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NiGHTSJOURNEY OF DREAMS (Wii) - [New screens pg 14]

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Well folks, I've been at work and school all day, so I haven't been able to keep an eye on this thread the way I would have liked to. Everyone who deserves one of these, please take, and be honest - I have your cat.



and a special one for Dragona for cutting through the BS:



ivysaur12 said:
Confirmed American release. This makes me happy, because Sega would do something stupid like that.

And a journey of courage, hope, and inspiration? That's the best kind.

Indeed. That nearly brought a tear to my eye. Then, I remembered that it was another press release hyping a videogame.


dyls said:
I can't believe you could even with 100% responsiveness. I would need like 200% responsiveness to XS many of the operations.

:bows down:

he can't, he's bluffing. no one can.

anyway, Fall 2007 huh? i wonder how long has this title been in development. i dont want no rushed games! you better take your time, i can wait.


Wow. 5+ pages full of Anti-Wiiness and "NiGHTS will suck" comments.

You're on top of your game, GAF.

A game that we thought would never come is finally coming, and instead of 'praising' Sega for bringing this game to us and taking a shot at a sequel, we're here analyzing every little niggling thing, hating on the Wii hardware, hating on Sonic Team and just rambling bullshit.

Yes, I know Sonic Team and Sega haven't had the greatest track record in a long time, and it does raise a lot of doubt, but you know what? I'm more than happy in the fact that they've even decided to take a shot at this, and bring something like this out.

I'm a huge NiGHTS fan, and from what I've seen so far, they're on track with keeping the NiGHTS vibe. We've seen a few crappy scans and already I can tell that the game will be really, really vibrant, luscious and dream-like - a good start , considering we don't know much else.

I'm not doubting the controls what-so-ever. They (Sega/Sonic Team) wouldn't state over the years and recently that they wanted a control system like what the Wii offers (they stated that if they made a new NiGHTS, it would be Wii because it has the right control scheme for what they want), then design and make the game, only to ruin the controls, when the initial idea for development was because of the Wii controls themselves.

I am being very optimistic, but that's purely based on what I have seen so far, which isn't much. And that is a good enough sign for me.


Saoh said:
he can't, he's bluffing. no one can.

anyway, Fall 2007 huh? i wonder how long has this title been in development. i dont want no rushed games! you better take your time, i can wait.

Yeah, that Dragona, he's such a kidder.

(Somehow it never gets old.)


temjin said:
Wow. 5+ pages full of Anti-Wiiness and "NiGHTS will suck" comments.

You're on top of your game, GAF.

A game that we thought would never come is finally coming, and instead of 'praising' Sega for bringing this game to us and taking a shot at a sequel, we're here analyzing every little niggling thing, hating on the Wii hardware, hating on Sonic Team and just rambling bullshit.

Yes, I know Sonic Team and Sega haven't had the greatest track record in a long time, and it does raise a lot of doubt, but you know what? I'm more than happy in the fact that they've even decided to take a shot at this, and bring something like this out.

I'm a huge NiGHTS fan, and from what I've seen so far, they're on track with keeping the NiGHTS vibe. We've seen a few crappy scans and already I can tell that the game will be really, really vibrant, luscious and dream-like - a good start , considering we don't know much else.

I'm not doubting the controls what-so-ever. They (Sega/Sonic Team) wouldn't state over the years and recently that they wanted a control system like what the Wii offers (they stated that if they made a new NiGHTS, it would be Wii because it has the right control scheme for what they want), then design and make the game, only to ruin the controls, when the initial idea for development was because of the Wii controls themselves.

I am being very optimistic, but that's purely based on what I have seen so far, which isn't much. And that is a good enough sign for me.

I'm afraid this is probably going to happen for the rest of the wii's lifetime. If wii gets any 3rd party exclusive, it will automatically be trolled. It's kind of getting annoying because you can't go into a wii thread anymore without someone saying that it would be better on 360 or ps3 or that it will inevitably suck. seems like wii trolls get a free pass here.

oh well.


temjin said:
Wow. 5+ pages full of Anti-Wiiness and "NiGHTS will suck" comments.

You're on top of your game, GAF.

A game that we thought would never come is finally coming, and instead of 'praising' Sega for bringing this game to us and taking a shot at a sequel, we're here analyzing every little niggling thing, hating on the Wii hardware, hating on Sonic Team and just rambling bullshit.

To be fair, remind us all of the last time Sonic Team put out a game worth playing.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
xsarien said:
To be fair, remind us all of the last time Sonic Team put out a game worth playing.
Phantasy Star Online that was... what? 7 years ago?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Xristot said:
I'm afraid this is probably going to happen for the rest of the wii's lifetime. If wii gets any 3rd party exclusive, it will automatically be trolled. It's kind of getting annoying because you can't go into a wii thread anymore without someone saying that it would be better on 360 or ps3 or that it will inevitably suck. seems like wii trolls get a free pass here.

oh well.

