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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Been grinding HARD on challenges all day on my alt for stones so I can pull a bunch tomorrow. My puzzling finger is aching and numb as hell right now. I might not be able to physically play any more. I guess I should have listened to all that nagging to take a break every hour. Whoops.

Do you or any of your friends have R. Hino Kagutsuchi? Just make one match (doesn't even have to be a kind you can attack with - faster if it isn't, actually) with him and he'll auto-attack hard enough to take out most of the lower-level dungeons. I think the light and dark Wisdom Kings can do the same.

I think I have Hino up on my main, but he's freshly-revo'd, so he's at a fairly low level.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Got only got about 8 of the higher level normals left to go before I start on the techs but no, don't have him. It's definitely not hard to clear these but I've been using Myr and probably matching a lot harder than is necessary but I need to keep the light orbs flowing.


As tempting as some of the newer pantheons and Fujin are, I'm not pulling outside of Haku godfests. A third Haku would make my Kush team perfect and I could also always finally use a genbu on that account.

It's always too tempting to not do 1-2 rolls for fun, but it'll add up in the long run.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
As tempting as some of the newer pantheons and Fujin are, I'm not pulling outside of Haku godfests. A third Haku would make my Kush team perfect and I could also always finally use a genbu on that account.

It's always too tempting to not do 1-2 rolls for fun, but it'll add up in the long run.
I wish I had this kind of self control. Just skipping the first day of this GF was hard. I almost always yolo roll at least once per account every day. There are so many pantheon cards that I don't have that would be worthy of saving every free stone I can muster up to chase when they show up but I can never get a good amount of them banked. Having zero Hakus between both of my accounts when she's so overpowered really sucks.
I'm holding onto these 6 RSonias on the bet that she'll be the new OP sub in a few months

then you'll all be sorry for selling yours and moblin will have the last laugh

on the real though A3 is tough. I can reliably get to the radar dragons alright but I honestly cannot get through them. Gaia Dragon has too much HP, I have no idea how people survive Hera Dragon without heart cross or co-op, etc.


Pandora !!
Perseus #2
Blonia !!!!!'
Fenrir #2
Ruel !!
Cursed wyrm #2
Sims Yi!!!
Perseus #3

Lmeta #3
Samurai dragon dupe
Gadius #2
Sun Quan #4
Umisachi & Yamasachi
Satsuki #3
Strawberry dragon
Shining dragon swordsman dupe
Markab #2
Sasuke #2

Main sucked
Alt did amazing
Hit so many of my most wanted (and Fujin I didn't dare to want)


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Alt pulled every stone on hand:


And I sold a silver

I now own every Angel 2 except the one I need (Rozuel). So I didn't get anything I was looking for (Fujin, Panda, Roz, etc) but I can't be mad at those pulls especially since none of them are dupes. Ariel is going on my Myr team immediately. Rest of the stuff will probably collect some dust. Should be able to get a few more rolls after grinding out some more challenges but probably not more than a roll or two.
yeh I got an ariel and silvers, took Myr/Ariel/Kanna/Kanna/ADQXQ for a whirl in A1 and cleared it pretty easily, I had very favorable spawns though

a good team if I need the effective HP that D.Athena can't provide, which is basically never. I'm sure light TPAs will be a thing in the future though so I'm glad to have her


16 pulls
Strawberry dragon
Chrono Turtle
Wu Kong (first featured pantheon pull....)
Ivory Dragon
Sea serpent

PANDORA finally a second Pandora so I can make her uuevo form.

Saving alts pulls for later.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Damn them some shit pulls Bladelaw, you need to talk?


Damn them some shit pulls Bladelaw, you need to talk?

Not right now... I'm just happy I have Pandora. Now I'm just looking to max skill her. Surprisingly Titania happens to spawn dark fairies so I'm doing ok. I'm also ignoring everything that happened before Pandora so that helps. Also it's an excuse to max skill Titania.
Rolled looking for Sima Yi. No dice, but I did get a Diaochan and a Trailokyavijaya. I'm super happy about the Trailo, seems like there are lots of opportunities to cheese things with her.

I've also finally started to get the hang of A3 with Kushinada. I don't have a great win percentage yet, but I have several clears under my belt now. Just need to grind up dragon killer latents now. I think it'll become a whole lot easier once my Hakus are all decked out.

The one downside is that everyone on my friends list seems to be putting junk on their Kushinadas. (I can understand the Orochis and kind of understand the Indras, but the Fujins just baffle me. Kushi has perfect damage control, why waste a slot on a Fujin?) Is anyone here running Kushinada with a 5-turn Susano or an Awoken/Revo Kushinada inherit? If you're planning on keeping up either, I'll toss a BF your way. 344,273,322


Rolled looking for Sima Yi. No dice, but I did get a Diaochan and a Trailokyavijaya. I'm super happy about the Trailo, seems like there are lots of opportunities to cheese things with her.

