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Rage PC perfomance thread


Cool Smoke Luke
Solo said:
OMG that was exactly it. LOL, the fuck, nVidia?

maybe these drivers are suppose to implement the swap-tear feature

Issues w/ screen tearing
RAGE currently does not have a menu option to turn V-sync on or off.

If the graphics driver supports a so called "swap-tear" extension then RAGE will use it and RAGE will V-sync when running >= 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when < 60 FPS. Unfortunately at the release of RAGE, none of the graphics drivers have the "swap-tear" extension enabled.


bloodydrake said:
maybe these drivers are suppose to implement the swap-tear feature

That is enabled by default by the game if it's supported. The profile update just outright disables any v-sync from being applied to the game.


OK so it's running fine for me now on my 6970, no texture popping or tearing and it looks great.

Only issue is that every few minutes it has some sort of temporary freeze. First it locks the screen and doesn't take any input, then the music track cuts out, then the sound effect track cuts out, then a few seconds later it just starts running normally again.

Really fucking annoying.


Cool Smoke Luke
aeolist said:
OK so it's running fine for me now on my 6970, no texture popping or tearing and it looks great.

Only issue is that every few minutes it has some sort of temporary freeze. First it locks the screen and doesn't take any input, then the music track cuts out, then the sound effect track cuts out, then a few seconds later it just starts running normally again.

Really fucking annoying.
someone mentioned perfomance monitoring turned on in radeonpro had this effect.
you using RadeonPro?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
aeolist said:
OK so it's running fine for me now on my 6970, no texture popping or tearing and it looks great.

Only issue is that every few minutes it has some sort of temporary freeze. First it locks the screen and doesn't take any input, then the music track cuts out, then the sound effect track cuts out, then a few seconds later it just starts running normally again.

Really fucking annoying.

Yea I've been hunting all over for some kind of fix for this and thus far have found sweet fuck all.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I checked the first few pages...is there anyway to get rid of the accelerated mouse by adding some lines in the config?
PC version installed. Took about an hour for the installation and the patch to get all done with. I updated my computer to the beta Battlefield 3 drivers Nvidia released (285.83).

I used this in my config file:

com_SkipIntroVideo 1
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_usecudatranscode 2
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4

Tunning an i5 2500k @4.2ghz
GTX 580

I'm playing at 1080p with 4xaa (likely increase to 8x in a bit) and I'm getting a solid 60fps with almost zero texture pop-in. I notice a little bit when I'm turning very quickly but outside of that? None. Absolutely no problems at all running the game. I played for nearly an hour without issue.


Any news when ATI might be releasing updated Vista drivers for this complete abortion? I do commend id on choosing an appropriate title for their game: rage is about what I felt when I started the campaign and got a blurry mess that ran poorly for 1 second, froze for 5, and then repeated the cycle until I switched to the task manager and killed the process. At least the prerendered intro cutscene ran okay.

Over the past two years I've gotten into the habit of buying most of my PC games 6 months to a year after they are released. Not only do you get them a lot cheaper, but most of the issues have been ironed out by then. Looks like I picked a bad time to change my buying habits.
Just quoting this from the nvidia article:



Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So, how does this run on older lower end PCs, like an E8500 with 4GB Ram and a GTX285 1GB card? I was pleasantly surprised with BF3's performance (at least in Rush mode, maybe it's all shit in Conquest, I'll have to wait and see) after being very disappointed with Red Orchestra 2, which side of the fence does Rage fall in, bugs aside?


Alextended said:
So, how does this run on older lower end PCs, like an E8500 with 4GB Ram and a GTX285 1GB card? I was pleasantly surprised with BF3's performance (at least in Rush mode, maybe it's all shit in Conquest, I'll have to wait and see) after being very disappointed with Red Orchestra 2, which side of the fence does Rage fall in, bugs aside?

It scales down exceptionally well, really. You shouldn't have any issues.


SteveO409 said:
I checked the first few pages...is there anyway to get rid of the accelerated mouse by adding some lines in the config?

Here's my launch options for FOV and mouse:

+cvaradd g_fov 10 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +ik_enablesmoothing 0 +image_usecompression 0 +m_smooth 0 +m_rawinput 1 +g_showplayershadow 1
i used the intro skip command but i still see the bethesda logo whenever aboot up does this mean the config file i created it not working?
So did anyone with this problem with a ati card find a fix for this?


Finally got the game playable but all I see is that, about to be day 3 of a unplayable game.
Alextended said:
So, how does this run on older lower end PCs, like an E8500 with 4GB Ram and a GTX285 1GB card? I was pleasantly surprised with BF3's performance (at least in Rush mode, maybe it's all shit in Conquest, I'll have to wait and see) after being very disappointed with Red Orchestra 2, which side of the fence does Rage fall in, bugs aside?

