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Pepe the Frog’s Creator Goes Legally Nuclear Against the Alt-Right


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
EDIT: Here's the link to the article:


Pepe the Frog creator Matt Furie has made good on his threat to "aggressively enforce his intellectual property."

The artist's lawyers have taken legal action against the alt-right. They have served cease and desist orders to several alt-right personalities and websites including Richard Spencer, Mike Cernovich, and the r/the_Donald subreddit. In addition, they have issued Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown requests to Reddit and Amazon, notifying them that use of Pepe by the alt-right on their platforms is copyright infringement. The message is to the alt-right is clear—stop using Pepe the Frog or prepare for legal consequences.

Furie originally created Pepe as a non-political character for his Boy's Club comic, but Pepe later became an internet meme and during the 2016 US presidential election the alt-right movement appropriated the frog in various grotesque and hateful memes.

Feels good man.


Damn, I feel for this guy. Can you imagine having your innocent creation turned into a symbol of hate?


but Pepe later became an internet meme and during the 2016 US presidential election the alt-right movement appropriated the frog in various grotesque and hateful memes.


Pepe has significant history in meme culture, I'm glad he won't sit here and let 4chan ruin him. the GOAT meme before these fascist fucks became prominent.
Standing on the edge of the underworld
Looking at the abyss
and I'm hoping for some miracle
To breakout to escape from all this
Whispers in the air tell the tales
of a life that's gone
Desolation, devastation
What a mess they made, when it all went wrong

Good to see him fight back
The redemption of Pepe!

Always felt bad to see someone's fun and innocent creation be turned into a symbol of hate. All the guy wanted to do was pee with his trousers round his ankles yet here we are.


I saw one of the guys getting sued pop up on my timeline last night for using Pepe in a book he's getting made. Him and a lot of his followers didn't understand the concept of copyright and one of his responses was(paraphrasing) "I had a different guy draw Pepe for me so it's okay and he can't sue."

That's not how any of that works
There is still some good in Pepe. It's never too late.



Make Pepe Great Again

Despite referencing such an odious slogan, I actually kind of do want this to happen.

Like just yesterday in one of my classes, we were looking at some medieval illustration of a king, and I thought to myself "he kind of looks like Pepe the Frog!" I laughed to myself at first, then got sad when I thought about how badly that image has been dragged through the proverbial mud....


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I saw one of the guys getting sued pop up on my timeline last night for using Pepe in a book he's getting made. Him and a lot of his followers didn't understand the concept of copyright and one of his responses was(paraphrasing) "I had a different guy draw Pepe for me so it's okay and he can't sue."

That's not how any of that works

No one ever called these people smart. Angry, stupid and loud for sure but they're about as sharp as a rolling pin.
How is this not going to end up as the streisand effect?

He cant exactly control how pepe is used on the internet Or on subs like the_donald can he?


Good. These nazi pieces of shit have been using his creation to spread hate for years now, it's time for them to start feeling the legal consequences.


I am sad that the Pepe frog, that was a good meme and relatable to many of us, was turned into an alt-right image.
I know I must first look at the way it is used, but even now even if it's a normal meme, I can not think of another thing apart from nazis.
I have no idea about various lawyerings, but would this work? Can't trademarks lose their power or whatever if they become common usage? Like, oh sure, you did create this thing, but people have been using it all this time and you never tried to stop them until now, so you don't own it anymore.


For you.
I have no idea about various lawyerings, but would this work? Can't trademarks lose their power or whatever if they become common usage? Like, oh sure, you did create this thing, but people have been using it all this time and you never tried to stop them until now, so you don't own it anymore.

Nope, not how it works. Otherwise Disney would have long lost the Frozen trademark because of the Let It Go gif.


yes, that talented of a member
Man if firewatch is any indication, Matt Furie is already dead. Watch nobody defend him against the alt-right.
I have no idea about various lawyerings, but would this work? Can't trademarks lose their power or whatever if they become common usage? Like, oh sure, you did create this thing, but people have been using it all this time and you never tried to stop them until now, so you don't own it anymore.

Trademark is not the same thing as copyright.


Man if firewatch is any indication, Matt Furie is already dead. Watch nobody defend him against the alt-right.

And Yooka Laylee. It's really sad when people get bombarded with backlash for trying to disassociate themselves from hate.
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