On the flipside, all PS3 or 360 games will be trolled saying "IT SHOULD BE ON WII! THERE'S MORE WII OUT THERE! WAGGLE WIBBLE!"

The cycle shall continue for the entire gen.

Now, the question you should be asking yourself is. How can you use this cycle to your amusement. Then, you shall be a true master.


Kintaro said:
On the flipside, all PS3 or 360 games will be trolled saying "IT SHOULD BE ON WII! THERE'S MORE WII OUT THERE! WAGGLE WIBBLE!"

The cycle shall continue for the entire gen.

Now, the question you should be asking yourself is. How can you use this cycle to your amusement. Then, you shall be a true master.


hey, I don't let it get to me. it's just funny how quick the dogs are let loose sometimes, and quite frightening too. Seems like everybody is always waiting in the dark for bad news (or hell even good news) to come out for their company of non-choice (does that make sense?).

anyway, I just try to play the games that are good, sticking to one company is about as useful as shooting yourself in the gut.


force push the doodoo rock
I'm not gonna read the thread but

HOLY MOLY, there sure is a lot of negativity on this thread about Nights 2. That being said, the bar for this game is set so low, if it actually ends up being a good game, I will be pleasantly surprised. Personally, its nice to see Nights is getting a sequel after all of these years, but Sega has not aged very well through the years. They need to seriously go back to the drawing board and make worthy sequels to other great titles like Panzer Dragoon, Streets of Rage, Skies of Arcadia, and Dragon Force. Make those titles instead of whoring themselves to complete garbage like Sonic.
Don't bother reading the thread Sporsk, there is only sadness and madness within. Instead, let me join you in a rollicking round of



force push the doodoo rock
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
Segata Sanshiro said:

I sure hope this game lives up to my astronomical expectations.
ivysaur12 said:
Sonic and the Secret Rings

Most agree with the sentiment that S+tSR is mediocre at best, and only worth playing in comparison to the horrid Sonic games released in the past 3 Sonic games (2 of which are from the same guy who is doing Nights 2 btw)

I'm not trying to be a negative nancy, but when people are pointing to SatSR as a reason to believe this game will rock...well the future looks rather bleak.

Still need a lot more info on this game btw before celebrations or TRUE disgust commences though.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
My Chemical Mouse said:
Most agree with the sentiment that S+tSR is mediocre at best, and only worth playing in comparison to the horrid Sonic games released in the past 3 Sonic games (2 of which are from the same guy who is doing Nights 2 btw)

I'm not trying to be a negative nancy but when people are pointing to SatSR as a reason to believe this game will rock...well the future looks rather bleak.
sure you arent...
My Chemical Mouse said:
Most agree with the sentiment that S+tSR is mediocre at best, and only worth playing in comparison to the horrid Sonic games released in the past 3 Sonic games (2 of which are from the same guy who is doing Nights 2 btw)

I'm not trying to be a negative nancy, but when people are pointing to SatSR as a reason to believe this game will rock...well the future looks rather bleak.

Still need a lot more info on this game btw before celebrations or TRUE disgust commences though.
So what's your take on Sonic attr then? What are your gripes with the game? Have you finished all missions?


Master of the Google Search
Nuclear Muffin said:
Nice name though I would've prefered it if it was called NiGHTS Journey into Dreams.

Then everyone would complain that its too similar to the original title :/
Well, I think that the director for the project was the lead level/gameplay designer, and while he was not the previous director, I would like to believe that he intimately understands how a NiGHTS game is supposed to feel and play...

Dawn of Mana was directed by the director of all the other Mana games but he chose to take it in a very different direction, one most series fans didn't like. It all depends on what the creators are interested in at the time.


Holy jizbomb I cant wait for NiGHTS 2. Seeing as there is no new official news to talk about, I thought that I'd create a NiGHTS Mobile Phone wallpaper for all to use and enjoy in their excitement for the upcoming NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.

Really, I made it for myself, but seein' as it's made, why not spread the love?
It's NiGHTS freakin 2 baby!! It's as welcome as Everton winning the League in my opinion!


...Does posting this kinda sh!t fly on GAF, or does it more belong at gameFAQs? If so, excuse me and put it down to my excitement still riding high and not knowing what the hell to do with myself!
I've found a rather large NiGHTS: Into Dreams fansite, and they're claiming to know some insider info.


