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MOH: Warfighter's sales disappoint EA, mock review firm suggested game was better

WWII all played out

Modern warfare all played out

Time for Cyberpunk shooters!
I posted this in the OT thread, but worth posting here too.

What MoH Warfighter can learn from MoH Allied Assault

I only played Allied Assault recently, so this rang true for me.

"Warfighter wrestles me for control because I can’t tell its story competently."

This kind of design in other games pretty much means the designer doesn't trust the player. They assume every player is that dude in Half Life 2 who runs around and jumps on stuff, not paying attention while story beats are happening.
"takes quality very seriously' and the company was not pleased with critics, saying that EA's own internal testing led them to think that Warfighter was much better than the reception it got from critics."

I call BS on this, they didn't even release the game to media outlets prior to street date, which they normally do. They knew it was a stinker and now they are trying to bury the whole thing and blame reviewers.

Welcome me to the first page.


I bought the original (reboot) Medal of Honor because while it ultimately revealed itself to be another mediocre shooter it presented itself differently to CoD.

Where CoD was about superhero soldiers unironically quoting Aliens while their helicopter went down MoH presented itself more as quiet professionals doing a job.

Warfighter changed this to ape the bombastic-ism of CoD and that's pretty much the reason I didn't buy it, cause I have CoD for that.
At least they know this 'mock review' firm was talking out of their collective arseholes.

Was it IGN? It was IGN wasn't it? Then EA forgot to bung them some monies for the real IGN review and it all fell apart.


I haven't played this game, but from what I have seen this game encompasses everything that's bad about military shooters.

The game probably isn't any worse than BF3 SP, but it rubs its insane linearity in to much a higher degree. it makes the player aware that he's only along for the ride, and that is what resulted in the low scores.

The hyper-scripted single player shooter is inherently a shitty foundation to build a game on.
Infinity Ward and Treyarch just happen to be so proficient as to make it tolerable


i pretend these modern ones dont exist. really, medal of honor is a WW2 franchise yet greed obviously got the better of ea and we get this shitty cod clone

Best MoH this generation was Airborne

That game just went fucking nutso in the later stages
Infinity Ward and Treyarch just happen to be so proficient as to make it tolerable
Only the campaigns for both of Danger Close's Medal of Honor games were way better than any of the recent Call of Duty games.

There is no denying the fact that the recent MoH are CoD clones in terms of mechanics, but they are also better and more enjoyable. As much as Warfighter is getting trashed, its campaign was miles better than Modern Warfare 3's, which was a real chore to play through.
I bought the original (reboot) Medal of Honor because while it ultimately revealed itself to be another mediocre shooter it presented itself differently to CoD.

Where CoD was about superhero soldiers unironically quoting Aliens while their helicopter went down MoH presented itself more as quiet professionals doing a job.

Warfighter changed this to ape the bombastic-ism of CoD and that's pretty much the reason I didn't buy it, cause I have CoD for that.

Except for the opening boat explosion warfighter is still pretty much in line with what the previous game established in terms of tone and gameplay. I'd at least recommend a rental.
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