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Stitch said:
they should combine moe/loli stuff with awesome old-school violence :3
This is what I've been trying to say all thread, incorporate it with stuff that would steer it away from the loli crap. Can you imagine a loli version of Bastard! or something where heads get ripped off?
selig said:
no thanks, i hated higurashi no naku koro ni :/
I wasn't going to say anything after your rant about how awesome death note is and that eden of the east just isn't as good. I mean sure everyone is entitled to their opinion, but now its pretty clear yours is just a very lousy one.
I like moe based animes. Well, it does depend on the shows themselves. Lucky Star and Manabi Straight are some shows I really like. It's mainly how the characters are drawn and colored, very colorful. Of course I tend to like different genres of anime, so yea...


GDGF said:
See, this is why I like threads like this. I've never seen Bastard! (I do remember reading about the Super Famicom game years ago in EGM, though)

Someone should make a thread just for lovers of 80's and 90's era testosterone injected anime. I would subscribe to such a thread.

The retro, classic, nostalgic, unmissable anime list thread

I want more gritty 80's non fan service noncomedic anime


Lostconfused said:
I wasn't going to say anything after your rant about how awesome death note is and that eden of the east just isn't as good. I mean sure everyone is entitled to their opinion, but now its pretty clear yours is just a very lousy one.

yeah, because death note isnt a master piece, and higurashi is better than loli girls killing people. Stay entitled to your opinion, but please, no personal insults.
selig said:
yeah, because death note isnt a master piece, and higurashi is better than loli girls killing people.
I am shocked there is one thing we can agree on. But yes it was wrong of me to make it so personal.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
bengraven said:
"Lolicon" sounds like the perfect place to bomb and take out a large chunk of the world's child molesters.
Why would they molest children when they have body pillows they can carry around all the time?


I was reading Leigh Alexander's piece on Bayonetta i was thinking - why in gods green earth they dont make them like her in anime (or at best used to).

Then its like this - Kamiya is a brotha. (well as close to a brotha as you can get) and he got talent. HE COULD have gone into the anime business. But then he would have to wait a good 10 years before he could start writing and directing his own stuff and by that time there could be stylistic and demografic changes that makes his work, no matter how good fail.

So where is the Kamiya's of the anime world? or the Kojimas? Itakis? Mikami's?

They all used to do Kids Anime at one time. But they dont do that any more. Why? The Toy Industry is just as corrupt over there as it somewhat is here. That and the fact we come full circle - lack of kids (this is some what of a misnomer because there are MORE kids being born in Japan but there NOT counted in the Japanese census, and partly the reason is there mixed) because of econamic and social situations. One the theories i have is that most men around 18 - 26 over there have just given up and created something like a "Soul Society" where there insecurties are celebrated as "rebellion" from the old guard and the like.

However, like i stated in another post - some raised in the Old Guard are joining the Superflat movement if not in artistic styling - by agreeing on why Superflat exists in the first place - its against Moe. So Bayonetta, and some other anime the came out in the last year or two (im thinking maybe Queens Blade, but Kaiba mostly etc) is part of the movement who dont want to deal with Moe.

To be somewhat fair - there were two shows you could call Moe (somewhat) but were better than it had to be - The first was Shana, the other was Elven Lied - so Moe can be done right but sadly you have to realize most of the writers and animators who do the the Moe/Loli dance of death came from several H-Groups that deal with it - and those that dont only rarely get a chance to do anime (one of the directors of the Bible Black series worked on the Persona 3 anime if im correct.)
Novid said:
They all used to do Kids Anime at one time. But they dont do that any more. Why? The Toy Industry is just as corrupt over there as it somewhat is here. That and the fact we come full circle - lack of kids (this is some what of a misnomer because there are MORE kids being born in Japan but there NOT counted in the Japanese census, and partly the reason is there mixed) because of econamic and social situations. One the theories i have is that most men around 18 - 26 over there have just given up and created something like a "Soul Society" where there insecurties are celebrated as "rebellion" from the old guard and the like.

That seems incredibly dumb. Kids with foreign blood raised in Japan are just as likely to watch anime as a pure blooded Japanese kid.


GDGF said:
Damn skippy it is.

I still have the tape I bought from a video rental place years ago.

Tatakae Otaking!


Tatakae! Tatakae!




Halycon said:
Why would they molest children when they have body pillows they can carry around all the time?


I mean why would they want to touch flesh when "oh my god, *blush* she touched my hand, *blush*"


cosmicblizzard said:
That seems incredibly dumb. Kids with foreign blood raised in Japan are just as likely to watch anime as a pure blooded Japanese kid.

There is the disconnect. The Japanese Socitiy states once you have Japanese blood - your Japanese regardless. The Japanese Government for some strange reason only counts those who have two japanese parents who have kids.

