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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Eh, lot of these seemed pretty normal.

My own:

- Wind Waker is still the best Zelda. Super Mario 64 was the last great Mario.
- gifs are overused.
- People try to use Digital Foundry to act snobby and over blow even minor issues.
- DA2 is one of Bioware's best games.
- Every FF is good, except 7. Which is almost good on account of animu tities.
- LA Noire was great for what it was.
- DNF isn't horrible, unless you play on insane. In which case, "**** you and your stupid turret segments, Gearbox. "
- Rewarding people for buying New is a pretty good idea as far as DRM/online pass stuff goes.
-Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are very mediocre games.


-FFXIII and VIII are underrated.

-ICO was pretty boring.

-Kingdom Hearts story is super easy to understand (even if stupid).

-Silent Hill Homecoming and Origins are good games and way better than 4 and Shattered Memories.

-Devil May Cry is better than DMC3.

-Far Cry mutants, Crysis aliens, Uncharted non-human enemies fit in just fine and make the encounters more interesting.

-Resident Evil 5 in co-op is one of the best in series.

-Metal Gear Solid 2 is the best in series.

-Killzone 3 is really good game and best in series in co-op.

-Metroid Prime is a boring game.

-Parasite Eve 2 is better than 1

-All Sonic games I have played (1,2,3,3D) are pretty bad platformers compared to games like Mario and Crash.


Skyrim is a bad game because the core of the game, the combat, is fucking atrocious. Also Halo is a incredibly bland game.


Jealous Bastard
where retail console games are concerned, the story of the past five years has been homogenization, and it's only going to get worse.
The best thing about video games isn't playing them, it's telling the internet how much I hate them.

I think you win thread. :lol

The only reason people love Dark Souls is because they think it doesn't coddle them like most other games [...] they think [this] equates to brilliant game design.

Well the lack of hand-holding does not equal a good game in and of itself, so there's most certainly more to it than that. You're objectively wrong.


DerZuhälter;34362990 said:
Resident Evil 4 controls are horrific, and anybody saying it's a good game despite having these controls should feel bad.

Unless of course many people actually play the game perfectly and always survive any situation given in the game. Then the controls in fact aren't horrific and you are just unable to learn them and look silly.
DerZuhälter;34362990 said:
Resident Evil 4 controls are horrific, and anybody saying it's a good game despite having these controls should feel bad.

The controls are great. Can't help that you don't know how to play.
Bethesda is not a good developer and haven't made a good game.
I haven't liked anything that Blizzard has ever made.
The only Valve games That I liked was Portal and Portal 2.

The difference between Bethesda and Blizzard for me is while I don't like any Blizzard games I can tell they are well made and polished for a specific person, while Bethesda just seems completely amateur in every way.
Hideo Kojima is not a talented person in any way.

Halo is a series that gets its core gameplay kind of alright, but the rest is below average, It is popular because people did not play shooters during the early 2000's on the PC that much (in America).

Insomniac Games has never developed a game that is truly great.

If Killzone wasn't exclusive, no one would care.

Red Alert 3 is the best Command & Conquer.

People being willing to pay for Xbox Live is ridiculous.

The Telltame Games are on par, sometimes even better than their LucasArts counterparts. People are blinded by nostalgia.

Pokemon is extremely boring.

A smooth framerate is not that important.

Console Wars are idiotic and show that hardcore gamers are terribly immature and weird.


Considering the way Leon moves in Resident Evil 4, he should be eligible for handicap parking. RE4 & 5 control really poorly and nobody should lower themselves to that level.

Dark Souls and Demon's Souls are bad games. Don't pretend they're good.

Metacritic is absolutely valid. Those same reviews that you all like and read are what make a metascore. Embrace it and on average you will play far better games and avoid the crap.


DerZuhälter;34363087 said:
Yeah, not being able to shoot and move is awesome...

Exactly. The controls are shit and the fact that some people are willing to put up with them doesn't change that. Resi 5 is the same deal. No moving and shooting is a terrible design choice.

Dead Space controls are far better.


Let’s do this.

Uncharted series suck balls, if it didn’t look very pretty nobody would care.

Half life 2 isn’t as good as the 1st one

And Crysis is the best fps to come out since the original half life! (I even like the VTOL section)
  • Rockstar games are terrible, yes even Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed games are even worse
  • Along the same lines, 95% of open world games aren't fun at all
  • Dragon Age 2 was a decent game
  • Mass Effect 2 was a great game, same with Mass Effect 1


-BioWare hasn't put out a truly good game for the past 2 generation. They're probably the most overrated studio on the planet.
-Mario 64 really isn't that great.
-DKC is a terrible platformer.
-Sephiroth is the most overrated villain ever made.
-The first zelda has shitty sword mechanics and is mostly a chore to play.
-SoTN isn't the best Igavania at all, Order of Ecclesia and Aria of Sorrow are much much better.
-Legend of the Dragoon is an awful awful game with barely any redeeming qualities.
Exactly. The controls are shit and the fact that some people are willing to put up with them doesn't change that. Resi 5 is the same deal. No moving and shooting is a terrible design choice.

