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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Amir0x said:
He'll lose an infinity times worse if he picks a VP that makes every one in the country realize how deficient a candidate he is.

In 9/10 elections, people don't vote for the VP. If they see a VP that's vastly superior in most ways, what's going to happen is epic, catastrophic failure. "Jesus, why isn't he our nominee?"

I can't see how picking someone who sucks or at best is just there helps him at all. He needs to pick the best man for the job just like anyone else, afterall.

Not that I agree with you in the slightest, but give me your criteria list then. Just pretend your the head of his search committee. Just what would a "safe" VP pick for McCain look like to you?


CowboyAstronaut said:
Someone post the jpeg where hilary has a gun in her hand :lol

A bit late, but here ya go...



Hcoregamer00 said:
Wait, what?

Someone who doesn't follow the party line is a disgrace to our system of democracy???


If anything, our government would be much better if politicians actually did the right thing, as opposed to following the party line.

He doesn't even belong to a party. It is a disgrace that this turncoat was the Vice Presidential nominee of the Democratic party, however.


Master of the Google Search
Hcoregamer00 said:
I hope it will be the Louisiana Governor Bobby Jinal.

Although he is too promising to be put on the McCain ticket to loserville (I know he will lose, that is reality folks).

Eh, Jindal needs to leap to the left in order to be moderate friendly. He's already starting to move himself but some of Jindal's positions are still too extreme for the mass public to swallow (particularly his abortion view)


Amir0x said:
He'll lose an infinity times worse if he picks a VP that makes every one in the country realize how deficient a candidate he is.

In 9/10 elections, people don't vote for the VP. If they see a VP that's vastly superior in most ways, what's going to happen is epic, catastrophic failure. "Jesus, why isn't he our nominee?"

Exactly, its the ugly fat friends rule.


Amir0x said:
He'll lose an infinity times worse if he picks a VP that makes every one in the country realize how deficient a candidate he is.

In 9/10 elections, people don't vote for the VP. If they see a VP that's vastly superior in most ways, what's going to happen is epic, catastrophic failure. "Jesus, why isn't he our nominee?"

I was reading through this thread from the 2004 convention earlier: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/7/27/214317/624/192/40482

Fun thread to see everyone calling for Edwards/Obama 2012 :lol

However your post reminded me of this:
Oh Jeez

Is it too late to change the nomination?

I cannot believe this guy. Heard his name once or twice before, that is it.

He is talking about meeting the young fella going in the Marines from East Moline. Said "are we serving him as well as he is serving us" Gosh this guy is good. And now channeling MLK with a variation of Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.
Hcoregamer00 said:
He converted to Catholicism.

I don't know of his story, nor do I care for it because you vote for politicians based on political beliefs, not on religious beliefs.

Edit: After all, I am a fairly religious Roman Catholic, and some reverend backed McCain that was very strongly anti-catholic. Thankfully they both went separate ways.
If he's catholic why is he so gung ho on intelligent design in schools? The Catholic church is cool with the whole evolution thing.


grandjedi6 said:
Eh, Jindal needs to leap to the left in order to be moderate friendly. He's already starting to move himself but some of Jindal's positions are still too extreme for the mass public to swallow (particularly his abortion view)

Is abortion still an effective wedge issue (for either side)? Maybe I'm getting caught up in all of the Hillary supporters pledging allegiance to McCain despite his pro-life stance


Hellsing321 said:
If he's catholic why is he so gung ho on intelligent design in schools? The Catholic church is cool with the whole evolution thing.
If you think that is odd, consider this: he was a biology major.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Hellsing321 said:
If he's catholic why is he so gung ho on intelligent design in schools? The Catholic church is cool with the whole evolution thing.

Personally I don't understand that also, I am a conservative catholic, and I believe in evolution as a means for survival.

I could only assume it was to appeal to the crazy Christians who believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that humans hunted dinosaurs to extinction.

dead souls said:

Saying that voters shouldn't consider the religious beliefs of a candidate is naive.