'Journey Of Dreams' (Subject to change), otherwise dubbed NiGHTS 2, is the long awaited sequel to the original 1996 Sega Saturn game 'NiGHTS into Dreams'. Due out on the Nintendo Wii for the end of the year 2007.
Development for this game has come fast and hard with so many changes to the game it's hard to keep up with what is still official and what has been zapped.
Originally developed under the secret title of 'Project Bedtime Story' the game has been in development behind very closed doors since around last years E3 when the game was nothing but speculation and whispers.

So It's our job to round up all the information and news to make your life easier.

Here at the .Com we were alerted of it being an actual full motion project in the presence of Sega staff themselves back in November 2006. That's a long time ago, so one can only imagine how much has been added since then. We know how far along the game is now but anything can happen between now and the release date as the original game proved to us. The reason we sent out large information parcels to Sega was to show what the fans want before anything is finalized. We thought it was important that people who have stuck around for 11 years had a voice.

Confirmed for the Nintendo Wii by us and ***** plus recent publishing leaks that were due for April. Fans and half the internet have been scrabbling for any information they can find on this very anticipated new game.

The choice of platform goes hand in hand with what NiGHTS is all about, immersive gameplay. The Wiimote is the perfect tool to experience ingame flight and movement. But fans of other platforms should not despair. Nothing has been solidly confirmed yet but we've personally heard of things that are coming your way later in 2008.

It is indeed true that the game is a whole new sequel with new characters and design elements, but at the same time paying homage to the original. It is not yet known to us how the two games link in terms of story but we know that two new dreamer children were designed called 'Kevin' and 'Helen' in early the development stage. Both of them being very blonde, Sonic 360 in appearance, with connections to Claris and Elliot unknown. It was said that the children were very British in appearance at the time. Kevin's story was the only one we had background details on. We will speak more about this after the Sega official confirmation this month. Even if it does change. I know you guys like production info because we missed out on it back in 1996.

Early screenshots our sources have seen featured Spring Valley with the windmills. The more recent shots of what looks like a redesign of Splash Garden suggest that either Claris and Elliot are indeed in this game or that SonicTeam forgot that in the original game the dreamscapes were unique to each dreamer. Spring Valley was said to be a place made from Claris' love for her father. So it will be interesting to see how SonicTeam will handle this storyline oopsie.
We've been told it's a sequel but at times it seems more like a rewrite with aspects from the original popping up. SonicTeam have been rewriting storylines a lot recently in their games so we hope that this is a true continuation to the original not just a souped up recreation mix for a nextgen system. But the word 'sequel' seems pretty straight forward so we'll stick with it until we know otherwise.

Other brief information we can give you that was in development a while ago was the use of a new power-up item called 'Persona'. Persona took the form of masks which enabled our wonderful NiGHTS to shapeshift into various new forms, some awesome, some frankly bizarre. We won't disclose what these were at this time, but i look forward to seeing if these are still included. In the original game NiGHTS would morph without the use of power-up's so this gives the player new incentive to clear different kinds of areas by different means.

Another main character we know about hugely based on Jung lore was to be included as a main character. The archetype 'The Great Mother'. We won't say much on this just now but just know that the SonicTeam are really pulling their Jung hats on this time.

NiGHTS him/herself has also undergone a lot in design process. Many re-designs were on the table including someone that looked reportedly like my U.V NiGHTS *lol thanks Sega XD;*, a midget NiGHTS and a frilly caped NiGHTS. NiGHTS was to originally have stars on his face and wear blue feathers on his feet. It was only recently that we got to see the finalized character design thanks to a Gamereactor magazine leak which is now half way around the internet. Maybe later we will be able to get a better look at these failed designs.

The patchwork puffy-like boss was also correctly described to us a few months ago by a Sega insider, so we know that our info is legit. It's interesting to see how much of the game changes as time goes on.

We will keep you up to date as more hits the net.

The only reason I kinda believe them is, the site is REALLY huge for a fansite of a somewhat obscure game. A site that big must have some connections of some kind...

But, grain of salt.


Some pretty interesting information there!

As for the validity of the information, I'd have to assume it's legit as the admin's main purpose in life seems to revolve around NiGHTS. The only reason I can think of her makin' up stuff would be for a power trip. :lol
But I find that highly unlikely.

Soooooo, xbox 360 and ps3 version huh? hmmm.... lets just try and get the Wii version out the way and brilliant first, eh sega?

And yeah, Don't know why they are making it seem like Elliot and Claris may or may not be in the game, as the dev actually said they were (in the Maxi mag)..... didn't he?
Nakasan said:
And yeah, Don't know why they are making it seem like Elliot and Claris may or may not be in the game, as the dev actually said they were (in the Maxi mag)..... didn't he?

