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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Starcraft was at the time only a mediocre strategy game. Starcraft II is somehow even worse. I can't for the life of me figure out how it got as popular as it is. It's popularity is holding the strategy game genre back.
What is it about SC that you dislike? I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm far from well versed in RTS's, but of the few I've played SC seems to be rather good. What's wrong with it?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Awesome thread!

7. Video Games will never be taken seriously as a medium... EVER :(

I fully, 100% believe this as well. No amount of awards shows or whatever will sway this. Do you want to know what was nominated for Best Writing in a Video Game by the Writer's Guild?

In the category of video game writing, the teams behind Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Batman: Arkham City, Brink, Mortal Kombat and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception were all nominated.

- I hate when people have to push "indie" down my throat.
- Team Fortress 2 is the only multiplayer shooter that I have enjoyed .
- I wish Nintendo would consider realising apps in iOS, they don't even have to be Mario or Zelda. Pokemon is actually what I consider what would get a lot benefits in iOS.
- The only mainline FF game I've enjoyed has been XIII.
- SNES Fire Emblem games are pretty shitty.
- I prefer GOG drm-free service over Steam. I still like Steam a lot though.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Exactly. The controls are shit and the fact that some people are willing to put up with them doesn't change that. Resi 5 is the same deal. No moving and shooting is a terrible design choice.

Dead Space controls are far better.

I'd have to agree. RE4 is a great game, but the decision to not let you move and shoot at the same time is complete horseshit.
Glad to see you are not breaking the combo of non-argumentality.

Basically for me i just am not a fan of that sort of deliberate handicapping in an attempt to increase tension. Other games have shown that you can have a very tense and scary game without handicapping the player to that degree.

Not being able to walk and shoot is frustrating and it doesn't feel natural especially when other games have allowed me to play with far superior controls.

I guess i just prefer the way L4D, amnesia or dead space create tension.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Glad to see you are not breaking the combo of non-argumentality.

How would you defend such a poor design decision? It doesn't really make the game more tense or scary, it just makes it more frustrating. The controls are fine otherwise, but not letting you move and shoot is just dumb.
The reason I like GAF so much is that it makes me feel like a big man to think that I've mostly likely had more sex than 99% of the posters here


Jealous Bastard
How would you defend such a poor design decision? It doesn't really make the game more tense or scary, it just makes it more frustrating. The controls are fine otherwise, but not letting you move and shoot is just dumb.

the same way you would defend a stamina limit in another game, or the removal of any ability: by pointing out that the imposition of limits makes for a better experience. the recent popularity of stuff like demon's souls are testament to this. you can't sprint by enemies and slice them with your sword as you go by. well, why the hell not! answer: because it would make the game fundamentally worse to be able to do so.

i would much prefer if a game like gears of war, for example, tailored its game design around a resident evil 4 control scheme. moving the camera around all over the screen while you're running is disorienting and does nothing to make the game play better, and certainly makes it less nice to look at.

The reason I like GAF so much is that it makes me feel like a big man to think that I've mostly likely had more sex than 99% of the posters here

implicit message: "i am thirteen."


Deus Ex is a horrible, horrible game. It may have been great back in the day, I don't know, I didn't play it then. But today, it's just awful.


Car models and handling aside GT5 is an utter trainwreck. Forza 4, or even Forza 3 for that matter, is far superior. GT5 does have better car models, and possibly better physics, but absolutely everything else is undercooked, badly designed, or just plain unfinished by comparison.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Dead Space 2 was inferior to the first game in every way. Garbage story, annoying main character and hardly any new ideas. I knew exactly what was going to happen from the first minute to the last, it was all so predictable. I was never surprised like I was with the first game.
the same way you would defend a stamina limit in another game, or the removal of any ability: by pointing out that the imposition of limits makes for a better experience. the recent popularity of stuff like demon's souls are testament to this. you can't sprint by enemies and slice them with your sword as you go by. well, why the hell not! answer: because it would make the game fundamentally worse to be able to do so.

i would much prefer if a game like gears of war, for example, tailored its game design around a resident evil 4 control scheme. moving the camera around all over the screen while you're running is disorienting and does nothing to make the game play better, and certainly makes it less nice to look at.

It depends what level of handicap we are talking about. For me the ability to sprint past and slice enemies with my sword doesn't actually feel natural and not having that ability doesn't bother me.

Whereas when i play a game with with guns i expect to be able to move and shoot. It just feels natural to me and not having this ability is frustrating.

Obviously you have to apply some limits when designing your gameplay and i do enjoy games with such limitations. However if these restrictions lead to me being frustrated then its not going to be something i support (especially when other games have shown you can achieve the tension the game was going for without those restraints).

y u take flame post in flame thread so serious?

You probably could have just saved yourself the time and justed posted 'u mad?'. In general i just think it's annoying having people shit up the discussions in threads with stupid posts like yours. Also i'm pretty sure those types of posts can get you banned so it's probably a good idea to avoid doing them too often.
Yes. Yes it is. RE4 is still a horror game. People keep bringing up "you can't move and shoot", but that really does not fit the game. You are suppose to feel the tension, you are suppose to make sure you aim as best as you can, you are supposed to make sure you use weapons efficiently, and you are suppose to keep up with your placement in the environment. All these things come together perfectly and being able to not move and shoot does this. I really don't understand those who don't get this.

