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Red Scarlet

Bubble Gum Crisis was the show that got me to actually like anime..I couldn't stand the "really good" stuff that I was supposed to like. I do admit the music was what I enjoyed though, still have the cd.





I just watched the first episode of Baccano! on Funimation's Youtube channel based on the recommendations in this thread. I originally skipped over this based on the name (screw exclamation points), but so far it looks excellent.

More on-topic, I wouldn't mind this moe crap if it was isolated to separate shows, but it ruins a lot of shows with decent concepts. Gunslinger Girl is alright, but gets creepy sometimes. The same goes for a whole bunch of others like Noir and Darker Than Black 2. If it isn't Loli stuff it's other annoying fan service. The only shows I can stand are usually much more serious like Stand Alone Complex or the first season of Darker Than Black, where this trash is either non-existent or very rare.


sprsk said:
Moe pretty much destroyed the anime industry, in my eyes.

Just wanted to quote this for a new page.
Luckily for me, I never watched a lot of the old school anime, so when I have time I am going to enjoy each series one by one :)


Amir0x said:
I have very high level of difficulty getting into anime precisely because of shit like this. I also have a problem with the writing of most anime, the obsession with giant robots and POWERLEVELSMAGICBLASTSTOYOURFACE. But loli/moe is definitely the most offensive thing of all. People tell me to understand the differences between American culture and Japanese culture, but I draw a certain line in places. This is one of those lines. FUCK cultural differences when it comes to lolicon/moe. Japan needs to man the fuck up on this shit.

The last anime I enjoyed thoroughly was Seirei no Moribito. It contains almost none of the stuff I hate in anime, it's also a joy to watch. My favorite thing about anime has always been the art, mainly the intensively detailed backgrounds. It's quite impressive to someone like me who loves art. Most moe/loli doesn't even have this aspect to be fond of.

Besides the implied endorsement of pedophile basement dwellers, it's simply offensive as a rule and I genuinely look down on any and all people who actually enjoy that sort of thing. I don't find it bad at all to say I know I'm better than those people.

Stuff like...

Seirei No Moribito
Hajime No Ippo
Samurai Champloo
All Studio Ghibli Works
Black Lagoon

This is the stuff I like. So little of it left.

AmirOx i agree with you, but let me put your mind somewhat at ease. First off - there is a bit of a war going down between the Superflat artists movement and the Moe crowd. Now i use Superflat as a catch all phrase because some in that side are more of the old school folk that brought the good shit like you mentioned. That sort of Ideological war that was done back in the late 70's to 80's where the Gekgia (The precursor to series like Fist of the North Star, Berserk and the like) style went up against the Shojo, and Shojo-style won out by the end of the 80's.

Second, Japan will man up - but its not going be by these artists themselves nor the Government - its gonna be on a Capitalistic basis. They will have to do the genre for everybody soon or they go bankrupt. They know it. Not overnight but 18 - 24 months down the road they gonna have to do some deep soul searching. Can catering to the Otaku continue to make money? Or are they going to lead them into places that even folk cant take? If the latter happens then the major Japanese TV networks are going to put them towards the margins or not air them - and they are NOT like the states - they are CUT THROAT. And you can almost forget Blu-Ray, they may sell like 23,000 but its gonna reach a point the animators cant make a DIME even on a OVA. They will man up Buddy, when the money runs dry.

As for Korea: The Americans and the Europeans will never take the Koreans as a major force. They are too close in style to the Japanese. China might have a chance but if the Japanese bring there insecurities onto China, thats gonna get fucked up. None of the other ASEAN nations have a prayer nor a clue and India never had the talent outside of the Bahabi comic.

