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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Alright, going to steel myself:

I think the Half-Life series is immensely overrated. The story is bland, though well-told, and while I can deeply appreciate what the games did to push the medium forward, I found Half-Life 2 to be incredibly boring to play, and couldn't even finish Half-Life 1. Maybe because I have no nostalgia for it, but I played it within the last few years, and just didn't enjoy it.


I'm genuinely sorry if I offend some of you, but I think the whole jizzing about Dark Souls is because of the "hardcore" difficulty and nothing more (haven't played Demon's). Some people even talk about the lore... I mean, seriously? The lore is in my opinion almost non-existent. It's about an
(not even a spoiler, but you can't be too sure) who walks a very, very linear little path (which ironically some call "an open world"?) with a shit load of backtracking to kill overpowered monsters. I... I don't know. I guess I expected it to be much more than it was for me.
think you got lore confused with plot :/


I think Titanfall is an ugly, overrated game.

The 6 v 6 bothers me A LOT. I hate shooting AI in games, it's boring as hell.

It's going to disappoint a lot of people and I knew that was going to happen the moment I found out the guys from MW3 were making it. What did you expect? Battlefield 4 graphics?

The only reason that this game gets any hype is because it looks like Call of Duty and because of how this game became exclusive, because EA is a horrible, greedy company.


After trying my hardest to like Witcher 1&2 (4 hours invested in 1 and 5 invested in 2) and failing, I have no reason at all to believe that W3 or Cyberpunk will be enjoyable to me.


I'm a big Nintendo and Zelda fan as well...but am I alone in thinking that Ocarina of Time is NOT the best game of all time, nor Nintendo's best game?


I've got another unpopular opinion: BioShock 2 is (way?) better than the first one. I think the only thing the first one has to its advantage is its originality. For me, BioShock 2 has a more enjoyable and emotional attaching story, better weapons, and better/smoother overall gameplay. THERE, I SAID IT!
Don't hit me.

think you got lore confused with plot :/
Yeah sorry, I meant plot. I kinda mix those two more than I'd like to admid, haha.


During Christmas last year i tried my absolute best to enjoy The Witcher 2 Enhanced edition that i have had for some time on Steam.

I even installed the 5 GB combat mod, but i simply CANNOT enjoy the combat!

So i will say that it looks amazing at high settings, seems to have a interesting storyline, but the combat fails , and therefore i uninstalled the game and will not touch it again.
Im kinda hoping there will be another gaming crash. I know a lot of people will lose their jobs but I think it will be good in the end. The talented people will find a new place to work while the horrible ones will have to find something else to do.

I agree with the above guy. Witcher 2 sucked and I really tried to like it. I feel like I wasted my money even though I got it for cheap..

Nintendo needs to either use their neglected ips or sell them. It's ridiculous to just have perfectly good ips sit there for a decade or more.


My controversial opinion:

Call of Duty: Ghost multiplplayer experience is the closest in emulating the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer experience,

Mr Buddy

My opinion is that the pokemon games are starting to grow stale and aren't introducing large enough changes. I doubt game freak will ever introduce something truly game changing, but some sort of break from tradition would be nice. Like maybe having a different starting type trio, or being able to go to the gyms in a different order.


Alright, going to steel myself:

I think the Half-Life series is immensely overrated. The story is bland, though well-told, and while I can deeply appreciate what the games did to push the medium forward, I found Half-Life 2 to be incredibly boring to play, and couldn't even finish Half-Life 1. Maybe because I have no nostalgia for it, but I played it within the last few years, and just didn't enjoy it.

Not specifically talking about HL2 but I think this applies to most games I replay or play years after they came out. It's like Shenmue: When I played it the first time I was blown away but when I tried to play it again a couple years later I hated it. Games improve all the time and a game I enjoyed a couple years back may just not hold up that well anymore compared to more recent examples of a given genre. I played HL2 just last year though and still liked it, so there's that. Fuck Shenmue though.


