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Police Officer in Memphis killed during traffic stop

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It seems like those figures are inflated by listing all officers who died not jsut those who died in the line of duty as just looking over the officers and causes of death a lot are reported as heart attack so that's not really an in the line of duty thing.

Obviously it's not 4 in 5 years but it's also not 120ish a year according to the FBI information specifically for those who died in the line of duty

as quoted earlier.

Odmp.org shows all the officers that have died in the line of duty and how. 18 officers have died by gunfire this year alone. Granted, the majority die in auto accidents responding to calls, but c'mon man. The one dude that said 3 murders in 4 years was just plain pulling shit out of his ass.

We've all seen the top 10 dangerous jobs and police isn't on it. But that doesn't mean it isn't still dangerous.


Theres a video of a traffic stop murder that I believe they show in police training and was released to the net. One of the most gut wrenching and horrifying things ever. Rip
I think it is the murder of Kyle Dinkheller. I remember seeing that video and would advise against watching it. Not that it's visually graphic since you actually don't see anything, but the sounds you hear are nightmarish and would likely traumatize most people.

Didn't realize the killer had been executed this year.


That cop would have been fine if he was as trigger happy as other cops, but because he showed restraint, he got killed.

And I'm sure that strengthens the ripple effect of situations like these, cops end up getting more tense and the cycle continues.

I think the Deputy Dinkheller shooting is the video posters keep bringing up. Common sense warning: video involves someone getting shot and killed NSFW and maybe NSFL.

Deputy Kyle Dinkheller, Laurens County, GA, was minutes from being off duty when he encountered a speeding pickup truck going 98 mph. The deputy was an ICE (Interstate Criminal Enforcement) officer that dealt with traffic infractions, speeding and the occasional drug bust. This was a low risk or unknown risk stop for speeding. He radioed in the speeding infraction, made a U-turn in the median and pursued the vehicle. The driver, Andrew Brannan, stopped his vehicle, exited and started a crazy, dancing jig in the middle of the road while swearing at the officer and shouting Im a god-damned Vietnam vet. At first, he ignored Dinkhellers commands to step towards the deputy, which always began with `Sir. When he finally complied, he attacked the deputy and a scuffle ensued. The deputy implemented the use of his asp and ordered Brannan to `get back. This procedure was repeated, but after what appeared to be a second scuffle, the suspect returned to his vehicle and retrieved a M-I Carbine from under the seat. The first shots were fired nearly 50 seconds after Brannan returned to his vehicle despite the deputys commands. Brannan ignored the repeated commands to put the gun down and Deputy Dinkheller apparently fired the first shot. Brannan, a Vietnam veteran, advanced firing on the deputy. Dinkheller returned fire, but succeeded only in breaking a window in the drivers side of the pickup and wounding Brannan in the stomach. Using `suppressive fire, Brannan systematically, methodically shot Dinkheller in the arms, legs, exposed areas that would not be covered had Dinkheller been wearing a bulletproof vest, slowly executing him. Reloading his weapon Brannan continued firing with the final death shot to Dinkhellers right eye.


Odmp.org shows all the officers that have died in the line of duty and how. 18 officers have died by gunfire this year alone. Granted, the majority die in auto accidents responding to calls, but c'mon man. The one dude that said 3 murders in 4 years was just plain pulling shit out of his ass.

We've all seen the top 10 dangerous jobs and police isn't on it. But that doesn't mean it isn't still dangerous.

The three in four number is from the OP.


I think the Deputy Dinkheller shooting is the video posters keep bringing up. Common sense warning: video involves someone getting shot and killed NSFW and maybe NSFL.
Uh yeah, that's the one and I'm not clicking that. Would have given me nightmares but I somehow managed to block it from my mind. Again, nothing you "see", but "hear", and it's no wonder cops who would be trained by watching this would be jumpy and tense in stops.
Odmp.org shows all the officers that have died in the line of duty and how. 18 officers have died by gunfire this year alone. Granted, the majority die in auto accidents responding to calls, but c'mon man. The one dude that said 3 murders in 4 years was just plain pulling shit out of his ass.