Azure J

This thread has really summarized a lot of the reasons why I just can't get into most recent anime. The last thing I remember watching that would be considered newer by GAF standards was either Gurren Lagaan (and even that I still haven't put full effort into finishing) or Mitchiko e Hatchin (same situation as Gurren). I'm a particularly open minded guy and I'm willing to compromise if there's that moe/loli thing in an anime so long as that isn't the focus, but lately, there's been a huge upsurge in just how in your face things are getting. It's damn uncomfortable at times.

I think that's one of the main reasons why whenever I'm given the chance, I almost always prefer reading manga to exploring anime. That sucks though for me as an end of 80s/Toonami generation person though. Back then, anime had that "whoa" appeal because of the new styles constantly being used and the different (not necessarily better, but hands down different) stories being presented in them. You hardly ever get that same sense of wonder and visual appeal now, outside of a few things here and there. I'm not particularly picky, I just ask that whatever you do, make it good. The amount of pandering to this bizarre fetish though is killing this for me and seemingly for everyone else. That's gotta stop sometime.

Oh who am I kidding, that shit won't change until I'm "too old for anime". Looks like One Piece is going to be the last one I watch to completion then. :lol


Here something to chew on:

How can the Japanese save there business when the majority of there studios forgot the original name for what we now call Anime?


ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:
How come nobody so far has mentioned 'Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei'? On that note, how come none of the distributors on this side of the world have acquired the license for it? It's the last series that I loved watching after Casshern Sins disappointed me.

Yup. Zetsubou-sensei has to be one of the best series in the last few years. I pray that we'll get 4th season of despair and not another moe-blob series. While there hasn't been any word about licensing the anime, at least the manga made it to west.


Everything is moe to me
Novid said:
Here something to chew on:

How can the Japanese save there business when the majority of there studios forgot the original name for what we now call Anime?
whats in a name? Kleenex was hardly the first tissue paper.
I wish that moe/lolicon wasn't such a big part of the modern anime scene.

Bring back the ultraviolence and dark, sexual undertones of 80's and early 90's anime!!


Great Rumbler said:
I wish that moe/lolicon wasn't such a big part of the modern anime scene.

Bring back the ultraviolence and dark, sexual undertones of 80's and early 90's anime!!

This. I'd really like to strap a lot of the Moe/Lolicon fans into that chair from Clockwork Orange and make them watch Perfect Blue.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't know where the idea that all anime from the 80s and 90s was awesome and/or violent, adult series came from. Really, the fact that you have access to 100% of the series coming out of Japan at this point might have something to do with the perception that there's a million samey series here.

A lot of these arguments are suspiciously similar to the "thrash metal vs. modern metal" arguments that have played out countless times on every site in the world. If you just replace, "moe/lolicon" with "modern Metallica," and "80s anime" with "80s Metallica" it's uncanny.


eggandI said:
Not exactly related to Moeshit but here is a very good interview with a guy that used to work for the now defunct Geneon USA: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/anncast/2009-12-03

Quite revealing and it shows in just how much shit these companies were in just to try and stay alive.

Pionner were one of the GOOD GUYS man. And it proved my point that Pionner, ADV and FUNI were wanting to be the next 4Kids ENT. This almost sound like wall street and housing bubble. Add to the fact the 40% of all the revinues between 2000 and the time of the crash (2006) for Japanese animators came from the US... This is fucking enlighting thanks egg...


Oh yes I definitely agree that those companies were pushing hard to be the next 4Kids. You can see from that interview with Chad Kime just how much competition there was between all these companies to get the next pokemons and yugiohs.


eggandI said:
Oh yes I definitely agree that those companies were pushing hard to be the next 4Kids. You can see from that interview with Chad Kime just how much competition there was between all these companies to get the next pokemons and yugiohs.

Thats part of the reason the fanbase hated on 4Kids - but then again 4Kids started to diversefy with TMNT and the like in later years the dubbers didnt.

And once i heard about how much Card Captor Sakura did over the Dub once the 4th Vol came out my jaw dropped. Thats the reason Kids WB took it out of its Saturday Lineup - but in reality that started the fault line between the Dubbers (and the fans) and the Kids Industry - the Kids Industry Execs felt that the dubbers were encroching on their buisness. Thats why so many contracts got ripped to shreds with Sgt Frog and other Kids anime because they didnt not want another CCS. But in turn, Kids WB got CCS partly because Warner Brothers Animation was bitching over projects with Cartoon Network Studios and who was going to air on Kids WB etc. That lead into the massive dislocation that later ended Kids WB (that and Batman Beyond's canclation, Astro Boys treatment etc).

