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Nvidia: Gamers should not limit their options to PS4/XB1; PC is the way to go


Games will still do their own thing, though. Lots of games done even support a controller.

Which is why Valve is pushing for it and trying to make it even easier with the Steam Controller. It may not be the perfect fit for everyone but it is something and they are trying, clearly.
Funniest part is that my PC rig although modest is an AMD rig. Radeon R9 series all the way. Next gen is AMD gen.

Genuine issue with PC gaming is that pubs like Ubisoft seem to hate it and try their best to undermine PC versions. How may big name friends does PC have? Valve and .... ?

Also, Joe Plumber Gamer just wants to play games and sees no distinction between Vita, iPhone, PS4 and PC

I try to keep up to date on both sides but I really do enjoy properly packaged goods for collection purposes so, as long as console versions are good enough, I'd actually prefer to stick there (maybe picking it up on PC at some point during a Steam sale). I really don't like going all digital and I will not being doing so on consoles.

PC packages are still sold, but in this region, I've had issues with using European discs with my Steam account for some reason so I kind of avoid it.

That said, the one thing that's really getting me down on the PC is the cost. In the US, it was easy to score awesome deals on great hardware and I was regularly able to purchase the latest in hardware every year or two but in France, prices are insanely high. On top of this, I feel as if AMD and nVidia are both pricing their best cards higher than they've ever been. The European price is significantly worse then.'

A Titan in the US? $900-1000 USD, right? With exchange rate, I'm looking at ~$1400 USD over here. That's a HUGE difference.

Of course, you really don't NEED to the best of the best, but even mid-range cards are much more expensive than I'm used to and that doesn't include all of the other components which end up running a lot more as well. It has completely soured me on upgrading my PC for the time being.

While the most demanding PC gamers go for the best hardware, a lot of people simply aren't picky when it comes to performance. I've witnessed a number of people, in real life, happily play games at highly variable framerates without any issue and I simply can't understand it. On the PC, where you have control, an unstable framerate drives me crazy and I do anything and everything I can to stabilize it at either 60 or 30 fps. That usually works, but some games suffer from unexpected weirdness. Battlefield 4, for instance, loads slower and feels less consistent on my PC than it does on a PS4. That's running from an SSD with a GTX680 + i5 3570k...a decent mid-range box, I suppose. It's simply hit or miss as to how a new PC game will run. Sometimes, a really demanding game shows up and runs like a dream (ie - Crysis 3 or Metro LL), but others never quite run as I'd like.

Still, I wouldn't dare go without a PC for gaming. It's an amazing place to play.

The Absolute Truth!

PC gaming may be inexpensive in trhe states but elsewhere the price of entry is too high for some people. Console seems like a better investment. One time purchase that will last you 5-8 years and you don't need to be very tech savvy.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I try to keep up to date on both sides but I really do enjoy properly packaged goods for collection purposes so, as long as console versions are good enough, I'd actually prefer to stick there (maybe picking it up on PC at some point during a Steam sale). I really don't like going all digital and I will not being doing so on consoles.

PC packages are still sold, but in this region, I've had issues with using European discs with my Steam account for some reason so I kind of avoid it.

That said, the one thing that's really getting me down on the PC is the cost. In the US, it was easy to score awesome deals on great hardware and I was regularly able to purchase the latest in hardware every year or two but in France, prices are insanely high. On top of this, I feel as if AMD and nVidia are both pricing their best cards higher than they've ever been. The European price is significantly worse then.'

A Titan in the US? $900-1000 USD, right? With exchange rate, I'm looking at ~$1400 USD over here. That's a HUGE difference.

Of course, you really don't NEED to the best of the best, but even mid-range cards are much more expensive than I'm used to and that doesn't include all of the other components which end up running a lot more as well. It has completely soured me on upgrading my PC for the time being.

