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Most Disappointing 2014 - Destiny Vs. AC Unity and Halo MCC vs Driveclub


I chuckled a little because didn't most people consider Dark Souls 2 a bit of a disappointment compared to Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1?

That does seem to be the general consensus, however, that doesn't also mean lots of people don't consider it to be GotY.

I don't really care what the general consensus is, as I form my own opinions.

While I don't think DS2 is as good as DS1, it's still better than any other game that came out.

A game being slightly worse than one of the best games of all time? I'm okay with that.

All the Destiny hate in this thread makes me chuckle as well. I've already have like close to 400 hours in that game. Gameplay is so well designed and PVP is better than anything MCC offers, even when MCC is patched. Outdated games, rose tinted glasses, all of that.

A huge chunk of the OTs are people with legitimate complaints about the game. It's not 10 OTs of only praise
lol. no.
Destiny, easily.

I'm going to need more than "the shooting parts are really good" to stick with a game, and Destiny was 100% "the shooting parts are good" and 0% fun in every other aspect. Getting new dumb looking gear that does something super fucking boring like lower the cooldown on my knife, doing the shitty strikes, gathering helium, fuck all that and fuck Destiny.


slept with Malkin
I've put 200+ hours into Destiny at this point, and it's easy to point out the flaws and label the game disappointing in some aspects. But you know what, I keep going back and playing it. For all that it lacks, it does deliver some great moments. The raid is one of the best console experiences I've had in ages. You can tell Bungie bit off way more than they could chew with this game, and most of the time it seems like they are just winging it when it comes to patches and updates. But I believe that eventually they will get it right, there's just a lot of work that needs done to make the experience better. The framework is there for this to be a great game.


AC Unity is probably the reverse for me, after all the hate I was not expecting much and considered cancelling my pre-order. I am glad I didn't however, because I am loving this game. It's such a huge improvement for the franchise, and probably my favourite since Assassin's Creed II.


DriveClub is the best damn racer in years, screw the haters.

Indeed, even with the (now less) broken online.

Biggest disappointment for me is Unity. It's pretty much the 1st time I got excited for a AC game and bam! it's a rushed POS ... And all that parity fiasco...

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
In order from most disappointing to least disappointing...


At least Destiny wasn't a fucking broken mess like the other games mentioned, and I had a ton of fun in the crucible.

MCC is an all time disappointment, I've never had to ask for a refund in my life, but I did with MCC.


Unity and MCC

Destiny isn't broken.

No one gave a fuck about DriveClub.

Speak for yourself, I give a fuck. An arcade racing game that looked devoid of NFS bloated gimmicks and/or Burnout feel was something I was looking forward to. Shame it tripped out of the gate.


AC Unity is probably the reverse for me, after all the hate I was not expecting much and considered cancelling my pre-order. I am glad I didn't however, because I am loving this game. It's such a huge improvement for the franchise, and probably my favourite since Assassin's Creed II.

I've actually been seeing this sentiment more and more over the past week. It seems like a lot of people who held AC2 up as their favorite generally liked Unity, whereas those who hold up AC2:B up find it abhorrent.


I sometimes wonder how high people's expectations and demands are with some games, as I've personally greatly enjoyed the gameplay in Destiny and Driveclub, and put many hours into them. Both of them have their flaws; Destiny's lack of story and the post-campaign repetition, and Driveclub's online issues, but it's not like they're bad games. Especially when compared to truly awful games of this year, like Daylight (Metacritic score: 48). That one was just shit, and I don't think anyone would find it enjoyable to play.


AC Unity is probably the reverse for me, after all the hate I was not expecting much and considered cancelling my pre-order. I am glad I didn't however, because I am loving this game. It's such a huge improvement for the franchise, and probably my favourite since Assassin's Creed II.

This guy gets it.

Unity gets back to basics. Sure, it's only 900p and framerate has drops, but it's still a good looking game and the missions are much improved.

I've actually been seeing this sentiment more and more over the past week. It seems like a lot of people who held AC2 up as their favorite generally liked Unity, whereas those who hold up AC2:B up find it abhorrent.
Brotherhood and AC2 are my favorites. I'd say I'd choose Brotherhood over the 2 and I'm really enjoying Unity.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Can't see why destiny is on that list, granted it's not for everyone but it's not broken in any way.

