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Phil Spencer thinks this is Xbox's best generation so far

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Even with their missteps and communication nightmares, it's perhaps the most strategically significant among all their console launches, even more so than the original Xbox, something which I believe Scorpio will end up benefiting from greatly. And, no, I'm not referring to sales, I'm talking strictly from a strategic standpoint, and the way it ties back into or complements other microsoft products and services. There just needs to be improvement on the games front (they are by no means doing terrible, we just don't know what else they may have unannounced) while they continue to move forward finding creative ways to use the versatility of windows and some of the other stuff they have going on to benefit xbox and vice versa.
lmao. sorry, i have no problems with your post but that part caught me off guard. lool
versatility of windows?
lol. have you seen threads of how shitty windows stores could be?
I completely agree. Xbox One is by far, and I mean, by far, the Xbox console I enjoyed the most. Things I love so far:

-> Backwards Compatibility
-> Some of the (console) exclusives are lovely: Forza 6 first and foremost, FH3, Gears 4, Sunset, and Halo 5 MP.
-> The new dashboard. Specially the new one (im part of the insider program). The way you can control the entire console from the menu bar is fantastic.
-> The S redesign. Maybe because typically slim versions of consoles tend to be ugly IMO, I was not expecting such a beautiful beast.

I have to say that IF i would consume japanese games, then yes, probably X1 is dissapointing. But well, its not my case.

I agree that all of these are nice, damn nice actually - especially that controller...OOF.

But going back to what Phil was responding to, which is exclusive games, it's hard to argue that Sony isn't absolutely dominating them this gen. Even if you're a big fan of the MS exclusives, it's just not a fair comparison at all
It's obviously also falling behind MS's expectations though otherwise they would not have reigned it in as much as they have money/funding/investment wise.

Likely they could have been falling behind on initial expectations but 3 years is a lot of time. expectations change and they could very well be meeting them now since they have been reigned in . From a money making perspective that sounds like a good thing


I completely agree. Xbox One is by far, and I mean, by far, the Xbox console I enjoyed the most. Things I love so far:

-> Backwards Compatibility
-> Some of the (console) exclusives are lovely: Forza 6 first and foremost, FH3, Gears 4, Sunset, and Halo 5 MP.
-> The new dashboard. Specially the new one (im part of the insider program). The way you can control the entire console from the menu bar is fantastic.
-> The S redesign. Maybe because typically slim versions of consoles tend to be ugly IMO, I was not expecting such a beautiful beast.

I have to say that IF i would consume japanese games, then yes, probably X1 is dissapointing. But well, its not my case.

My thoughts pretty much. I have played more games and hours this generation than most others.

I thought the initial console was weak, but what it has to developed into is excellent and I'm really looking forward what Scorpio brings. I mean I'm really hyped for it as it feels like the first real translation of what Phil and his team are aiming for. Just hope they bring the games too.


The last full finished and polised Halo release happened in 2010 with Halo Reach from Bungie!
Can people quit posting this garbage?!
Halo 4 and Halo 5 were polished games and although Halo Wars 2 has a couple bugs it doesn't excuse Bungie's glitch/exploit ridden game Halo 2.


He said implementation, so that wouldn't make any sense.

You can implement a release schedule.

I personally don't think anything has half-hearted. It just started out miss guided and the amount of course correction needed exceeds what can be done with the original hardware. they were earnest with the things they wanted to to but a lot of feature undermined each other and it's core function.
I really dont get why there is this notion that Sony is doing so much better. Both the one and ps4 are lacking.
I think both the 360 and PS3 were much stronger than this gen offerings.


US has always been their main market. I don't think they care about other markets.

Is not that they don't care, they tried and Europe was a good market for them last gen, the thing is that those markets, EU and JP, don't care about the Xbox. Also, Phil is wrong about both fronts.


You can implement a release schedule.

I personally don't think anything has half-hearted. It just started out miss guided and the amount of course correction needed exceeds what can be done with the original hardware. they were earnest with the things they wanted to to but a lot of feature undermined each other and it's core function.

That would be a really odd way to communicate it.

I think he's talking about Play Anywhere given that he bolded my comment about MS wanting to use their first-party and Live service across all Windows 10 devices in one integrated play. I'm asking him to be sure before jumping to conclusions and responding though.


