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My rant on overweight justification in America

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Deleted member 17706

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As someone who has effortlessly lost 65 lbs and counting since February of this year thanks to simple diet changes, I agree with your sentiment, OP. A big problem is that the conventional wisdom regarding diet and exercise is so warped, and the messages that the government and various agencies send to the public are completely backwards.


Zefah said:
As someone who has effortlessly lost 65 lbs and counting since February of this year thanks to simple diet changes, I agree with your sentiment, OP. A big problem is that the conventional wisdom regarding diet and exercise is so warped, and the messages that the government and various agencies send to the public are completely backwards.
Most people don't know how to eat right. Less people even try.
I'm not a chubby chaser, but cripes... there's more to it than looks.

Most men follow the 80/20 rule for initial relationships. 80% looks, 20% personality. Anyway, it's not like I wouldn't friendzone a fat girl, I just wouldn't put my lips nor dick near her until she lost that fat.

I'll only seriously date thin girls.
andycapps said:
Some people could. Anyone could objectively say there is no benefit to being overweight.
"Appealing to fat fetishists" is an objective pro to being fat. "Eating whatever you want" is another. Not saying I condone these things, but not all fat people are miserable over themselves.


People skew to extreme ends of the spectrum.

Marlyn Monroe was between size 8-10.

Nowadays many people are like "Size 4? Why you no Size 2?!"


ScOULaris said:
You're doing exactly what I rallied against in the OP. She's fat. Face it.
Not subjective.

My hope is to impart to you that disagreeing with my argument is tantamount to disagreeing with a medically accepted argument because your definition of "fat" does not correlate with the point at which accumulated weight becomes unhealthy. Your argument loses a lot of weight (no pun intended) when it becomes effectively derived from your preferences, and not the point at which gaining weight becomes a detriment to one's health.


Attackthebase said:
Most men follow the 80/20 rule for initial relationships. 80% looks, 20% personality. Anyway, it's not like I wouldn't friendzone a fat girl, I just wouldn't put my lips nor dick near her until she lost that fat.

I'll only seriously date thin girls.
For me it's 30/50/20. 30% face, 50% body, 20% personality. Like you said, though, this only applies to initial attraction.


Attackthebase said:
If a person is overweight, 99 percent of the time, they are unattractive. The picture OP put up is fat, and it is painful to look at her. I would never date a girl who could be considered even slightly overweight. They just aren't attractive. The truth hurts.
How about skinny girls?


You don't even bat an eye at someone over 250lb now.

No one plans to be lost in the arctic circle, but sometimes shit happens.

I mean I never plan to get in a bus crash, so...

My argument isn't about the % chance of getting in a bus accident. I think it's reasonable to say you're better off in most dangerous situations that require physical movement if you're fit rather than fat or even a skinny bean pole. You're still better equipped to help yourself and others if you're fit as well. I think some of you have been maining Rufus in Street Fighter or some shit.

Angry Fork

Guzim said:
If you were to talk to a lot of GAFers here in the U.S., you would find out that they see models everyday working in the grocery store or McDonald's.
I honestly do see dozens of girls who are model worthy pretty much every day but I live in NYC so that's likely why. However that's why I get kind of perplexed by gaf's fascination with some average/meh looking celebrities.

ninja edit - nevermind someone mentioned it on the first page, should've kept reading -_-

ToxicAdam said:
America doesn't have an obesity problem, they have a depression and anxiety problem.

In the past, our grandparents would self-medicate with drink, smokes and drugs. Now that we have made all of those things more expensive and scarce we are self-medicating with food. Copious amounts of cheap, sugary, processed food.
Working out fixes depression so much better and faster than shitty food though. There's just no excuse really, people should be able to realize eating that kind of stuff is temporary happiness. Fixing your health/body may not grant you permanent happiness but it's definitely going to have a bigger impact and last longer, at least in my experience.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Future said:
Most people don't know how to eat right. Less people even try.