Jindal would be a disaster as a VP candidate anyway, he's way too conservative.

Taking that issue aside, I don't think that religious beliefs should be considered. Why? That is because their political beliefs would outline what they believe in. I am the same religion as many people who are very liberal, so it is asinine to assume that people of my faith have the same political orientation.

I agree that he is way too conservative, and that it would be a waste to have a good conservative like Jindal wasted on a liberal/moderate like McCain.


Master of the Google Search
sangreal said:
Is abortion still an effective wedge issue (for either side)? Maybe I'm getting caught up in all of the Hillary supporters pledging allegiance to McCain despite his pro-life stance
It is when you advocate no abortion ever even when the mother's life is in danger. Only 5% of Americans support such an extreme position. And considering McCain's age, his VP's positions will be taken in account more than usual.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Hellsing321 said:
If he's catholic why is he so gung ho on intelligent design in schools? The Catholic church is cool with the whole evolution thing.



Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I can't see how picking who sucks or at best is just there helps him at all. He needs to pcik the best man for the job just like anyone else, afterall.

You're not picking someone who sucks. You're picking someone with the precise point of having zero functional power, outside of presiding over the Senate. He sits around all day, waiting for something horrible to happen to the President.

The very point is to pick a VP who is LESSER than the main candidate. Someone who doesn't take the lime light. Someone who can perform at your level, not above it. What you describe in your potential VP pick for McCain is someone who would literally make everyone in the country who supports the Republican candidate wake the fuck up and see how horrible he is in comparison, since you apparently want him to have every strength McCain doesn't have.

So what you're really looking for is someone to fill in a mental gap, someone who makes McCain seem better by association. In this way, since McCain needs help with evangelicals in the core Republican base or make a grab for the independents, you'd either pick someone with extremely strong religious ties or cross-party appeal to back McCain's "I'm really a maverick, honest" argument.

Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Not that I agree with you in the slightest, but give me your criteria list then. Just pretend your the head of his search committee. Just what would a "safe" VP pick for McCain look like to you?

My personal pick for him? Above we see the stir Lieberman is causing. He's actually a much stronger candidate than people think, simply because of what it represents. It'd affirm his maverick image, he wouldn't overshadow McCain (and he hasn't when accompanying John McCain already), and it'd also give the suggestion of cross-party appeal. Lieberman is not a better speaker than McCain, nor is he more charismatic... he is not a camerahog. He would be ideal.

Mandark said:
Now that Hillary's gone, we're gonna really crack down on the sexism!


I've been cracking down on it all over the place. Must have banned like 100 people over the course of PoliGAF DEM PRIMARY season. This is a reaffirmation of the rules for those who keep missing them, since we had so many incidents where people required bans.


sangreal said:
Is abortion still an effective wedge issue (for either side)? Maybe I'm getting caught up in all of the Hillary supporters pledging allegiance to McCain despite his pro-life stance

Not if Obama has anything to say about it at this point he's leading the pace of the race and I can't see McCain wanting to bring it up either in fact he really doesn't have anything that he hasn't flipped flopped on. Obama is even running on national defense something Democrats are terrified to bring up since 9/11. His speech at the AIPAC clearly a chance to not let McCain get any more capital on probably the only topic he has a chance at.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Amir0x said:
My personal pick for him? Above we see the stir Lieberman is causing. He's actually a much stronger candidate than people think, simply because of what it represents. It'd affirm his maverick image, he wouldn't overshadow McCain (and he hasn't when accompanying John McCain already), and it'd also give the suggestion of cross-party appeal. Lieberman is not a better speaker than McCain, nor is he more charismatic... he is not a camerahog. He would be ideal.

Personally, I think Lieberman would be great. He is a more Conservative Democrat with a more Liberal Republican.

