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PS4 sales have surpassed 5.3 million units according to Sony (As of Feb 8)

Wasn't it said around E3 time that this would be a timed exclusive and will come to PS4 at some point? I can't remember if it was CBoat, Mort that posted that, I wonder if it holds true?

They need to take it up with EA, it's really on them for this one...

Pretty much, IIRC Respawn was actually pretty surprised when they found out EA had made that deal.

I think EA made the mistake of thinking that the XBO would dominant the US, like the 360 did, and thus the money they got from MS woudl offset any lost ps4 sales that they could have had.


I haven't mine on since day 1 its all set up just haven't turned it on

still getting through my wii u backlog


I'm really happy to see those numbers. So many doom and gloom threads these days. Granted I do most of my gaming on a PC at the moment I certainly plan on getting into consoles again once the fall games hit :D


Its funny but I think the biggest loser is Respawn. Theres no doubt they are scratching thier heads thinking why oh why did we take up MS' offer when they could've potentially had 5.3m people to sell thier game to. They bet on the wrong horse thinking PS4 wouldnt sell as well.

Respawn had nothing to do with this. The "One platform is better for us because we are a small team" is just PR talk they were probably handed by EA themselves. EA made these decisions, however you are correct it's Respawn that is ultimately going to suffer if the game doesn't meet expectations sales wise.

Remember this was only a timed exclusive at first, then MS felt the need to lock it down permanently after all the backlash they received and all the positive momentum Sony had coming it's way.

It really sucks because I wanted to give Respawn my money to play Titanfall on my PS4, but now it's just going to be rented on the 360.

Fox Mulder

They need to take it up with EA, it's really on them for this one...

MS must have backed up a dump truck. EA turning down the ps3 and ps4 looked stupid then and it looks worse now. How long can MS swoop in and keep buying this kind of third party support with the numbers gap growing like it is.


This is a real shame. Sony doesn't have ANY software appealing to ME. Where is Atelier Uguugu? And how about a big JRPG franchise from Mark Cerny and based Yu Suzuki and Nobuo Uematsu? And why hasn't Guerrila Games, who sucks anyway, unveiled their new IP wrpg shooter hybrid with dating sim elements?

I saw from the Order gifs that the entire game takes place in a hallway and it's just a boring third person shooter, which is a genre nobody likes, so another fail on sony's part.

But, but, but... secret werewolf hot sauce in alt London! :p
The people with those 7 million PS4s are much more likely to buy the game than those 80 million people with a PS3. It is much harder to sell a new game to those 80 million who still need to actively use their console (which is less than 80 million), who can't have upgraded to a better console; and who have much more choice, both in new and old games. There is a tipping point where that lower number of consoles is worth more.

Many people (myself included) think Titanfall will sell more on 360 than X1...so which is it? Because the opinion that 360 will outsell X1 version seems to be a foregone conclusion from many people on this board. Therefore, one can assume that the same case would be said for PS3 > PS4, no?

edit: And it's just trying to show the POTENTIAL buyers that they could reach. If they werent concerned about ignoring 80 million potential buyers (obviously less than this since many own both consoles, and many PS3s are bought by the same people ,ect), then the 7 million shouldn't be the biggest thing to be looking at. The choice was already made


These numbers are going to be a shock to a large contingent of the American games media who had assumed that Microsoft and Sony would be neck and neck this generation. That might not even be true in the United States.
It really makes me wonder if EA can just go ahead and do that with the future TF games without Respawn's consent or knowledge. They probably won't given that the PS4 will continue to pull ahead, but still.

It's all speculation since we don't know how the contract is set-up.

Reviews are subjective, someone's opinion. Metacritic scores (or review scores in general) are hardly something with a factual basis.

You'd be quite wrong. Bayonetta 2 wouldn't exist without Nintendo picking it up and funding it. Titanfall would have existed regardless of what Microsoft did.

Until developers stop getting bonuses based off their metacritic score I'll continue to use it. It's an obviously important tool to the industry even if It's subjective. Or do we forget the Arkham City GOTY edition.
Dead Rising 3, not Titanfall.

Ha, oops. In that case, I think you could be right comparing it to Bayonetta 2.

Until developers stop getting bonuses based off their metacritic score I'll continue to use it. It's an obviously important tool to the industry even if It's subjective. Or do we forget the Arkham City GOTY edition.