While the most demanding PC gamers go for the best hardware, a lot of people simply aren't picky when it comes to performance. I've witnessed a number of people, in real life, happily play games at highly variable framerates without any issue and I simply can't understand it. On the PC, where you have control, an unstable framerate drives me crazy and I do anything and everything I can to stabilize it at either 60 or 30 fps. That usually works, but some games suffer from unexpected weirdness. Battlefield 4, for instance, loads slower and feels less consistent on my PC than it does on a PS4. That's running from an SSD with a GTX680 + i5 3570k...a decent mid-range box, I suppose. It's simply hit or miss as to how a new PC game will run. Sometimes, a really demanding game shows up and runs like a dream (ie - Crysis 3 or Metro LL), but others never quite run as I'd like.

Still, I wouldn't dare go without a PC for gaming. It's an amazing place to play.
I don't know about you but I don't game on my PC for 6 years without any upgrade. Also, I can get 5 years worth of PS+ today for $150 and many games on PS360 cheaper than $20 a pop. That doesn't free games that Sony will be giving away for PS+ subscriber.

Why don't you go 6 years without an upgrade? If you time it right, there is not any reason to upgrade if you are fine with console standards. My 4 year old rig is still outperforming the PS4 with Assassins Creed Black Flag.


It makes some sense to wait and see if the console influence is adopted, or the Steam box pan out.

8GB RAM / APU on the same bus / cache workarounds / steamOS / Steam controller.

At lot could change as for whats offered in the next 6-12 months. It be stupid to upgrade now, when it looks like cost to performance, there might be great increases coming.


Hey guys consoles are breaking records and are more viable long term than the tablets we've been pumping money all these years so please don't forget about graphic cards guys :'(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Why don't you go 6 years without an upgrade? If you time it right, there is not any reason to upgrade if you are fine with console standards. My 4 year old rig is still outperforming the PS4 with Assassins Creed Black Flag.
Specs? What kind of framerate are you getting?

I suspect the PS4 can easily go above 30 fps in that game but it was locked to keep it consistent. I do the same thing on my PC when I can't hold a perfect 60. I doubt you're getting a perfect 60 in AC4 with the same settings as PS4 on a four year old PC.


Highly disagree. I've not paid more than $37.50 for a preorder on a PC game in years, and a lot of the time I'll hold off 6 months and get that game that was just retailing for $60 on consoles for $15 or less on a good steal sale. This isn't even factoring in the loads of free games I've recieved just for placing a damned preorder in the first place, or humble bundles where you can get 5-8 AAA titles for ~6$.

As a PC gamer you simply pay less for games vs a console gamer. Why? Competition of an open market vs a closed one on consoles, lower overhead in general. That last bit is particularly important to understand as it's long been rumored that Valve takes 1/3 of the sales' price on steam whereas on retail pubs/devs only earn back roughly a 1/3 of the list price. This means that at a discounted $40 release (like Dark Souls) on PC earns pubs/devs /more/ per sale than a $60 retail AAA game on the console front.

Being a PC gamer is simply more economical for everyone, period, and that's why we see better prices.

I usually rent most games on console as close to day one as possible

I only buy what i want to keep, like RPGs and those are always day one buys, cant wait 6+ months for the price to fall, so the top difference is like 10$ between PC and consoles

There is not even a coparisson at all, consoles are like paying nothing comparing to PC, with just a xbox 360 that cost 300$ can get you most main games for 7+ years, and if you rent you may have to only pay as low as a few $ per game and a few buys

Dario ff

Gamers: Nvidia should not limit their options to those who cannot afford $1000 GPUS; AMD cards is the way to go
But I like the GTX 760, it seems pretty reasonable for the price instead of a $1200 PS4 in Argentina. I wanna get one next month. :p

Came back to me when I can play Persona 5 at PC. That also mean I'm not touching next-gen.
Well, we don't know if that one's a PS3 exclusive yet do we? We could try asking for an outsourced port by Sega if they said they have no resources for a PS4 port... Worth a try, but probably should wait to ask until the localization is announced first. It could be a good first step to try to get more JRPGs on PC.