I vote assassin creed

I'd argue that this was the biggest disappointment. Maybe it's just me, but the hype around this game was surreal.

The fact that people even forgot about it, a few months after release, speaks volumes.
In what way was titanfall disappointing? Solid control and game mechanics, great balance of weapons and abilities with a beautiful pilot to titan balance, Solid performance albeit underwhelming visuals, and a speed and intensity unlike most modern shooters. Its just a damn fun shooter. It built a brilliant foundation that needs to be built on. The game was probably the most hyped game that actually met the hype in the most ways. Props to respawn for great updates over time too.

The reason it was talked about so much was constant bitching about the exclusivity because many wanted a PS4 version. After it released that talk toned down. I think only of the reasons it may have gotten less attention after the release is because a lot of people have shooter fatigue and much of that is COD which titanfall for obvious reasons resembles.


I really enjoyed Destiny. Sorry.

But I was totally let down by Driveclub and Assassin's Creed: Unity. Those were going to be day one purchases.... until the reviews (or lack thereof, in AssCreed's case) happened.


Can't see why destiny is on that list, granted it's not for everyone but it's not broken in any way.

I vote assassin creed

The fact people have to ask why Destiny is on this list is scary. You might still enjoy what you received but cmon now, you know why. The question for Destiny was most disappointing not most technically broken - that was MCC vs DC.


I really enjoyed Destiny. Sorry.

But I was totally let down by Driveclub and Assassin's Creed: Unity. Those were going to be day one purchases.... until the reviews (or lack thereof, in AssCreed's case) happened.
So you were let down by Driveclub and Unity's reviews..........

Yet you have no problem enjoying Destiny. lol


The reason it was talked about so much was constant bitching about the exclusivity because many wanted a PS4 version. After it released that talk toned down. I think only of the reasons it may have gotten less attention after the release is because a lot of people have shooter fatigue and much of that is COD which titanfall for obvious reasons resembles.

MSoft pushed the shit out of this game as the next best thing, let's not forget. It was also practically their one word answer to everyone's incessant questioning of their ass backwards policies. In the end it suffers the very similar issue as Destiny of great mechanics and low content.
Driveclub is the worst as far as impacting paying customers. For the game to still be having online issues a month after a lost is amazing, and in some ways even worse then BF4's issues from last year.

Destiny was a disappointment in that they sold it as one thing, and it was actually something very different. And that story...damn. However, I haven't played a game as much as i've played Destiny since WoW, so I can't say i hate it.

MCC not working at launch was uprising, but not the end of the world.

Unity was/is a horrible mess and is close to what BF4 was last year. A game that was clearly released too early because publishers know they can ship now and patch later. They got their day 1 sales by holding the embargo, but I really hope people remember how this went down next year.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Destiny is the only one I played and spent money on. It would require a monumental effort for any of the others to displace it as most disappointing. Seems like they were up to task though.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I haven't gotten enough thought to it yet, so I don't know what I'd personally vote on... probably Unity... but I think Driveclub is dead. I get the indication a new IP came come back from this. If Sony ends up greenlighting another racer, it might be from the same studio... but it would likely launch under a different name.

Different for AC, Destiny, and Halo... those brands will endure, based on sales or developer pedigree alone. Driveclub has neither, so I think that may be the end of the line for a fledgling new IP... so I'll probably vote that one, at least in terms of tangible consequences of a bad launch.
AC:U and Watch Dogs are BAD. Destiny is pretty good, I spent over 100 hours in it and now I'm waiting for the expansion. Driveclub's single player is AWESOME, even though the online is still borked. Can't say anything about MCC, but it seems to have bigger issues than Driveclub. At least you can have some online play with DC, while MCC seems to be totally broken. MCC's single player seems to be broken as well, so I guess MCC is totally subpar release compared to DC.


So you were let down by Driveclub and Unity's reviews..........

Yet you have no problem enjoying Destiny. lol

I've played Driveclub and I watched a friend play Unity. I don't know what people were expecting with Destiny, but I expected a game that my friends and I could play every night for an hour and we always felt like we were making progress and having a good time. And I got that game.