If anything, it would make for some very interesting debates between Lieberman and Hillary :D


Amir0x said:
You're not picking someone who sucks. You're picking someone with the precise point of having zero functional power, outside of presiding over the Senate. He sits around all day, waiting for something horrible to happen to the President.

The very point is to pick a VP who is LESSER than the main candidate. Someone who doesn't take the lime light. Someone who can perform at your level, not above it. What you describe in your potential VP pick for McCain is someone who would literally make everyone in the country who supports the Republican candidate wake the fuck up and see how horrible he is in comparison, since you apparently want him to have every strength McCain doesn't have.

So what you're really looking for is someone to fill in a mental gap, someone who makes McCain seem better by association. In this way, since McCain needs help with evangelicals in the core Republican base or make a grab for the independents, you'd either pick someone with extremely strong religious ties or cross-party appeal to back McCain's "I'm really a maverick, honest" argument.

My personal pick for him? Above we see the stir Lieberman is causing. He's actually a much stronger candidate than people think, simply because of what it represents. It'd affirm his maverick image, he wouldn't overshadow McCain (and he hasn't when accompanying John McCain already), and it'd also give the suggestion of cross-party appeal. Lieberman is not a better speaker than McCain, nor is he more charismatic... he is not a camerahog. He would be ideal.

Isn't Lieberman a DEMOCRAT?

I'm not sure why a left-leaning VP candidate would benefit McCain, since McCain is pretty close to the middle as it is, he needs the republican fund raising machinery to generate the cash for him to run his national presidential campaign and he can't do that without having someone who appeals to the right on-board, the republican right would just boycott him outright.

Each side might need the middle to decide the election provided that they already have support from their side, but McCain wouldn't be able to get republican support by appealing only to the middle.

My pick would be Condoleeza Rice, but she would turn it down for sure since she's still very much loyal to Bush.


Kittonwy said:
Isn't Lieberman a DEMOCRAT?

I'm not sure why a left-leaning VP candidate would benefit McCain, since McCain is pretty close to the middle as it is, he needs the republican fund raising machinery to generate the cash for him to run his national presidential campaign and he can't do that without having someone who appeals to the right on-board, the republican right would just boycott him outright.

Each side might need the middle to decide the election provided that they already have support from their side, but McCain wouldn't be able to get republican support by appealing only to the middle.

The only type of Republican who can possibly win this year is the one that isn't a Republican. Lieberman would continue to highlight that McCain is NOT the typical Republican.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Hellsing321 said:
If he's catholic why is he so gung ho on intelligent design in schools? The Catholic church is cool with the whole evolution thing.
American Catholics pay no real attention to what the Vatican says.


Master of the Google Search
Mandark said:
grandjedi6: I just assume it's being done in anticipation of VP nominee Sebelius.
So does that mean I can't post pictures of Sebelius dressed as a witch?

Hcoregamer00 said:
Personally, I think Lieberman would be great. He is a more Conservative Democrat with a more Liberal Republican.

If anything, it would make for some very interesting debates between Lieberman and Hillary :D

Lieberman is pretty liberal outside of foreign policy. And Lieberman as VP would probably be the fastest way to get Obama elected


Kittonwy said:
Isn't Lieberman a DEMOCRAT?

Fuck no. He was booted out in the 2006 primary

I'm not sure why a left-leaning VP candidate would benefit McCain, since McCain is pretty close to the middle as it is, he needs the republican fund raising machinery to generate the cash for him to run his national presidential campaign and he can't do that without having someone who appeals to the right on-board, the republican right would just boycott him outright.

Each side might need the middle to decide the election provided that they already have support from their side, but McCain wouldn't be able to get republican support by appealing only to the middle.

I completely agree. I hope he does pick Holy Joe. He is not liked by Democrats, and he is too far to the left on most non-war issues for republicans. It would not benefit McCain's campaign at all. He needs somebody to the right of himself; McCain was on the verge of pulling a Lieberman and going independent a few years back and his new strategy of distancing himself from the 25% that still approves of Bush isn't helping.