If we're talking purely games this is the weakest Xbox console hands down. I think if we're factoring everything from a numbers perspective (numbers that maybe MS only knows) Phil's statement could be correct.
Sony went through a lot during 2006-2009, if Kaz constantly tweeted about his love for diversity and experimentation and cult classics and saying all the right things but only released Gran Turismo and Killzone every year with the rare bit of games like Infamous whilst morons were still spouting E3 2006 memes you'd be getting a similar reaction.

Interestingly, something similar did happen for Sony a few years ago. They got some shit when Layden name-dropped Vib Ribbon but they actually had no plans of bringing it back. The flack they got did eventually get Sony to put it up as a PS1 classic though.

Same thing was happening with Crash when Layden wore that shirt at PSX (2015?). People were saying that they were stringing fans along and appealing to their nostalgia. This was before they announced the Crash Remakes though, so I can see why people were thinking that (even though it was obvious that it was going to happen all along).


What's half-hearted?

1) Play Anywhere gimping Console Family Sharing
2) No PC >>> Xbox Streaming
3) Not adding in basic functionality that PC gamers expect in their UWA/PC implementations.
4) Not bringing what makes PC gaming great to console (3rd party controllers, middleware, mods) that are supported on Win10 (PC) but not Win10 (Xbox).
5) Lousy attempt at combining Xbox and Win10 store fronts. Might even consider it worse.
6) Free gimped versions of their console exclusives (Forza, Halo builder).
7) Play Anywhere features different between various game releases (Sometimes, console & pc can play together, sometimes not, etc..) They should be trying to GROW the player base to improve the multiplayer experience for their customers, not segment it.


I love gaming, it's been my primary hobby for over 30 years.

This generation of consoles is the first generation where I've not bought all the players so I don't miss out on anything.

My desire for gaming is still there, I spend a fortune on my PC, I've got a PS4 and a Pro.... and that's just it, this generations Xbox has absolutely nothing going for it, so little in fact that I'd rather double up and be able to play my PS4 games in bed and on the television in the lounge rather than buy one.
It's obviously also falling behind MS's expectations though otherwise they would not have reigned it in as much as they have money/funding/investment wise.
I think Microsoft is very happy with where things are considering mattirick almost destroyed the brand with his Kinect push agenda trying to cater to casual. I can't blame him Kinect selling 24 million units didn't help that cause. Where are people getting this reigned in funds from the Xbox divisions from they're making as many games as they did last gen just not the Japanese investment they did. This is a false narritive at best.
MS doesn't care if you play on PC. That just means Windows is being used, and they get a larger win anyway. Which is why Xbox games are switching to UWPs and Play Anywhere is a thing

Sony has more to lose with their console exclusive stuff being in PC. Which is why we have the Pro

That's not entirely true.

The person who buys the occasional Microsoft 1st party game through the W10 store while buying all of their other games through Steam/GoG/Origin/U-Play is going to be a lot less valuable than an Xbox owner who buys ALL of their games on Xbox while paying for Gold.


Gold Member
Likely they could have been falling behind on initial expectations but 3 years is a lot of time. expectations change and they could very well be meeting them now since they have been reigned in . From a money making perspective that sounds like a good thing

Do you see them recovering from their studio losses soon by opening more? It's going to take years to recover and that is if they even try. Looks more like they're taking a different approach nowadays.


I really dont get why there is this notion that Sony is doing so much better. Both the one and ps4 are lacking.
I think both the 360 and PS3 were much stronger than this gen offerings.

Hell no. PS3 was literally in a worse state than the xbox one was at the beginning of this gen. They started turning things around years after launch, and even then many things that people took for granted with the 360 never even came to the PS3 until the PS4 launch.


Do you see them recovering from their studio losses soon by opening more? It's going to take years to recover and that is if they even try. Looks more like they're taking a different approach nowadays.

Or they're waiting for E3 to reveal more of their lineup. Them not talking right now is indicative of nothing.


I think this is yet another case of "different strokes for different folks".
I love my Xbox One. I've probably spent more time using it in the first 3ish years of its existence than I did my 360 in the same first 3ish years of its life.

The much maligned TV TV TV HDMI pass through.
The Xbox One is the essentially always on, always ready to feed me entertainment.

My PS4 by comparison is usually covered in dust, only getting used rarely when one of the niche Japanese games interests me (very rare) or an AAA exclusive (like Uncharted) comes out.

By and in large, I play 3rd party games which are available on both systems.
Overwatch, Destiny, Titanfall, and Dark Souls 3 have consumed most of my game time this generation...
This was the case with the X360/PS3 generation as well. My library was chock full of 3rd party games and an occasional Halo or Uncharted here or there.

