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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 5 |OT| 100+ episodes and better than ever!

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I might skip the preview for now, but I like that Maud piece. Nice to know we've still got some AKR to go yet, too.

Oh, and the soundtrack to The Friendship Games has been released on itunes and Google Play. I was pleasantly surprised to see they included "Friendship Through the Ages" and "My Past is Not Today" too.

EDIT: Paullo, I noticed that at the Round Stable forums, you were asking where the Nightmare Rarity arc from the comics fits in. It takes place during season 3, because Trixie makes a short appearance and mentions how she turned good (placing this after "Magic Duel") and Babs Seed makes a cameo.

Oh snap, good catch! Guess that trashes my theory, but them's the breaks.
Friendship Games DVD will have deleted scenes. Since it's rare that deleted scenes for animated films that are far enough in development that they're worth showing (as opposed to being described in a behind-the-scenes video), this makes me wonder if the "main movie" will be the TV cut and the deleted scenes will be the parts cut out.

EDIT: I wasn't going to post about it before, but in response to a Reddit post claiming that a 10-year-old girl sent a fan letter to Hasbro containing suggestions for MLP, only to get a reply saying no one will look at it and the letter was destroyed, Lauren Faust herself weighed in, encouraging the little girl.

Frankly, I'm still suspicious of if this little girl exists, but it's a nice message.


I loved this episode, though it was a bit predictable. Rarity was quite amusing with her detective work. Actually, Rarity was good all around in this episode (I loved watching her put the charm on the different stallions (the guards and the delivery pony).

Continuity: Rarity was working at her new boutique with Sassy. Rainbow Dash was a Wonderbolt reserve. Looks like she is practically a wonderbolt now given the ending.

Did Spitfire have a different voice? I didn't recognize her when she was talking to Rainbow Dash. It didn't help that there was another wonderbolt that looked very similar to her.

OMG, they had three pegasi royal guards... and they weren't white and looking exactly like each other.

Next week is the Friendship games, I disliked the first EQG movie, the second was ok, so maybe third time is a charm and I like the third move.


Kills Photobucket
This episode rocked!

And Doctor Who reference!

This episode was great, and it was everything I hoped for from the premise! I especially loved the investigation scenes with Rarity, where she would change her outfit every scene and randomly stop to admire her reflection. All of her outfits in this episode did look great, by the way.

The only real issue was that the mystery itself was extremely simple, but "show for little kids" and all that. By following the tropes of detective fiction, there was no possible culprit from the start other than Wind Rider, which makes trying to put the clues together feel pointless. However, I appreciate that, in contrast to "MMMystery on the Friendship Express", the mystery could actually be solved on your own, since no clue was hidden besides the scent on the envelope, and you still had Rarity's expression to go off of in that case. I also liked how they established two of Rarity's skills beforehand, with her charming the mailpony and identifying Wind Rider's cologne, though the former was more forced than the latter.

I was surprised by how quickly the Canterlot Boutique became a "normal" location, especially with Rainbow walking in just like it was the Ponyville shop. They didn't even have someone remark on how it's Rarity's new shop for viewers that hadn't seen "Canterlot Boutique", and Sassy interacts with Rainbow like they already know each other.

I may just be imagining things here, but did Rarity and Rainbow's interactions make them feel like a couple for anyone else? As far as I know, they aren't a popular fan pairing, so the thought never really crossed my mind before, but they were surprisingly affectionate in this episode, especially the scene in the stadium stands, where Rarity boops Rainbow's nose with sunscreen. Anyway, outside of the shipping thing, I always thought it was interesting how Rarity often argues with Applejack yet gets along fine with Rainbow much of the time, so it was nice to see that relationship explored more.

Oh, and lol @ Spitfire's mother appearing before any of Fluttershy's parents.

By the way, did anyone notice the sheer number of writers listed for this episode? I wonder what's up with that.

Did Spitfire have a different voice? I didn't recognize her when she was talking to Rainbow Dash. It didn't help that there was another wonderbolt that looked very similar to her.
People say this every time Spitfire appears, and every time, it's been the same actor.

Next week is the Friendship games, I disliked the first EQG movie, the second was ok, so maybe third time is a charm and I like the third move.
We're also getting a new episode, "Made in Manehattan", the same day. It's odd that they scheduled it this way.

Unfortunately, with the Magic the Gathering - Battle for Zendikar prerelease that day, and the new Doctor Who and Toonami taking higher priority that night, it seems like I'll have to wait until the next day to watch both the new episode and the movie.


Nice but predictable episode. Wind Rider being behind it all seemed so obvious from the very moment they introduced him that I expected there to be some kind of twist, but it never came.

This episode rocked!

And Doctor Who reference!

