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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Cow Mengde said:
Please note I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, but I still find this line of thinking baffling. Hear me out.

For Mario, what can you do with him? You could say Pixar quality, but is it that big of a difference in the eye of the average gamer? Second of all, we have examples of really high quality Mario through rendered art. I mean, come on, it doesn't get anymore high tech than pre-rendered.

Many of Nintendo's characters have been rendered in high quality CG so it doesn't surprise me unless they change the way the character look a la Wind Waker.

Really fantastic post. To be honest I don't know how to answer it yet, still waking up. I will say that I think Pixar(ish)-quality would be noticable to the average gamer, even if they don't understand it technically. You're right about having superb examples of Mario via rendered art. Perhaps that is how Cafe games will look. I hope that's enough of a response for now.


Alrus said:
I can't wait for Epic to announce they're porting UE3 on Cafe so people can stop asking Mark Rein if he hates Nintendo :)

Better yet, I cant wait for Iwata asks with Epic. That would be pretty cool.
Cow Mengde said:
Please note I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, but I still find this line of thinking baffling. Hear me out.

For Mario, what can you do with him? You could say Pixar quality, but is it that big of a difference in the eye of the average gamer? Second of all, we have examples of really high quality Mario through rendered art. I mean, come on, it doesn't get anymore high tech than pre-rendered.

Many of Nintendo's characters have been rendered in high quality CG so it doesn't surprise me unless they change the way the character look a la Wind Waker.

Realistic clothing textures a la SSB only better and a realistic mustache. That's all I got.



Skiesofwonder said:
I found this very interesting:

Lots of surprises! :)

Honestly, that's not really a statement. Nintendo has only a handful of 3DS games shown and Skyward Sword for the Wii.

Literally going in there with an empty plate.


Cow Mengde said:
Please note I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, but I still find this line of thinking baffling. Hear me out.

For Mario, what can you do with him? You could say Pixar quality, but is it that big of a difference in the eye of the average gamer? Second of all, we have examples of really high quality Mario through rendered art. I mean, come on, it doesn't get anymore high tech than pre-rendered.


Many of Nintendo's characters have been rendered in high quality CG so it doesn't surprise me unless they change the way the character look a la Wind Waker.

Basically the best they could do with Mario is make him look like that picture in game. So yeah, Pixar quality. Which he pretty much already does look like if you check out some of those shots of Galaxy 2 in the Dolphin thread. Let's do that, shall we?



I agree there's not much more graphically they could do after that, though.
Penguin said:
Honestly, that's not really a statement. Nintendo has only a handful of 3DS games shown and Skyward Sword for the Wii.

Literally going in there with an empty plate.

They have Zelda, Kid Icarus, Mario 3DS, and Kirby Vaporware coming out this year (As well as smaller stuff like StarFox and maybe Xenoblade) and they announced Mario Kart 3DS, Paper Mario 3DS, and Animal Crossing last year. That's already a decent amount of announced stuff.

None of them other than Kid Icarus has been shown outside of one trailer each though so Keighley is probably just referring to those games.
Game Analyst said:
What do you expect graphically if the leaked specs are accurate?

It can certainly do Crysis at 720p, no doubt. 720p at 60 fps - maybe, but I think that's still a stretch. I'm guessing Wii 2 will be comparable to a mid end pc.
Anth0ny said:
Basically the best they could do with Mario is make him look like that picture in game. So yeah, Pixar quality. Which he pretty much already does look like if you check out some of those shots of Galaxy 2 in the Dolphin thread. Let's do that, shall we?


To me, the Loop-de-loop Galaxy looks like a SEGA arcade game, like Model 3 graphics, but much better quality. The colors, the geometry, the lighting, everything. That stood out to me the moment I played it. Any long-time SEGA fans notice this, or is it just me?

Much of Galaxy looks like it's leaning toward Pixar quality. Obviously it's FAR off technically, but it does IMO lean toward that high standard. With a huge leap in graphics processing power (Cafe) I believe EAD Tokyo could pull off the impossible.

