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PS3 vs XBox 360 - A mainly technical comparison

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You wrote this to justify why your bought the ps3 right? Bioshock did this too you, Didn't it? You own three PS3 games and you see the Lair getting 5's everywhere and complaints about Heavenly Sword being 6 hours long.. and watch as Halo 3 hype rises and you're freaking out.

This is me summing up your article:

"Why don't you people LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! understand that they PS3 is TECHNICALLY SUPERIOR!?"
nofi said:
That article doesn't mention looking for the word '360' then hitting reply, though. :p

Let's just say that after reading the parts about the media conspiracies and his girlfriend's cramps, I knew that it was a 'wow' post.


BenjaminBirdie said:
You lost me. Surely one month of worldwide superiority doesn't in any way make up for a 6 million user gap in terms of hardware penetration and software sales?

The PS3 is outperforming the XBox 360 sales slightly from a global point of view if you look at the same lenght of availability.


Albeit the PS3 is more expensive than the other consoles, the PS3 still provides great value if you look at the technology being offered to us. There surely is nothing to be ashamed of for being enthusiastic about and supportive towards the PS3. The Xbox 360 may be well hyped, especially in the US, but the console is clearly not without its design faults, hardware limitations and problems.

With future expansion like DVR capabilities, Playstation eye games, high profile exclusive games like Final Fantasy XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 the PS3’s future looks far from bleak!

Value != a lot of stuff for a low price.

Value is in the eye of the beholder. You can't tell someone "This is good value" - that is a decision only they can make.

As for value? I spent £425 on my PAL PS3 at launch and couldn't be more fucked off about it. Not only can you spend £30 less now and get 2 free games + controller, I've barely touched it since completing Resistance. I know where I got my value for money, and that's the direct competitor you snub throughout your jackass article.

When the games you mention are actually out, perhaps I will re-evaluate my PS3 valuation.


Brings me back to 2005 and 2006 when we got heaps of articles on this subject. Threads could also go on forever with pointless rants that lacked facts.
Wow oO that wasn't smart at all...

I hope the cash was worth the ban.

watership said:
You wrote this to justify why your bought the ps3 right? Bioshock did this too you, Didn't it? You own three PS3 games and you see the Lair getting 5's everywhere and complaints about Heavenly Sword being 6 hours long.. and watch as Halo 3 hype rises and you're freaking out.

This is me summing up your article:

"Why don't you people LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! understand that they PS3 is TECHNICALLY SUPERIOR!?"

And somehow you managed to top the OP...


GitarooMan said:
Why waste so much time on something that is so easily dismissed as slanted rhetoric?

As you can read I am open to corrections.

I was already expecting a fanboy meltdown. ;-) But I hope to read some valuable input and counter arguments as well. :lol


Even though the PS3 is technically superior these kind of threads are stupid and useless. You'll just have same people shouting out the same thing over and over again despite the facts.


The style of this post reminds me of a guy that tried to sell me a new hoover. Do you sell hoovers in real life? What's better for removing encrusted body fluids from a keyboard, a Dyson or a PS3?


MikeB said:
As you can read I am open to corrections.

I was already expecting a fanboy meltdown. ;-) But I hope to read some valuable input and counter arguments as well. :lol

From yourself?

No one is melting down, we're all laughing that you wasted your time on something so meaningless.


Mojovonio said:
From yourself?

No one is melting down, we're all laughing that you wasted your time on something so meaningless.

Basically, and that fact that he doesn't understand the definition of value. The whole 'value' bullshit from Sony (or any company from that matter) just fucks me off. Don't patronise me with that bullshit.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Mojovonio said:
From yourself?

No one is melting down, we're all laughing that you wasted your time on something so meaningless.


so true.

Protip: Next time throw in some "total cost of ownership (TCO)" comparisons there too. It makes your argument more enterprisey.


LutherT17 said:
The style of this post reminds me of a guy that tried to sell me a new hoover. Do you sell hoovers in real life? What's better for removing encrusted body fluids from a keyboard, a Dyson or a PS3?

My main profession is being a physical therapist. BTW, I love Superfrog. :cool:

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
So I want to play Halo3, how much will PS3 "superior" hardware help me out on that one?? Kthxbye

(So, software drives hardware, as always.. but its great to sometimes wake up in 2006 again and read about the techwars, again)..
MikeB said:
As you can read I am open to corrections.

I was already expecting a fanboy meltdown. ;-) But I hope to read some valuable input and counter arguments as well. :lol

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you are totally serious.


Anything that can motivate someone to write something like that for random people on a game forum is a powerfull force. How many hours did it take? Anyway, congratulations on your great dedication to the sony brand. A few more of those and surely the ps3 will be saved.


MikeB said:
As you can read I am open to corrections.

I was already expecting a fanboy meltdown. ;-) But I hope to read some valuable input and counter arguments as well. :lol

two chiqui-points for this try to rise the flames...



or, actually what little I did skim through was so vapid and pointless I didn't bother. Hypocrites are hilarious.


cgcg said:
Even though the PS3 is technically superior these kind of threads are stupid and useless. You'll just have same people shouting out the same thing over and over again despite the facts.

The technically superior argument is somewhat pointless though.

The Xbox was far technically superior to the PS2 - and offered more technology (not to be misinterpreted as 'better value') for the exact same price. But customers didn't think that offered 'more value' - simply because to them, the PS2 offered more value. More games that interested them or their friends and family.


MikeB said:
Backward compatibility

Currently the bulk of legacy Playstation and Playstation 2 titles already work on the PS3.
Conclusion the PS3 wins this one hands-down. Especially considering most Xbox games offer little replay value. Why play Halo 1 if you own a better version with Halo 2 or Halo 3, IMO many older FPS games did’t really age that well.

Wow. Just wow.


Mojovonio said:
From yourself?

No one is melting down, we're all laughing that you wasted your time on something so meaningless.

You could argue gaming in general is meaningless. Science and Technology is a hobby of mine just as much as gaming. So I enjoyed writing that piece. I will now have something to eat with my girlfriend and I hope later tonight to read some proper interesting feedback. Fingers crossed! :D


At least MikeB knew what he was getting himself in for with this thread. While you may mock (whether he deserves it or not) you've got to appreciate the effort involved.

@MikeB - I'll read it when I get home from work.

devilscallmedad said:
My Mom sayz the ps3 sux, but when 'Uncle Kaz' comes round she and him go upstairs and make 'animal noises'.......

so basically you think the PS3 is great value, which i don't think has ever been debated.

however value != affordability.

i'm going to get sick of telling people that some day.


MikeB said:
You could argue gaming in general is meaningless. Science and Technology is a hobby of mine just as much as gaming. So I enjoyed writing that piece. I will now have something to eat with my girlfriend and I hope later tonight to read some proper interesting feedback. Fingers crossed! :D

Well, I'm happy you took the time out of massaging elderly gentlemen to write your post.
MikeB said:
The PS3 is outperforming the XBox 360 sales slightly from a global point of view if you look at the same lenght of availability.

Is it okay if instead I just measure them the way everyone else does since the PS3 doesn't exist in a wormhole that is simultaneously present both in November 2006 and every retailer on Earth?
you should've just posted this in the opening post and saved us some time



hyperbolically metafictive
Maximilian E. said:
So I want to play Halo3, how much will PS3 "superior" hardware help me out on that one??

even the power of the cell processor is incapable of neutralizing your pitiable desire to play halo 3. you'll to have to look into psychiatric medications, many of which can help you control irrational and self-destructive impulses
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