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Nintendo wins exclusive deal for Capcom's Monster Hunter 3

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dfyb said:
i think v0yce has a wii, and i have a wii (since launch, just like gamecube). i'd bet a good number of the others who share our opinion also have a wii. it's not about which camp gets what. i don't see how a fan of monster hunter could see this as ideal news.

Whats with these "I own the system therefore I'm not trolling" statements being thrown around.


No one really knows the detail yet. Anyway complaining is just complaining because of the system switch or the graphics potential at the time. Controls could be the exact same or better. No one knows.


sex vacation in Guam
MickeyKnox said:
Let me break it down for you:

Sony fans who never gave a crap about the game other than as a positive talking point in JP sales threads: "Whatever, this isn't important, Monster Hunter sucks anyway."

Nintendo fans who never gave a crap about the game and still don't give a crap about it other than as a game that sells well in Japan: "OMG THIS IS HUGE NEWS! Nintendo wins console war double confirmed. Monster Hunter is a great franchise and Capcom will truly use the revolutionary motion controls to... uh... what do you do in this game again?"

Die hard Monster Hunter fans, especially NA ones who've been waiting for a new real console MH game since 2005: "This is worse than Parasite Eve 3 and Megaman Legends 3 for cellphones combined."
wow that sums up the thread exactly.
dfyb said:
i think v0yce has a wii, and i have a wii (since launch, just like gamecube). i'd bet a good number of the others who share our opinion also have a wii. it's not about which camp gets what. i don't see how a fan of monster hunter could see this as ideal news.

edit: i am in the camp that would like to see okami on wii. it wouldn't be hard to port and it would benefit from a wiimote's pointer ability.

I'm not here to argue about who has a Wii, why, or for what ulterior motive. But frankly i'm sick and tired of the conception that the Wii can't play host to games that the self anointed "hardcore" have deemed for the 360 or PS3.

v0yce said:
I disagree. I think the Nintendo bias is definately there, sure. But its there because of a reason. The Wii was designed to disrupt traditional gaming. What exactly did you expect fans of traditonal gaming franchises to do?

Funny, I'M a fan of traditional gaming franchises. Why does the 360 and PS3 have the traditional gaming market cornered again?


angelfly said:
Whats with these "I own the system therefore I'm not trolling" statements being thrown around.
explain how i'm trolling. i'm not a long time MH fan but i got the latest PSP game and fell in love. is it wrong for me to want it on ps3 so that it can be fully realized? is it trolling when i want games to be the best possible games they can be?
DeaconKnowledge said:
Funny, I'M a fan of traditional gaming franchises. Why does the 360 and PS3 have the traditional gaming market cornered again?
what's the point of putting a traditional game on wii exclusively? other than sales. unless wii is your only console, it's a waste.
*hugs Wii*

This has been a great day, my friend. I've been pretty vocal about my disappointment with the Wii so far, but things are definitely looking up. I can tell my inner-fanboy is in full effect when I've spent the first few hours of work with this big, stupid ass smile while reading all of the announcement.
MickeyKnox said:
Let me break it down for you:

Sony fans who never gave a crap about the game other than as a positive talking point in JP sales threads: "Whatever, this isn't important, Monster Hunter sucks anyway."

Nintendo fans who never gave a crap about the game and still don't give a crap about it other than as a game that sells well in Japan: "OMG THIS IS HUGE NEWS! Nintendo wins console war double confirmed. Monster Hunter is a great franchise and Capcom will truly use the revolutionary motion controls to... uh... what do you do in this game again?"

Die hard Monster Hunter fans, especially NA ones who've been waiting for a new real console MH game since 2005: "This is worse than Parasite Eve 3 and Megaman Legends 3 for cellphones combined."

Pretty much my thoughts. People are caring too much about a game they never cared about (on both sides) for obvious reasons.
So lets see Monster Hunter 2 was on psp, the 3 is on the wii which obviously its a much better machine than psp, Sony fans cry.....gotcha it.....
Capcom needs money. They are spreading their wings with MH.

Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)
Monster Hunter 3 (Wii)
Monster Hunter Frontier (PC... constantly updated)

They said themselves that it's too expensive to produce games on the PS3, but secretly you know the real reason. Capcom wants more PS3's to be in homes before they make the PS3 MH. It will happen, but only when they feel it's the right time. Remember Biohazard: Code Veronica for DreamCast?? Same exact situation. Big name title exclusive for DreamCast, but Capcom constantly held it back because they wanted more users available. So they release '3' on Wii to make buckets of money in japan. Good for Capcom, and in the end, good for the series. Great thing here is, '3' might actually be released in america..... Imagine that??

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Clouseau said:

No wait....

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

You guys are seriously starting to sound like gamecube fans from last gen....

