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Rage PC perfomance thread

Mr_eX said:
I did a lot of research before buying my TV. It was originally said to have bad input lag due to someone either doing the input lag test wrong or had a faulty panel. It was later proven false. The input lag in game mode is around 30ms(I've tested it myself and it matches the other tests I've seen on avs) which is mostly unnoticeable.
30 ms + whatever input lag is added by vsync/triple buffering = very noticeable.


MountZion said:
I have got it mostly working now after a bunch of re-installs and trimming the fat in my rageconfig.

It pretty much runs at a solid 60fps but UNLESS I jump on the buggy to ride it. Frame rate instantly goes down to 30. Looking at the exact same vista, not moving whatsoever, gives me 60 fps standing, 30fps sitting on the buggy. (measured with fraps)

Is anybody experiencing something similar?

Just for shits and giggles here is my config:

com_AllowConsole 1
com_SkipIntroVideo 1
fc_maxcachememoryMB 1024
vt_usecudatranscode 2
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
vt_minlod -1
image_usecompression 0

Launch options:
+fc_maxcachememoryMB 1024 +cvaradd g_fov 20 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1

This is on a 580 1.5GB, 990x, 12gb

Enable triple buffering for Rage. Either globally in the control panel, or with a profile.

Edit: beaten.
Bl4ckSunsh1n3 said:
FWIW, I kept a good frame rate using 8192 with my 6850.

This is what I'm looking at. Not perfect but it works..


What's wrong with this screenshot? I don't see anything wrong with it.

I want to play this really badly, but I'm still no the fence on whether it will run on my 6850's or not (which is absolutely ridiculous).


Neo Member
Thanks Scitek and Datamage! I forgot to mention I already had it enabled, along with VSync.

Just out of boredom I tried the following config (credit to moonSAAB at the official forums):

eta com_videoRam "512" //sets the Video Card memory Set this to the amount you have in MB
seta com_maxfps "60" //limits the frames to 60 can be changed to what you desire
seta ui_fov "90" //PC FOV is 90-95 console is 65-70
seta image_anisotropy "8" //Using the highest setting here but you can set as 2, 4 or 8
seta image_usecompression 0
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //filtering for light maps
seta image_preload "1" //Use preload images when ever possible
seta image_lodbias "-1" //LoD settings
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" //Sets up for using HQ gfx
seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" //ignores the low textures
seta image_useCache "1" //Enabled Cache to allow the textures to load properly without popping
seta image_cacheMegs "125" //Cache size in Megabytes
seta image_cacheMinK "50" //Cache minimum size in kilobytes
seta r_swapInterval 0 //VSYNC 1 enabled, 0 diabled
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" //Fore High Quality post proccessing
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "0" //Fore High Quality shadows
seta r_displayRefresh "0" //keep it so the engine doesn't double render a frame
seta r_renderer "best" //highest rendering options
seta r_multiSamples "8" //Set this to 16 or 8 if you're having low-fps as 32 is the Max Multi-sampling
seta r_useHBAO "1" //Ambient occlusion
seta r_useRenderThread "0" // 0 Disable or 1 Enable threaded rendering useful for newer cards to increase performance.
seta r_visDistMult "1"
seta r_useMotionBlur "1" //use blur
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta vt_lodBias "-1" //LoD settings
//below is cache settings
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeunique "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizevmtr "8192"
seta vt_maxlockedpages 256
seta vt_maxPPF 16

I also added vt_usecudatranscode 2 and holy crap this works amazingly well. No popping anymore whatsoever and 60fps no matter where (take that shitty buggy!).

That config seems so majorly convoluted, but I don't care - it worked and made me a happy camper!


Neo Member
super brief addendum: The config above seems to turn down AA to 8x, so I forced 16x AA in Nvidia Inspector and now I got the best of both worlds.

Geez, Steam shows a play time for Rage 4h15min. Only 15min were actually spent playing - 4 hours of quit - restart - quit - restart.