We've all seen the top 10 dangerous jobs and police isn't on it. But that doesn't mean it isn't still dangerous.

To be fair, Rembrandt wasn't necessarily 'pulling shit out of his ass;' it's entirely possible that he WAS just referring to Memphis, as the article was, which doesn't actually make his point any less asinine; or, my personal theory, he didn't actually read the article closely enough, and went into the entire conversation half-smart (or possibly less).


Odmp.org shows all the officers that have died in the line of duty and how. 18 officers have died by gunfire this year alone. Granted, the majority die in auto accidents responding to calls, but c'mon man. The one dude that said 3 murders in 4 years was just plain pulling shit out of his ass.

We've all seen the top 10 dangerous jobs and police isn't on it. But that doesn't mean it isn't still dangerous.

Why are you yelling at me when I literally said just that.


Not surprised to see this from you in the slightest.

what do you mean?

It seemingly is a high stress job, so it makes sense why.

Chances are these fears don't occur until the job begins similar to how you discover other fears.

Just weird why you're trying to downplay fear instead of trying to understand why it exists.

I don't buy that. If I joined the police force, I would understand that the job carries risks unlike other jobs and getting killed during duty would be one. Just like somebody joining the army would understand that. I'm not downplaying their fear, I'm just open to possibly justifying their fear and future actions because of this situation. When those two cops got murdered in NY, we had posters here talking about they would be on edge more than usual and I can't exactly grasp why. They know the risks of the job and if this may make them act hasty towards civilians, they shouldn't be police officers. All I'm saying.

Odmp.org shows all the officers that have died in the line of duty and how. 18 officers have died by gunfire this year alone. Granted, the majority die in auto accidents responding to calls, but c'mon man. The one dude that said 3 murders in 4 years was just plain pulling shit out of his ass.

We've all seen the top 10 dangerous jobs and police isn't on it. But that doesn't mean it isn't still dangerous.

Armstrong said Saturday's fatal shooting was the third time an officer has been killed in the last four years.

okay, though. unless for some reason you thought I meant nationally, then idk what to tell you besides read shit before you start calling people out.


Incredibly Naive
Idk. Higher than it is there. I'm sure civilians get murdered more often.

I mean, why join the police force of all things if less than one murder a year on average makes you fear for your safety on the clock?

Give me a break.

The Beard

If three murders in four years scares them like that then they have no reason being a cop.

Yes, I'm sure if 3 of your colleagues were murdered while working in the past 4 years you wouldn't give a shit.

You realize cops are humans right? They aren't fucking RoboCops. Fear is a normal human emotion. You so brave.
I don't buy that. If I joined the police force, I would understand that the job carries risks unlike other jobs and getting killed during duty would be one. Just like somebody joining the army would understand that. I'm not downplaying their fear, I'm just open to possibly justifying their fear and future actions because of this situation. When those two cops got murdered in NY, we had posters here talking about they would be on edge more than usual and I can't exactly grasp why. They know the risks of the job and if this may make them act hasty towards civilians, they shouldn't be police officers. All I'm saying.

I'm sure they do understand the risks of dying. I doubt they've experienced it, though. Knowing =/= experiencing. It's similar to how I know whenever I drive I could die but being in an accident changes how I process it.

You can say they shouldn't be police officers but that doesn't help the problem. It's just removing police officers you deem unworthy.


Yes, I'm sure if 3 of your colleagues were murdered while working in the past 4 years you wouldn't give a shit.

You realize cops are humans right? They aren't fucking RoboCops. Fear is a normal human emotion. You so brave.