This behavior didn't just start, it's been there for a while


I am Homie
You have got to be fcking joking :\

i wake up and see the game i want more than any game maybe ever on wii only. I wouldn't have minded as much if it was 360 exclusive since i planned on buying one of those but now I'm forced to buy a console i don't want for one game and it wont be the experience i wanted. Graphics wont be what i needed from a next gen monster hunter and the whole friend codes thing will kind of shit on what monster hunter online was.

this has to be a nightmare.
PistolGrip said:
wow that sums up the thread exactly.

I don't particularly care about Monster Hunter being on the Wii, but I am excited by the trend of 3rd party projects getting announced for the Wii. This game may not be for me, but it'll likely draw in a few more consumers and hopefully inspire other developers to put upper-tier projects on the system as well.

It's always like this with Nintendo haters - Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


you can't put a price on sparks

all i see this as is "cancel PS3 version" since there was already a Wii version planned anyway.


Id be more inclined to believe this whole "Monster Hunter fans wanted it in HD" hyperbole if i would have seen some bitching about it being on the PSP here, but alas that never happened.
dfyb said:
explain how i'm trolling. i'm not a long time MH fan but i got the latest PSP game and fell in love. is it wrong for me to want it on ps3 so that it can be fully realized? is it trolling when i want games to be the best possible games they can be?

what's the point of putting a traditional game on wii exclusively? other than sales.

To help fighting the lack of hardcore games on the wii like you all scream about???
FootNinja said:
You have got to be fcking joking :\

i wake up and see the game i want more than any game maybe ever on wii only. I wouldn't have minded as much if it was 360 exclusive since i planned on buying one of those but now I'm forced to buy a console i don't want for one game and it wont be the experience i wanted. Graphics wont be what i needed from a next gen monster hunter and the whole friend codes thing will kind of shit on what monster hunter online was.

this has to be a nightmare.

Says the guy with a Mega Man Zero avatar.
FootNinja said:
You have got to be fcking joking :\

i wake up and see the game i want more than any game maybe ever on wii only. I wouldn't have minded as much if it was 360 exclusive since i planned on buying one of those but now I'm forced to buy a console i don't want for one game and it wont be the experience i wanted. Graphics wont be what i needed from a next gen monster hunter and the whole friend codes thing will kind of shit on what monster hunter online was.

this has to be a nightmare.

1 - Silly point. You don't need good graphics. This should look better than the PSP.
2 - Valid point. One of my biggest gripes with the Wii. So much so that I don't even bother playing online with it.


Bluemercury said:
To help fighting the lack of hardcore games on the wii like you all scream about???
you don't have to take a sequel from another console to do that. practically anything other than mini-games and leisure games would help build my confidence in wii's "hardcore" appeal.
Grecco said:
Id be more inclined to believe this whole "Monster Hunter fans wanted it in HD" hyperbole if i would have seen some bitching about it being on the PSP here, but alas that never happened.
so now i can't enjoy handheld games or i'm a hypocrite...? give me a break.
Gattsu25 said:
I'm not sure...I think it's just a fundamental difference in how I view the market. I don't overtly keep track of which developer works where, which game is selling, or which platform has the most support. I actually find that doing so has a negative impact on how I enjoy games, as it seems the less I track the 'industry' the more enjoyment I get out of playing...I realization I made when I was still tracking the PC FPS market back when Blood and Redneck Rampage where still in their heydays.

I typically like tracking sales age. I like following the trends in the industry and other aspects of the business end of videogames. But at the end of the day i'm a gamer at heart, and when a game is announced for my system of choice this generation i'm elated. Why? More games to play. I don't give a shit about advanced AI routines or Anti aliasing or what have you. If a game looks good to me i'm there. And frankly, I would follow franchises that i'm a fan of to the ends of the Earth as long as the game was good. This is why I scoff at people who moan incessantly at "Next gen experiences" and "pixel shaders" and the like. Gamin was fun before I even knew what those terms meant; if a game has them fantastic, if not, i'm not going to cry a river for days and months about the lack of FSAA.

Quite Frankly, looking at this from a sales age perspective the people bitching about a Wii version should be happy that this didn't end up a PS2 game. Because if it weren't for the Wii I think that's exactly where it would have landed. And that's cool for me.
dfyb said:
what's the point of putting a traditional game on wii exclusively? other than sales. unless wii is your only console, it's a waste.

Ths is exactly the type of post that proves to me that there are people who own Wiis only because they want the Nintendo games and didn't expect Nintendo to get anything else.


FootNinja said:
You have got to be fcking joking :\

i wake up and see the game i want more than any game maybe ever on wii only. I wouldn't have minded as much if it was 360 exclusive since i planned on buying one of those but now I'm forced to buy a console i don't want for one game and it wont be the experience i wanted. Graphics wont be what i needed from a next gen monster hunter and the whole friend codes thing will kind of shit on what monster hunter online was.

this has to be a nightmare.