Oh well, it's all good now :)
MountZion said:
Thanks Scitek and Datamage! I forgot to mention I already had it enabled, along with VSync.

Just out of boredom I tried the following config (credit to moonSAAB at the official forums):

eta com_videoRam "512" //sets the Video Card memory Set this to the amount you have in MB
seta com_maxfps "60" //limits the frames to 60 can be changed to what you desire
seta ui_fov "90" //PC FOV is 90-95 console is 65-70
seta image_anisotropy "8" //Using the highest setting here but you can set as 2, 4 or 8
seta image_usecompression 0
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //filtering for light maps
seta image_preload "1" //Use preload images when ever possible
seta image_lodbias "-1" //LoD settings
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" //Sets up for using HQ gfx
seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" //ignores the low textures
seta image_useCache "1" //Enabled Cache to allow the textures to load properly without popping
seta image_cacheMegs "125" //Cache size in Megabytes
seta image_cacheMinK "50" //Cache minimum size in kilobytes
seta r_swapInterval 0 //VSYNC 1 enabled, 0 diabled
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" //Fore High Quality post proccessing
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "0" //Fore High Quality shadows
seta r_displayRefresh "0" //keep it so the engine doesn't double render a frame
seta r_renderer "best" //highest rendering options
seta r_multiSamples "8" //Set this to 16 or 8 if you're having low-fps as 32 is the Max Multi-sampling
seta r_useHBAO "1" //Ambient occlusion
seta r_useRenderThread "0" // 0 Disable or 1 Enable threaded rendering useful for newer cards to increase performance.
seta r_visDistMult "1"
seta r_useMotionBlur "1" //use blur
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta vt_lodBias "-1" //LoD settings
//below is cache settings
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeunique "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizevmtr "8192"
seta vt_maxlockedpages 256
seta vt_maxPPF 16

I also added vt_usecudatranscode 2 and holy crap this works amazingly well. No popping anymore whatsoever and 60fps no matter where (take that shitty buggy!).

That config seems so majorly convoluted, but I don't care - it worked and made me a happy camper!

Yes! Same config worked like a charm for me, just needed to bump the vram thing up to 1024. Smooth as silk now. Why couldn't id release the game at this level or just include ingame video settings?


That config above seemed to help a lot for me. I also uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them, so it could be a bit of both.

Get 60fps pretty constant now, minor drops especially when there is smoke in my face (from rockets, explosions etc).
evilernLeGG said:
What's wrong with this screenshot? I don't see anything wrong with it.

I want to play this really badly, but I'm still no the fence on whether it will run on my 6850's or not (which is absolutely ridiculous).

Nothing really. I was just posting an image of what it looks like from my rig using the 6850 in case anyone was interested.
id really dropped the ball on the PC version huh? pretty disappointing, i mean as long as it took this game to come out you'd think they could have at least implemented these same tweaks that we have to use to make the game even playable. Anyways I'm running:

Core i7 860 @ 3.3GHz
Radeon 6950 2GB
8GB of RAM

my rageconfig.cfg file is:

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4

and my steam launch option is:

+r_swapInterval 1 +vt_maxPPF 16 +set com_allowConsole 1 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +cvaradd g_fov 20

these tweaks took care of the tearing issues and the texture pop-in is a lot less noticeable, i've barely got to play the game so far but it seems to be hovering around 50 - 60 FPS from what ive seen.

However I do still seem to have a prob with it getting a random stutter from time to time, I set the Priority of Rage.exe in Task Manager to high and that might have helped slightly but I cant say for sure, but the stutter does still happen every so often. Has anyone figured out a fix for that?

on a random note I tried setting the textures to 16K and could not tell any difference visually or in FPS compared to 8K

textures look decent from a distance but up close they look like shit compared to a lot of other PC games


AndyMoogle said:
30 ms + whatever input lag is added by vsync/triple buffering = very noticeable.
I'm going to try turning vsync/triple buffering off. I hear vsync can cause pretty bad input lag so I'll start with that. If I can't get it working the way I want I'll just play on my monitor.