During Christmas last year i tried my absolute best to enjoy The Witcher 2 Enhanced edition that i have had for some time on Steam.

I even installed the 5 GB combat mod, but i simply CANNOT enjoy the combat!

So i will say that it looks amazing at high settings, seems to have a interesting storyline, but the combat fails , and therefore i uninstalled the game and will not touch it again.

I think this one of those games where the story is more interesting than the gameplay. I enjoyed the combat but you should at least finish chapter one. Put it on easy, blast through it all. See if you like the story and characters enough to go on, I was way more interested in the plot.


I'm a big Nintendo and Zelda fan as well...but am I alone in thinking that Ocarina of Time is NOT the best game of all time, nor Nintendo's best game?
Nothing "controversial" about this.
For example: "Zelda: Link's Awakening" shits all over "Ocarina of Time".


After trying my hardest to like Witcher 1&2 (4 hours invested in 1 and 5 invested in 2) and failing, I have no reason at all to believe that W3 or Cyberpunk will be enjoyable to me.

I never could like Witcher either, I played both, but it just didn't work for me. I still feel stupid when I hear people talking about how effin awesome Witcher is.



This topic lasts 2 years.

Most probably my biggest accomplishments in GAF ever, hahaha.

Well literally everyone has at least an opinion or two that most people disagree with, and posting them makes people feel good so it's no wonder. I think this is a fantastic thread to be honest.


I'm a die-hard Nintendo fanboy - I love Nintendo - but I'm kind of hoping for the Wii U to flop so hard, it forces a huge shake-up at the company.

Dr. Buni

Story in video games is fucking pointless and "interactive video games" (aka movies or books camouflaged as games) shouldn't be a thing.


I'm genuinely sorry if I offend some of you, but I think the whole jizzing about Dark Souls is because of the "hardcore" difficulty and nothing more (haven't played Demon's). Some people even talk about the lore... I mean, seriously? The lore is in my opinion almost non-existent. It's about an
(not even a spoiler, but you can't be too sure) who walks a very, very linear little path (which ironically some call "an open world"?) with a shit load of backtracking to kill overpowered monsters. I... I don't know. I guess I expected it to be much more than it was for me.

I don't want to start something here but you have Dark Souls completely wrong. It's the complete opposite of linear and is an open world (the problem is that this open world requires exploration and has many different paths. Firelink Shrine alone leads to like 3-4 different paths) and the lore is very in depth it's just not in your face and the reason everyone loves it is for it's brilliant game design.

It may not be for you but to say the game is linear is to say call of duty is open world.

I'm not sure how popular Infamous 2 was but I HATED that game. Everything from the local to Cole, to freaking Zeke (god I despised Zeke). The first game was an absolute joy to play even with crappy FPS, but my god the second was such a slog.

Didn't help that I always go evil so apparently I missed out on the most fun ice powers in the game (teleportation suuuuuucccckkkkeeeddd and was so severely limited). Didn't even like any of the new characters.
From Software makes horrible games. Tenchu, Kings Field, Armored Core, Demons/Dark Souls, Enchanted Arms.
All junk.
They are the Mitsubishi of video games.
All these online only, multiplayer games, early access bullshit. The market is just getting flooded and people eat these games up like they are the best thing ever. I just can't truly stand the majority of them and most feel like they are just trying to capitalize on some other games success.


I'm not interested in a single current PS4 game and the console's success kind of puzzles me.

I don't see why anyone would buy any console on day1. But I'd choose the PS4 as well if I had to buy a nextgen console now. Since it would be room decoration at best for a few months the most important factor is that it looks much better than the x. And I always liked more sony exclusives. On the Xbox, there are only two franchises that actually came to my mind as interesting. Forza, and Halo.

Beth Cyra

From Software makes horrible games. Tenchu, Kings Field, Armored Core, Demons/Dark Souls, Enchanted Arms.
All junk.
They are the Mitsubishi of video games.