I'll also let you know how mine goes. ATI Radeon 5650 HD 1GB inside a Pavilion dual-core i5 laptop with 4GB RAM. Wow, my pipe is fast! 21GB in a little over half an hour. Recently upgraded from a measly ADSL line, so that's refreshing.


GhostRidah said:
So did anyone with this problem with a ati card find a fix for this?

Finally got the game playable but all I see is that, about to be day 3 of a unplayable game.

What are your Catalyst AI settings in CCC?


I have Catalyst AI disabled, and get this issue as well :[

edit: setting to advanced fixed the textures but now it freezes every 3 seconds.

testing on standard


Ok, updated to the AMD Rage drivers then did the config from the first post.

Only did the first mission, the bandit HQ thing; was getting 60FPS but with some ugly screen tearing.

This is on a 2600k @ 4.4 and stock 2GB 6950.


Cool Smoke Luke
RS4- said:
Ok, updated to the AMD Rage drivers then did the config from the first post.

Only did the first mission, the bandit HQ thing; was getting 60FPS but with some ugly screen tearing.

This is on a 2600k @ 4.4 and stock 2GB 6950.
need to force vsync and turn on the checkmark for triplebuffer for opengl
Alextended said:
So, how does this run on older lower end PCs, like an E8500 with 4GB Ram and a GTX285 1GB card? I was pleasantly surprised with BF3's performance (at least in Rush mode, maybe it's all shit in Conquest, I'll have to wait and see) after being very disappointed with Red Orchestra 2, which side of the fence does Rage fall in, bugs aside?

I have the same exact spec's minus the E8500, i have E8400 and i think it runs VERY well.
As long as you put in Angulars config and +vt_maxPPF 16 to eliminate the shitty pop in.


commissar said:
I have Catalyst AI disabled, and get this issue as well :[

edit: setting to advanced fixed the textures but now it freezes every 3 seconds.

testing on standard

In your case I would try uninstalling your current drivers, running Driver Sweeper to fully clean out your AMD section, then re-install the latest RAGE performance driver package. It shouldn't do that with Catalyst AI turned off, but you shouldn't have the option to disable Catalyst AI at all anyway with the latest CCC so it sounds like you were installing directly over previous versions.

As for GhostRidah, I'm guessing you're on an iMac or MBP? To be honest I'm not entirely sure how to even go about fully uninstalling video drivers on a Mac.


formerly nacire
GhostRidah said:
Currently it looks like this


I'm curious why you have those options in CCC. I'm using the latest Rage drivers from AMD and don't have some of those particular settings.

I would uncheck adaptaive anti aliasing to start. If that doesn't do anything try setting mip mapping to performance.

*as suggested, get the rage drivers if you havent


My config file.

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 16384
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 16384
vt_pageimagesizeunique 16384
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 16384
vt_maxaniso 4
vt_usecudatranscode 2
image_anisotropy 4

I'm also forcing vsync and triple buffering through the drivers. No texture pop in, no screen tearing, locked at 60 fps. Looks like this(screens taken using steam).




Phenom II X4 965
8gb RAM
EVGA Superclocked GTX 570


formerly nacire
scitek said:
Has a fix been released for AMD cards and the flickering characters? Shit's crazy, but I can deal if not.

New update coming tomorrow. After your first trip to Wellspring and the TV mission it really slowed down in frequency for me.
Wallach said:
As for GhostRidah, I'm guessing you're on an iMac or MBP? To be honest I'm not entirely sure how to even go about fully uninstalling video drivers on a Mac.
I am on a pc, I did uninstall my old drivers and installed those Rage drivers, before that it would run at like 10 fps, now it runs at a constant 60fps but with those texture problems.

nacire said:
I'm curious why you have those options in CCC. I'm using the latest Rage drivers from AMD and don't have some of those particular settings.

I would uncheck adaptaive anti aliasing to start. If that doesn't do anything try setting mip mapping to performance.

*as suggested, get the rage drivers if you havent
Using the latest CCC, will try that out and see how it goes.

Thanks for the help guys.
Sooooo, how do i disable or remove the automatic hardware balancing program that id installed? Over at that article on geforce.com they said they disabled it???


Finally figured out something real silly; no idea if this is just on my setup or what, but anyway:

I was getting some very minor slowdown (5-10 FPS) in certain spots if I turned my camera quickly, as if the increased load on texture streaming was too much. I noticed that other times, I couldn't reproduce this and the game was locked at 60 FPS no matter what I did.

I figured out just a minute ago that if I had any other programs open that I could alt-tab to in the background, that was causing my slowdown no matter what it was. In my case that was usually a Chrome tab (thanks NeoGAF) or the Steam pane. If I launch the game with them closed, the game won't let me alt-tab at all in Fullscreen and the game is locked at 60 FPS. I'm guessing that is because of CPU priority at play since the transcoding is all on the CPU with my AMD card.