That's really stretching it.


This was a quite a wonderful episode, easily one of the best of the season, and probably one of the best of the show.

All I wanted from an episode named "Rairty Investigates!" (exclamation point included) was Rarity in a big hat, a trenchcoat and a Noir monologue. And this episode delivered on all counts, it even did it in black and white!

Also, good to see Sassy Saddles back again. I wouldn't mind her as a permanent background cast member.


Another really great episode. Nice and straightforward plot-wise, but with loads of great gags and tons of visual flair. Whoever came up with the idea to give Rarity an internal monologue episode deserves a raise.


Season 6 confirmed for 26 episodes, so we aren't getting a repeat of season 3.

Nice that season 6 is 26 episodes long, but I just hope they don't have a long hiatus halfway through it.

This is great news. An unbroken season would be preferable obviously, but at least we're getting a full 26 either way.

This freaking season!

I know, right? Who'd have thought that not only would the show still be running by season five, but that it'd somehow be at least as good, if not better than at any point prior?
This is great news. An unbroken season would be preferable obviously, but at least we're getting a full 26 either way.

I know, right? Who'd have thought that not only would the show still be running by season five, but that it'd somehow be at least as good, if not better than at any point prior?

It's better. And we still have another Rarity episode to look forward to! Her episodes are always good. Is there a bad Rarity episode?
I usually wait for actual news before posting random images, but this gif from the episode was too adorable to wait.

Also, a ton of Detective Rarity fan art is coming out. It definitely seems like costumes for the main characters are more prone to producing a bunch of new art than new characters, though it seems like Sunshine Smile (seems to be the popular name now) and Midnight Raven are getting a fair amount.


I usually wait for actual news before posting random images, but this gif from the episode was too adorable to wait.

You did the right thing.

While we're posting animated GIFs, someone on the Round Stable drew attention to this little moment of superb equine animation:


And I'd like to also draw attention to this scene, in which the lighting/shadowing is really cool:


Bit of a visual feast, this episode.


Kills Photobucket

Both iTunes and Amazon put up "Scare Master" up for sale, and the episode is naturally all over the place. It was supposed to have been the episode aired this past Saturday, but was likely moved to air on Halloween. Apple and Amazon didn't get the memo, so released it in it's original production order.



Both iTunes and Amazon put up "Scare Master" up for sale, and the episode is naturally all over the place. It was supposed to have been the episode aired this past Saturday, but was likely moved to air on Halloween. Apple and Amazon didn't get the memo, so released it in it's original production order.

Great, now I have to resist the temptation to watch it early. Thanks Amazon and Apple, ya big idiots.
Yeesh episode leak. Now I'm half- tempted to check it out, though I'm actually subscribed to the service that provides Discovery Family even including video on demand to boot.

Well I'll still watch it when it officially airs near Halloween.

And also, I enjoyed Rarity Investigates. Loved those noir portions!
Ugh, so we got a leak after all? Since the normal airing is a month away, I'll have to cave. As a reminder, all discussion of the episode should be behind spoiler bars. Preferably, hold off discussion until the actual airing, though. Perhaps write out your thoughts and save it to a file, and only post it when the episode airs.


I've not watched it (spoilers don't really bother me, but I don't really go out of my way to spoil myself), but it sounds like it was a decent episode and Fluttershy got some good screen time.
"Rarity Investigates" deleted scene (fanmade)

This is literally the first bit of Windrider fanart I've seen, and it depicts him when he was younger.

And this comic got me

Also, as a heads up, ED's Drawfriend has some "Scare Master" art, though nothing too spoilery.
Applejack's lion costume and the Ranma pony

... Come to think of it, is there anyone who looks at this thread that hasn't watched that episode? For the sake of non-member lurkers, if they exist, I still would hide spoilers for it, but it'd be nice to know.
"Made in Manehattan" preview clip

After my mention of barely seeing Wind Rider in fan art, I was actually kind of surprised to see him get a fan plushie.

And I realized that I mentioned that there's been a ton of Detective Rarity art, but for the sake of the future (I sometimes like looking through old threads), I suppose I should post some. I'll be lazy and post ones from the new Drawfriend.

I hate to triple post, but as I mentioned, I probably won't be able to watch "Made in Manehattan" and "Friendship Games" tomorrow, and I'd prefer not to be in this thread during discussion of the former tomorrow, so I'll have to say this now.

It's nice to finally go into an Equestria Girls movie without in-depth knowledge. I've never been all that impressed by the movies, but that may have been because I watched both of them knowing what the funny scenes are, how well a character is handled, what the good songs are, how little Flash appears, etc. and thus being underwhelmed by them. With this, I'll know for sure how much of that was due to being spoiled.