Anyone else feel the same as I do?


Just wanted to say that as someone who really started using GAF during the end of the last gen and remembers the Revolution controller rumour thread, this thread disappoints.

I want more crazy hand drawn / paint mockups of controllers that change shape and heat up in your hands. Who was the guy with all the mental Nintendo ideas? I wanna say PhoenixDark?
nextgeneration said:
It can certainly do Crysis at 720p, no doubt. 720p at 60 fps - maybe, but I think that's still a stretch. I'm guessing Wii 2 will be comparable to a mid end pc.

Middle end?

I know what you mean, but I had to.


Membero Americo
I wonder if the new Marketing guy that replaces Cammie will appear on stage.

I'm a bit septic, though, because the last time somebody new appeared on stage (read here: Cammie), it didn't go well. (For us or the conference.)

Since E3 2008, Cammie has been plagued with the "casual" mark. Every time she appeared, gamers would instantly loose interest (case in point, E3 2009). She kept it low last year, being only on the E3 Nintendo Network (and she wasn't bad then.) She finally leaves Nintendo to be replaced by Scott (I think his name is Scott).

So, I wonder what kind of executive vice president of sales & marketing Scott will be.


nextgeneration said:
It can certainly do Crysis at 720p, no doubt. 720p at 60 fps - maybe, but I think that's still a stretch. I'm guessing Wii 2 will be comparable to a mid end pc.
Crysis just was not as optimized is its problem. You can future proof your game tech and still optimize it enough that it runs well on at release era hardware.

BY2K said:
I wonder if the new Marketing guy that replaces Cammie will appear on stage.

I'm a bit septic, though, because the last time somebody new appeared on stage (read here: Cammie), it didn't go well. (For us or the conference.)

Since E3 2008, Cammie has been plagued with the "casual" mark. Every time she appeared, gamers would instantly loose interest (case in point, E3 2009). She kept it low last year, being only on the E3 Nintendo Network (and she wasn't bad then.) She finally leaves Nintendo to be replaced by Scott (I think his name is Scott).

So, I wonder what kind of executive vice president of sales & marketing Scott will be.
Id guess he would play to the hardcore angle like Reggie. He did do the whole mt dew thing etc.

Ooooh I like this tweet from Stephen Totilo
It the Wii 2 controller has a screen, and if Aliens Colonial Marines got ported to it... how else would you detect approaching xenomorphs?
Anth0ny said:

I agree there's not much more graphically they could do after that, though.

Comparing this screen from the render I posted, the only noticeable difference is the shelf shadowing on Mario and light occlusion/ambient occlusion. The game could add more light sources to light the model, but again, not something most people would notice. I saw in another thread with people talking about lighting on the 3DS, and some guy comes in a posts Silent Hill for the PSP saying how the lighting looks better than RER.

Here's Samus pre-rendered.


While we don't have a realtime Samus close to the pre-rendered one of the left, we can practically imagine what Samus would look like with heavy shader effects.
Bert said:
Just wanted to say that as someone who really started using GAF during the end of the last gen and remembers the Revolution controller rumour thread, this thread disappoints.

I want more crazy hand drawn / paint mockups of controllers that change shape and heat up in your hands. Who was the guy with all the mental Nintendo ideas? I wanna say PhoenixDark?

You're looking for this thread. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=428832
Nintendo should totally port Galaxy 2 for launch.

Mario at launch + it being that gorgeous and possibly one of the best platformers (if not the best?) this/last gen.

I'd certainly believe that to be major double-dipping material.
Hero of Legend said:
Nintendo should totally port Galaxy 2 for launch.

Mario at launch + it being that gorgeous and possibly one of the best platformers (if not the best?) this/last gen.

I'd certainly believe that to be major double-dipping material.

no. just tease Mario Cafe and people will jizz their pants. then put up a demo
BY2K said:
I'm a bit septic, though, because the last time somebody new appeared on stage (read here: Cammie), it didn't go well. (For us or the conference.)