Where did I say that, though? this is what I replied to:
This is really bad cuz it's just going to make all cops across the country more butt-puckered every time they pull someone over for speeding or whatever.

if that is the reaction, then they shouldn't be cops. we don't need more cops incredibly anxious to shoot people because they've had 3 murders in 4 years. that's fucking ridiculous. why should all cops across the nation be "butt-puckered" over this?

I'm sure they do understand the risks of dying. I doubt they've experienced it, though. Knowing =/= experiencing. It's similar to how I know whenever I drive I could die but being in an accident changes how I process it.

You can say they shouldn't be police officers but that doesn't help the problem. It's just removing police officers you deem unworthy.

Look at what i first replied to again and tell me if the driving analogy works.


Sad. As I've said before, I'm all for different tactics being used when stopping people at night. Make sure they turn the car off and place both hands on the driver/passenger doors before the officer approaches. That or make every stop involve two police cars.
Sad. As I've said before, I'm all for different tactics being used when stopping people at night. Make sure they turn the car off and place both hands on the driver/passenger doors before the officer approaches. That or make every stop involve two police cars.

That's actually a pretty common tactic, but it also pisses a lot of people off.


Yes. It works. You asked about fear. It went into the territory of "they know the fear when they sign up".

Wasn't there another incident like this just a couple weeks ago? This is really bad cuz it's just going to make all cops across the country more butt-puckered every time they pull someone over for speeding or whatever.

I don't what exactly "butt-puckered" meant or why it would be a "really bad" thing, but it didn't seem like that post was implying cops would just be a little more cautious. I may have read that wrong, but it sounded like he was implying cops would be a lot more anxious resulting in harm to either themselves or the people they pull over.
I don't what exactly "butt-puckered" meant or why it would be a "really bad" thing, but it didn't seem like that post was implying cops would just be a little more cautious. I may have read that wrong, but it sounded like he was implying cops would be a lot more anxious resulting in harm to either themselves or the people they pull over.

You're qualm with my argument is the perceived magnitude of the word term "butt-puckered"? They would be more anxious. Happens a lot when a police officer is killed. How does this make them unfit to be a police officer?


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
It's really weird that "Black lives matter" was part of the press speech. Really highlights the problem.


Sad. As I've said before, I'm all for different tactics being used when stopping people at night. Make sure they turn the car off and place both hands on the driver/passenger doors before the officer approaches. That or make every stop involve two police cars.
One thing I do if my spidey senses start tingling is, I make sure to see everyone's hands, call for back up, and don't return to my car. By staying there, I can see people's movements. Doing records check or writing a ticket can wait if I don't like what's happening in the car I just stopped.

As for this incident its just tragic. I, like all other officers know the risks and dangers of the jobs, but it doesn't make it any easier knowing a fellow officer was killed in the like of duty. RIP.


You're qualm with my argument is the perceived magnitude of the word term "butt-puckered"? They would be more anxious. Happens a lot when a police officer is killed. How does this make them unfit to be a police officer?

If the end result is something very bad, then yeah, they're unfit. I don't equate anxiety and caution. They can go hand in hand and often do, but you can be cautious without being anxious and vice versa. In some cases, I can see them both necessary, but not for all traffic stops across the united states because of this.


If the end result is something bad, then yes, I agree they shouldn't be police officers. If they can work through it then it's no issue.

Why even start this argument with me then considering the first fucking post I replied to said this is very bad because they would be more butt-puckered. If they were able to work through it, why would this be very bad?


aka IMurRIVAL69
If the end result is something very bad, then yeah, they're unfit. I don't equate anxiety and caution. They can go hand in hand and often do, but you can be cautious without being anxious and vice versa. In some cases, I can see them both necessary, but not for all traffic stops across the united states because of this.

what exactly are you trying to do here? What are you on about?

RIP to the cop. 33 is way too young.
If three murders in four years scares them like that then they have no reason being a cop.

What's the required murder rate for people to be afraid?

Why even start this argument with me then considering the first fucking post I replied to said this is very bad because they would be more butt-puckered. If they were able to work through it, why would this be very bad?