I've also finally started to get the hang of A3 with Kushinada. I don't have a great win percentage yet, but I have several clears under my belt now. Just need to grind up dragon killer latents now. I think it'll become a whole lot easier once my Hakus are all decked out.

The one downside is that everyone on my friends list seems to be putting junk on their Kushinadas. (I can understand the Orochis and kind of understand the Indras, but the Fujins just baffle me. Kushi has perfect damage control, why waste a slot on a Fujin?) Is anyone here running Kushinada with a 5-turn Susano or an Awoken/Revo Kushinada inherit? If you're planning on keeping up either, I'll toss a BF your way. 344,273,322

I sent an invite, I just got my dupe Susan inherit ready with the pull Tamas and put it on kush.
Well, it's the last day of Kuramitsuha until she rotates back... no Hinomitsuha spawn yet.

Other than tamas when I need to burn stam before rankup, MP dungeon, and the rest of the challenges with my alt on Friday night, I've ran it every day with every single point of stamina I could and stone refilled multiple times. She is officially my white whale.


Really getting tired of the state of the Rem. Three straight silver egg in this trap fest.

Yeah, The number of added 6*s is concerning. They're already getting too deep into new 6* GFEs and the addition of fes exclusive 6*s like the gem girls and 6* pantheons seems like a bad idea. They're probably gonna have to do another refresh on the REM sooner or later, especially since the GFE problem keeps getting worse and worse.
So...rolled three times each day:
Day 1:
-Okuninushi (dupe, but I'm going for the alt evo)
-Urd (dupe, will make a nice inherit)
-Sarasvati (Nice!)

Day 2:
-L Meta (dupe)
-Thanatos (dupe)
-Sun Wukong (DUPE, I MEAN it's a nice dupe but still)

They're all handy, but I wanted to raise some cool new cards.


Got rank 300 yesterday, then this morning I got a 700-day bonus. I did a heroine roll, got a dupe Momiji.

Today I am trying to get both Haku and Persephone to 99 for their reincarnated versions. I have Haku done, but Persephone is at like 71 or something so it might be close since I'm not going to gem for it.


Worst godfest ever. Bought stones, rolled crap.

Day 1

Ivory dragon x2
Strawberry dragon
Light dragon swordsman
Snow White

Kinda crap, in context
Izanagi #2, 3, & 4
Sitri #3
Zuoh #3

Urd #2 (broadly useful on hypothetical teams)
Sanada (didn't have, but eats light)
Ame no Uzeme (didn't have)

Day 2, found stones

Saria #5 (At least I always seem to have a use for them)
Yamato (hey, something I wanted; decided to stop while I was ahead)

So...Nothing out of Indian 2, one samurai, and four rolls off of Japanese 2. In terms of total pantheon rolls, not too bad. However, rolling Izanagi three times, who is of questionable value to begin with, is pretty shitty.

Daughter rolled HREM three times for Romia #2, Navi, and Mito. She was very happy, as she likes Romia, didn't have a Mito, and wanted things to sell. Now she is only 50k away from D. Athena, who she would very much like to have. To note, she is not concerned with A3, but might want to run A1 and challenge dungeons.

As a result, since she mostly coops, I have to come up with a compatible Persephone team. Her likely team is Durga/Sima Yi/R. Pandora/Xmas Haku, with a Haloween sonia and Xmas Haku as inherits. Since she's cooping, she'll cover the SBR with me. My box is weaker, being something like Persephone (lead)/Lumiel/R. Pandora/??? For the last slot, it could be Hinomitshua (low RCV, will be reliant on SI for an active), Grida (low RCV), Gremory (will eat blue with active at times), Eschamali (possibly the best option), Hanzo, Haloween Vamp, or Revo Yomi. Any opinions? I have Carat, Sheen, Anatyphon, Ryune, and shinji sceat for relevant inherits. I'm a bit concerned about RCV. Perspehone being bindable sucks a bit too, meaning I really might need to bring Grem or some other bind clear.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I'm up to 4 Sheenas and 4 Mels on my main acct from the heroine rem.


PSA C9 with Kushi is easy. C9 with Sarasvati is not. Resolves, damage nulls, 8 combo shields, the dungeon is tailor made for either Kushi or Meri. I went with Meri/Sarasvati to get my alt through. Titania is a pain in the ass when you need a row + ASQ + two more water combos in addition to hitting the combo count. Took me 60 turns. At least Meri's RCV let me stall forever.
I made a big push last night and cooped for 3 hours straight in my search for Hinomitsuha. It took about 5min per run with couple min break every few so I could run TAMAs or Extreme Metal on my alt because it was ranking up so fast.

She did not surface. The white whale lives on.

It was also a silver fest on my alt with my last 4 rolls. Disappointing pad weekend all around.