And GASP... I play them on the "shittier" of the two consoles.
It's just more convenient.
Also I find the controller more comfortable.
And my friends all mostly play on Xbox as opposed to PS4.

Absolutely there is a massive chasm between exclusive content, and maybe GAF will play those exclusive PS4 games at a 90% adoption rate.
But if I'm being honest, the actual exclusives I'll end up playing aren't that high.

The game I'm looking forward to the most this year?
Mass Effect: Andromeda.

It's not even a contest.

Maybe Persona 5 is that game for you.
That's great. I'm happy for you. But I'm not touching it.

And that's okay.
Everyone gets to have different likes and priorities in life.

For me, just in a time spent with console calculation, Phil is correct. Xbox One has been the best Xbox.

MS has acknowledged that some people just prefer consoles...

This is me...
I'm chained to a computer cranking out code all day long, I'm probably getting the carpal tunnel syndrome, and when I get home at the end of the day, the last thing no want to touch is a mouse and keyboard.

I want to sit down, press a button and be in the game from the comfort of my couch with my giant TV.


So, why Scorpio?

MS has acknowledged that some people just prefer consoles, nor would they want to give up the livingroom headway they have. The Xbox was the trojan horse for Windows into the livingroom as it goes, a domain that Apple can't even crack.

As all announced strategy points, they're not exiting the console market, they're doubling down on it being Win10 in the LR.

You...do know MS doesnt own Steam, right? They get jackshit if a game gets sold there which is why they're trying to push W10 store.

Sony doesnt treat Steam as competition (see SFV etc releasing day as Steam) as much Phil and co: see staggered Steam releases in favor of pushing W10 store (RoTR or walling COD Infinite from playing with Steam players)

The all too common belief that if a PS4 game comes on Steam = money for MS, is rather baffling.

...What's baffling is the logic-jump you just made. Nowhere did I mention Steam.

People buying/using/boosting the Windows/XBL platform to play PC games is a win for Microsoft, irregardless of who gets the 30% cut.

They most definitely want that cut back from Valve too, but seem to see getting people into the XBL is their priority; Even Steam games show as in-game on XBL now when playing in Win10, and we're even seeing play anywhere codes sold via third-party now


If you compare the Xbox one to the other consoles at this point in time it:

- Has sold less then its predecessors
- Has less exclusives then its predecessors
- Has less high scoring ( 9+ ) exclusives then its predecessors
- Has less global penetration then its predecessors
- Has less japanese games then its predecessors

I mean honestly, the fuck is he talking about ?
It's the best generation for Microsoft by what metric ? Money ? That's cool Phil. Congrats on making money for your overlords. Meanwhile your third generation product has regressed to the point of irrelevance in the global market.


As all announced strategy points, they're not exiting the console market, they're doubling down on it being Win10 in the LR.

Are they really going to put Win10 in the LR? They keep saying it, but, my xbox is not at all like my Win10 PC. When they start adding features to make the Xbox look and feel like Win10, then mission accomplished. Maybe Scorpio, but I wont buy on a promise.
I think this is yet another case of "different strokes for different folks".
I love my Xbox One. I've probably spent more time using it in the first 3ish years of its existence than I did my 360 in the same first 3ish years of its life.

The much maligned TV TV TV HDMI pass through.
The Xbox One is the essentially always on, always ready to feed me entertainment.

My PS4 by comparison is usually covered in dust, only getting used rarely when one of the niche Japanese games interests me (very rare) or an AAA exclusive (like Uncharted) comes out.

By and in large, I play 3rd party games which are available on both systems.
Overwatch, Destiny, Titanfall, and Dark Souls 3 have consumed most of my game time this generation...
This was the case with the X360/PS3 generation as well. My library was chock full of 3rd party games and an occasional Halo or Uncharted here or there.

And GASP... I play them on the "shittier" of the two consoles.
It's just more convenient.
Also I find the controller more comfortable.
And my friends all mostly play on Xbox as opposed to PS4.

Absolutely there is a massive chasm between exclusive content, and maybe GAF will play those exclusive PS4 games at a 90% adoption rate.
But if I'm being honest, the actual exclusives I'll end up playing aren't that high.

The game I'm looking forward to the most this year?
Mass Effect: Andromeda.

It's not even a contest.

Maybe Persona 5 is that game for you.
That's great. I'm happy for you. But I'm not touching it.