The only place i see that has that same spirit the Japanese locked away some where - Is South America, and there have been some Anime focused on their culture for a while now. I think Brazil, Argentina, Chile could make good work if people started investing in it - i know one dude from Venezuela and he's DAMN good. They just need a bit more time and the writers and they could blow up BIG.
Pandaman said:
i've never really understood the obsession with this 90s gritty action hero/graphic novelesque style.

i just like the look of it, plus it seems like back then more movies or short stories came over, instead of a thousands series with 12309841923789127831 episodes.

give me movies over series imo
Novid said:
The only place i see that has that same spirit the Japanese locked away some where - Is South America, and there have been some Anime focused on their culture for a while now. I think Brazil, Argentina, Chile could make good work if people started investing in it - i know one dude from Venezuela and he's DAMN good. They just need a bit more time and the writers and they could blow up BIG.
I can accept that happening. (Plus, Spanish is a bit easier to understand. ;)


Doesn't bother me at all personally, while the last two years have been pretty weak anime-wise. I don't think the quality of anime has changed much from the 90s or even the 80s, anime in general has always had a pretty high shit-to-good ratio, you usually haft to dig to find the good stuff.

Even in the last two years they have been quite a number of decent-good series - one outs, bakamongatari, tokyo m8, eden of the east new ippo series etc.

Also personally i don't think the influx of moe / lolicon stuff in the past two years points to the decline of the industry at all, you may see a lot of that stuff these days, but it's not like the 80s & 90s didn't have their own equivalent trends, that made up a good % of shows being made in that time. Also the whole lolicon / moe terms originated around the 80s / 90s anyway.

I think my biggest problem with anime right now, is a lot of potential "great" series that have been released in the past few years, never live up to their potential. Anime has a good number of shows that have "good concepts or settings" yet never live up to their initial premise, and end up being really disappointing.

and lol i still wonder how a lot of these anime fans can keep eating up the moe / lolicon crap that's released every year, i have a friend, who is going crazy about this newly released anime about kindergarten children....:lol: i'm sorta concerned, because this friend draws pictures of nude lolicon girls. I hope he's not a pedophile.


I don't understand the hate for moe/loli in general.
An anime with moe or loli characters can still be good and/or entertaining.
An anime without them can still be shit.
It's like people are against the simple idea of little girls in their anime to begin with, which I find silly.

Maybe it is just that I watch what I find to be fun and I don't really care if it features little girls or giant robots, silly comedies or deep dramas, so I don't have too much of a problem with the output in anime today.


Lain said:
I don't understand the hate for moe/loli in general.
An anime with moe or loli characters can still be good and/or entertaining.
An anime without them can still be shit.
It's like people are against the simple idea of little girls in their anime to begin with, which I find silly.

Maybe it is just that I watch what I find to be fun and I don't really care if it features little girls or giant robots, silly comedies or deep dramas, so I don't have too much of a problem with the output in anime today.
The problem I have with it isn't because it's just moe/loli or just the "little girls", it's that the story and situations that are almost always used with it just don't appeal to me. My taste in anime is generally the same as it is for TV and movies, that being action, horror and drama. Unfortunately though, the anime industry is moving away from that, focusing on the moe/loli stuff which isn't for me and many others.

If you do like that stuff, then that's fine and I'm sure you'll find more than enough stuff to watch, but it's just disappointing for myself and other anime fans who don't like that, and would prefer something different, that the options we've had in recent times is limited.


I'm with the majority of posters in that the quality has gone downhill in the past few years. The last anime I watched was Bartender. That series was great, completely different for anything out there at the time (plus I got to learn about neat drinks).


Lafiel said:
i have a friend, who is going crazy about this newly released anime about kindergarten children....:lol: i'm sorta concerned, because this friend draws pictures of nude lolicon girls. I hope he's not a pedophile.

How old is your friend?


How much of it is genuinely trying to appeal to loli fans, and how much of it is perhaps just aimed at middle school girls?

Are we mixing two things up, perhaps the market has changed - perhaps you're looking at it from an older, western perspective and projecting your culture onto it, turning it 'perverted'?

plus, making 'older' characters look crazy young/have exaggerated cuteness may just be a styling thing.


mrklaw said:
How much of it is genuinely trying to appeal to loli fans, and how much of it is perhaps just aimed at middle school girls?

Middle school girls don't watch this stuff. They fantasize about male idols, read manga and watch anime catered towards younger girls with a very different art style.