Which is crazy, and I obviously disagree with such a system. And yes, I remember AC GOTY.


Still basically sold out in Sweden, very few available online and at a higher price. Saw someone from Norway write that it was sold out over there as well, I'm guessing all of Scandinavia is supply starved

Looking forward to the Japanese launch, excited to see what happens.


Gold Member
Just an educated guess:

Xbone should be around 3.3 million: 3 million from 2013 and less than 340K in January 2014 ( 141K from US, and definitely less than 200k from the rest of tier one countries)

Difference 2 million units.




Did you even read what you posted? And thanks for posting a list, I was looking for a total of what games were out for both platforms.

PS4: 37

X1: 27

So there goes the "NO GAMES" argument. Moving on. Since any aggregate scores will slide in the face of the PS4's weighty advantage in overall releases, let's just pick the top 5.

User: 6.9 Nov 15, 2013
User: 6.1 Nov 12, 2013
Battlefield 4
User: 6.5 Nov 12, 2013
The Pinball Arcade
User: 6.7 Dec 17, 2013
NBA 2K14

Average: 87


User: 5.9 Nov 19, 2013
NBA 2K14
User: 5.4 Nov 12, 2013
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
User: 6.5 Jan 28, 2014
User: tbd Feb 19, 2014
Forza Motorsport 5

Average: 84.2

I haven't done a "Top Ten" average, but the numbers would be similar, probably in Sony's favor too. Lesson: you have no idea what you're talking about. It is shocking though, how much larger the software library is on the PS4. I knew it was bigger, but not by a 30% or thereabouts margin.

Edit: I just checked and the PS4 has a slew of 80+ titles after the top 5, whereas X1 descends right in to the 70's after Forza. So I don't need to do another tally. In any scenario you're completely wrong.

Better way of looking at the release lists too:






Sony did a good job. Compelling package, great message and a nice price tag. Compared to MS who has kind of shit the bed at every turn since the reveal. Honestly I'm kind of surprised that MS sold as many as they did looking back.
It kinda makes me think. MS has factualy better exclusives but can't manage better sales. Despite TitanFall being a media darling I think Second Son will bump PS4 sales higher than TitanFall would do fo X1, even if TF reviews better.

Did you even read what you posted? And thanks for posting a list, I was looking for a total of what games were out for both platforms.

PS4: 37

X1: 27

So there goes the "NO GAMES" argument. Moving on. Since any aggregate scores will slide in the face of the PS4's weighty advantage in overall releases, let's just pick the top 5.

User: 6.9 Nov 15, 2013
User: 6.1 Nov 12, 2013
Battlefield 4
User: 6.5 Nov 12, 2013
The Pinball Arcade
User: 6.7 Dec 17, 2013
NBA 2K14

Average: 87


User: 5.9 Nov 19, 2013
NBA 2K14
User: 5.4 Nov 12, 2013
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
User: 6.5 Jan 28, 2014
User: tbd Feb 19, 2014
Forza Motorsport 5

Average: 84.2

I haven't done a "Top Ten" average, but the numbers would be similar, probably in Sony's favor too. Lesson: you have no idea what you're talking about. It is shocking though, how much larger the software library is on the PS4. I knew it was bigger, but not by a 30% or thereabouts margin.

Don't worry, I won't attack you back.


Did you even read what you posted? And thanks for posting a list, I was looking for a total of what games were out for both platforms.

PS4: 37

X1: 27

So there goes the "NO GAMES" argument. Moving on. Since any aggregate scores will slide in the face of the PS4's weighty advantage in overall releases, let's just pick the top 5.

User: 6.9 Nov 15, 2013
User: 6.1 Nov 12, 2013
Battlefield 4
User: 6.5 Nov 12, 2013
The Pinball Arcade
User: 6.7 Dec 17, 2013
NBA 2K14

Average: 87


User: 5.9 Nov 19, 2013
NBA 2K14
User: 5.4 Nov 12, 2013
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
User: 6.5 Jan 28, 2014
User: tbd Feb 19, 2014
Forza Motorsport 5

Average: 84.2

I haven't done a "Top Ten" average, but the numbers would be similar, probably in Sony's favor too. Lesson: you have no idea what you're talking about. It is shocking though, how much larger the software library is on the PS4. I knew it was bigger, but not by a 30% or thereabouts margin.