I don't know anyone who is having a good time playing with friends on Driveclub or Unity.


ac > destiny (i.e enjoying ac much more)

haven't played driveclub or mcc but those sound like they are in bad shape still. so i'd probably put destiny above those by default as the actual game shipped in working condition.


When Destiny wins against actually technically broken games, that really says a lot about how Bungie let a lot of people down.
I'm not going to comment on the DC vs Halo thing as I don't have an XB1 and haven't played Halo. But overall i think Destiny is a lock for most disappointing game. With a game with that much hype and that large a budget, the content was severely lacking. When playing the alpha and beta, I had a feeling something was up, as did a lot of people. Nevertheless, it still managed to feel super disappointing.


Probably MCC for me, but only because I've never played the single player campaigns in any of the games before and everyone always hypes it up as being the best thing ever. I struggled to keep myself motivated to even finish the first game.

Plus multiplayer being broken was a downer since I used to have fun with that.


Can't be Destiny, love it myself and it's exactly as expected after the Alpha and Beta. How people are disappointed after those quite public previews is beyond me...

Driveclub without doubt has more technical issues than Unity and MCC, it's still barely playable online (the focus of the game, unlike MCC) and missing core features. I'd also have Driveclub down for biggest disappointment after the year delay and promised PS+ version which hasn't materialised to this day.

Bending the rules of the OP, but to only have a face off with no crossover seems short sighted (almost agenda driven?) and counter productive to the discussion.

I was on tour every single day that the alpha or beta was available and never got to try it. A very personal excuse, but still.


I don't really care what the general consensus is, as I form my own opinions.

While I don't think DS2 is as good as DS1, it's still better than any other game that came out.

A game being slightly worse than one of the best games of all time? I'm okay with that.

All the Destiny hate in this thread makes me chuckle as well. I've already have like close to 400 hours in that game. Gameplay is so well designed and PVP is better than anything MCC offers, even when MCC is patched. Outdated games, rose tinted glasses, all of that.

lol. no.

oh wow.....lolol

I like how you two probably think I mean complaints like "this game sucks" or "this is broken", when it's far from that. Considering I was posting in and reading the Destiny threads from Alpha all the way to OT5 when I quit the game, A large section of those OT's were about people complaining about lack of content, terrible story, bad voice acting, bullet sponge bosses, lack of voice in pvp, lack of social features, lack of group maker for raids, unbalanced maps, unbalanced weapons, repetitive planet and story missions, just terrible loot system and worse light leveling system. Even with flaws that we criticized, we could still play the game, but some of us got bored of that quick. All those things are the reason why it's a bigger disappointment this year than the other games. And if you don't believe me, go back and read up to when I left those OT's (since I have not gone back to read any subsequent ones) and see the complaints we had those first few weeks.

Frankly I have no idea, OT11 will be here next week at this rate :p

LOL meh do you even read the OT thread? But each their own.

Right, not like I was posting in those threads at all right....no wait, I was, funny how that works. I was actually excited in the alpha and beta threads, and up to release, and then it went downhill when I actually played the whole game.


Probably MCC for me, but only because I've never played the single player campaigns in any of the games before and everyone always hypes it up as being the best thing ever. I struggled to keep myself motivated to even finish the first game.

Plus multiplayer being broken was a downer since I used to have fun with that.

did you play co-op campaign? that was what makes the series for me. i find the campaigns really boring playing alone.
I bought all 4 games:

Destiny - purchased digital guardian edition, huge letdown. On the other hand I've put in 100+ hours into the game, the PVP was really fun for a while and its a good escape if I just want a quick 1 hour gaming session. Overall its more a disappointment in what the game COULD have been (PVE single player campaign was beyond wretched), it is a good framework for future AAA franchise titles though in terms of having a rock solid multiplayer environment that is basically like an MMO without a sub. Just needs a much better story.

Halo MCC - haven't played yet, but I bought it mostly to play the SP campaign and my understanding is that works fine. Never played more than 2 hours of halo 1 (kid born that month).

Driveclub - worst game, I preordered and asked for a refund after a week (and got it). SP was fine but MP was a complete joke, something really shady about Sony wanting to put it out for free on PS+ but never doing a public beta to ensure it can handle millions of people. Really, really, really disappointed in Sony here.