The first two quotes are our first exchange. I do believe I quoted your first statement in this thread. My contention was the required fear amount and you responded with something like, "should be more". The point of our argument was to see why you someone should be a police officer if they become afraid. You said they know the risks involved and shouldn't be if they couldn't handle it. I said it's similar to driving in that you know the actual risks but they don't become real until you're in an accident. You questioned the analogy and said if it applied to your first statement. I said it did. Then you agreed that if it goes overboard then it's bad, and I took your lack of acknowledgement of pushing through the fear as saying it's OK for them to be police officers.

There was a disagreement, we hashed it out, now we're on the same page. That's how a discussion works.


what exactly are you trying to do here? What are you on about?

RIP to the cop. 33 is way too young.

I'm on about me disagreeing that this would be very bad because cops across the united states would be butt-puckered about this incident. you could read the first thing I replied to if you want instead of asking me.

The first two quotes are our first exchange. I do believe I quoted your first statement in this thread. My contention was the required fear amount and you responded with something like, "should be more". The point of our argument was to see why you someone should be a police officer if they become afraid. You said they know the risks involved and shouldn't be if they couldn't handle it. I said it's similar to driving in that you know the actual risks but they don't become real until you're in an accident. You questioned the analogy and said if it applied to your first statement. I said it did. Then you agreed that if it goes overboard then it's bad, and I took your lack of acknowledgement of pushing through the fear as saying it's OK for them to be police officers.

There was a disagreement, we hashed it out, now we're on the same page. That's how a discussion works.

I still don't agree on the analogy in the context of what I originally replied to because I'm sure being in an accident wouldn't lead you to do things that other people may say are "very bad" or cause you to act unnecessarily hasty. the risks of driving aren't real to me after I had an accident, they're real to me the moment I start driving because that's the only time they affect me. An accident may cause me to be more cautious on while driving, but once again, not in the sense of what the poster I originally replied to implied.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I'm on about me disagreeing that this would be very bad because cops across the united states would be butt-puckered about this incident. you could read the first thing I replied to if you want instead of asking me.

So 3 cops murdered in the last 4 years in a relatively small city like memphis is insignificant? That's your stance here?


So 3 cops murdered in the last 4 years of a relatively small city like memphis is insignificant? That's your stance here?

Relatively small city in the sense that it's the third biggest city in the southeast, including Florida and Georgia? but anyways, nope. you didn't read what I was replying to obviously. but yeah, 3 murders in 4 years is pretty insignificant. we had 8 police murders in a year and a half last year and we have around 200,000 more people here.

This is really bad cuz it's just going to make all cops across the country more butt-puckered every time they pull someone over for speeding or whatever.

This is what I replied to and I still believe this shouldn't be really bad, nor make all cops across the country more butt-puckered.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Relatively small city in the sense that it's the third biggest city in the southeast, including Florida and Georgia? but anyways, nope. you didn't read what I was replying to obviously.

This is what I replied to and I still believe this shouldn't be really bad, nor make all cops across the country more butt-puckered.

Yeah, a city of 650k is pretty small relative to other cities in the US. It's the 20th largest city in the country. 3 cops murdered in the last 4 years is a lot.

I've read your entire comment chain and it just seems like some really weird and inappropriate pissing contest. All I could rally parse from it was that cops who would be disturbed by this are unfit to be cops, which is a pretty bizarre stance to take. Anyway, I'll just see myself out of this thread out of respect for the young man who was killed for no reason. Hope they find his killer quickly.


Yeah, a city of 650k is pretty small relative to other cities in the US. It's the 20th largest city in the country. 3 cops murdered in the last 4 years is a lot.

I've read your entire comment chain and it just seems like some really weird and inappropriate pissing contest. All I could rally parse from it was that cops who would be disturbed by this are unfit to be cops, which is a pretty bizarre stance to take. Anyway, I'll just see myself out of this thread out of respect for the young man who was killed for no reason. Hope they find his killer quickly.

out of 295 cities with 100,000+ pop, they're 20, but that's whatever. Not really, no.

