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My dog got hit by a car (PICS!)

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it's 4th of July in my asshole
Nah all they would do is poke around and see if he yelps or squirms, did that already and nothing seems to be causing him pain besides the thing on his lip. He pisses, shit, eats and drinks so eh.


Bloodborne is shit
Oh well if you poked your dog then everything must be ok, what a relief.

You're fucking retarded.



Your dog gets injured by a car and the first thing you do is take pics to post on a forum? Humanity's decline right here.


I have a feeling he is actually a somewhat responsible pet owner, and he is just trolling us all in this thread.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Nah all they would do is poke around and see if he yelps or squirms, did that already and nothing seems to be causing him pain besides the thing on his lip. He pisses, shit, eats and drinks so eh.

Take your doggy to the vet.


One of my past dogs was a kelpie-cross-moron that got hit by a semi trailer while we were walking to the pub one day. He went under the front, rolled and flipped all the way down, and came out the back. Then he got up and and came to the pub with me, slightly more herp in his derp but otherwise his usual happy-as-shit self.

If it's chasing brown snakes or going to the pub, it probably doesn't have internal injuries.
Helmholtz said:
This thread is depressing as hell. Get it to a vet.

weekend_warrior said:
You haven't even taken the dog to a vet yet?! Are you some sort of idiot?

jakncoke said:
What the hell is wrong with with OP? pics? a that'll learn ya attitude towards the situation. *sigh* some people

KAP151 said:
Depressing. Some people shouldn't own dogs.

akskiller said:
Ugh. Get it to the Vet..please?

NH Apache said:
So are we celebrating your dog getting hit?

Gotta admit, I'm having the same reaction as a lot of other people here. What's the point of this thread? Why haven't you taken your dog to the vet?

It's like an emergency situation and someone is on fire but the only other person on the scene is filming the guy with a camcorder so he can put it up on YouTube. Priorities are all fucked up for 5 minutes of internet fame.
I'm going to ignore the idiotic logic you're using in assuming that the vet could offer nothing more than poking because I doubt you have the capacity to understand reason. Did you at least clean the wounds/scratches? Infections around the mouth are no joke.
That dog looks pretty fucked up, and any time a dog gets hit by a car you're looking at possible internal injuries (which a vet would have trouble diagnosing without an X-ray, so I don't know why you're so confident).

So unless you tell us you saw exactly what happened and he was barely nicked by a car (like the bumper grazed his chin at a relatively low speed) you should take him to the vet immediately. He's probably fine, but why not just take him to the vet? If you don't care, are too lazy, or too poor you should find a better home for him.

Edit: TheLegendary has a good point re: infections also. That's some straight up open wound shit.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
The Shadow said:
Gotta admit, I'm having the same reaction as a lot of other people here. What's the point of this thread? Why haven't you taken your dog to the vet?

It's like an emergency situation and someone is on fire but the only other person on the scene is filming the guy with a camcorder so he can put it up on YouTube. Priorities are all fucked up for 5 minutes of internet fame.

If there was something seriously wrong with him i would have gone to the vet, as it stands he has a bloody lip a scratch on his leg and a bit of gravel rash, he walks fine, eats, drinks, pee's, shits all without obvious discomfort. He still jumps around and hunts lizards and deathly poisonous snakes as i mentioned above, if there was anything wrong with him broken bone wise or internally he wouldn't be doing a lot of these things and he would be in some sort of pain. He isnt. The reactions are great though.


slidewinder said:
Why are you guys all freaking out? He's fine.

The doggy has blood on side of his mouth and a dazed look, he doesn't seem fine.

ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
If there was something seriously wrong with him i would have gone to the vet, as it stands he has a bloody lip a scratch on his leg and a bit of gravel rash, he walks fine, eats, drinks, pee's, shits all without obvious discomfort. He still jumps around and hunts lizards and deathly poisonous snakes as i mentioned above, if there was anything wrong with him broken bone wise or internally he wouldn't be doing a lot of these things and he would be in some sort of pain. He isnt. The reactions are great though.