Can anyone test something to see if it also happens with their game? I've made the tweaks using the last rageconfig file posted here, and although everything is looking pretty good, I'm still getting texture popins (with 8K) in far away objects. A simple routine to test is to go up the road before taking the buggy in the very beggining of the game and suddenly face back to the structures far away. I can clearly see them being textured, but it happens. Only me? I'm worried to have those awesome vistas affected by this problem throughout the game.


MountZion said:
eta com_videoRam "512" //sets the Video Card memory Set this to the amount you have in MB
seta com_maxfps "60" //limits the frames to 60 can be changed to what you desire
seta ui_fov "90" //PC FOV is 90-95 console is 65-70
seta image_anisotropy "8" //Using the highest setting here but you can set as 2, 4 or 8
seta image_usecompression 0
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //filtering for light maps
seta image_preload "1" //Use preload images when ever possible
seta image_lodbias "-1" //LoD settings
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" //Sets up for using HQ gfx
seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" //ignores the low textures
seta image_useCache "1" //Enabled Cache to allow the textures to load properly without popping
seta image_cacheMegs "125" //Cache size in Megabytes
seta image_cacheMinK "50" //Cache minimum size in kilobytes
seta r_swapInterval 0 //VSYNC 1 enabled, 0 diabled
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" //Fore High Quality post proccessing
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "0" //Fore High Quality shadows
seta r_displayRefresh "0" //keep it so the engine doesn't double render a frame
seta r_renderer "best" //highest rendering options
seta r_multiSamples "8" //Set this to 16 or 8 if you're having low-fps as 32 is the Max Multi-sampling
seta r_useHBAO "1" //Ambient occlusion
seta r_useRenderThread "0" // 0 Disable or 1 Enable threaded rendering useful for newer cards to increase performance.
seta r_visDistMult "1"
seta r_useMotionBlur "1" //use blur
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta vt_lodBias "-1" //LoD settings
Half of these aren't even included in Tech5 engine. There is no com_maxfps and there certainly is no r_useHBAO.
Man, I don't believe it.

New AMD Rage drivers, addition of that rageconfig.cfg and the game now runs flawless @ 1080p on a 4870.

If it's that fucking easy, why don't they make it work like this out of the box?
Fallout-NL said:
Man, I don't believe it.

New AMD Rage drivers, addition of that rageconfig.cfg and the game now runs flawless @ 1080p on a 4870.

If it's that fucking easy, why don't they make it work like this out of the box?

Sadly the PC version has been a really low priority for them.


I was originally planning to buy this on my birthday, but the performance issues have kind of dissuaded me. How would it run on my machine?

Phenom II X6 1055T - 2.8Ghz
Radeon HD 5870 - 1GB
AcciDante said:
I was originally planning to buy this on my birthday, but the performance issues have kind of dissuaded me. How would it run on my machine?

Phenom II X6 1055T - 2.8Ghz
Radeon HD 5870 - 1GB
you'll be fine, though you'll want to run at 8k settings. if you do, you'll get near locked 60 fps at 1080p with AA. i figure that's going to be good enough performance for you.
What kind of results are people getting with Crossfire? I am clinging to my 4870x2 with fervor.

Why, oh why couldn't the PS3 version have supported KB/M like Unreal Tournament 3. If Epic could do it with UT3 why nobody else. WHY?!


angular graphics said:
I've been show this comparison: 8k^2 vs 16k^2.



So yes, there's a difference, if your system can handle it.

Guess I'll go back to 16k. Really wish SLI was properly implemented in this :/


plagiarize said:
you'll be fine, though you'll want to run at 8k settings. if you do, you'll get near locked 60 fps at 1080p with AA. i figure that's going to be good enough performance for you.
Good to hear! I haven't been following this too closely, but is it pretty easy to get all the configs together? I was always terrible with drivers and stuff like that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
MountZion said:
Thanks Scitek and Datamage! I forgot to mention I already had it enabled, along with VSync.