I'm really feeling the lack of 4x descended XP. I have to run KOG more than a dozen times to rank typically--not fun.

Also, I'm working on trying to get two lil green dragons, just in case I decide I need that stupid Odindra.

I made a big push last night and cooped for 3 hours straight in my search for Hinomitsuha. It took about 5min per run with couple min break every few so I could run TAMAs or Extreme Metal on my alt because it was ranking up so fast.

She did not surface. The white whale lives on.

It was also a silver fest on my alt with my last 4 rolls. Disappointing pad weekend all around.

I think the rate on Hino was especially low for the challenge dungeon--it was mythical difficulty, which I believe has a lower rare invade rate than legend plus. Either way, sorry to hear about that.
I made a big push last night and cooped for 3 hours straight in my search for Hinomitsuha. It took about 5min per run with couple min break every few so I could run TAMAs or Extreme Metal on my alt because it was ranking up so fast.

She did not surface. The white whale lives on.

It was also a silver fest on my alt with my last 4 rolls. Disappointing pad weekend all around.

this sucks.

also they either need to buff the absolute garbage silvers or kick them out of the REM... at least the elementals have value
I think the rate on Hino was especially low for the challenge dungeon--it was mythical difficulty, which I believe has a lower rare invade rate than legend plus. Either way, sorry to hear about that.
My friend at work pointed this out too. I'm still glad I tried but at least I know now that the chance was really slim and I didn't just get mega shit RNG.

this sucks.

also they either need to buff the absolute garbage silvers or kick them out of the REM... at least the elementals have value
Thanks for the sympathy. My DAth team is still functional without her, it would just have been really, really cool to get her. Aside from the TPAs, the 80% blind resist with Durga on the team too would be been a nice change since blind is just annoying.


Julie is nuts. I'm out of stam from clearing challenges so I've been playing around with different Julie teams. I just took this through Ultimate Endless:
Julie (Uruka)
RagDrag (Skuld)
RagDrag (Skuld)
Mathena (Sheen)
Odin Dragon (Wee Jas)
Julie (Orochi)

For A3 I'm probably going to swap Fujin on to Odin Dragon and replace a skuld with Pirate Sonia but I think this team is going places.
From watching Yuki clear A3 with just about everything, I've realized that all you really need to do it is have "The Inherits" and then it just comes down to skill and maybe a bit of luck. Dude is a PAD god for sure but it gives me hope for myself.


From what I've played of RKush, she very much feels like the second coming of the old Anubis. If you have the skill, you can do wonders with her but if you don't she's hard to pull off. I'm just on the edge of being really consistently good with her, but I need to put the work in to get my combo skills where they need to be.


Who will be on top
Haku or kushi

Im voting for ilm

I voted Pandora because I still have never pulled her, yet I have 2 Haku's and 2 Escha's rng.

I also want kush (sold the one I ever had long ago). Ilm would be cool, don't have one.

I doubt I'll pull much unless it's not the normal 6* lineup.



Heh, funny that they're using Raijin as the face of PCGF. I mean, pretty much every NA player got a free orb-unlocker from Voltron, so we don't need her. Surely no one in NA will be foolish enough to vote fo-

Oh. Oh no.

Voting is open to EU, too. They didn't get Voltron.

Please, EU, don't stick add Raijin to the fest!

Why yes, I am purposefully ignoring that she'd be a very useful inherit for a RaDra team. Acknowledging that would mean acknowledging that another card I'll never use is quite likely to take a slot in this GF.

Anyways, I'd vote for Ishida Mitsunari if I was voting, but I don't have a FB account, so I'm not voting. He's a good sub for NuRuel and a very good inherit for a Kushi/Haku team.

Im voting for ilm

I sincerely hope you falling for that trap doesn't negatively impact the rest of us.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Voted Rozuel since she's my white whale and I think Ronove teams are out of fashion enough that she might not make it. Anybody else I want is guaranteed to get in anyways.

edit: don't let these clowns bully you into not shooting for the stars, jiggle. Regardless of how many 6 stars make it into the GF this thread is going to be filled with salty tears, you live your life.


Fine I'll vote for ryune D:

Edit: wait she's 6* too
Facat/carat then?

Oh, so you haven't already voted?

The general plea is for people to vote for useful cards that are less commonly available. Facet and Carat would fall into that, but they are neither Pantheon Gods nor GFEs, so they aren't eligible for voting.

That basically comes down to something from the God Series section, since the GFEs are available every Godfest.

But in the end, vote how you want.


I doubt I will ever pull more than a yolo on pcgf again these days. Also i have a feeling there will be a collab or patheon debut right after people just spent stone/cash on pcgf.

But I will vote for oroichi since I dont have him.
Finally got a rainbow egg from Sonia REM, and what a roll it was

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