Take care of your doggy and get him to a vet to make sure he's not hurt.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
:lol :lol

What do you think a vets going to do?

Cat scans, X-rays?


The dog got hit by a fucking car. There could be a lot of shit going on internally. You didn't seriously write that reply and not know that, right?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Kittonwy said:
The doggy has blood on side of his mouth and a dazed look, he doesn't seem fine.

Because he was asleep and i woke him up?..... and he got hit by a car.

Im just assuming he was hit by a car, didn't hear any beeping, breaking or anything. Coulda just been warring with another big dog.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Because he was asleep and i woke him up?..... and he got hit by a car.

Im just assuming he was hit by a car, didn't hear any beeping, breaking or anything. Coulda just been warring with another big dog.

Ok, so he's got rabies for all you know. That's reassuring.
I watched a neighbor punt another neighbors beagle when it tried to bite his 3-year old daughter once. It made this really sickening sound, like dropping a pumpkin on the sidewalk. The dog ran away, but I saw him walking it the next day and it looked fine. It was dead the next day because the asshole wouldn't take it to the vet.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Because he was asleep and i woke him up?..... and he got hit by a car.

Im just assuming he was hit by a car, didn't hear any beeping, breaking or anything. Coulda just been warring with another big dog.

That's probably even more reason to take it to the vet. Christ :lol.

Did you wash out the gravel/disinfect the gash on his mouth?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
weekend_warrior said:
Ok, so he's got rabies for all you know. That's reassuring.

No rabies in Australia. So i know for sure he doesn't ;)

TheLegendary said:
That's probably even more reason to take it to the vet. Christ :lol.

Did you wash out the gravel/disinfect the gash on his mouth?


MechaX said:
Hit by a car or not, I'm still not understanding you're not taking him to the vet when the dog is bleeding over half of it's mouth. I mean, are you fucking kidding me? At the very least did you even attempt to clean that wound?

Because i can see the cut where the bloods come from and its minor at best. And yes its clean.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Yes, blame the victim.

:lol I dont really thing theres a "victim" in these sorts of things.


ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Because he was asleep and i woke him up?..... and he got hit by a car.

Im just assuming he was hit by a car, didn't hear any beeping, breaking or anything. Coulda just been warring with another big dog.

Hit by a car or not, I'm still not understanding you're not taking him to the vet when the dog is bleeding over half of it's mouth. I mean, are you fucking kidding me? At the very least did you even attempt to clean that wound?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
:lol :lol

What do you think a vets going to do?

Cat scans, X-rays?

Don't be stupid

Cat scans are for cats.

It would be a dog scan.


Go. To. A. Fucking. Vet!

Dogs often don't show when they're having pain!

It's in their genes, they don't want to show weakness and risk being left behind by their pack.

There's a pretty high chance that your dog has internal injuries. I know of a german sheperd that got hurt by a horse. He showed no signs of pain, his owners didn't go to a vet fast enough, and a day later he was dead.

Edit: God, I hope you're just trolling...


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Seriously though take your dog to the vet even if it turns out nothings wrong at least you'll know and have done the right thing given the situation.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
I don't think people get AintEasy's humour.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Thats what the vet prescribed.

Oh it was last night, 14 hours ago. He's come good.
Fuckin' A. I read this post but then everyone talking about taking it to the vet made me completely forget it.

I'm just gonna assume you took him to the vet and if you didn't then you're dog is already dead and so are you.


slidewinder said:
You people are fucking crazy.

Eh, I think the thread's all bullshit, but if you really think that 'hey, my dog got hit by a car or something, he's dazed and bleeding, i'll take him to the vet' is 'fucking crazy', you might be overreacting a bit.


erotic butter maelstrom
Ow. :(

I didn't want to click this thread, in case PICS meant we'd see him smeared all over the road but I'm glad to see he survived it. I wish the best for the pup, despite my feelings towards the canine species.
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