This is crazy. Creating tension is fine by me, but having to watch Leon jump through windows, doing crazy backflips while knifeduelling, yet him not being able to move around while shooting breaks the immersion. If he were paraplegic: Fine, he can't push the wheelchair while aiming and shooting. That's reasonable.

But this?!

And having zombies pop behind you, and you being forced either to turn around as slow as a bulldozer to rearrange or, running forward and turning with a turning circle of comparable size of a range rover turning circle, isn't what I call good controls either.

In reality the controls are shit. And you know it. I tell you the most obvious reason for this. A reason anybody who played the game will relate to.

Nobody, I repeat, nobody faced with zombies a couple of feet behind him, will run into a group of zombies in front of him dodging them trying to bite him, just to gain a couple of feet of space and then "safely" turn around. Not in real life, not in a video game. But in Resident Evil 4 you do. Because of shit controls.
I probably have the most "controversial" opinions in the entire thread, but........

Japanese games IMHO are better and more polished than Western games. I also think Japanese developers are more talented than Western developers in general. *runs quickly*

There are too many generic FPS's on the market and Western developers rely on them too much. I actually like them, but they are not that great to the point where they need monthly releases.

MGS4 was amazing and gave me feelings and emotions no game has ever provided me with before even to this day.

I am an open minded gamers and usually enjoy average to low rated games.

I do not care for PC gaming.


Jealous Bastard
DerZuhälter;34363750 said:
Nobody, I repeat, nobody faced with zombies a couple of feet behind him, will run into a group of zombies in front of him dodging them trying to bite him, just to gain a couple of feet of space and then "safely" turn around. Not in real life, not in video game. But in Resident Evil 4 you do. Because of shit controls.

actually, anyone with any weapons training will understand that they have a much better change of delivering a fatal shot by planting their feet, using both hands, and aiming carefully. this, rather than running and spraying fire wildly behind you, hitting nothing.
God, this thread is pure bile and tomfoolery... but I guess I'll play my part.

- Twilight Princess is so far, the best Zelda game. Haven't finished Skyward yet.
- Super Mario Galaxy is the best game I've played in over a decade. Perfection. 2 is even better which I guess is against some sort of scientific threory or law.
- The Halo series is the best FPS series currently.
- I played my 360 far, FAR less than any home console I've ever owned. Just wasn't into it and once I got my first RROD and had my account hacked I got fed up and sold it.
- The 3DS is shaping up to be fucking awesome.
- Brutal Legend was awesome because Metal.
- Catherine was really disappointing.
- Dark Souls is not for me. At all.
- 2D Castlevania, or no Castlevania at all. Wimps and posers, leave the hall.
- iOS gaming sucks.
- Until they basically copy the engine exactly, there will be no wrestling game better than No Mercy.
- While I love fighting games, I find the fighting game community simultaneously intriguing, silly, and ridiculous.
- I don't like Bethesda games.
- RE4 is really damn close to being the best game ever.
- Super Smash Bros. 64 is the best SSB title.
- The Chao Garden was the best part of the Sonic Adventure games.
- Twilight Princess was the most disappointing 3D Zelda title.
- FFIX is the best mainline FF.
- Darksiders and Infamous were mediocre.
actually, anyone with any weapons training will understand that they have a much better change of delivering a fatal shot by planting their feet, using both hands, and aiming carefully. this, rather than running and spraying fire wildly behind you, hitting nothing.

That's what recoil and movement spreads are for in gaming. And this doesn't change the fact that Leon moves like a tank.
Hideo Kojima makes mildly interactive CG "movies" with horribly convoluted stories and waay too much character exposition.

Almost all japanese games are terrible, incoherent, and derivative.


Half Life 2 is an average game with a poorly told story and weak gunplay that, if it was released on a console rather than the PC, GAF wouldn't give two shits about.


Halflife 2 is a terribly boring game. Tried to play it about 3 times now and I never make it that far. Gunplay is boring and slow. And I hate the whole silent protagonist thing as it makes zero sense.
I probably have the most "controversial" opinion in the entire thread, but........

Japanese games IMHO are better and more polished than Western games. I also think Japanese developers are more talented than Western developers in general. *runs quickly*

corollary: there is nothing inherently wrong/inferior/outdated about jrpgs. while it's true that many are simply tired retreads, this's pretty much true of wrpgs at this point as well. it's mostly all about being more comfortable with, or personally preferring, particular mechanics than it is quality or innovation...

Nose Master

Resonance of Fate is a terrible game. Battle system is solid, but everything else is so god damn bad.

FF13 was enjoyable.

Arkham City completely ruined the "series." First one was such a focused, memorable location. Dumped all the Metroid-esque aspects for an "open-world", a decision that feels like it fell straight out of 2003. And it sucked back then, too.

Schafer / Doublefine have never made a good game. Every one has a good premise, but fail horribly at the actual gameplay part.
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