Glad that is figured out.


Nothing works for me. Every configuration file and shortcut I tried give me horrible texture pop-in and streaming with the latest Rage drivers too. It's funny because even though the config tells the game to skip movies and enable console it doesn't do both... oh well.

The game is unplayable.


scitek said:
Has a fix been released for AMD cards and the flickering characters? Shit's crazy, but I can deal if not.
nacire said:
New update coming tomorrow. After your first trip to Wellspring and the TV mission it really slowed down in frequency for me.

I wasn't getting it until I got to Wellspring, coinciding with my increase from 4x AA to 8x AA. I heard higher AA values may cause more texture pop, maybe it also causes this character flickering issue. Have you guys tried reducing your AA values? I'd try, but I'm not at home.

GhostRidah said:
So did anyone with this problem with a ati card find a fix for this?

I had the same corrupted texture tiling problem. I even thought I installed the drivers properly but I didn't...

What I did to solve the problem was this:

1) Acquire Driver Sweeper: here

1a) I'm not sure if you HAVE to do this, but I did this because I was having issues where Windows would try and install drivers before I had a chance to install the Rage ones: Tell windows to "Never install driver software from Windows Update:" like this

2) In standard Windows: Open your "add/remove programs" dialog from Control Panel, find the catalyst control center program, select it and click the "change" button. Choose the "Uninstall ALL software" option and continue to uninstall your AMD drivers and software.

3) Restart into Safe Mode: Open Device Manager and uninstall your driver software by right clicking your display device (check the delete driver checkbox). (I think you do this in safe mode, if it doesn't work, just do it in standard windows)

4) Still in Safe Mode, run driver sweeper, select AMD or ATI and analyze + clean all the crap. It may seem like it's hanging for a minute, but it'll finish and just close IIRC. Just open it up again and Analyze to see if there's anything left; there shouldn't be.

5) Restart into standard Windows and install the Rage Performance drivers.

It took FOREVER, but it actually worked for me, even though I thought I was uninstalling the drivers properly before (even following the AMD instructions :/).

Hope it helps!


Alextended said:
So, how does this run on older lower end PCs, like an E8500 with 4GB Ram and a GTX285 1GB card? I was pleasantly surprised with BF3's performance (at least in Rush mode, maybe it's all shit in Conquest, I'll have to wait and see) after being very disappointed with Red Orchestra 2, which side of the fence does Rage fall in, bugs aside?

i am playing on
3gb ddr2
8800 gts 512
playing @ 2048x1152 @ 60


my tweaks:
enabled cache folder and +fc_maxcachememoryMB 1024
8192 conf file
disable ansio + aa + force hq texture filtering in nv control panel

i still get minor pop in, but nothing as bad as default config, and no stuttering or slow downs


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
This is unplayable still on my 5870. The constant random freezes are *infuriating* and every 5th or so freeze is permanent and I have to kill the process. I've tried every combination of driver/setting/config options I can find and it's still fucked.

I will never buy another ATI card again, lesson learned.





i5 2500k @3.3
12 gigs @ 1600mhz
6850 stock


vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4

Forcing vsync/triple buffering in CCC. Locked at 60fps with no stutters or noticeable pop-in.


kamspy said:
Here's my launch options for FOV and mouse:

+cvaradd g_fov 10 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1
Thanks, I bumped the FOV up to 12, looks great now.

It there anyway to scale the hud? I saw the "ui_fov" command but it didn't work for me.


FoolsRun said:
Any news when ATI might be releasing updated Vista drivers for this complete abortion? I do commend id on choosing an appropriate title for their game: rage is about what I felt when I started the campaign and got a blurry mess that ran poorly for 1 second, froze for 5, and then repeated the cycle until I switched to the task manager and killed the process. At least the prerendered intro cutscene ran okay.

Over the past two years I've gotten into the habit of buying most of my PC games 6 months to a year after they are released. Not only do you get them a lot cheaper, but most of the issues have been ironed out by then. Looks like I picked a bad time to change my buying habits.

I recently started to accept that PC was becoming(had become?) the best platform for games now as the visuals have surpassed consoles for some time now, so I thought I'd start to consider PC versions ahead of the consoles again (especially as the visuals in RAGE are supposed to be amazing).

After the mess that this game has caused I'll not make that assumption again. I just can't be arsed with all this nonsense.


formerly nacire
Gav47 said:
Thanks, I bumped the FOV up to 12, looks great now.

It there anyway to scale the hud? I saw the "ui_fov" command but it didn't work for me.

Are you guys getting distortion or a sort of fish eye lens effect when you adjust the fov? I couldn't increase it without it causing this effect so I went back to default.
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