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PoliGAF Thread of VP Debate 2008 Trainwreck-in-slow-motion Popcorn Party Edition

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mattx5 said:
Anyone have any good drinking games for the debate tonight?

someone earlier in this thread came up with some, a friend and I came up with some additions.

Each person picks a candidate, and you only drink when they say a phrase under their name.

For Biden
• Ladies and gentlemen
• literally
• "John is a friend of mine" or any variation thereof
• we can't afford more of the same
• Barack Obama
• Frankly
• George Bush

For Palin
• Maverick
• moose
• track record
• thanks but no thanks
• "What?"
• Russia
• John McCain
• My friends

Bonus: For Both ( both have to say it at least once, everyone drinks)

Wall street
Main street
Golden parachute
Foreign Policy
(Pauses for more than 5 seconds that have nothing to do with applause, "umms" included")
RubxQub said:
Print this on a T-Shirt and charge the MSNBC tent if you can find it. They will give you airtime!

God I wish I had time. But I don't!

Work sucks, you guys.

Mahadev said:
:lol youtube PLEASE


vitaflo said:
Palin will do just ok tonight, and then every media outlet after the debate will proclaim that the race is on and it's totally up for grabs now!

It's what always happens because the media always wants a friggen horse race.

This is probably true. But with the financial meltdown, I think people have bigger things to worry about now. No matter how well Palin does tonight, she is yesterday's news and can no longer impact McCain's campaign enough to change the momentum.
Son of Godzilla said:
No joke, Biden makes me proud to be Catholic. The fact that the church has spoken against him just endears him even more.

Would you mind explaining why? I'm not attacking you, I just don't understand what you mean :--(


BigGreenMat said:
I just wanted to quote this up once again. Great piece of writing. It really gives respect to the McCain of 2000, while demonstrating why the McCain of 2008 is not what I would hope for. Just read it.

they're just endorsing him as an apology for the controversial cover



Steve Youngblood said:
No offense to you, personally, since I know you haven't been participating in this thread, but I swear I'm starting to lose my sanity more and more every time I see this.
Sorry? I'm sure I don't have any original thoughts since I'm jumping into this thread 1600 pages in.


An interesting footnote in the AP article about McCain pulling out of Michigan.

A McCain aide said the campaign is opening up a front in Maine, which Kerry won four years ago and which offers four electoral votes. His campaign checked advertising rates in media markets there this week.

Maine has four electoral votes, Michigan has 10, so that's a good swap as far as I'm concerned.

But seriously. Maine?!?!

Pollster has Obama up seven points right now. Next thing you know, he's going to campaign in Iowa, FFS.


GhaleonEB said:
Maine has four electoral votes, Michigan has 10, so that's a good swap as far as I'm concerned.

But seriously. Maine?!?!

Pollster has Obama up seven points right now. Next thing you know, he's going to campaign in Iowa, FFS.

I believe he feels it's easier as a result of the way they split electoral votes in Maine. Of course, as you suggest, it's a very daft strategy relevance-wise.
The Lamonster said:
haha I just hope the Pageant bar is open tonight! Somebody's going into work with a hangover tomorrow...
You know, I feel bad, but I've never gone there. I've been to The Loop on a number of occasions, but never gone to the Pageant.
impirius said:
Sorry? I'm sure I don't have any original thoughts since I'm jumping into this thread 1600 pages in.
I'm not trying to call you out personally. It's just that the sentiment you expressed is one I strongly disagree with, and I've seen it repeated over and over again even by people following this thread closely. And I've had it!

Again, though, no offense.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artredis1980 said:
get the Obama iPhone app

HERE: http://ax.phobos.apple.com.edgesuit...2Fwa%2FviewSoftware%3Fid%3D292168926%26mt%3D8



* organizes and prioritizes your contacts by key battleground states, making it easy to reach out and make an impact quickly

* Your privacy is important: no personal data or contacts will be uploaded or stored. Only the total number of calls you make is uploaded anonymously

* "get involved" feature uses the phone's GPS-based location sensing to find the nearest Obama campaign headquarters, and "local events" likewise pulls up a list of activities sorted by proximity.

This shit is soooo damn hard. Obama iphone app skin. Is it offical?


Amir0x said:
I believe he feels it's easier as a result of the way they split electoral votes in Maine. Of course, as you suggest, it's a very daft strategy relevance-wise.
I just get the image of McCain grabbing for table scraps while Obama gobbles up the whole feast.
permutated said:
Would you mind explaining why? I'm not attacking you, I just don't understand what you mean :--(
Well it's exceptionally rare for anyone in power to actually declare a denomination let alone it being Catholicism. I'm frankly sick of hearing the word Christian. The fact that he's gotten into hot water just resonates with me personally over how disillusioned I am with the Church as an entity and how irresponsible it's been both in general and in my diocese. Basically the working-class persona he's assumed really resonates with everything I hold dear regarding the faith.

Edit: resonates.
mckmas8808 said:
This shit is soooo damn hard. Obama iphone app skin. Is it offical?

I think it is, it also freezes unacceptably often.

Son of Godzilla said:
Well it's exceptionally rare for anyone in power to actually declare a denomination let alone it being Catholicism. I'm frankly sick of hearing the word Christian. The fact that he's gotten into hot water just resonates with me personally over how disillusioned I am with the Church as an entity and how irresponsible it's been both in general and in my diocese. Basically the working-class persona he's assumed really resonates with everything I hold dear regarding the faith.


Well Christian is such an overused term, when I tell people I'm of Four-Square belief they look at me like I'm part of a cult.