That was the first E3 I ever watched live.




Needless to say I was a little disappointed.
Fourth Storm said:
Also, a cheap/easy feature which Iwata has alluded to would be Universal remote functionality. Check for updates on the controller when the system is in standby and if you see ppl you know are playing or whatever, hit one button to turn on ur tv, wake up the console,and switch to the proper feed.

Hmm, it's a possibility! Good thinking.
they should fix the heating thing that the Wii had. if they are going for a larger case, then there will be a larger fan. hopefully that will be enough


Lupin the Wolf said:
Fourth Storm said:
If the system is going to be sending out wireless audio/video information to the controller, I can also see there being some type of HDMI dongle which allows you to play the system on any TV in the house with an HDMI input.

Also, a cheap/easy feature which Iwata has alluded to would be Universal remote functionality. Check for updates on the controller when the system is in standby and if you see ppl you know are playing or whatever, hit one button to turn on ur tv, wake up the console,and switch to the proper feed.

What do you guys think?

The 3DS has a currently stagnant IR I/O port on the top. Who's to say the Cafe controller can't follow suit? Especially if the 3DS can serve as a Cafe controller....

Nintendo also recently filed an improvement patent (legal "update" to an older patent) in regards to "general remote functions" in a video game controller. I have to believe the new controller will be able to handle many sorts of functions like this and more.


Membero Americo
From The Dust said:
they should fix the heating thing that the Wii had. if they are going for a larger case, then there will be a larger fan. hopefully that will be enough

Which has me asking, is Project Cafe going to be bigger or the same size as a Wii? Nintendo always go for smaller consoles. Could this change?


Really Really Exciting Member!
BY2K said:
Which has me asking, is Project Cafe going to be bigger or the same size as a Wii? Nintendo always go for smaller consoles. Could this change?

Well, only the Wii & Gamecube were small. I wouldn't call the NES, SNES and N64 small.


BY2K said:
Which has me asking, is Project Cafe going to be bigger or the same size as a Wii? Nintendo always go for smaller consoles. Could this change?
There's almost no way for them to keep the Wii's size with the purported hardware. I will eat an officially licensed Mario hat if Cafe isn't at least a little bit bigger than the Wii.


BY2K said:
Which has me asking, is Project Cafe going to be bigger or the same size as a Wii? Nintendo always go for smaller consoles. Could this change?

The rumors point to it being about as big as the original 360.
BY2K said:
Which has me asking, is Project Cafe going to be bigger or the same size as a Wii? Nintendo always go for smaller consoles. Could this change?

IGN claimed that the Cafe will be about as big as the 360. but chances are there are few if any actual console units in the hands of developers. just the dev kit. so who the fuck knows


From The Dust said:
IGN claimed that the Cafe will be about as big as the 360. but chances are there are few if any actual console units in the hands of developers. just the dev kit. so who the fuck knows
Though if we look at devkits of the past for Nintendo they used to be giant then the Wii kits were basically just wii with a green faceplate.

If they are going with parts near the rumored stuff it is gonna run quite a bit hotter than even the things in the 360 etc so Nintendo being forced to go bigger again makes sense. Lets just hope they go sleek


Good Art™
Big lol at people saying Mario Galaxy can't really improve graphically and a "pixar" quality wouldn't be an obvious jump enough for people.. lol lol lol.

I think there is a BIG difference between a fully lighted and rendered scene from a cg movie and Mario Galaxy, as beautiful as it looks.


Limbaugh Parrot
antonz said:
Ooooh I like this tweet from Stephen Totilo
More & more I keep seeing industry/journalism folks referring to it as Wii 2 and not Cafe/new Nintendo hardware, and just remotely thinking that they would call it Wii 2 kind of scares me
BY2K said:
Which has me asking, is Project Cafe going to be bigger or the same size as a Wii? Nintendo always go for smaller consoles. Could this change?

The rumors place it around the size of the original 360.
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