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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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How the hell do people use Winston's ult? I just end up jumping around like a mad man not managing to get any kills.

If there are cliffs it's easy to get kills with but generally you should use it to push the enemy team away from the objective and split them open. Each Winston ult punch only does 40 small aoe damage so it's not meant to kill. Your team should do the killing when the enemy team gets split up.
Does leaving a match after every single teammate picks Genji make me a bad person?

You should've also rolled Genji and had a fun match! It's okay to be silly sometimes.

Also does anyone have any good Mercy tips? She seems super difficult to use to me. You have to be very fast it seems

Keep an eye on all of your team mates, and prepare to have an exit strategy when helping a push.

Use her shift move when you're moving through danger. It is much much faster than her walking speed

Never go in front of your team, keep at least one or two of your guys in front of you

Try and save her ult for more than one person being dead, but it also charges pretty fast
Never leave yourself in the open. Stick to doorways and crates/walls/etc. Don't be an easy target.

Once you start your healing beam it can stretch to a very long distance without breaking. Also you don't need to be looking at who you're healing, the beam only breaks after a few seconds Los

Hope these help!

The excitement of seeing a Legendary drop only for it to be a dupe.

They really need to increase dupe gold. At least to 33-50%.
Is bastion op or am I just useless against it?




Lol people really need to get over themselves being so pissed at Mei. She's a fun character and I've never been completely wrecked by one. I mean like others have been saying, if there's a good Hero on the other team just change yours to account for it.

There are several heroes more annoying to go up against.

One thing some people may not realize is how good Zarya is against Mei. Both her self-shield and teammate shield remove the slow/frozen status, and that goes for both Mei's regular attack and her ult. Both you and an ally can escape from her ult even if it's trapped you if your shields are off CD (this is also partly why Mei's ult isn't nearly as good as something like Zarya's graviton bomb, despite them both being AoE roots.)

On a similar note, Zarya's shield also removes Zenyatta's Discord debuff.


I opened up a loot box and it only had one item in it =[

That doesn't seem right...

I'll never understand picking so many Offensive heroes while on Defense and so many Defense heroes while on Offense.

I mean, it's just a suggestion... Junkrat is a "defensive" character but he's a beast on some of the maps for pushing. Likewise Soldier 76's healing puddle is really useful for holding a choke point on the defense.


I think the games a solid value proposition, thats why I bought it after all. But I would like a single player campaign or spin-off simply because I like the characters and the world. Not due to any monetary issue.

Well....that's a valid reason for sure. However, I believe Blizzard will keep releasing a lot of animated videos that will entice players to stick around for the maps/characters they add for free. Something to look forward to at least.


semen stains the mountaintops
Got ten commendations, thought that would've gave me an achievement.


People love when healers get Play of the Game, it seems. Anytime someone does well as a healer, even the other team gives them props.
Mercy is so much fun with a team that knows what they're doing (i.e. not letting people flank me). Just zipping around healing and boosting people.

Had a great defense when everyone on my team left during setup and we lost A immediately, but then with the the slots filled we managed to hold B for the rest of the round. I got friend requests from everyone on the team afterwards, so I guess they appreciated what I was doing.

When we were on offense next round the enemy team had five Junkrats for the first objective..


Of course you do, it's true for any e-sport.
Even dota 2 had character nerfed because of pub results, at least Drow and Spirit Breaker comes to mind, but they probably aren't alone. Pro balance is probably a priority for e-sport games, but there is no way it is done by completely ignoring the pub balance, at the very least for the biggest disparity.


Playing against the team with 2 or 3 Widowmakers is pointless really. I hate these Widowmaker spammers. They should really limit one character per team. This is bullshit.


Playing against the team with 2 or 3 Widowmakers is pointless really. I hate these Widowmaker spammers. They should really limit one character per team. This is bullshit.
It would make for an interesting mode at least

To this day I'm not sure how to go best against 4 turrets from tornjob, especially if they are good players


Playing against the team with 2 or 3 Widowmakers is pointless really. I hate these Widowmaker spammers. They should really limit one character per team. This is bullshit.

You need more Winston and D. Va in your life, friend.

EDIT: Disregard, read this as playing AGAINST two widows.


You need more Winston and D. Va in your life, friend.

EDIT: Disregard, read this as playing AGAINST two widows.
It makes me sad if I try attacking a Widowmaker with D.Va and die anyway, because my aim is so terrible that I can't kill her holding down the mouse button at close range, while she uses her auto rifle. She can also escape with grappling hook after I gap close on her.
Well, this game certainly has its claws in me. I've been playing for an hour or two every night after work this week. What's odd is that Overwatch stands apart from other games that have hooked me in that I never spend time thinking about this game when I am not playing it. However, once I start playing a couple matches, I can't seem to quit. Playing an arcade shooter like this with keyboard+mouse feels so refreshing for me personally. It's been a long time since I have been able to snipe using a mouse, so I keep coming back to Widowmaker.

I foresee a lack of variety in modes pulling away from this game's longevity, so it's my hope that Blizzard counteracts all of that by continually supporting this game. And, of course, if their track record is anything to go by, they will be fine.

Ivan 3414

Playing against the team with 2 or 3 Widowmakers is pointless really. I hate these Widowmaker spammers. They should really limit one character per team. This is bullshit.

I honestly hate playing with more than one sniper because too often the snipers aren't doing shit for the objective, in any sense


It would make for an interesting mode at least

To this day I'm not sure how to go best against 4 turrets from tornjob, especially if they are good players

I played two matches and there were 2 Widowmakers at the beginning of the first match, 2 minutes later one player changed from Soldier 76 to Widowmaker. On the next match we played against 3 Widowmakers from the start. And these bitches are taking down heroes with 200-250 health. With just one good shoot.

Just WTF??
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