Just out of boredom I tried the following config (credit to moonSAAB at the official forums):

eta com_videoRam "512" //sets the Video Card memory Set this to the amount you have in MB
seta com_maxfps "60" //limits the frames to 60 can be changed to what you desire
seta ui_fov "90" //PC FOV is 90-95 console is 65-70
seta image_anisotropy "8" //Using the highest setting here but you can set as 2, 4 or 8
seta image_usecompression 0
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" //filtering for light maps
seta image_preload "1" //Use preload images when ever possible
seta image_lodbias "-1" //LoD settings
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" //Sets up for using HQ gfx
seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" //ignores the low textures
seta image_useCache "1" //Enabled Cache to allow the textures to load properly without popping
seta image_cacheMegs "125" //Cache size in Megabytes
seta image_cacheMinK "50" //Cache minimum size in kilobytes
seta r_swapInterval 0 //VSYNC 1 enabled, 0 diabled
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" //Fore High Quality post proccessing
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "0" //Fore High Quality shadows
seta r_displayRefresh "0" //keep it so the engine doesn't double render a frame
seta r_renderer "best" //highest rendering options
seta r_multiSamples "8" //Set this to 16 or 8 if you're having low-fps as 32 is the Max Multi-sampling
seta r_useHBAO "1" //Ambient occlusion
seta r_useRenderThread "0" // 0 Disable or 1 Enable threaded rendering useful for newer cards to increase performance.
seta r_visDistMult "1"
seta r_useMotionBlur "1" //use blur
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_shadows "1"
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta vt_lodBias "-1" //LoD settings
//below is cache settings
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeunique "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizevmtr "8192"
seta vt_maxlockedpages 256
seta vt_maxPPF 16

I also added vt_usecudatranscode 2 and holy crap this works amazingly well. No popping anymore whatsoever and 60fps no matter where (take that shitty buggy!).

That config seems so majorly convoluted, but I don't care - it worked and made me a happy camper!

Interesting stuff in there. I assume you can just copy that to a config file even leaving in the explanations after the //s? I'll give it a try later tonight.


Cool Smoke Luke
angular graphics said:
I've been show this comparison: 8k^2 vs 16k^2.
So yes, there's a difference, if your system can handle it.

damn thats purty..
how much VRAM you need per GPUto run 16k
I got a 6990 2GB per gpu but didn't think it was enough for 16k
AcciDante said:
Good to hear! I haven't been following this too closely, but is it pretty easy to get all the configs together? I was always terrible with drivers and stuff like that.
all you really need are Angular's settings. anything else, whether it does anything is debatable, and since his settings will make the game look better without a performance hit, i wouldn't mess around with anything else. basically take the script in the OP with the 8k values, pop it in a rageconfig.cfg file in the right directory and you'll be good to go.

oh, and make sure you get the rage drivers from ATi.

i have a 5870 1 Gig too, so i know you'll not be able to use the 16k settings, but that you'll be perfectly happy at 8k.
bloodydrake said:
damn thats purty..
how much VRAM you need per GPUto run 16k
I got a 6990 2GB per gpu but didn't think it was enough for 16k
i've been hearing 3 GB for 16k. can't test it myself though.

just try it. it won't fail to boot or anything, it'll just leave loads of really low res textures everywhere, and take an age to load in at the start of the level if you push it too high. if that happens, just change it to 8k.


angular graphics said:
So yes, there's a difference, if your system can handle it.