I didn't say being disturbed by this makes them unfit, I said if it ends up "very bad" because they are, then they're unfit.

Just answer me this:

Wasn't there another incident like this just a couple weeks ago? This is really bad cuz it's just going to make all cops across the country more butt-puckered every time they pull someone over for speeding or whatever.

You think this is correct? You think this will be really bad? You think 4 murders in 3 years will result in something bad not just in that town, but also the US?
Statistically, I'm more likely to get murdered by them than they are to get murdered in general, so what's your point?

When I was a correctional officer I was safer in the prison than outside. Statistically.

That doesn't change the fact I have to be on guard more in the prison.
As a young buck, the most hated setting on the television set, for me, was contrast..heh.

Anymore news on this person of interest?
Well I'm glad to see this thread turned into shit already.

RIP to this officer. Such a young age too.
I've gotta ask..who's the majority in here? Can you, at minimum, quote the assholes that wanna score points with the death of this young man? Seriously. Let them be counted..
I'd be scared as shit walking up to a car in such a vulnerable position every day, often to encounter a potentially dangerous criminal. I honestly feel tense anytime I watch a video where a cop has to do this. All it takes is that one psycho with a warrant out for him and nothing to lose and you're a sitting duck. Not even surprised these guys are wound as tight as they are. Being a cop is a fucked up job and nobody is truly fit for it.
I'd be scared as shit walking up to a car in such a vulnerable position every day, often to encounter a potentially dangerous criminal. I honestly feel tense anytime I watch a video where a cop has to do this. All it takes is that one psycho with a warrant out for him and nothing to lose and you're a sitting duck. Not even surprised these guys are wound as tight as they are. Being a cop is a fucked up job and nobody is truly fit for it.
Crazy, because you're not wrong in having that feeling. I have family/friends that have been in law enforcement, and the shit is terrifying. Same with having brothers in the armed forces, and seeing my oldest child join the Air Force..your mind struggles to remain positive, and hope for the best. It's just not that easy.
I hope they find the guy that did it and let him rot in jail.

The scary thing for me is that as I read it the only thing I could think of was "huh. so now you know what it's like." Super fucked up that I thought of that, any loss of life is terrible.
Yet, the quoted won't drive me to madness. When I read it, instantly I said "not here, not now." But I understand the question. Shit..if TRUMP said it.. 😉

We should really be focusing on justice. That's what this should be all about. As I stated this morning, that's a sad, young age, and I truly hope they find who is responsible for the sake of his family, his friends, and most importantly, justice being served.


Horrible, awful news. I'm in law school and just a few weeks ago, I had to argue a case involving police officers and traffic stops and how inherently dangerous they are. This just reinforces that notion :(
As a young buck, the most hated setting on the television set, for me, was contrast..heh.

Anymore news on this person of interest?

I've gotta ask..who's the majority in here? Can you, at minimum, quote the assholes that wanna score points with the death of this young man? Seriously. Let them be counted..
Does attempting witticisms count?
Yet, the quoted won't drive me to madness. When I read it, instantly I said "not here, not now." But I understand the question. Shit..if TRUMP said it.. ��

I mean, I'm not even sure I understand this quote,
As a young buck, the most hated setting on the television set, for me, was contrast..heh.
it seems like an attempt at wit, but... not?

And this quote
I hope they find the guy that did it and let him rot in jail.

The scary thing for me is that as I read it the only thing I could think of was "huh. so now you know what it's like." Super fucked up that I thought of that, any loss of life is terrible.

Isn't driving anyone to madness, but I can agree with the poster that it IS super fucked up on his part, and pretty disgusting.
it's really sick that this tragic death is being spun by the PD into a justification for killing black people. RIP to the officer and a huge fuck off to Toney Armstrong, #NotAllCops but definitely him.

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