Funniest part is that my PC rig although modest is an AMD rig.
There's nothing funny about that. Nvidia would obviously prefer if you bought their products, but people buying AMD-powered PC's is still better than people buying consoles from their perspective. Its still supporting the platform that they work on in the end.
Does it play uncharted? Or halo? No? Then sthu



Sort of.


Gold Member
I would say it's superior in terms of graphical capability, but gaming? I don't think so. There aren't many PC exclusives that hold that much sway in my eyes, I'm far more interested in console exclusives.

There are more exclusives on PC than there are on all other systems combined... By a very large margin. Considering there are exclusives in every conceivable genre and control scheme, it sounds like you are more interested in concole marketing hype.



It's so true but I prefer by far playing on a ps4. Keyboard and mouse ain't an excuse anymore, and there's always something that slows down the performance, or something that does not patch or update as you would, compatibility problems,tons of secondary program for voice chat, server finding or useless mods to make you pass the time, play less and make you forget your not really having fun.

Well, I know some people love to screw around and toy with their games, optimizing them but it's not my cup of tea... not enough time to game. It's why most of gamers are choosing console. It's quick and powerful enough.


I will enjoy both immensely once I get a PS4 ( no games so far for me to buy a PS4 or XBONE) for now my PC and Wii U/PS3 are more than enough to satisfy my gaming fix.
Why don't you go 6 years without an upgrade? If you time it right, there is not any reason to upgrade if you are fine with console standards. My 4 year old rig is still outperforming the PS4 with Assassins Creed Black Flag.

Because I'm not fine with console standards. I game on PC for superior multiplatform games and consoles for exclusives. I'm not choosing one or another. Why would I game on PC if all I get is the same experience as consoles?


That said, the one thing that's really getting me down on the PC is the cost. In the US, it was easy to score awesome deals on great hardware and I was regularly able to purchase the latest in hardware every year or two but in France, prices are insanely high. On top of this, I feel as if AMD and nVidia are both pricing their best cards higher than they've ever been. The European price is significantly worse then.'

You've already addressed the fact that you don't like going all-digital, but I don't mind on the PC. It's not something I could do on consoles, though. Still, I wanted to bring up the point that despite hardware being a little costlier now, the pricing of games is still enough to make up some of the difference. I was able to pick up both Arkham Origins and the Deluxe edition of BF4 for $45 total yesterday.

You know nVidia, gamers should also not limit their options to PC only.

And even if they do, they honestly shouldn't limit their PC gaming experience to Nvidia only.
There's nothing funny about that. Nvidia would obviously prefer if you bought their products, but people buying AMD-powered PC's is still better than people buying consoles from their perspective. Its still supporting the platform that they work on in the end.

Oh come now! Nvidia is not the Shepard of gaming protecting and guiding it's flock. They are a business and PC gaming is GOD as long as it's Nvidia powering that GOD
They don't benefit in any way if I buy AMD graphic cards and processors. Pride in PC gaming doesn't make the investors happy, sales do.
If their chips were in the consoles they would be all, "This gen we would recommend either a console for mid-range gaming or PC for high end. Depends on how much you can spend."

Also, like it or not. PC gaming is not for cavemen and unfortunately there are plenty cavemen running around today. There is nothing wrong with that because they have FAR FAR more important stuff to worry about like taxes and bills than how many TFLOPS they are getting.


There are more exclusives on PC than there are on all other systems combined... By a very large margin. Considering there are exclusives in every conceivable genre and control scheme, it sounds like you are more interested in concole marketing hype.