Education is a big part of it, indeed. For years I tried a bullshit calorie restriction "conventional wisdom" diet, full of "healthy whole grains" and hours on the treadmill every week, but I just kept gaining weight. If I didn't take it upon myself to research the truth (I sound like a conspiracy theorist now), I would probably be the same weight. The reality is that, with the proper diet, you can eat delicious foods, stay full and satisfied throughout the day, improve your general health and energy levels, and never have to worry about getting fat. The body doesn't want to be fat if you feed it the right foods.


jmdajr said:
I understand your point about not judging people. Yes, it's wrong to judge individual people without getting to know them.

But considering we are talking about a problem that people have power to change, I don't think we should give it a free pass just because we might be "hurting people's feelings." I guess that makes it like a horrible thing to say, but it's an issue that needs to be confronted and it's a problem because people don't like being told how to live their lives, regardless of how many people it affects. I think that people will be offended no matter in what you you go about it.

Dude, I agree with you.

It's just the complete double standards of people who are so quick to get up in arms about some tiny discriminatory joke, but then spew complete hatred over someone who is overweight that really bugs me.
Attackthebase said:
If a person is overweight, 99 percent of the time, they are unattractive. The picture OP put up is fat, and it is painful to look at her. I would never date a girl who could be considered even slightly overweight. They just aren't attractive. The truth hurts.

I'm curious, who do you consider to be 'slightly overweight' in mainstream media?


Attackthebase said:
Yeah, Space, you have an equal likelihood of becoming trapped in the Arctic as you do getting into a bus crash. Weggles' argument cannot be broken.
I threw down the intellectual checkmate.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
ScOULaris said:
For me it's 30/50/20. 30% face, 50% body, 20% personality. Like you said, though, this only applies to initial attraction.
Yeah, but I'm just as turned off by skinny girls as I am by girls with a little meat on them (well, not turned off, but less attracted to). If a girl looks like they even have a hint of anorexia, my balls feel weird. I can't stand the anorexic look.

edit: I'm talking + or - a certain amount of weight. A normal distribution type thing without being skewed in either direction.
ScOULaris said:
For me it's 30/50/20. 30% face, 50% body, 20% personality. Like you said, though, this only applies to initial attraction.

I share a simliar sentiment. A bad body will instantly turn me off. The face is the next part I examine, if she's cute, I usually jump onto the boat.

Finaika said:
How about skinny girls?

I know what you're asking here, yes, some skinny girls can be unattractive. But, I usually find them far more attractive and willing to give them a chance than fat girls.

This is why I quoted Scoularis, 50/30/20. If a girl can get a B using this scale, then they simply win.

Oh yeah, because some people are having a hard time comprehending this, every post thus far have been subjective.
I live in raleigh.

I'm a diabetic I watch what i eat regularly and I maintain my body weight of 185-190 well. Not only because of what I eat but how I eat.

The fair is coming to Raleigh today. What's the most requested food on the menu?

Deep fried Kool aid and the krispy kreme burger.

That's right cake batter mixed with kool aid and deep fried.

And a juicy half pound of meat cheese any other condiments you want sandwiched between two glazed donuts.

What are we talking about again?


Jonm1010 said:
I would say one way is by increasing the cost of my healthcare.
So does anyone who eats less than the healthiest of foods, for whatever reason.
Or someone who doesn't work out as much as they should, for whatever reason.
Or someone whose job or livelihood exposes them to hazards that increase their risk to disease.
Or someone who engages in any activity that has an increased risk of injury or death beyond the standard deviation (like, say, a sport).
Or someone who has any kind of heart attack, stroke, cancer, disability, or anything else that might incorporate actually using the healthcare system.
Et cetera.

This, by itself, is not a compelling argument, because it is applicable to literally anyone who requires health treatment. You do not pay into the healthcare system so that you, specifically, may necessarily get a positive return on your investment; you pay into it so that should you be unfortunate enough to have to get a positive return on your investment, you can.


Deified Data said:
"Appealing to fat fetishists" is an objective pro to being fat. "Eating whatever you want" is another. Not saying I condone these things, but not all fat people are miserable over themselves.

But if someone is a fat fetishist, they're into it because it's something that's undesirable for most. It turns them on, somehow. Eating whatever you want, leads to being overweight.. I don't think that anyone is going to say that if they saw a picture of a lean, fit person next to someone that was 30-50 pounds overweight that they would say that the overweight person was more desirable looking to them. Unless, they were overweight themselves and they saw the overweight person as more accepting of their own choices.