The market is very easy to understand if you go to any kind of anime convention.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
mrklaw said:
How much of it is genuinely trying to appeal to loli fans, and how much of it is perhaps just aimed at middle school girls?

Are we mixing two things up, perhaps the market has changed - perhaps you're looking at it from an older, western perspective and projecting your culture onto it, turning it 'perverted'?

plus, making 'older' characters look crazy young/have exaggerated cuteness may just be a styling thing.

Brobzoid said:
CNN article on the decline of anime due to the infernal moeblob

Choice quote:
In Japan, a poll conducted by the otaku matchmaking service Otakuma reveals that four out of five of the top shows watched by female anime fans are about giant robots, while four out of five of the top shows watched by male anime fans are about little girls.

Fuck you, japanese men! :mad:



brobzoid said:
CNN article on the decline of anime due to the infernal moeblob

Choice quote:
In Japan, a poll conducted by the otaku matchmaking service Otakuma reveals that four out of five of the top shows watched by female anime fans are about giant robots, while four out of five of the top shows watched by male anime fans are about little girls.

That shit is depressing.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
I just finished watching this the other day:


Lemme see:

*Hand drawn and painted
*Amazing, phenomenal art
*Stellar animation
*Plenty of "Kick arse" moments
*Character names, places and spells based on '80s Thrash Metal bands
*Violent and anti-social

Yeah, there's a reason why I prefer '80s and '90s anime/manga.

Can't stomach the modern junk.

Hey Japan, how about making anime for adults that isn't hentai?!


Against. Like many others here, I grew out of anime many years ago yet still check those seasonal images with all the shows and just laugh and smh. There is still the odd good show or two being released every now and then. Like Kaiba, Baccano!, Mushi-shi (note, those were all years apart).

It's plainly obvious who these shows are targeted at. They sure as hell ain't being made with kids in mind. And I highly doubt these shows are so popular because of their sheer quality instead of say, the type of escapism that they provide. I think that one article gave a perfect example of such a thing taking place:
Even when moe girls are "competent," like 10-year-old cook/laundrywoman/ dishwasher Sasami in Tenchi Muyo!, these little girls represent house and home and the most stereotypical view of womanhood—little mothers who cook and clean and aren't as scary as real adult women

I mean really now, what the fuck is so entertaining about a show like K-ON! or Lucky Star? they aren't selling so many DVDs because they are anime's Curb your enthusiasm/Seinfeld, I'll tell you that.

Also, I agree with people who say Cel animation > Digital. I miss the whole cel look and feel. Might sound cheesy as fuck but most of these digital shows have no real depth to their style. No substance in the art. Anytime I see an anime with that shitty digital "look" that's an instant turnoff.


Lafiel said:
Doesn't bother me at all personally, while the last two years have been pretty weak anime-wise. I don't think the quality of anime has changed much from the 90s or even the 80s, anime in general has always had a pretty high shit-to-good ratio, you usually haft to dig to find the good stuff.

Even in the last two years they have been quite a number of decent-good series - one outs, bakamongatari, tokyo m8, eden of the east new ippo series etc.

Also personally i don't think the influx of moe / lolicon stuff in the past two years points to the decline of the industry at all, you may see a lot of that stuff these days, but it's not like the 80s & 90s didn't have their own equivalent trends, that made up a good % of shows being made in that time. Also the whole lolicon / moe terms originated around the 80s / 90s anyway.

I think my biggest problem with anime right now, is a lot of potential "great" series that have been released in the past few years, never live up to their potential. Anime has a good number of shows that have "good concepts or settings" yet never live up to their initial premise, and end up being really disappointing.

and lol i still wonder how a lot of these anime fans can keep eating up the moe / lolicon crap that's released every year, i have a friend, who is going crazy about this newly released anime about kindergarten children....:lol: i'm sorta concerned, because this friend draws pictures of nude lolicon girls. I hope he's not a pedophile.

i wholeheartedly agree with your post. if you are willing to dig, you find the good stuff...it just isn't the most obvious.

why do you guys think more and more of this kind of stuff is being produced with similar if not identical settings? it's because the viewers obviously demand it. just take a look at which series' get the most attention from fansubbers, their viewers and the anime community in generel? it's exactly those shows and that's one of the reason IMO why the better shows being mostly unnoticed by the majority of the audience.
i think/hope all this will change sooner or later if the audience gets tired of the same old settings. this stuff is popular right now and sooner or later something else will take that spot. it's not like it didn't happen before.


