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Petition to release Trump's tax returns currently second most popular federal webpage

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You can see the breakdown here: https://analytics.usa.gov/

The petition is here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...on-needed-verify-emoluments-clause-compliance



What is required to force him to release it?
We can't, but they've got 44% of the way to the point where the White House used to respond.

I don't think there's anything holding the new administration to the petition promise, though. That was an Obama thing.
The longer this stays a topic of interest the less he'll be able to claim no one cares. If Democrats play their cards right they should hammer him on this issue incessantly, at every opportunity, in every possible venue, until his tax returns and the underhandedness involved in his refusal to release them are all anyone thinks about wrt/Trump.


I'd sign it but this administration makes me reluctant to do so. I might end up on an enemies list.
Doubtful. But even if it did, that'd make it even more likely you should sign the petition. Stand up to demogagues, don't ever give in.


Well I must be a reporter (according to Trumpet), because I'm still interested in this issue.

We should make this a constant thing until he releases them. The public deserves this information.


Literally the only thing all online petitions accomplished in the Obama administration was that jokey Death Star thing and a recipe for craft beer, so nah, I'm good. Trump's administration is the very last place people should put their infinitesimal effort and instead should hammer on their Congresspeople to investigate and demand his returns.


Probably. I've called him mean names on here.

Seeing as how I registered as a Democrat, I'm probably already on an enemies list. Signed the petition. I don't expect anything to come out of this, but I want to see how high the number of signatories can reach while receiving no response at all.

If we can goad him into removing the petition site all together, then at least that would mean we sucessfully triggered his thin skin.

I look forward to seeing the rest of you in the gulags, my brothers and sisters.


At this point, what would showing his taxes even do? Show that he doesn't pay them? His constituents don't care. They'll just claim its more fake news. Hammering on his taxes will be as pointless as hammering Hillary on Bengazi.


The longer this stays a topic of interest the less he'll be able to claim no one cares. If Democrats play their cards right they should hammer him on this issue incessantly, at every opportunity, in every possible venue, until his tax returns and the underhandedness involved in his refusal to release them are all anyone thinks about wrt/Trump.

I mean, the Republican Party did this to no end over meaningless efforts towards Obama, right? There's no need to "go higher;" this is actually something of merit & should be hammered down on.


At this point, what would showing his taxes even do? Show that he doesn't pay them? His constituents don't care. They'll just claim its more fake news. Hammering on his taxes will be as pointless as hammering Hillary on Bengazi.

if he responds to it he has a pretty good (basically 100%) chance of making an ass of himself in the process. So I think at this point people should just throw everything at the problem and see what sticks.


Trump's taxes need to become the "e-mails" of his political career. Never let it go, never stop mentioning it. Keep hammering away at every opportunity.


Homeland Security Fail
Philip Rucker ‏@PhilipRucker

"He's not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didn't care," Kellyanne Conway says on ABC.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Philip Rucker ‏@PhilipRucker

"He's not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didn't care," Kellyanne Conway says on ABC.

I hate how they say people didn't care. Pricks.


Philip Rucker ‏@PhilipRucker

"He's not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didn't care," Kellyanne Conway says on ABC.
So the petition signers are not people?
He won't release his tax returns, no, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't pester him about it.

We also shouldn't let him off for all the shit he's said, even if he's never going to apologize for any of it.
At this point, what would showing his taxes even do? Show that he doesn't pay them? His constituents don't care. They'll just claim its more fake news. Hammering on his taxes will be as pointless as hammering Hillary on Bengazi.

It. Is. Not. About. His. Most. Devoted. Followers. Anymore.

Are people going to do this every time Trump is investigated or calls for transparency are made? People care. Did you see millions of people marching in the streets yesterday? People care. Did you see people protesting legislation rolling back the ACA several days ago? People care. There are a lot of issues related to this presidency a great many people care about.

This site is attracting attention. People care. A lot of people care. We're not going to sit on our hands over the next for years because his most hardcore followers "don't care" about this or that.

EDIT: Also, ultimately, your example about hammering Hillary on Benghazi is flawed. Although years of investigations ultimately turned up nothing substantial against her, the years of investigations themselves had a cumulative effect of creating a cloud of distrust against her. Between Benghazi and emails it created a narrative among many voters that she was "always under investigation". That turned into a serious issue that dragged her throughout her presidential campaign.


if he responds to it he has a pretty good (basically 100%) chance of making an ass of himself in the process. So I think at this point people should just throw everything at the problem and see what sticks.
Nothing sticks. Not even hooker piss.


Someone needs to leak them at this point. These people aren't going to show them. Even if the petition had millions of signatures.


Someone needs to leak them at this point. These people aren't going to show them. Even if the petition had millions of signatures.
They just put the petition up to troll you guys. And collect a bunch of names and Emails for a database in case they need to designate some enemies of the state or sell some viagra.


They should get leaked to everywhere credible, and specifically exclude Wikileaks (and fascist "news" organizations). Fuck Assange.


Makes me especially curious as to what's in there when you consider he's already bragged about paying as little as possible.
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