That said, I can't imagine the story will deviate much from this:
* Much of the movie is random sports events.
* Dougworld Twilight is investigating magic, her experiments cause magic stuff to happen during the sports events.
* Crystal Prep people get angry about Canterlot High apparently using magic to cheat (since that's the main issue and not the general existence of magic, I guess) and start using magic themselves, possibly via Twilight.
* Twilight gets upset, evil magic flows into her, she turns into that Midnight Sparkle thing from that toy fair.
* Everyone works together, which frees Twilight from the evil magic. Friendship ensues.

Open questions are:
* Will pony Twilight appear this time?
* Will there be a point where Dougworld characters go into Equestria?
* There have been hints in tweets and such about Chrysalis and Discord appearing in Equestria Girls, yet there doesn't appear to be a role for them to fill from what we've seen, with even the principal of Crystal Prep being a new character. Will they just be cameos, or more?
* Will characters besides Sunset and Twilight receive focus? And I mean beyond just a rivalry with a Crystal Prep character.
* Will Twilight remain at a friendshiped Crystal Prep, or transfer to Canterlot High?
* Any acknowledgment of the fact that there should be a Dougworld Sunset?
* Will they try to romantically link Dougworld Twilight and Brad? Or will he try to be loyal to his horse waifu?

As for "Made in Manehattan", I'll go wild and say it's going to be about gentrification. Odd subject for a kids show, but that's what I'm going with.

Oh, and a Steamquestria update, though it isn't a story update. It does tie into a recent episode, though.


I'm not especially excited about Friendship Games, but I'll still happily watch it at some point over the next day or two. As you say, novel plot structure isn't really something they've gone for in the past with this series, so your guesses could very easily be correct.

You raise some interesting questions though. I'm interested to see how they plan to maintain the link to Equestria, if they choose to do so.

Pretty keen to check out Made in Manehattan though. AJ and Rarity, right? Always a great match-up.


Another enjoyable episode. The animation/facial expressions continues to be pretty good. I'm never really payed much attention to it, but the ponies seemed to be very pony-like in this episode as opposed to being more human-like (like the whole boxing scene in that dragon episode with spike... Dragon Quest iirc). I really enjoyed the scene with Coco's reintroduction though there was something about the way Coco was sitting on her chair (stool?) that seemed weird. It was funny watching AJ grab and eat those snacks though.

Looks like this episode and the Sister Hooves episode do take place concurrently like speculated and will work like that the Equestria Game/Spike the petsitter episodes (can't remember their names) worked.

This is definitely my favorite season by far. I don't think that even if all of the remaining episodes were duds (which isn't likely at all) would make me think otherwise. Too bad it seems like the viewership seems to be way down if the Equestria Daily posts about the viewership count seems to be any indication (lack of marketing? hiatus? no one have Discovery family/watching on youtube instead? tired of the show/moved on?). The best season (imo) deserves better.

I'm recording all 3 EQ Girls movies and will watch when I'm done recording them so I can skip the commercials. I didn't like the first one, the second one was ok, so I'm hoping third times the charm.


Well, that episode was oodles of fun. We even got a Peanuts reference.

I don't see why Twilight couldn't have tagged along to Manehattan with the others to sight-see even if she wasn't on an assigned mission.
Poor girl's so bored. Seems like Dougworld could have used her this week, too.

RIP Applejack's old hat.


Kills Photobucket
I was a little underwhelmed by this episode. Some of the Rarity and AJ stuff was entertaining, but Coco was very underutilized. They went with the basic Moeblob character for her, and she just sat there most the episode. By contrast, Gilda had a big role in the last map episode. I didn't find Coco a very interesting character before the episode, and nothing changed.


Kills Photobucket
Fair warning for anyone who hates spoilers. The end of the third EQG movie has a stinger at the end with what is probably the big plot hook for the S5 finale.


Nice episode. Felt a bit weird structurally; something about the pacing seemed a little off to me, like it was never entirely clear how far away the performance deadline was.

Might need a second watch.

I was a little underwhelmed by this episode. Some of the Rarity and AJ stuff was entertaining, but Coco was very underutilized. They went with the basic Moeblob character for her, and she just sat there most the episode. By contrast, Gilda had a big role in the last map episode. I didn't find Coco a very interesting character before the episode, and nothing changed.

Yeah, Coco was really just kinda there in this episode. Didn't really bother me much, but as you say, didn't do much to endear her to me either.


As heavy as the season has been on continuity so far, I'm surprised that the episode never touched on the fact that AJ briefly lived in Manehattan and still has family there.



Didn't even bother disguising the title.
Huh. I am legit surprised at the reaction to this episode. I thought it was really quite excellent. Maybe I am bias due to Rarity and Applejack?
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