It's just a section of Christianity with different ideals, and I respect Obama's faith, as I do Biden's, and their unapologetic attitude about it throughout their campaign, despite the fact that it could easily become a "hot topic".
Steve Youngblood said:
You know, I feel bad, but I've never gone there. I've been to The Loop on a number of occasions, but never gone to the Pageant.
Great place to see a show. I love the layout, as you always have a good vantage point to the stage (the bar is elevated). However, the shows can be quite expensive...but tonight's show is free.

But yeah, The Loop is great. My friend owns the salon V Vegaz.
It's funny how the pundits have been acting shocked out how there was such a huge drop-off between your RNC speech and subsequent interviews. They say she needs to recapture the fire she he had at the RNC and initial VP announcement and let Sarah Palin be Sarah Palin.....

Hello??? The RNC speech wasn't the real Sarah Palin. It was a generic VP republican script written by the McCain campaign weeks in advance with a few modifications made. The closest we've seen the real Sarah Palin is in these unscripted interviews and that's why they've been so devastating. The only thing the RNC speech proved was that she can read a teleprompter. Considering she used to be a TV News journalist that shouldn't be much of stretch for her.

I think the Palin's handlers will give her several zingers for her to use in tonights debate. So even if she flubs other answers, the zingers will get a lot of play in the post-debate coverage. The problem with her zingers is that it rallies the base, but it pushes independents and Dems away. But my guess the McCain campaign just wants to get Palin out of the news. I doubt well ever her from her again after tonight. She'll join Cheney in an undisclosed location.


Smiles and Cries said:
Obama has a channel that loops ads? is this true?
Yes. He purchased an entire channel nationwide on DISH network and from what I can tell has purchased an entire channel for some local cable providers in various states that air nothing but obama ads nonstop.


reilo said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Mathews responses after watching Palin's response to Couric's Supreme Court answer:

"I'm dying. I'm dying Chuck."
I was in a cafe at Microsoft eating lunch and that reaction made everyone burst out laughing. You guys gotta see the look on his face.


Son of Godzilla said:
No joke, Biden makes me proud to be Catholic. The fact that the church has spoken against him just endears him even more.

High Five there. I 100% in the same boat as you.

Edit: I can't spell =\
The election of Obama—a man of mixed ethnicity, at once comfortable in the world and utterly representative of twenty-first-century America—would, at a stroke, reverse our country’s image abroad and refresh its spirit at home. His ascendance to the Presidency would be a symbolic culmination of the civil- and voting-rights acts of the nineteen-sixties and the century-long struggles for equality that preceded them. It could not help but say something encouraging, even exhilarating, about the country, about its dedication to tolerance and inclusiveness, about its fidelity, after all, to the values it proclaims in its textbooks. At a moment of economic calamity, international perplexity, political failure, and battered morale, America needs both uplift and realism, both change and steadiness. It needs a leader temperamentally, intellectually, and emotionally attuned to the complexities of our troubled globe. That leader’s name is Barack Obama.

So awesome.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Awesome pics, JCX9!

Thank you
Love that last one.

McCain's new electoral strategy:

ST. LOUIS — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) now must win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Minnesota in order to get enough electoral votes to win the presidency, his campaign says.

Those were considered swing states in 2000 and 2004, but George W. Bush lost them both times.

“Our ability to pick off one of those three states is where our fortunes are largely held,” a McCain official said. “These are states where Barack Obama is on the defense.”

McCain has very limited ways to win, with no room for error. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) still has many routes to the White House and so can afford to campaign on a much broader playing field.

McCain aides discussed their tough new map math after Politico’s Jonathan Martin reported, and McCain aides subsequently confirmed that he is giving up on Michigan, withdrawing staff and advertising.

“We felt like being able to play in Michigan up to this point was an offensive move,” a McCain aide said. “As we close down into Election Day, our map is going to become more targeted.

McCain figures that winning one of those three big remaining swing states, plus those he considers safe, would put him 10 shy of the 270 electoral votes he needs to win.

“We can dig up an additional 10 electoral votes in Nevada, Colorado and New Hampshire,” the official said.

The count is so tight that Maine could be the new Ohio. To explain: McCain is moving staff into Maine because it’s not a winner-take-all state (the only other one that splits its electoral vote is Nebraska).

The McCain aides, perhaps optimistically, are suggesting he can win one electoral vote by picking up one of the Pine Tree State’s two congressional districts.

The Maine congressional district McCain is eying is the larger, northern one, the 2nd District, which covers most of the state and is held by Democratic Rep. Michael H. Michaud.

Recent polls have showed Obama running strong in some states Bush won in 2004. But the McCain official said the campaign is confident: “We feel strongly that we’re going to win in Florida, Missouri and the traditional Republican states of Virginia and North Carolina.”

One McCain official acknowledged that the campaign is feeling the pressure from the better-funded Obama. "He has an extraordinary amount of resources," the official said.
Ami was right, I forgot about Maine's split.


platypotamus said:
That one picture looks like the LHC was fired up right behind him

I was on the right side if the stage and there was a huge spotlight on the other side of the stage

or it was pure hope


Steve Youngblood said:
I'm not trying to call you out personally. It's just that the sentiment you expressed is one I strongly disagree with, and I've seen it repeated over and over again even by people following this thread closely. And I've had it!

Again, though, no offense.
None taken!

I should point out that my frame of reference for debate expectations is my group of friends and co-workers who seem to think that Palin's head will fall off during mid-sentence or something. I can't imagine that Palin could even come close to outperforming Biden in the debate, but I just don't think it's going to be nearly the :lol :lol :lol fest that the past few days have been.

I'd love to be wrong, of course, as the recent Palin videos have been absolutely hilarious in a "oh god is this really happening" type of way.
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