Fact is, Both the Dubbers and the Kids Industry (Disney, Nick etc) both spectulated because of 4Kids's success with Pokemon and Yugi-Oh. Only Disney figured it out for the girls side but they had to spend 10 BILLION dollars over 10 years (first with the Saban deal and then Marvel) to even get started in the boys side.

But then again im ALMOST not suprised the Japanese moved to the moe route around 2005 or so.


man, this thread is going on
i might actually have bumped it but whatever
and did anyone said higurashi is crap because its loli with violence? Elfen Lied is .....good?

oh Gaf..... :/


faridmon said:
man, this thread is going on
i might actually have bumped it but whatever
and did anyone said higurashi is crap because its loli with violence? Elfen Lied is .....good?

oh Gaf..... :/

i found elfen lied interesting, but higurashi is totally nogo. i hate it when older people let themselves fool by stupid, loli-looking girls. it also may be due to the fact that there´s almost no male lead character anymore that´s not fooled or stupid in a way. RideBack would have been much better if the girl´s brother was the main character. And just yesterday I thought that So Ra to wo no (or whatever) would work much better with a boy than a girl. But well, loli sells :/


Dabookerman said:


DaBookaman, I wish to GOD i could tell you the answer. The closest thing i got to it some Japanese men on hung on youth just as much as westerners are but because of the law the west aint gone off the deep end.
To be honest. I have seen a lot worse.. but they are truly not safe for work...

Although saying that, the example in case is one of the reasons I really don't like Haruhi..


SonicMegaDrive said:
Remember when people thought adult women were sexy?

Ah, those were the days.

Didnt I say something about Bayonetta a while back? The game sold well.

And egg's link to that podcast? The Interviewee stated that Ikkitosen sold and sold big. And it aint moe for fucking sure.


I really don't get the Gurren Lagann love. A lot of people call it one of the best anime series and I think that if nowadays Gurren Lagann is considered one of the best anime series then anime quality has really dropped down.
As someone who doesn't have much time for anime I'm happy with a Kino's Journey or a Mushishi now and then, one good series a year it's good enough for me.


Somebody needs to make a movie about how the dubbers became big and then fell to earth. With some hollywood imbelishment it could be a hit...
Novid said:
Didnt I say something about Bayonetta a while back? The game sold well.

And egg's link to that podcast? The Interviewee stated that Ikkitosen sold and sold big. And it aint moe for fucking sure.

Well. Moe isn't THE thing. It's just one of them.

I'm perfectly happy with Ikkitousen :lol

Kanu Uncho 4 lyfe.


Novid said:
Didnt I say something about Bayonetta a while back? The game sold well.

And egg's link to that podcast? The Interviewee stated that Ikkitosen sold and sold big. And it aint moe for fucking sure.

I would like for there to be another podcast like that with someone who is currently in the industry. I would love to know how the moe anime are being received over here. It's one thing to have a bunch of US otakus foaming over their waifus on the internet but do they actually buy any of this? does the rest of the american anime fanbase?

Kikujiro said:
I really don't get the Gurren Lagann love. A lot of people call it one of the best anime series and I think that if nowadays Gurren Lagann is considered one of the best anime series then anime quality has really dropped down.
As someone who doesn't have much time for anime I'm happy with a Kino's Journey or a Mushishi now and then, one good series a year it's good enough for me.

Yeah I really couldn't get into GL. Was pretty mediocre, I thought. I guess it's because a lot of anime fans love giant robots, and that + gainax created a hit.
Novid said:
Didnt I say something about Bayonetta a while back? The game sold well.

And egg's link to that podcast? The Interviewee stated that Ikkitosen sold and sold big. And it aint moe for fucking sure.

Ah, I listened to the podcast. I already knew about the behind the scenes dealings with Geneon/Pioneer. It was still interesting/entertaining.

Ikkitosen has always sold big. I mean, just look at how many friggin' figurines there are available for it.

For the record, I still think the girls from Ikkiousen are a little...well, you know.


A 15-year old in a skirt with large circles drawn on her chest is still a 15-year old in a skirt.

But maybe that's just how I see it.

But you're right. You're right. At least they're not lolis.
eggandI said:
Yeah I really couldn't get into GL. Was pretty mediocre, I thought. I guess it's because a lot of anime fans love giant robots, and that + gainax created a hit.

The first 8 episodes are the best.

Because of Kamina and Yoko <3

Then Episode 9 comes in and we have a generic Moe character. Boo.
Kandrick said:
I havent watched any of it recently, but i am pretty sure Ikkitousen has lolis.

Does it?

I've never bothered to watch it beyond the opening. They had a whole slew of episodes available On Demand a couple years ago and I tried to give it a shot.

I don't mind a little fan service now and again, but there's such a thing as too much.
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