I agree with almost every game on this list, however I will say they do have one good franchise. Another Century's Episode is amazing, takes Zone of the Enders but makes it ten times better.
Bed of Chaos was a fun fight.

My playstyle in both Souls games is shield and spear. By the time I got to BoC I was rocking pretty high stability on my shield and decent stamina. So I could easily block the sweeps and avoid getting pushed into the hole. The experience of the floor falling out during the fight, taking that leap of faith into the hole to land on the tiny walkway... it was awesome the first time and really felt epic. I didn't get hit by the instakill fire things on my first playthrough, but even on later playthroughs I enjoyed it.

FF7 is totally overrated.

In particular, Aeris was annoying and I'm glad Sephiroth got rid of her. Cloud is really uninteresting and I kept hoping he'd either get killed or be replaced during the game. I really liked Crisis Core though, and if they had included some of that story into the original game it would have been much, much better. Zack was a good character
and having to play through his death was pretty rough
, whereas I couldn't give two shits about what happened to Cloud.
Dark Souls is not a very good game. The insane difficulty is actually a negative which makes the game worse. Dark Souls in not in Skyrims league.


Bioshock Infinite is an empty shell of what it could have been. Dated combat, a setting that could have been so much more than scripted hallways and limited skyways, and the promise that Elizabeth would have been more than someone to hold hands with and get the occasional ammo resupply from.


Bioshock Infinite is an empty shell of what it could have been. Dated combat, a setting that could have been so much more than scripted hallways and limited skyways, and the promise that Elizabeth would have been more than someone to hold hands with and get the occasional ammo resupply from.

I agree with this.

It may not be that controversial, but I think Tactics Ogre is much better game than Final Fantasy Tactics.


Dark Souls is not a very good game. The insane difficulty is actually a negative which makes the game worse. Dark Souls in not in Skyrims league.

The difficulty is'nt insane though. It really is'nt. The game just requires you to be be patient,careful and aware of your surroundings.

Edit: Also the game shits all over Skyrim.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I think Square Enix may be a contender for Company of the Year with Lightning Returns and Bravely Default.


Dark/Demon's Souls are shitty, frustrating games, that cater to masochists with too much free time on their hands.

The Metal Gear games have always paled in comparison to the Splinter Cell games gameplay-wise, and have idiotic, inane stories that probably even Kojima doesn't really understand.

I don't understand MMORPGs. How do people play this shit for hundreds of hours? It's mostly fetch quests and doing the same shit over and over with no real progression story-wise.

Roguelikes are not fun. Any of them. At all.

Witcher 2 may have great reviews, but it should get an award for having the least friendly introduction in the history of games. Here you go, here's 60 fucking things you need to memorize at once. Oh, and a bunch of spells whose names have nothing to do with what they are. What the fuck is aard? Or yrden? How am I supposed to remember this shit? Call it fucking fireball or something. Suffice it to say, I quit playing right after the intro.


From Software makes horrible games. Tenchu, Kings Field, Armored Core, Demons/Dark Souls, Enchanted Arms.
All junk.
They are the Mitsubishi of video games.

... You obviously have not played Chromehounds when the servers were up.(I have to disagree with the souls and tenchu points though. That being said I respect your opinion.)

Mambo Maniac

Neo Member
I have never been able to fully complete a GTA game and Don't understand why they are so popular. I eventually just get bored......

I don't get why people buy Madden every year when there are just minor upgrades....

I Really enjoyed Deus Ex: Invisible war, enough that I have played though it many many times and still love the game.

I loved the original Two Worlds even though it got crucified in reviews, the 2nd got better reviews and I got bored with it, it has less charm.

I think Forza games are highly overrated.

Enough damn Zombie games, bring back fantasy FPS games like Heretic (Lichdom and Hellraid are coming but I want a real Heretic sequel) Heretic was more fun than Doom.

ID Software should drop making Doom 4 like Doom 3 and make a real re-imagining of what made the original so much fun.

Bloodwake was one of the best vehicle shooters of all time.
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