Dead Space controls are far better.

That was the most shocking moment for me in the game. As I tried to move forward while aiming and suddenly was looking at the blue sky (anybody expecting "brown ground" is playing inversed and should feel bad too! You are the leftdriving englishmen of gaming!).


DerZuhälter;34363087 said:
Yeah, not being able to shoot and move is awesome...

Yes it is! Even more awesome when the whole game is designed this in mind. Believe it or not, it is not illegal to design games around different control methods. It is in fact fun and separating the kings from the pawns.
DerZuhälter;34363149 said:
That was the most shocking moment for me in the game. As I tried to move forward while aiming and suddenly was looking at the blue sky (anybody expecting "brown ground" is playing inversed and should feel bad too! You are the leftdriving englishmen of gaming!).

Inverse for life. Also i agree that RE4 had bad controls and it ruined the experince for me.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I honestly hate the vast majority of games and can't stand gamers.

Sprites will always be better than polygons. Suck it.
DerZuhälter;34363087 said:
Yeah, not being able to shoot and move is awesome...

Yes. Yes it is. RE4 is still a horror game. People keep bringing up "you can't move and shoot", but that really does not fit the game. You are suppose to feel the tension, you are suppose to make sure you aim as best as you can, you are supposed to make sure you use weapons efficiently, and you are suppose to keep up with your placement in the environment. All these things come together perfectly and being able to not move and shoot does this. I really don't understand those who don't get this.

No RE4 is much better without the ability to walk and shoot. Good that would take so much away. Oh man look at this tension as I just keep walking back and shooting, so boring......kind of like Dead Space.

RE5's problems do not come from controls. They come frome things like level design and the way enemies are are handled.
^Not allowing the player to shoot while moving is just about the most retarded and backwards way of trying to inflict tension on the player. See Amnesia, a game that does this better than every RE game combined. Get back at me then.

Also, there was nothing strategic about RE4's combat. I was almost never without ammo and aiming for the head didn't take any skill considering how slow the enemies were.

I honestly hate the vast majority of games and can't stand gamers.

Sprites will always be better than polygons. Suck it.

Self hating nerd

the best kind
The "indie game" community is one gigantic circlejerk more concerned with indie status than making games that don't get stale after 20 minutes.

With a few obvious exceptions of course.


Yes it is! Even more awesome when the whole game is designed this in mind. Believe it or not, it is not illegal to design games around different control methods. It is in fact fun and separating the kings from the pawns.
But it's not designed with that in mind and so you end up shooting, turning 180 degrees, running, turning 180 degrees, shooting, turning 180 degrees, running, turning 180 degrees, shooting...

Goddamn I'm getting wound up just typing it out.


The "indie game" community is one gigantic circlejerk more concerned with indie status than making games that don't get stale after 20 minutes.

With a few obvious exceptions of course.

This viewpoint is offered from a consumer POV and has no logic behind it.


Starcraft was at the time only a mediocre strategy game. Starcraft II is somehow even worse. I can't for the life of me figure out how it got as popular as it is. It's popularity is holding the strategy game genre back.


With the possible exception of Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy XIII is my favorite FF game and my favorite game so far this gen. Conversely, FFIX and FFXII are awful.

Zelda 2 is by far my favorite Zelda game.

I love almost every NIS published game I've ever played. Except Last Rebellion, that game is trash.


But it's not designed with that in mind and so you end up shooting, turning 180 degrees, running, turning 180 degrees, shooting, turning 180 degrees, running, turning 180 degrees, shooting...

Actually that would be just you playing it on a difficulty setting too high for your skill. My playthroughs involve shooting people in the weakspots, meleeing them to oblivion and nading the biggest threats. Sure you have to hightail occasionally, but that happens in all games with the difference that in RE4 you actually can use the environment to your advantage.

Plus there's no cover, regenerating health nor creeping behind corridors in RE4, so it's that much more awesome.

Starcraft was at the time only a mediocre strategy game. Starcraft II is somehow even worse. I can't for the life of me figure out how it got as popular as it is. It's popularity is holding the strategy game genre back.

It is popular because the gameplay fits perfectly as an e-sport. Short matches, quick progression and nifty presentation.


Awesome thread!

1. COD was never revolutionary and is a only a decent shooter.
2. Sonic will never be relevant again.
3. Bioware games aren't that fun. ME was changed to an action game to make it fun!
4. No title this gen has come close to what MGS4 delivers.
5. Bionic Commando has the best swing mechanic EVER!
6. Halo didn't revolutionise console shooters, it made them bearable
7. Video Games will never be taken seriously as a medium... EVER :(


I find the idea of games like GTA, Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noir great. The settings, the story. But I think I'd prefer them as movies or something, because when I fire up the games and I'm shuttled from Point A in the town to Point B, to be given instructions to follow, it seems to suck the fun out of the experience.

I usually end up pissing around in the non-mission open world, but that's no different than what I was doing in 2001 in GTA3. For some reason I seem to really dislike this style of game despite everyone else raving about them.
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