Capcom doesn't make games just to please you, random internet nerd.
dfyb said:
what's the point of putting a traditional game on wii exclusively? other than sales. unless wii is your only console, it's a waste.

What's the point of putting a game on any console other than sales? You think gaming companies are Non-profit organizations that only seek out ways to entertain us?

And if the only reason for gaming is to view things in the highest graphical fidelity and best online functionality, why put it on anything other than PC?

Were you pissed by RE4 coming out on the PS2?


Wow I still see people saying that anyone who like this can't be a MH fan and should be disgusted. I'm a huge MH fan and have sunk major hours into the PSP version and I'm happy it's coming to Wii.

Also to the people complaining about the online. A game DOES NOT have to use frined codes. Also compared to the PSP the Wii online will be a greater experience. Also the fact that it's actually "online" is enough.

dfyb said:
explain how i'm trolling. i'm not a long time MH fan but i got the latest PSP game and fell in love. is it wrong for me to want it on ps3 so that it can be fully realized? is it trolling when i want games to be the best possible games they can be?

Did you get mad everytime a game was announced for PS2?
FootNinja said:
I love nintendo/capcom i just don't want a wii right now.

I was more making a point of how MMZ is the best of all the Mega Man series despite it being on a souped-up SNES instead of the PS2.
Grecco said:
Id be more inclined to believe this whole "Monster Hunter fans wanted it in HD" hyperbole if i would have seen some bitching about it being on the PSP here, but alas that never happened.
That's funny cause as the most vocal asshole on this game I've pretty much said nill on graphics. Monster Hunter's appeal is from the combination of great, addictive, skill based action gameplay and PSO/Diablo style community experience + loot grinding. All to the tune of fantastic art direction, which was great on the PS2, PSP and absolutely will be great on the Wii.


Will drop pants for Sony.
MickeyKnox said:
Let me break it down for you:

Sony fans who never gave a crap about the game other than as a positive talking point in JP sales threads: "Whatever, this isn't important, Monster Hunter sucks anyway."

Nintendo fans who never gave a crap about the game and still don't give a crap about it other than as a game that sells well in Japan: "OMG THIS IS HUGE NEWS! Nintendo wins console war double confirmed. Monster Hunter is a great franchise and Capcom will truly use the revolutionary motion controls to... uh... what do you do in this game again?"
Die hard Monster Hunter fans, especially NA ones who've been waiting for a new real console MH game since 2005: "This is worse than Parasite Eve 3 and Megaman Legends 3 for cellphones combined."

davepoobond said:

all i see this as is "cancel PS3 version" since there was already a Wii version planned anyway.

lol so true. I really don't care for the series, might buy it on the psp when it goes below 20 bucks, but this topic is funny. People here are complaining or happy about a game they in the past didn't care about. Anyways, i am waiting for the most important announcement, a Green Wii.
Pureauthor said:
I was more making a point of how MMZ is the best of all the Mega Man series despite it being on a souped-up SNES instead of the PS2.

What's your point? That's like trying to call out a graphics whore for having a FFVII avatar even though FFXIII looks a bajillion times better. I also think it's a bit lopsided to start comparing handhelds to consoles and expect people who prefer HD graphics to totally disregard anything on the PSP or DS.

It's not hypocritical to say you want a next generation game to have HD graphics while still being able to enjoy previous gen / handheld games.


I am Homie
crbowen said:
Capcom doesn't make games just to please you, random internet nerd.
You got me random internet tuff guy.

I was more making a point of how MMZ is the best of all the Mega Man series despite it being on a souped-up SNES instead of the PS2.

I played them on gba, but i do agree with the mmz series being the best megaman games.


Gattsu25 said:

He said the the reason he is pissed is because the game isn't going to the most powerful hardware to be all that it can be. By that I'm assuming any PS2 game he played must have pissed him off since it's on the weakest system and not being all that it can be.
Forgotten Ancient said:
What's your point? That's like trying to call out a graphics whore for having a FFVII avatar even though FFXIII looks a bajillion times better. I also think it's a bit lopsided to start comparing handhelds to consoles and expect people who prefer HD graphics to totally disregard anything on the PSP or DS.

It's not hypocritical to say you want a next generation game to have HD graphics while still being able to enjoy previous gen / handheld games.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

MMZ is a better series than MMX despite it being on 'inferior' hardware.

There is therefore no reason to suppose that MH3 on Wii is going to be any worse than MH3 on PS3.


Forgotten Ancient said:
What's the point of putting a game on any console other than sales? You think gaming companies are Non-profit organizations that only seek out ways to entertain us?