GotEmRunnin said:
I live in raleigh.

I'm a diabetic I watch what i eat regularly and I maintain my body weight of 185-190 well. Not only because of what I eat but how I eat.

The fair is coming to Raleigh today. What's the most requested food on the menu?

Deep fried Kool aid and the krispy kreme burger.

That's right cake batter mixed with kool aid and deep fried.

And a juicy half pound of meat cheese any other condiments you want sandwiched between two glazed donuts.

What are we talking about again?

You can get donut burgers in Japan too.
Personally, I think we could go a long way towards encouraging adherence to good diet/exercise programs in this country. However, at the same time, I don't necessarily think that there's a strong need for contempt towards people provided they're not the sad sack stereotype that whines about obesity being a curse levied upon them while simultaneously eating copious amounts of fast food and riding around on their Rascal because walking is just too damn hard.

An unhealthy lifestyle is an easy trap to fall into. That's not an excuse. People shouldn't be encouraged to use it as a free pass to deflect all critiques. But for a lot of people -- assuming there aren't legitimate health concerns that would explain poor metabolism -- it's a gradual decline that you don't notice until your clothes stop fitting. And it's simultaneously really easy and really difficult to come back from. By that, I just mean that the problem is discipline.

Once you can get into a routine of planning where to buy food from and when to make it, and can force yourself to run/go to the gym/whatever gets you moving, it's easy. However, that transition takes a bit, and it's easy to fall back into the old routine. People are busy. Junk food is everywhere and pretty cheap. It's easy to come home from work and think that the gym will take up too much time while that couch looks mighty comfortable...

But that's not a good mantra to hang one's hat on. In the end, anybody who has a pound or 100 to lose should strive to not be lazy, but I don't understand the ire of some towards obesity.

And in regards to the OP, I'm not sure if the crime is that Aguilera put on too much weight, or if the problem is that she just put some weight on and is still wearing the old attire that was designed more to show off her aesthetics as opposed to her vocal talents.


Fuck cares. I will eat what I want, when I want. I'll take that extra slice of bacon on my burger and add some mayo to that. BTW I'm 6' 4" 195.


andycapps said:
But if someone is a fat fetishist, they're into it because it's something that's undesirable for most. It turns them on, somehow. Eating whatever you want, leads to being overweight.. I don't think that anyone is going to say that if they saw a picture of a lean, fit person next to someone that was 30-50 pounds overweight that they would say that the overweight person was more desirable looking to them. Unless, they were overweight themselves and they saw the overweight person as more accepting of their own choices.
I eat whatever I want (sort of) and I'm underweight. The human body doesn't work that way; if it were that simple, the gigantic body of research dedicated to the subject would be substantially less gigantic.


Honorary Canadian.
See, my pet peeve with fatties (and note, I'm one myself) is their complete failure to recognize that A) They're fat and B) Nobody likes looking at them.

Most fat people are in complete denial about it. The ones that aren't think that it's okay, by and large, and that's annoying.

I at least try to stay realistic about this shit. I'm 28 years old, overweight, family history of heart problems and I have a very high stress job. The fact of the matter is that my life is probably half over at this point if multiple bullet points I just listed don't change.

And I think it's good to have that perspective and know it. I'm not doing myself any favors by trying to say that it's okay to be fat, die young, blah blah blah. I don't get why other fat people won't do the same.

That being said, the vitriol spewed by "healthy" people towards us fatties is completely laughable. We drive up your health care? Haven't you learned how these companies work? Once the price is up, it's up. You don't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Even if everyone at your company suddenly got in shape and quit smoking, there'll just be another excuse (admin costs?) to keep your insurance up. So yeah, that argument doesn't hold water.

I really think that the reason people spit so much hate on fatties is because it's the only social group in America where you can have a justification to shit on them without looking like an asshole. You can hide behind your own health beliefs, which you can't do for blacks, gays, women, etc-- you know, all the other groups that mainstream whiteys have classically used as a social punching bag. That's fine... I've got thick skin, and fat underneath it, but it just makes you people bitching look like little children throwing temper tantrums.
Akkad said:
Yeah, I have a personal connection to it.

wait YOU have a personal connection to it? that's awesome, ancient Assyrian brofist to you.