Was a fan from my 16s to my 21s (24 now), but last years I've stopped following anime completely. Last animes that blew me away were the GITS:SAC series (absolutely amazing), Ergo Proxy and probably Champloo. And yes, most of that is because of the horrifying fandom (4chan and others) and simplistic moe-series in general.

The Sasami's of the anime world have always been there, but never in the forefront. It's sad, because anime can be a really powerful medium with strong stories if it wants to.

Red Scarlet

Witchfinder General said:
I just finished watching this the other day:


Lemme see:

*Hand drawn and painted
*Amazing, phenomenal art
*Stellar animation
*Plenty of "Kick arse" moments
*Character names, places and spells based on '80s Thrash Metal bands
*Violent and anti-social

Yeah, there's a reason why I prefer '80s and '90s anime/manga.

Can't stomach the modern junk.

Hey Japan, how about making anime for adults that isn't hentai?!



Annihilator said:
Just don't watch them if you don't like them.

That´s like saying "dont watch at all", seeing how 99% of all new shows are moe to some extent. And Kodomo no Jikan really...was weird :/ FFS, at least have the girls be at an age where they start "growing", but elementary school girls? Japan...
How come nobody so far has mentioned 'Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei'? On that note, how come none of the distributors on this side of the world have acquired the license for it? It's the last series that I loved watching after Casshern Sins disappointed me.


Dina said:
Last animes that blew me away were the GITS:SAC series (absolutely amazing), Ergo Proxy and probably Champloo.

If you made it through the whole of Ergo Proxy AND liked it, you´re really not someone to complain about anime :/

The last more recent shows that were really great were One Outs and Casshern Sins. And people claiming that it´s just this winter seasons thats so bad...wth, the previous seasons, fall, summer, spring and winter before, were crap, too. If i hadnt at one point started to watch romantic anime, like True Tears, Myself Yourself or White Album, i really wouldnt have watched anything at all.
But i really guess that with the end of Death Note the whole industry started to go downhill. Really, back then when whole anime-communities eagerly awaited the new Death Note-episode, it was just great. It´s comparable to whats going on with LOST in the moment.
After Death Note, we got Claymore and Kaiji, but then the quality died down. Shows like Macross Frontier or Edent of East were decent within their season, but far away in quality from what we got back then. Maybe I should mention Magnitude 8.0, but that show had such a shitty ending...

My personal problem is that Im almost at catching up with all the old stuff, as well. Just few months ago, I watched Dennou Coil. What a great show, that would be mega-hyped if it was part of a new season.

Really, Kaiji season 2 is the only thing to look forward to. God alone knows why we arent getting more Berserk- and Gantz-anime episodes. Probably....TOO AWESOME :/


Whine Whine FADC Troll
To be fair there's a huge difference between shows like K-On and Sora no Woto then Kodomo no Jikan.

The first set of shows may be moeblobby a bit, but it isn't sexualized and would have merit even if they weren't moeblobs. That I'm fine with (hell I'll even admit I think Zettai Karen Children- which is accused of it also, is one of my fav series ever)

Shows like KnJ are pretty much selling underaged sex to me.

Anime companies are too scared to take risks right now, and that's gonna doom them I think. Plus all their best potential talent works in gaming these days instead of anime due to actually getting paid at those companies.


Witchfinder General said:
I just finished watching this the other day:


Lemme see:

*Hand drawn and painted
*Amazing, phenomenal art
*Stellar animation
*Plenty of "Kick arse" moments
*Character names, places and spells based on '80s Thrash Metal bands
*Violent and anti-social

Yeah, there's a reason why I prefer '80s and '90s anime/manga.

Can't stomach the modern junk.