(I suspect -- wishiful thinking, really -- that McCain may have promised him this position for saving his candidacy before NH. I really hope so; nothing would sink McCain faster)


HocusPocus said:
Bobby Jindal = All forms of awesome. I predict a landslide McCain win if he picks Jindal.
I do not like Bobby Jindal, obviously because I disagree with him on just about everything. He also comes off as being way too smug and I think he's stuck on himself. Cute wife, though.

If McCain picks Jindal, I think it'll just add more onto the suspicion that the best his campaign can do is copy Obama. Everything from a certain picture on McCain's site looking like it was designed by the Obama web team, to the slogan "that's not change we can believe in" 50 billion times in a speech, to "a leader we can believe in", to picking a guy who has a name that's not even remotely close to sounding like something you'd expect out of a President or Vice President, and isn't white. It would all but confirm that the best the McCain camp can do is copy Obama and modify his incredibly effective campaign to suit their needs, which is pathetic.

Furthermore -- and I do not say this to disrespect Bobby Jindal -- if exit polls are an indication, there are some moderate and even liberal (but likely racist) Democrats who do not like Obama. I can tell you personally talking to some Democrats over the past year or so that they are uneasy about a guy with such a name being the next President. The Democratic party is much more diverse in terms of race than Republicans, indicating voters seem to have less of a problem with that, yet you still hear people talking about how they're uneasy about Obama for whatever reason(s). So for Republicans, can you imagine the far-right being supportive of a ticket that says Jindal on it? McCain has already pissed off the most of the core of the GOP by simply running. I think he'd be taking a big risk by putting Jindal on the ticket, which is pathetic, but could very well prove to be true.

My theory is this: If Obama picks a woman as his VP, McCain seriously considers and perhaps even picks a non-white male as his VP. If Obama picks a white dude, McCain picks a woman.

He'd never tell it to your face, but even McCain has caught some Obama fever.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Kittonwy said:
My pick would be Condoleeza Rice, but she would turn it down for sure since she's still very much loyal to Bush.

Condoleeza Rice is an example of brilliance in the wrong place in the wrong time.

Had she been a governor or something with no attachment to bush, she could have been the first female president. Especially because she is very moderate on issues like Abortion that could have gotten a large female vote.

Of course, now that she is attached to the Bush White House, there is no chance for her to run the show from the Oval Office.

Dan said:
American Catholics pay no real attention to what the Vatican says.

We do, especially since the Vatican says that Evolution can co-exist with intelligent design.
Amir0x said:
My personal pick for him? Above we see the stir Lieberman is causing. He's actually a much stronger candidate than people think, simply because of what it represents. It'd affirm his maverick image, he wouldn't overshadow McCain (and he hasn't when accompanying John McCain already), and it'd also give the suggestion of cross-party appeal. Lieberman is not a better speaker than McCain, nor is he more charismatic... he is not a camerahog. He would be ideal.

His base is already talking about staying home and you want to give us Lieberman??? I'll give you the bit about not overshadowing him but you have just:

1. Turned off the conservative crowd who already felt that McCain is closer to being a blue dog dem than an actual conservative republican. Joe would only confirm that feeling.

2. You just made the shortest ticket on earth by far. Seriosuly, just bring out another midget and have them sing to Dorothy, why dont you?

3. Grabbed the one guy who makes listeners sleepy.

4. Given democrats the chance to talk endlessly about how his own constituents have issues with him since he dropped the democrats.

5. Dems know whatever dirt there is to know about Joe. They can feel free to toss it out there now. They can rally their own against the guy quite easily. He has flipped on a few issues since the switch, you know.