But yeah, the epidemic of obesity troubles me like any other; it's sick, disgusting and harmful. Just because I am not obese, or have cancer, or pneumonia, doesn't mean I shouldn't care about it.

The sad part and fundamental difference is; for all intents and purposes cancer is unavoidable, obesity is not.


whytemyke said:
See, my pet peeve with fatties (and note, I'm one myself) is their complete failure to recognize that A) They're fat and B) Nobody likes looking at them.
So you're bothered by the fact that there are people that are overweight that don't let it affect their self-esteem? I'm confused as to what positive benefit there could possibly be from replacing obesity with much more serious problems.


Fugu said:
I eat whatever I want (sort of) and I'm underweight. The human body doesn't work that way; if it were that simple, the gigantic body of research dedicated to the subject would be substantially less gigantic.

It doesn't work what way? That as a general rule, if you eat shitty, unhealthy food and don't work out that you're going to be overweight? Yes, there are exceptions with people with freakish metabolisms (yourself, more than likely) but you're most definitely the exception, not the rule. As we can see in obesity ratings between the US and the rest of the world, our diet does seem to matter when you look at the population as a whole.
andycapps said:
But if someone is a fat fetishist, they're into it because it's something that's undesirable for most.

Fetishism has absolutely nothing to do with something being undesirable. What are you even talking about.


Dude Abides said:
Real men eat steak with a glass of whiskey, neat, and do not give a single fuck for the feminized opinions of 120-pound wisps in vintage t-shirts.
Youu dawg.

Seriously though from an ex-fattie.... Unfat yourself. Or atleast seriously try. It's not hard. Eat more protein and fat. Taper your carb intake. Lift weights or do cardio, or find a sport you like. Don't waste your life by not being the best you can be in every way.


GotEmRunnin said:
Is that where they originated from? That has to be the most unhealthy food on the planet.

Nobody eats those kinds of things every day. You said yourself that this is for a fair where people go to have fun and try out things they don't normally get to eat.

When a donut burger appears on a school cafeteria menu, then you have something to complain about.
People are lazy imho. With a lil work and care I lost 200+lbs. I have no sympathy for fat people now. It is a choice they make even if they don't realize it.

Eat right and exercise. That is all it takes.

EschatonDX said:
Youu dawg.

Seriously though from an ex-fattie.... Unfat yourself. Or atleast seriously try. It's not hard. Eat more protein and fat. Taper your carb intake. Lift weights or do cardio, or find a sport you like. Don't waste your life by not being the best you can be in every way.

By saying this you are assuming overweight people are not being the best they can be in every way.

Angry Fork

Attackthebase said:
If a person is overweight, 99 percent of the time, they are unattractive. The picture OP put up is fat, and it is painful to look at her. I would never date a girl who could be considered even slightly overweight. They just aren't attractive. The truth hurts.
I really disagree with this, I see many cute fat girls. They would look better if they lost weight I won't deny that but if a cute chubby girl came up to me and started flirting/talking to me I would definitely give her the time of day. Weight for me has no bearing as long as their face is attractive enough and they're interesting. Weight can always be lost in the future if need be.

Case in point: Tina Fey



ScOULaris said:
Great quote from that article:

That's basically what I am trying to say needs to stop in America. The average American is overweight, but that does not make it NORMAL or ACCEPTABLE.

For those who don't know, I live between the States and Europe (France). I hadn't been back to the US for a couple years before this summer, when I had an internship in upstate NY.

When I got back to France this fall, I felt like everyone I knew and hadn't seen in eight months had lost a shit ton of weight.

(And yet when I was in the States, I could tell everyone was fat, so despite consciously knowing that being fat shouldn't be the norm, it still unconsciously changed my idea of normal weight).


thetrin said:
I work out 5 days a week, and I used to be a fat piece of shit. I've lost a ton of weight, and have never felt better in my life. If _I_ can work out 5 days a week, fucking ANYONE can do it.

Seriously. I'm really lazy. If you are not working out as much as I am, you should be ashamed, because a super lazy guy is doing it more than you are.

Yeah, but there is some truth in people not having time to exercise.

