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Natal struggles to see Black people?


Probably already sorted but felt this needed posting.


I'm happy to say MS has thought of a fix to this problem already. Work on the optional glove accessories have already begun. Code named "E Heeeee"

Comedian: Yo check this out.. Black guys drive a car like this: doo doo chhh ba doo doo. Yeah but white guys, they just drive a car like this: Badiptdadoo badipta dipta doo!

Homer: Ahahah! It's true!


Tk0n said:
but but

and the sdf said theres a guy controlling everything with a standardcontroller outside of the picture anyway :-O

Well, if you pay attention to the (very short and rare) moments when you see their arms and the screen at the same time, you'll see that it's not responsive at all.

Tntnnbltn said:
I wasn't aware that Natal relies on detecting light absorbance due to haemoglobin chromophores.

What? Melanin and hemoglobin are two different things.

It's a obvious that a tracking system based on a camera and IR will be less efficient with black skin/clothes. Now, is this decrease in efficiency enough to make it unresponsive? Dunno. They should make some tests.
I'm not sure it's the greatest problem with the tech anyway.


Graphics Horse said:
You need to look at the links in the first post to understand.

Yeah, but this is quite misleading.

Melanin does absorb light in the near infrared spectrum (albeit much less than UV), and any dark pigment does too. So yeah, it's going to interfere with the IR emitter/sensor. But I'm not sure it would be enough to screw the system completely.


Graphics Horse said:
Yes it's very misleading, I was explaining the haemaglobin comment you replied to.

Well, misleading because it's not what the article is about. They describe a method using IR for measuring hemoglobin, but admit that its efficiency might be lowered by skin chromophores (ie, melanin). So that part is true actually. But except if we see some actual tests, with a person fully dressed in white vs black for instance, it doesn't mean anything.


Junior Member
op_ivy said:
i am... my point is holding out your hands pretending to hold a wheel, and holding out your hands holding a wii mote BOTH would suck for extended play of racing games.

people are quick to attack the racing demo for natal, but i dont hear the same complaints waged against the wii.... hmmm
When I use the Wii Wheel, I can prop my hands on my lap. I wonder how sensitive Natal is when your arms are close to your body. I would like some journalist to keep that in mind during the next demonstration. If I can prop my elbows up on my couch/lap or just keep them close to my body, it won't be a problem with Natal.
Raist said:
Well, misleading because it's not what the article is about. They describe a method using IR for measuring hemoglobin, but admit that its efficiency might be lowered by skin chromophores (ie, melanin). So that part is true actually. But except if we see some actual tests, with a person fully dressed in white vs black for instance, it doesn't mean anything.

Yah, I'm just saying it's silly to post an article about a device that's used to see inside someone by pressing it against their skin.
It's no coincidence that it happens to be the first result when you google ir melanin
Arsenic said:
If you read earlier, this actually proves N'Gai's point rather than dissolve it. While its "working", steering does seem like an issue as stated in the OP, because they all seem to be crashing into the walls very easily.

Besides, why try to end such a hilarious thread :lol

Willie Gault did fine, Sugar Ray not so much but he was driving it like it was a trucking wheel. People seriously believe this?


Junior Member
proposition said:
This point is doubly wrong. Firstly because Natal doesn't use near infra-red, it uses infra-red. And secondly because even if it did use near infra-red, it's not performing near-infrared spectroscopy for "continuous monitoring of tissue oxygen delivery".
That article was trying to demonstrate that light could be altered by the melanin. I think this thread is wrong headed but it's tough to just jump to that conclusion. Light, at certain wavelengths, moves through your tissues pretty well. It's why we have those devices that are placed on your finger to measure your oxygen. That article does not do much to refute or confirm what the OP is saying. I'm sure he just did a quick Dr Google.


Junior Member
skulpt said:
I'd like to see two tests done with Natal.

1) Pick a person with dark skin and have him play in the dark to see if this is an issue

2) Have someone who has been playing Burnout with Natal for say a week who is really good with the game to go against someone with a controller.

I'm starting to think like in Warhawk that the charm will wear off, and people will just want to just chill and have the more familiar and most likely more accurate controls of a controller. Does motion controls work well when flying a warhawk? Yes. Do most people still use motion controls for flying warhawks? Not from what I've seen. It's fun, feels awesome, but at the end of the day, I want to have the best control possible with the least amount of effort.

I get the feeling that if MS releases a hardcore game like Sony did with Lair and force motion controls on people, it could be reflected in the review scores pretty fast.
That'll be Sony's and MS' biggest hurdle. It'll just be a less impressive way to control for people already used to controllers. These will have trouble selling 10 million by the end of the generation.


Well it looks like...

we wont be getting a minority report game after all.



They said this would ultimately be the next big step in gaming...

looks like the black community is gonna be stuck playing with their wii's



It looks like...


we just found out why we never got the answer.


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