The only good thing is the potential swing of jewish votes that have been thinking of going red due to the war on terror/middle east. However, jews are typically very liberal on everything else and could end up in Obama's camp anyways.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Amir0x said:
My personal pick for him? Above we see the stir Lieberman is causing. He's actually a much stronger candidate than people think, simply because of what it represents. It'd affirm his maverick image, he wouldn't overshadow McCain (and he hasn't when accompanying John McCain already), and it'd also give the suggestion of cross-party appeal. Lieberman is not a better speaker than McCain, nor is he more charismatic... he is not a camerahog. He would be ideal.


Lieberman would be a horrible pick. It would keep a lot of the hard core repubs at home.
Responses to a few posts above...The John McCain of the past WOULD have a chance of being a decent Presidential nominee. The John McCain of 2008 has sold himself up the river to be the nominee, and to gain support of true blue conservatives. If he ran as himself, he would really have a stronger chance at beating Obama. But he's becoming a Bush Republican and that's not what anyone wants to see at this point.

As for Condi, I don't think she'll end up being McCain's VP choice. He may want it, but she's said several times not only recently but also in the past, that she isn't interested in being President of Vice President. I have some borderline respect for her because I think she's a smart woman, but she's a Bush Republican and she pushes his dumb and failed policies. And for that I cannot support her.


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
4. Given democrats the chance to talk endlessly about how his own constituents have issues with him since he dropped the democrats.

or rather they dropped him.

The only good thing is the potential swing of jewish votes that have been thinking of going red due to the war on terror/middle east. However, jews are typically very liberal on everything else and could end up in Obama's camp anyways.

Isn't that why Al Gore chose him? I mean, he technically one Florida I guess -- maybe if Lieberman hadn't backstabbed him before the end of the fight.

Also, Obama decided to be a bit of a panderbear at AIPAC and is further to the right than Bush/McCain on Israel right now (a position I don't support); declaring that Jerusalem must never be divided, etc.


Hcoregamer00 said:
Well, if America can elect a black president, which they will, why can't they elect an Indian president (somewhere down the line?
Because, as I said above, it's really not Jindal's race so much as it is his party. If someone who looked like Bobby Jindal and talked like Bobby Jindal but happened to be a Democrat ran for President someday, he'd have an easier time getting elected.


Honorary Canadian.
sangreal said:
He is going to lose regardless of who he picks. I'm still giving Condi a 60% chance of being chosen.
Doesn't Condi want to just go back to Stanford? That's what I thought I heard... she just was sick of all the bullshit.
sangreal said:
or rather they dropped him.

Isn't that why Al Gore chose him? I mean, he technically one Florida I guess -- maybe if Lieberman hadn't backstabbed him before the end of the fight.

Also, Obama decided to be a bit of a panderbear at AIPAC and is further to the right than Bush/McCain on Israel right now (a position I don't support); declaring that Jerusalem must never be divided, etc.

Joe was the first democrat to publicly scold the president during the impeachment era. I always thought Gore chose him becuase of that to distance himself from Clinton's perceived negatives at the time and to be his own man.

Anyways, why would a true blue gamer want Joe in the race anyways? lol


The 'H' stands for hentai.
ToyMachine228 said:
Responses to a few posts above...The John McCain of the past WOULD have a chance of being a decent Presidential nominee. The John McCain of 2008 has sold himself up the river to be the nominee, and to gain support of true blue conservatives. If he ran as himself, he would really have a stronger chance at beating Obama. But he's becoming a Bush Republican and that's not what anyone wants to see at this point.

As for Condi, I don't think she'll end up being McCain's VP choice. He may want it, but she's said several times not only recently but also in the past, that she isn't interested in being President of Vice President. I have some borderline respect for her because I think she's a smart woman, but she's a Bush Republican and she pushes his dumb and failed policies. And for that I cannot support her.

He's becoming a Bush Republican? This is news to me. If anything, McCain was the one who had the right strategy to fight in Iraq. The problem was that the president was so stupid that he ignored McCain's strategy for 3 years. McCain was not a Bush Republican, because frankly Bush disagreed with the conservative base on many issues we hold dear to our heart. McCain is like Bush because he has been fighting the conservative wing of the Republican party, but aside from that there really isn't anything else to constitute himself as a "Bush Republican."

