtuse, stupid, and illogical.

MNelson is most likely Julie, Susan's BFF...The writing style is just way too similar..


Waqar returns.

Waqar exhibits cognitive dissonance. He has all the concerns, but for some reason he can't pull away and still wants to help. My dear Waqar, wake up and smell the roses.

More people should be asking for a revised budget. Let's see what Susan comes up with.

I still just can't believe how people cling so hard to the impossibility of this project having a grain of genuineness. IT'S A CON AND YOU'RE ALL BEING HAD.

Still, this is probably the way to get through to people. Yelling "IT'S A SCAM" won't do anything, but asking probing questions and at least appearing to be on the side of the "scammer" is much more effective in terms of couching the argument correctly. As long as Susan can play the victim card, she will. But Waqar, even if he or she is as naive as that post makes him or her out to be is still pressuring Susan, and is probably doing a lot better job than even the loudest of naysayers. She should be afraid of legitimate questions; she doesn't have legitimate answers.


Still, this is probably the way to get through to people. Yelling "IT'S A SCAM" won't do anything, but asking probing questions and at least appearing to be on the side of the "scammer" is much more effective in terms of couching the argument correctly. As long as Susan can play the victim card, she will. But Waqar, even if he or she is as naive as that post makes him or her out to be is still pressuring Susan, and is probably doing a lot better job than even the loudest of naysayers. She should be afraid of legitimate questions; she doesn't have legitimate answers.

When faced with questions Susan will answer:

I don't want to move backward, but when the of this campaign is told that the truth (the real truth - which I've always been a fan of) is fully told



"ultimate conspiracy to kill a 9 year old's RPG campaign" ~ Susan Wilson

NeoGAF hates children, girls, (and probably kittens) confirmed.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Should probably just let this die now. She's speaking from a protected position - she can characterise "those mean nasties on the neogaf" any way she likes and there's nothing anyone can do about it. She'll keep unfairly naming and shaming dollar pledgers. She'll keep making her and her daughter seem like a victim of something (though I'd argue her daughter is a victim in this, but by the hand of her parents). You can't win.
One thing. Dosn't indiegogo money ends into the hands of the project creator even if it dosn't reach it's funding?. Because then her scams did "worked" after all...
One thing. Dosn't indiegogo money ends into the hands of the project creator even if it dosn't reach it's funding?. Because then her scams did "worked" after all...

It does.


Breanna Goodman said:
I am a woman. I have no problem with Susan Wilson being a woman. That has nothing to do with why I think her past crowdfunding projects are questionable. I CAN prove she recieved money from her IndieGoGo projects. They are flexible funding, which means that (unlike Kickstarter) the funds are recieved regardless of whether the goal is met. (Although I fail to see how whether she recieved money or not is relevant, if you don't think the projects are scams to begin with).

Source (in the comments): http://gamingtrend.com/2013/04/02/k...lla/discussion/embed/?vanilla_discussion_id=0


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I think indiegogo gives you the choice, you can make your project kickstarter-like if you want. It allows for varied projects, you could make a campaign of something you intend to complete anyway and ask for people's help to make it better, but keep any money even if a goal isn't met. Or have a project that you can only complete if you raise x amount of money and so lock it down to only give you the money if you do reach that goal. It's a good thing to have the option, it's a bad thing some use it for scams, but clearly people use either option for scams as is the case seen here so really, the option's good to have, since there's a disclaimer on the campaign.
Edit: the boy probably just lied about his age somewhere.

LOL! She did say he was 16, right?


(Courtesy of Corey Brin)

From the Kickstarter:

Susan Wilson said:

Most people call me Kenzie. I'm 9, in 3rd grade, and I'm getting straight A's. I've always been the tallest person in my class and this year I'm actually taller than my teacher. I love computers, video games, apps, and role playing games - especially Magic the Gathering and Borderlands 2 that I get to play with my Dad (because my 15 & 16 year old brothers are too mean to play with me). But we do have D&D tournaments on the weekends which is cool. My favorite PS3 game right now is Dragon Age II.


Mylife takes its info from other websites, I believe. If he lied on another website, it will display that lie there. Kids lie about their age all the time, probably to get access to certain pages.

The one truth I believe Susan is telling is her children's ages.
Mylife takes its info from other websites, I believe. If he lied on another website, it will display that lie there. Kids lie about their age all the time, probably to get access to certain pages.

The one truth I believe Susan is telling is her children's ages.

The boy doesn't like he's 19yo either.

It surely would've been something if this was actually true though. :)
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