And that's okay.
Everyone gets to have different likes and priorities in life.

For me, just in a time spent with console calculation, Phil is correct. Xbox One has been the best Xbox.
you do realize your opinion is likely the minority one though? I mean we can all talk about our favorite everything. I probably play SF and Destiny more than the average and last gen Pixel Junk Monsters and Journey were my GOTY lol. We're all weird in our own ways. But when Phil talks makes an overall statement like that, I think most folks will just disagree.

Lol at the argument of "if you like Japanese games PS4 might be better" like it matterea what region a game comes from. PS4 has more games period, led the VR charge, doubled the installed user base (which means where your friends play is more than likely on a PS4) and a larger WWS. The past E3 have been filled with hype from Sony games. On an individual bases, I can see ppl making their case, people love WiiU, it has some of their favorite games of all time.

But I also think it's pretty reasonable to see someone POv that thinks this is the weakest Xbox so far. Exclusives are still important, and it's just lacking. The only thing I feel like I'm missing out on is Forza.
This is Xbox's best generation?

Sorry, Phil, but no. That was the Xbox 360 generation.

He shouldn't have even responded to Jason's tweets.


Sony doesnt treat Steam as competition (see SFV etc releasing day as Steam) as much Phil and co: see staggered Steam releases in favor of pushing W10 store (RoTR or walling COD Infinite from playing with Steam players).

Sony gets nothing from CAPCOM selling a game on PC, I'm not sure how that is relevant.

Sony also doesn't have an online store.

A better comparison would have been Everybody's gone to the Rapture, which Sony published/released on steam 8 months after it came out on PS4.

El Txou

Phil Spencer is simply reacting to Jason's comments, and he its simply stating that is their best yet, as in consoles sold, maybe games sold. Definitely they could be doing better, the PS4 has had more success, captured a lot of their market share, and their first party is arguably better, but as Xbox vs Xbox 360 sells goes he is correct, but it's still a spin. His the Xbox Head, nobody should expect him to do anything but his job, and admitting defeat is not one of them. I like the guy, I like my Xbox One and I am excited for Xbox Scorpio, I am personally, very happy with their first party, I enjoyed Sunset Overdrive, Ori is one of favorite games ever, Titanfall 1 was a blast, Halo 5 is my favorite Halo multiplayer I am not a purist, Forza Horizon 2/3, Gears 4, Quantum Break, Recore and have been playing Halo Wars 2. Plus the platform is great for third party gaming with my friends, so I truly enjoy my Xbox. I can say the same of my time with my PS4 or my Wii U. I've had fun with all three consoles.


Hell no. PS3 was literally in a worse state than the xbox one was at the beginning of this gen. They started turning things around years after launch, and even then many things that people took for granted with the 360 never even came to the PS3 until the PS4 launch.

How did they do it? They leaned into their non-US success and kept their first party studios going. Slowly winning back good will with good exclusives and a more consumer friendly package.

What's Xbox doing? They did make some consumer friendly moves like the expanding BC and cheaper packages. But they also doubled down on micro-transactions, gutted their internal studios, and seemingly pushing their second party studios for profitability. It does look like squeezing what money is left of the good will before they move on. The Scorpio doesn't fit that idea, but a lot of their other actions do. The Scorpio might have been a cheap move for them to see if shifting the power equation could slow the decline.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
I don't get how anybody can compare it to the first few years of Xbox 360 and conclude that X1 is better. That 2005-2008 period was an explosion of kick ass original games and massively-improved sequels.

Sunset Overdrive is really the only X1 exclusive that gave me that same feeling of excitement I got from 360's early years.
Kind of a non-thread. Even if he doesn't believe what he said, what should he say?

"yea...you're right, this is the worst we've ever had!"

That's not how you keep morale up in your department. You guys need to stop turning every Phil tweet into a(n inevitably controversial) thread.


Kind of a non-thread. Even if he doesn't believe what he said, what should he say?

"yea...you're right, this is the worst we've ever had!"

That's not how you keep morale up in your department. You guys need to stop turning every Phil tweet into a(n inevitably controversial) thread.

I think a more effective one would be "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I believe we're still doing great things'. Inviting comparisons is dangerous.
The upcoming release schedule?
Really? What is half hearted about Sea of Thieves Halo Wars 2 and Crackdown? Or is it because none of those have anything to do with gears halo Forza that the anti-ms crowd have to come up with some other way to dis the xbox? Lol. People are trying too hard.
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