Regarding Condi: As I said earlier, if she was never attached to Bush, she would have likely become the president at one point or another because she is exceptionally brilliant and her moderate views would have fit the 2008 election.

Diablos said:
Because, as I said above, it's really not Jindal's race so much as it is his party. If someone who looked like Bobby Jindal and talked like Bobby Jindal but happened to be a Democrat ran for President someday, he'd have an easier time getting elected.

I disagree, if Bobby Jindal ran in this election, he would have gained the nomination easily. After all, he is intelligent and charismatic, something that was not present in any of the Republican nominees for 2008.


Small balls, big fun!
Dan said:
American Catholics pay no real attention to what the Vatican says.


Which is something that needs to be pointed out every time someone starts talking about Muslims as if they were automatons programmed by the Koran.

Religion is very often more about cultural heritage than it is about scriptural doctrine, even among very devout people. This is a no-brainer for Americans when you bring up Catholics because everyone probably knows dozens of Catholic people personally.

But Muslims are far off and different and it's easy to ascribe really weird behavior to them even when there's little or no empirical evidence backing it up.


Doesn't Condi want to just go back to Stanford? That's what I thought I heard... she just was sick of all the bullshit.
Pretty much, and I don't blame her. She entered the political stage and was called "Aunt Jemima" by liberal bloggers. She must fucking hate her job.

The biggest irony about John McCain is that they are some serious places to critique Obama, and they are substantial. However his campaign is trying to bash Obama at the same time appeal to the republican base, and that is restricting his moves. All he has now is this baseless " Go to Iraq" crap


whytemyke said:
Doesn't Condi want to just go back to Stanford? That's what I thought I heard... she just was sick of all the bullshit.
Well as the saying goes: Nobody ever wants the Vice President's job; nobody ever turns it down.

I actually have her pegged as an Obama supporter though, and I suspect her statements against being VP are related to that.

If you read up on her history I don't think its so far fetched. She is an ex-Democrat, after all.


Mercury Fred said:
Indeed =/
Um, where have you been? Ami has been banning anything that could even be construed as sexist. You can't even say the b-word in these threads anymore.

Stop whining.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
avatar299 said:
Pretty much, and I don't blame her. She entered the political stage and was called "Aunt Jemima" by liberal bloggers. She must fucking hate her job.

The biggest irony about John McCain is that they are some serious places to critique Obama, and they are substantial. However his campaign is trying to bash Obama at the same time appeal to the republican base, and that is restricting his moves. All he has now is this baseless " Go to Iraq" crap

That is because it is seemingly his only strength.


Hcoregamer00 said:
I disagree, if Bobby Jindal ran in this election, he would have gained the nomination easily. After all, he is intelligent and charismatic, something that was not present in any of the Republican nominees for 2008.
No way. I'm pretty sure Jindal would've been laughed out of the primary season by hardcore GOPers who wanted yet another white guy.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
avatar299 said:
Pretty much, and I don't blame her. She entered the political stage and was called "Aunt Jemima" by liberal bloggers. She must fucking hate her job.

The biggest irony about John McCain is that they are some serious places to critique Obama, and they are substantial. However his campaign is trying to bash Obama at the same time appeal to the republican base, and that is restricting his moves. All he has now is this baseless " Go to Iraq" crap

In the end, any effort is futile because McCain will lose. With the economy the way it is combined with a strong opposition party means it is a perfect storm for losing.

If anything, I will be shocked if Obama isn't elected by a huge 1-2 million vote mandate.

Diablos said:
No way. I'm pretty sure Jindal would've been laughed out of the primary season by hardcore GOPers who wanted yet another white guy.

I disagree, Republicans are not as racist as you think they are. If anything, they would have voted for him in greater number to fight this perception of racism in the Republican party that is so prevalent among some people. Of course, to some people, perception has become reality.
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