But not everyone likes these exclusives and not every one of them is a next gen title

For example i want mostly RPGs, that most next gen PC ones are also on PS4 and JRPGs that are usually only found on consoles

So the number is irrelevant if PC misses most of the games i mainly want to play and has any numbers of others i would not really play

The actual PC exclusive RPGs i want, do not require a beefy PC and are Kickstarter titles mainly


Oh come now! Nvidia is not the Shepard of gaming protecting and guiding it's flock
They are a business and PC gaming is GOD as long as it's Nvidia powering that GOD
If their chips were in the consoles they would be all, "This gen we would recommend either a console for mid-range gaming or PC for high end. Depends on how much you can spend."

Also, like it or not. PC gaming is not for cavemen and unfortunately there are plenty cavemen running around today. There is nothing wrong with that because they have FAR FAR more important stuff to worry about like taxes and bills than how many TFLOPS they are getting.

The threads leading up to the consoles launching and the comparisons between the PS4 and Xbone really have shown that.


pc/ps4...the way to go for me

As an owner of a PC, PS4, and Xbox 1... this is currently not true at all. PS4 currently has 1 game worth playing if you are a PC owner and it's nothing but a score attack game (Resogun). Where as the Xbox 1 has a few major ones.
Now in the future, this might completely change of course.


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
Oddly enough I will agree with nVidia that the PC is the way to go but only when it comes to FPS games. Sure it costs a little more but you get ultra settings and frames and most importantly accuracy. If you are a competitive FPS gamer and you poor lot's of hours in such games PC is their home turf.


As a owner of A PC, PS4, and Xbox 1... this is currently not true at all. PS4 currently has 1 game worth playing if you are a PC owner and it's nothing but a score attack game (Resogun). Where as the Xbox 1 has a few major ones.
Now in the future, this might completely change of course.

Ni no Kuni 2 was hinted, that automatically put PS4 in my first to buy list for next gen systems

Hopefully will get a price drop to 300$ by the release

Until then my 3DS will burn up with all those titles i cant wait to play


I've never felt like I could buying a PC just to play games on it. I'd play a lot more games on my laptop, but the games I like aren't supported on Mac.


Gold Member
Does it play uncharted? Or halo? No? Then sthu

Are you seriously trying to use a dick measuring, "does it play?" contest going up against the PC library? Your going to have a bad day.

I will completely ignore that you need 2 separate games systems and 2 monthly subscriptions to play the only 2 games you mentioned.
The threads leading up to the consoles launching and the comparisons between the PS4 and Xbone really have shown that.

The average family man with a steady job and kids buying a PS4 for the family on Christmas is NOT a Gaffer and even then would be one of the more laid back ones.

Unless you were NOT being sarcastic.

Are you seriously trying to use a dick measuring, "does it play?" contest going up against the PC library? Your going to have a bad day.

I will completely ignore that you need 2 separate games systems and 2 monthly subscriptions to play the only 2 games you mentioned.

Yet that is what the average gamer thinks like. They want the Uncharted/Halo machine not the 2560 x 1440p @ 120 FPS machine


Are you seriously trying to use a dick measuring, "does it play?" contest going up against the PC library? Your going to have a bad day.

I will completely ignore that you need 2 separate games systems and 2 monthly subscriptions to play the only 2 games you mentioned.

If i mainly play RPGs and PC misses almost all JRPGs, then PC would limit gaming to 50% by default, no matter how many other games it may have

So in the end it is a matter of preference, than number of available games

I would gladly pay for consoles to get my JRPG fix and if they also have Witcher 3, even better and i dont need a gaming PC
As a owner of A PC, PS4, and Xbox 1... this is currently not true at all. PS4 currently has 1 game worth playing if you are a PC owner and it's nothing but a score attack game (Resogun). Where as the Xbox 1 has a few major ones.
Now in the future, this might completely change of course.

I don't buy PS4 for just launch title. We know what is coming next year. MGS: Ground Zero, Infamous Second Son, Deep Down, Destiny, all of which won't come to PC.I think PC/console is and always will be the smartest choice.
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