Hey Japan, how about making anime for adults that isn't hentai?![/QUOTE]

See, this is why I like threads like this. I've never seen Bastard! (I do remember reading about the Super Famicom game years ago in EGM, though)

Someone should make a thread just for lovers of 80's and 90's era testosterone injected anime. I would subscribe to such a thread.


Everything is moe to me
Witchfinder General said:
I just finished watching this the other day:

Lemme see:

*Hand drawn and painted
*Amazing, phenomenal art
*Stellar animation
*Plenty of "Kick arse" moments
*Character names, places and spells based on '80s Thrash Metal bands
*Violent and anti-social

Yeah, there's a reason why I prefer '80s and '90s anime/manga.

Can't stomach the modern junk.

Hey Japan, how about making anime for adults that isn't hentai?!
:lol :lol :lol


genjiZERO said:
for me what's killed anime is the decreased quality of animation and writing. I find the loli thing more funny than anything else. It's been around a lot longer than manga/anime though. If you read Genji Monogatari the main story arch is esentially about an adult who falls in love with a 10 year old, kidnaps her, trains her to be the "perfect woman", and then when she turns 15, rapes her and brings her into his harem.

Kind of like what happened to the
Spiral King
at Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Seriously, I can interpret the show as a critical analysis of Anime/Manga plot/fandom over the last forty years. If Bandai didn't mess up the localization/DVD release (I only have the subtitled only DVD release), it could of been the next EVA in terms of sales and pop culture impact. I still have hard feelings that ADV did not release the DVDs.

As for Moe, it is best for small amounts and shall be used sparingly. For me, I think Lucky Star is like a Peanuts cartoon in terms of storytelling and explaining larger real world themes with more pop culture in jokes ala South Park.

The Lucky Star comics are way much better than the TV series in terms of getting a joke across. Now for something controversial, I think the first four episodes are pure genius in terms of television while I like the later episodes since it flows with the structure of the comic strip better.

SuperPac said:
Definitely agree. Moe/Loli has turned me off of anime as well.

I worked at an anime company a few years ago and was on a committee that screened new shows to determine what we should/shouldn't license. Toward the end of my run at that job 95% of it was moe/loli crap. Yet some of it still got licensed (and some of the stuff we watched back then and said "no way" to is being released now by that company as it clings to life). :)

Dang. I knew I bought both releases of Clannad since I support that company now but I guess that is one of the few things that I thought was rejected by the last boom. At least I bought Legends of the Dark King (ie Raoh Saga) and I think Sentai Works is one of the better DVD companies out there that I actively buy their product. DVD packs FTW.
Anybody know a good article or sourced paper on the origins of this kind of stuff? Maybe histories of sexual repression or something in Japan, changing tastes, etc.? It would be interesting to read.


timetokill said:
Anybody know a good article or sourced paper on the origins of this kind of stuff? Maybe histories of sexual repression or something in Japan, changing tastes, etc.? It would be interesting to read.

The only one I know of (because I was reseaching this) http://www.comixology.com/articles/265/Moe-The-Cult-of-the-Child

Bluntly, the essaist states its because they aint getting no females. The worst part of it is that this is just a small part of issues with sexuality over there - the other is the "Herbovores" but thats in larger number than the Otaku. However, the latter are respectful of women then the Otaku but the old folk aint havin it. 20 years of a lost generation (econamic) can fuck a country up in more ways than one.

The dubbers tried to get on the 4Kids train and failed. Same thing will happen with the 3D kick the TV industry is now in.

The sad thing is - and i mean really sad - that the majority of the good artists as one of my better friends said to me some time back are in the Blue Buisness. And guess which ones make it to the big dance - The same moe folk and not the ones that do the more grown up stuff. Just like it was in the 70's...


Lostconfused said:
Yeah and they probably wouldn't be able to make any money on those shows.

There is this guy up in DaliyKos stating that Fox (or better yet Myspace) are some of the ones that are hurting the buisness via Pirating. My feeling if worse come to worse the Americans will start buying anime studios. Now will they clean it up or will it be called "colonialisation" by the Otaku?
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