And if the only reason for gaming is to view things in the highest graphical fidelity and best online functionality, why put it on anything other than PC?
this is what is wrong with GAF. too many of you don't acknowledge that gaming is a creative industry, and if the gaming community's expectations are that sales age > *, the industry has a chance of really going down that dark path. sales influence games quite a bit, sure, but the most talented developers didn't necessarily join the gaming industry to "strike it rich." there are a lot of games that exist simply to make money, and these games are typically the filler.
Mistouze said:
Wasn't it the same with the whole "use the right stick to hit" thing on PS2 versions?

That's exactly what I was referring to when I said it would be a good fit. I didn't get tired of that, and the Wiimote just seems like a natural extension of that. No bias here, I don't even have a Wii. I think it would work.


It's a pity about Monster Hunter 3, it could've helped in Japan. I can understand why Capcom took that path though, it wouldn't be the first time. :lol


DeaconKnowledge said:
Funny, I'M a fan of traditional gaming franchises. Why does the 360 and PS3 have the traditional gaming market cornered again?

Because they were built with the same elements and traditions that established that market in the first place. Again, the Wii was designed to disrupte that market. I don't see why its so hard to understand why the people who were happy with the path games were on (which would be most of the fans of these franchises) would take issue with their games being "disrupted."

And again, no one complains about games like Trauma Center, Zack & Wiki, etc. But I'm sure if Trauma Center got announced for 360 or PSP you'd hear plenty of complaints from its fan base. (I know I would)

Maybe I am naive, but I just don't think its as simple as "Gaf hates Nintendo."


angelfly said:
Wow I still see people saying that anyone who like this can't be a MH fan and should be disgusted. I'm a huge MH fan and have sunk major hours into the PSP version and I'm happy it's coming to Wii.

Also to the people complaining about the online. A game DOES NOT have to use frined codes. Also compared to the PSP the Wii online will be a greater experience. Also the fact that it's actually "online" is enough.

Did you get mad everytime a game was announced for PS2?

It's not that, it's the fact the PS3 version was canceled. I am pretty sure this is going to be the trend going forward for Japanese-centric games and I don't have to like it. PS2/Wii announcements don't bother me, great for them. It's the fact that neither the PS3 or 360 can do jack shit in Japan that bothers me. You know it's terrific that Wii is getting some damn support, but I don't get all this celebration over PS3 cancellations with people having a vendetta against anyone who prefers this segment of gaming.

The handheld argument is stupid, I don't expect HD graphics on a handheld, but I damn well would LIKE it at home on my gigantic TV.


Will drop pants for Sony.
crbowen said:
Capcom doesn't make games just to please you, random internet nerd.

And now they are throwing insults. It must make you feel good to insult a person whom you have never met or seen.

People forget this is Capcom, if the game is a success, they will probably port it to the psp or ps2 or 360 or Ps3 or all of the above.


I am Homie
Pureauthor said:
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

MMZ is a better series than MMX despite it being on 'inferior' hardware.

There is therefore no reason to suppose that MH3 on Wii is going to be any worse than MH3 on PS3.
I think if those games would have been made on better hardware with better visuals it could only have improved the experience though, so you cant say just because an amazing game was on inferior hardware that it was optimized can you? :x
Pureauthor said:
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

MMZ is a better series than MMX despite it being on 'inferior' hardware.

There is therefore no reason to suppose that MH3 on Wii is going to be any worse than MH3 on PS3.
Good GOD.

Why are you people being so dense.

It has absolutely nothing to do with visuals and EVERYTHING to do with controls/interface.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Ths is exactly the type of post that proves to me that there are people who own Wiis only because they want the Nintendo games and didn't expect Nintendo to get anything else.
i think my purchase and support has more to do with that controller. i wish more developers would actually try to design games around the wiimote instead of trying to design wiimote functionality for their games. wii has under-delivered on that promise. i do enjoy the nintendo titles quite a bit though.

but you still havn't answered my question. what's the point of a traditional game on wii?
v0yce said:
Because they were built with the same elements and traditions that established that market in the first place. Again, the Wii was designed to disrupte that market. I don't see why its so hard to understand why the people who were happy with the path games were on (which would be most of the fans of these franchises) would take issue with their games being "disrupted."

And again, no one complains about games like Trauma Center, Zack & Wiki, etc. But I'm sure if Trauma Center got announced for 360 or PSP you'd hear plenty of complaints from its fan base. (I know I would)

Maybe I am naive, but I just don't think its as simple as "Gaf hates Nintendo."

I'm still not sure how A new Controller interface makes these games ineligible for Nintendo's console.

dfyb said:
i think my purchase and support has more to do with that controller. i wish more developers would actually try to design games around the wiimote instead of trying to design wiimote functionality for their games. wii has under-delivered on that promise. i do enjoy the nintendo titles quite a bit though.

but you still havn't answered my question. what's the point of a traditional game on wii?

The same thing as a casual game on the 360 or PS3. Sales. Is this a big revelation to you?
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