AC Unity - I love the AC series, pre ordered the day it was available. Was ok, SP campaign was pretty lackluster although Paris was amazing as a setting. Bugs and glitches ruined the game. I did finish the SP campaign (didn't bother with most side stuff) in ~20 hours and traded in the game, already forgotten almost all of it. Not great when the most memorable parts of your game have nothing to do with the main story (Rifts, Murder Mysteries). End of the day I would have rather re-played AC4 than played AC5.

I'd put Unity and Driveclub as the most disappointing game and technical, since they could have made Unity 10x better with six more months work but choose to hit the deadline instead. Driveclub was just an utter mess.

To me its really interesting contrasting Destiny and Unity. Destiny clearly said six months before launch "ok all we are doing now is making sure the game works flawlessly, we are not going to implement any more features". Whereas Unity clearly focused just on hitting the launch date and didn't scale back anything or really work on polish. I like the scope and ambition of Unity, vs the "timidity" of Destiny. In the end though both games failed for similar reasons: not paying enough time to make sure the single player experience was meaningful.

Fortunately I think GTA 5, Dragon Age 3, Far Cry 4, and to a lesser extent Smash and Bayonetta 2 have erased a lot of these bad feelings for me. GTA5 especially is such an amazing game, and the remaster shows a lot of love and labor poured into it.
Definitey Unity for me. I have over 100 hours in destiny. It has it's fair share of problems but damn when you have a good group of freinds online playing its the best shooter no contest. Unity just is a mess.

I haven't played MCC cause I don't have an xbox one but Driveclub is a fantastic circuit race. The best in a while. It's also has issue, especially with the servers but the racing is sublime.

I notice a lot of haters of Destiny say that they return it in less than a week. That is not nearly enough time to form a decision about the game.


Having only played with Destiny for a few hours out of those four, I have no legitimate basis to go by other than hype, and with that said I think Destiny has to be the answer. When considering the developer, budget, length of production, marketing, and end product, the other three games can't come close to that. MCC will likely be patched up (possibly today?) to improve technical issues, Driveclub has been a disaster for what was promised and still being broken (but was it really THAT hyped?), and AC Unity... it's Ubisoft. Buyer beware. Destiny though has to be potentially the most hyped game I've seen on GAF in years, and one of the most controversial. You can't patch away design issues.


Destiny is probably the best game out of these 4 in its current state, but it's still the most disappointing, just on account of all of the things where it under-delivered. Lack of content, and grindy endgame hold this game back a lot.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I've only played Destiny out of that list, so it's the default disappointment. It and Watch_Dogs are the two biggest disappointments of the year for me, I played both for only a few hours before I put them down and never touched them again.

AC Unity was a disappointment in that I had it preordered but cancelled it because of Ubi's parity BS (the launch performance issues just reinforced my decision), and DC was a disappointment because it lacked G27 support(otherwise I would have bought it, launch issues and all).

Don't have an X1 so can't comment on Halo MCC.


Still can't believe so many people hated Destiny. I'm still playing it and I think it's definitely worth the $60 purchase.

I still can't believe people can play such a monotonous game. I played it and kept playing it asking myself why, As soon as I was smart enough to sell it. I haven't missed it since.


Can't comment on technical disappointment as I haven't played the titles with the most egregious issues. I supposed I'm disappointed in Driveclub there, as the PS+ edition has yet to materialize due to said issues. Minor complaint though compared to those who paid full price for those games.

From an actual gameplay and enjoyability standpoint I'd go with Watch Dogs. It's proficient, full of different missions and not broken but I turned it off less than 10 hours in and won't be going back to it despite initial excitement. Was that put off by the dour and unlikeable characters, a self serious narrative that says very little about the themes it explores and cookie cutter Ubisoft design that overwhelms with unwanted tasks. The mechanics that did feel unique (hacking, surveillance) have promise but ultimately amounted to QTE's during chases, repeat text descriptions and more lock picking minigames. A disappointingly safe approach for a new IP and while it could be a foundation for something better, it's got the widest gap between wanting to play and not being a fan of everything I've played so far this year. Destiny was ok.
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