You want to hear some mad irony? I've been running when I can since June (a large contributor in my 50 lb. loss), but there are some weeks I don't get to go more than twice, because my kids play so many damn sports so THEY don't turn out fat like their parents! Shuttling them around to practice, watching games, etc. etc... and of course, it's getting dark at 7:15-7:30p nowadays where I live, so it simply does not leave much time.

I need to make the move over from running outside to the treadmill at the gym, but I hate the idea of running on a treadmill. I will probably just do other stuff instead and pick up running again in the spring.

Hari Seldon

Yeah back in my early 20s I was shitting out sub 35m 10ks and doing hundreds of pushups a day. I also had no kids and was in school so I had nothing but time on my hands. Call me when you are in your 30s.


Cheech said:
Yeah, but there is some truth in people not having time to exercise.

Some people also do not have the proper mobility (talking about non-weight related issues) to exercise.


NotebookJ2 said:
Fetishism has absolutely nothing to do with something being undesirable. What are you even talking about.

If science can show that humans are more desirable for breeding/companionship if they're physically fit than if they're overweight, then what would you call a fat fetishist? They're attracted to what the majority are naturally not attracted to.

Cheech said:
Yeah, but there is some truth in people not having time to exercise.

You want to hear some mad irony? I've been running when I can since June (a large contributor in my 50 lb. loss), but there are some weeks I don't get to go more than twice, because my kids play so many damn sports so THEY don't turn out fat like their parents! Shuttling them around to practice, watching games, etc. etc... and of course, it's getting dark at 7:15-7:30p nowadays where I live, so it simply does not leave much time.

I need to make the move over from running outside to the treadmill at the gym, but I hate the idea of running on a treadmill. I will probably just do other stuff instead and pick up running again in the spring.

I hear that, I don't have a ton of free time now with work, family, religious commitments, working out, video games, etc but I make time directly after work so that I work out. If I don't do it then, I will crowd it out. I can relate to the colder months and with it getting dark earlier in the winter. Indoor workouts are great for that. I recommend something like Insanity or P90X if you don't have much or any equipment. You definitely won't be bored.


Healthy is good.

Obese or fat is bad, anorexic is also bad.
Overweight (or chubby) and thin (or skinny) can be both bad and good.

We should focus on eliminating the two extremes, while always upholding the middle, the healthy and fit body, as the unreachable ideal body type - not a chubby or a skinny one.

Christina is fat, she is a bad rolemodel for that reason unless she actively tries to lose weight through healthy means (not stupid diets) and let her fans know this.


Honorary Canadian.
Fugu said:
So you're bothered by the fact that there are people that are overweight that don't let it affect their self-esteem? I'm confused as to what positive benefit there could possibly be from replacing obesity with much more serious problems.
It's not so much about effecting their self esteem as effecting their understanding of who and what they are, and how society views them. Fat people pretending they're accepted is just denial to me, and it's weird. For instance, this girl that works for me is probably pushing 300lbs, smokes a pack a day and eats pizza EVERY DAY FOR LUNCH. Then she walks around like it's perfectly okay to live like that.

At least understand that what you're doing is bad and poisoning your body. If it bums you out and ruins your self esteem, then that says more about your own perspective on yourself than it does everyone else.

Hari Seldon

Cheech said:
I need to make the move over from running outside to the treadmill at the gym, but I hate the idea of running on a treadmill. I will probably just do other stuff instead and pick up running again in the spring.

Same with me. I actually *love* running, but only running outside. I can't stand the fucking treadmill. I actually wish I could just quit my job and have lots of time to simply do nothing but run all god damn day like I used to when I was in school.


thewhiterabbit said:
People are lazy imho. With a lil work and care I lost 200+lbs. I have no sympathy for fat people now. It is a choice they make even if they don't realize it.

Eat right and exercise. That is all it takes.


You look great. Nice job!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hari Seldon said:
Yeah back in my early 20s I was shitting out sub 35m 10ks and doing hundreds of pushups a day. I also had no kids and was in school so I had nothing but time on my hands. Call me when you are in your 30s.

Except that you don't need exercise at all to stay thin.

Obviously exercise will improve your general health and make you look better overall, but it doesn't have a whole lot to do with overweight. That's all diet.
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