The quote doesn't convince me. I'll repost it, and bold the important bit:

Q: Will we get, once again, inside the dreams (and nightmares) of Claire and Elliot, or are there new human characters whose dreams we'll be able to visit?
A: Just like the first game's story, the new NiGHTS happens inside a dream world, and its story will follow the adventure of those children. I hope to announce further details in the coming months.

Some tricky wording there. "Those children" could mean Claris and Elliot, but it could also mean "those children who are dreaming" and not confirm their return at all.


I trust the admin of nightsintodreams.com. She's a HUGE, MASSIVE, psychotic NiGHTS fan that has been around since the beginning and wouldn't tarnish her reputation.

Everything is sounding mighty fine to me right about now. Mighty fine indeed.


Virgin Wii said:
The quote doesn't convince me. I'll repost it, and bold the important bit:

Q: Will we get, once again, inside the dreams (and nightmares) of Claire and Elliot, or are there new human characters whose dreams we'll be able to visit?
A: Just like the first game's story, the new NiGHTS happens inside a dream world, and its story will follow the adventure of those children. I hope to announce further details in the coming months.

Some tricky wording there. "Those children" could mean Claris and Elliot, but it could also mean "those children who are dreaming" and not confirm their return at all.

I see. Its a Yes/No question, and neither were given. Dammit. I really do hope they are both back. In some way... ANY way.

Is it just me, or is it that at the times I post (9am - 5pm UK time), the thread gets positive again? I can only assume then that Europeans are more excite for this game the US and A citizens? Any takers?
You can see the first screenshots of NiGHTS: Journey Of Dreams in Issue 16 of Official Nintendo Magazine, on sale on Friday 13 April. In the meantime, click here to discuss the exciting news.

ONM will have stuff on NiGHTS, almost confirming they tried to pass it off as a world exclusive. I doubt we'll see more than has already been revealed, but there we go.
Nakasan said:
Is it just me, or is it that at the times I post (9am - 5pm UK time), the thread gets positive again? I can only assume then that Europeans are more excite for this game the US and A citizens? Any takers?

I'm American, and I'm pretty excited about it. I understand why people are worried, because of the sorry state SEGA is in right now. At the same time, however, I'm thinking that NiGHTS is something a lot of people at SEGA are passionate about (something that could've been lost with Sonic after making the 30th something game), and something that they've held off on doing for a long time simply because they wanted to make sure they do it right.

For that reason alone, I'm expecting a great game.


Pretty psyched about this. NiGHTS is the game that almost sold me on a Saturn years ago.



Hmmm, I haven't searched the whole thread but since I haven't found these informations in the US Sega website ... Did you guys know that :


( the best in in the "fonctionnalités" part )

* raw translation :

- ability to wear masks
> dragon mask : Nights becomes a huge dragon and isn't affected by the wind anymore
> dolphin mask : -------------------- dolphin and flies ( yeh ) under the sea
> skyrocket mask : ----------------- skyrocket and benefits from a supersonic speed

- 7 worlds to explore

- Wiiconnect24 : trade items with friends, change the landscape according to the meteo channel

There, I hope my post wasn't useless.


Kafel said:
Hmmm, I haven't searched the whole thread but since I haven't found these informations in the US Sega website ... Did you guys know that :


( the best in in the "fonctionnalités" part )

* raw translation :

- ability to wear masks
> dragon mask : Nights becomes a huge dragon and isn't affected by the wind anymore
> dolphin mask : -------------------- dolphin and flies ( yeh ) under the sea
> skyrocket mask : ----------------- skyrocket and benefits from a supersonic speed

- 7 worlds to explore

- Wiiconnect24 : trade items with friends, change the landscape according to the meteo channel

There, I hope my post wasn't useless.








Kafel said:
Hmmm, I haven't searched the whole thread but since I haven't found these informations in the US Sega website ... Did you guys know that :


( the best in in the "fonctionnalités" part )

* raw translation :

- ability to wear masks
> dragon mask : Nights becomes a huge dragon and isn't affected by the wind anymore
> dolphin mask : -------------------- dolphin and flies ( yeh ) under the sea
> skyrocket mask : ----------------- skyrocket and benefits from a supersonic speed

- 7 worlds to explore

- Wiiconnect24 : trade items with friends, change the landscape according to the meteo channel

There, I hope my post wasn't useless.

Matches this I guess.

some NiGHTS fansite said:
Other brief information we can give you that was in development a while ago was the use of a new power-up item called 'Persona'. Persona took the form of masks which enabled our wonderful NiGHTS to shapeshift into various new forms, some awesome, some frankly bizarre. We won't disclose what these were at this time, but i look forward to seeing if these are still included
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