There appears to be very few areas like that in the game where the level of detail is so high that 16K actually makes a difference.
Jubbly said:
There appears to be very few areas like that in the game where the level of detail is so high that 16K actually makes a difference.
right... but if you have enough memory for it, because there is a difference and using it won't hurt your performance, you absolutely should.


bloodydrake said:
damn thats purty..
how much VRAM you need per GPUto run 16k
I got a 6990 2GB per gpu but didn't think it was enough for 16k
I'm running 16k on my GTX Superclocked 570 with 1.2 gb VRAM
Mr_eX said:
I'm running 16k on my GTX Superclocked 570 with 1.2 gb VRAM

Wow, really? I've got a standard 570 and when I tried using 16k I could get to the main menu but when I tried to load my game it would just crash. I had to drop it to 8k and everything was fine.
plagiarize said:
right... but if you have enough memory for it, because there is a difference and using it won't hurt your performance, you absolutely should.
How much memory is enough though? My 6970 with 2GB was getting some pretty heavy stuttering while running at 16k. Other specs are 6GB ram and i7 930 @ 3.5ghz.

I think I'm just going to throw Rage into the back burner for a couple weeks. It freezes in the loading screens far too often at the moment. Once it gets some decent drivers and an update or 2 I think it will be great.


Neo Member
dr_rus said:
Half of these aren't even included in Tech5 engine. There is no com_maxfps and there certainly is no r_useHBAO.

yeah, i figured - I thought some of that stuff sounded fishy and convoluted, but the commands that do exist and do work helped my performance so I am not complaining :)

edit: for accuracy
Shalashaska161 said:
How much memory is enough though? My 6970 with 2GB was getting some pretty heavy stuttering while running at 16k. Other specs are 6GB ram and i7 930 @ 3.5ghz.

I think I'm just going to throw Rage into the back burner for a couple weeks. It freezes in the loading screens far too often at the moment. Once it gets some decent drivers and an update or 2 I think it will be great.
1 gig per card vram minimum for 8k. 3 gig per card vram minimum for 16k. as i understand it anyway.

and can we stop posting that stupid comparison. it was funny on tuesday when it was relevant and true. today it's just dated and woefully off target as it was when it was reposted in the OT earlier today.
plagiarize said:
1 gig per card vram minimum for 8k. 3 gig per card vram minimum for 16k. as i understand it anyway.

and can we stop posting that stupid comparison. it was funny on tuesday when it was relevant and true. today it's just dated and woefully off target as it was when it was reposted in the OT earlier today.
Damn 3 gigs, well that would explain the stuttering at least. Can't wait for the 64bit exe then, it should be a major help in getting Rage running better.
OK, almost there. The game now performs flawlessly - no loads, no hitches, nothing but sweet sweet buttery smoothness. I'm using angular's config with some launch options:


vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4

Steam Launch Options: +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +r_swapInterval 1 +vt_maxPPF 16 +cvaradd g_fov 10

For my Radeon 6950, i7 and 8 Gigs of RAM this seems to be the perfect fit.


I don't know if its just me, but once I hit Wellspring I started noticing some character wonkiness. Flickering and weird transitions. Try as I might I have no idea how to get rid of it or whether its something that will have to wait on a patch. Its pretty horrible when it does happen as you can see below:






In motion it looks crazy, like they're phasing in and out of the world. Anybody else seeing this? Any ideas on what could be causing the ruckus?
Shalashaska161 said:
Damn 3 gigs, well that would explain the stuttering at least. Can't wait for the 64bit exe then, it should be a major help in getting Rage running better.

He's talking about 3GB of video ram on the graphics card being needed for 16k^2 textures.. I don't think the 64bit exe will help with that..
NullPointer said:
I don't know if its just me, but once I hit Wellspring I started noticing some character wonkiness. Flickering and weird transitions. Try as I might I have no idea how to get rid of it or whether its something that will have to wait on a patch. Its pretty horrible when it does happen as you can see below:


In motion it looks crazy, like they're phasing in and out of the world. Anybody else seeing this? Any ideas on what could be causing the ruckus?
this is really common it seems. it also seems to stop after you do a few missions there... it appears to just be something we have to wait for a patch.

my picture of it is better though :)



LastWindow said:
Wow, really? I've got a standard 570 and when I tried using 16k I could get to the main menu but when I tried to load my game it would just crash. I had to drop it to 8k and everything was fine.
I believe I'm sharing my system memory with my video card too. So it has access to like 6 gigs or something.
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