You're forgetting that 3rd party games don't exist. Here on GAF we exclusively play exclusives.


Weird timing, Order blowout, PS4 updated numbers ... MS event incoming ? :p
Anyway, it's amazing how this thing is selling, they had it right to focus on the west! Now, prepare for disapointment in home turf ...
Still basically sold out in Sweden, very few available online and at a higher price. Saw someone from Norway write that it was sold out over there as well, I'm guessing all of Scandinavia is supply starved

Looking forward to the Japanese launch, excited to see what happens.

Germany is a freaking wasteland when it comes to PS4. amazon isn't sure if they can fulfill orders before april.
Wow I thought they might be around 5.1 million with those recent NPD numbers. And this is with no Japan launch yet. Amazing.

So all they have to sell is around 500k I'm Japan at launch to have 6 million sales. They could be at 2:1 sales advantage over X1 by the time Infamous launches. Definitely By the time Final Fantasy 14 hits


Don't worry, I won't attack you back.

Pointing out how incorrect and misguided you are, using the information you, yourself provided for the argument at hand, is not an attack. Its basic debate and discussion. There was no namecalling. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. That is 'factually' as you would say.


Just an educated guess:

Xbone should be around 3.3 million: 3 million from 2013 and less than 340K in January 2014 ( 141K from US, and definitely less than 200k from the rest of tier one countries)

Difference 2 million units.

That is a hell of a gap after only three months.


You could make an argument that number of ps4 that will be sold on launch DAY in japan, will be more than XB1 sold for the whole 2014 year up to japan launch WW


Still basically sold out in Sweden, very few available online and at a higher price. Saw someone from Norway write that it was sold out over there as well, I'm guessing all of Scandinavia is supply starved

Looking forward to the Japanese launch, excited to see what happens.

Same in Finland. We got nice shipment two weeks ago and it sold out fast.
Pointing out how incorrect and misguided you are, using the information you, yourself provided for the argument at hand, is not an attack. Its basic debate and discussion. There was no namecalling. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. That is 'factually' as you would say.

Calm down first, its just video games, and Read the bolded man. I never said you were name calling, it'll be alright. Your arguing against an argument I never made because you refuse to read.
MS must have backed up a dump truck. EA turning down the ps3 and ps4 looked stupid then and it looks worse now. How long can MS swoop in and keep buying this kind of third party support with the numbers gap growing like it is.

I still think MS probably under paid, as EA probably assumed before launch that XB1 games would outsell PS4 games by x% based on their history with 360/PS3 games and they probably also underestimated the PS4 install base at this point. Ps4 has sold gangbusters, and every EA title has sold more on PS4 than XB1 so far. I can't imagine EA calculated the lost sales numbers by going exclusive right.


From a purely business perspective, I cannot help but wonder what would have happened had MS stuck to its guns and maintained its original strategic direction with the XBOne rather than engage in a series of consumer/critic influenced course corrections.

I still maintain that I give MS "credit" for its willingness to change its approach, an approach that I have no doubt cost several million dollars and hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of manpower planning and consideration developed. It's not something that any organization does lightly.

I posit that the reactive, whipsaw-like changes in direction were more "damaging" to MS than had they more elegantly articulated their vision for the XBOne and stayed the course.


Sony did a good job. Compelling package, great message and a nice price tag. Compared to MS who has kind of shit the bed at every turn since the reveal. Honestly I'm kind of surprised that MS sold as many as they did looking back.
Of course there was some pent-up demand for MS' console as well. But I imagine the sales drop-off was pretty steep now that the console is sitting on store-shelves everywhere. So from now on the gap may become even wider.


This is a real shame. Sony doesn't have ANY software appealing to ME. Where is Atelier Uguugu? And how about a big JRPG franchise from Mark Cerny and based Yu Suzuki and Nobuo Uematsu? And why hasn't Guerrila Games, who sucks anyway, unveiled their new IP wrpg shooter hybrid with dating sim elements?

I saw from the Order gifs that the entire game takes place in a hallway and it's just a boring third person shooter, which is a genre nobody likes, so another fail on sony's part.

Been enjoying Y2Kev in his Crunchy Form lately.
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