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Playboy playmate body shames woman at gym on Snapchat; endures wrath of the internet.

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No kidding, damn:

They destroyed her.


holy shit. destroyed. That is almost in bad taste as well... but i guess the lesson is don't be an asshole.

It just makes them look bad. By their own words they thought she was a piece of shit before this and yet continued to work with her. The only reason they're dumping her is because she's ruined her public image. They're just trying to leech as much as they can from this.


Absolutely disgusting. Paranoia about shit like this is what makes it hard to go to the gym in the first place, and here is someone bloody doing it.

I really hope the woman in the photo is alright. I'd be probably lying on the floor crying if this were me.


I absolutely buy that she meant to send it to fewer people. Snapchat is clunky as shit. But that doesn't mean jack as far as the law and the deserved blowback.
She should be registered as a sex offender because of this incident. Make her feel the same level of embarrassment that her victim would feel if she came across that picture on the internet.

Mathers may have deleted the post, but uncensored copies of it will be circulating the internet. Most media websites have censored the picture, but there are some out there (Daily Mail UK) who originally posted it in its uncensored state.

It was bad enough that she took a picture of this poor woman in a vulnerable state in the first place, but to "accidentally" post it on a social networking app for others to see, friends or not, is a whole other level of malicious behavior that I believe falls on grounds of being a predator. Just gross behavior and shows what little self-esteem she has.


No kidding, damn:


They also posted this:https://www.instagram.com/p/BH5lho3gK5j/

Dunno the story behind the guy (maybe he had a history of it I dunno) but it will be interesting to see if any charges are levied against her.

I like how she's being outed as a horrible person. I mean the act should prove that, furthermore her initial response, but if there was any doubt now that's out the window. Photographers and fashion peope have come out to bash her lol.


Paranoia kept me from ever using a public shower because of shit like this. A person who's actually trying to change their life and you had to be a dick about it. Literally your whole career is based on you selling your bodily image for perverts to gawk at, your in no position to talk about somebody's personal image.
Yo what... She killed the company's kitten by slamming the door on it according to their instagram.



This woman is scum.

I honestly hope that is not true. God help her if so. Gives even more ammo for the social media and its viewers to tear her apart. Rightfully so, but let law enforcement deal with her on those matters. I'm sure it's quite the rude awakening to have her dirty laundry aired out for all of the internet to see.


This woman is a horrible person and her potentially killing a cat is awful but I mean this propane person is pretty unhinged themselves.



I wonder if she's sociopath/psychopath. I don't understand how anyone can be that cruel to a helpless animal?

Some people are just nasty horrible assholes. She seems to be one of them. Glad her career is over.

Hopefully the police get involved and investigate the animal cruelty claims.


Yo what... She killed the company's kitten by slamming the door on it according to their instagram.



This woman is scum.

Something doesn't make sense here or I'm missing some kind of vital piece of information. This company "profane clothing" knew that:

a) she's an awful human being;
b) she has fat-shamed previously; and,
c) she intentionally murdered their fucking kitten.

and only NOW they decide to let her go after this got viral? Nuh uh, shit is stanky on their end.

She's a terrible awful human being but this company doesn't seem to be any better, or at least the person behind the postings of these messages.


She insists that it was only meant to be viewed privately by a friend
I'm sure others have said it. So it is ok to body shame others as long as it is private? If this "isn't in her heart" then why would you even do it privately?

Just a sad excuse for getting caught and deserves all the wrath and public hatred she is getting.


I honestly hope that is not true. God help her if so. Gives even more ammo for the social media and its viewers to tear her apart. Rightfully so, but let law enforcement deal with her on those matters. I'm sure it's quite the rude awakening to have her dirty laundry aired out for all of the internet to see.

Death threats already getting posted... gotta love the wrath of the internet
i don't get it, what was shy trying to say? did she just see an overweight woman and photographed her, is there something else to it? surely that's not something special to see in a gym?

all i know is that she's a piece of shit.
Something doesn't make sense here or I'm missing some kind of vital piece of information. This company "profane clothing" knew that:

a) she's an awful human being;
b) she has fat-shamed previously; and,
c) she intentionally murdered their fucking kitten.

and only NOW they decide to let her go after this got viral? Nuh uh, shit is stanky on their end.

She's a terrible awful human being but this company doesn't seem to be any better, or at least the person behind the postings of these messages.

This is where I'm at with it.


profaneclothing acting like little shits themselves.

whether these accusations against her are true or not, she's pretty much done for professionally.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Absolutely disgusting. Paranoia about shit like this is what makes it hard to go to the gym in the first place, and here is someone bloody doing it.

I really hope the woman in the photo is alright. I'd be probably lying on the floor crying if this were me.

Exactly which is why i quit the first gym i used.


They knew she was a terrible person but only care now that its gone public. We're donating to charity now! Look at us!

Both stances are business savvy. Work with someone who can make you money. Distances yourself with someone who can lose you money.

Believe it or not the world is filled with shitty people and throwing every one you see under the bus is a good way to get nowhere in business/ life so you learn to navigate theses situations.
What. The. Fuck.

She is one of the worst people I think I've ever heard of. Oh my god that's disgusting :(


And fuck that profane clothing company. They knew all this shit about her and now they're dropping her after her instagram BS so they can look good in business? WTF?


That clothing company's CM is about to also lose his/her job. How hard is to make a neutral public statement saying that you will no longer work with her instead of ruining your image with all that pettiness? Also, fuck them for working with her knowing all that stuff.


She's a god damned celebrity and posting pictures of people in the shower online laughing at them, did she really think this would go over swimmingly???

"Accidentally" my ass


Something's not quite right with that Profane Clothing crap. It's almost like they want to be so distant from her they're thinking up the most "evil" shit to say. Kinda feels like a "Uuh... uuh... she uh, abused an animal! Yeah, yeah! She uh... killed a cat er... kitten! Yeah, she slammed it in a door then spat on it."

Hopefully that's the case and it isn't true, cause it really is pure evil.
Lmao that profane clothing line has to be a clothing line of two dudes, with a penchant for getting shirts&caps with the word FUCK printed, who somehow made enough to hire her. That's clearly a dude that would own a company named profane clothing posting. Those IG responses are fucking hilariously ironic in the worst kind of way. Also this lady is pretty terrible.
If there's any truth to the kitten thing it's probably more like "she accidentally slammed the door on a kitten" and maybe wasn't as broken up about it as she should have been. I don't want to believe that she'd intentionally kill a kitten or that the company would continue to work with her if she had. Whoever is posting this stuff on their instagram doesn't sound like an unbiased party and it's not a good look for anyone :|
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