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Recore Preview Thread (Mega Man meets Con Man meets Metroid Prime)

Recore is the first first-party XB1 game that really really caught my attention. And since I don't have an XB1 or a PC capable of running it depending on how good the word of mouth is it could be the first Microsoft game of this gen that makes me hella jealous that I can't play.


never left the stone age
Microsoft bought them a couple months ago. The sub-second delay they offer on some streams as well as interactive stuff is really cool.

Yeah it's kinda ridiculous how you see what you type pop up in the stream in less than a second. Makes the Twitch 15-30 second delay look absolutely ridiculous in comparison.
I really want this game to be good. The price tag and somewhat middling previews are hard to ignore though. On the other hand, even if it's a diamond in the rough (which I imagine might be best case scenario for the game) it'll be priced right.
So apparently they're giving away a download code for Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts with preorders of ReCore. That's one of the jankiest games I've ever played, so seems like a good choice judging from the ReCore footage they're showing! (I'm on the fence myself. Janky games can be fun, but the boring looking combat might be a dealbreaker for me. Not sure how much of that is the poor skills of the player though)
It is just me or this game is not been pushed by MS at all?

Beyond having Inafune and the guys that spawned Metroid Prime, you got Joseph fucking Staten and there's no mention of this... AT ALL!?
Hey guys so I'm playing the game right now. Got it early( see link above). Can't play it too much right now as I need to prepare for a job interview in a little bit, which is tomorrow, but I will play more tomorrow evening.

I have to play it offline, no patch applied yet.

30min in so far

•Colorful game
•Textures are meh, maybe the patch will fix it?
•Love the gameplay so far
•Had to restart the game in the first level after getting stuck in a gate that closed on me as I went through it. I didn't realize at first you had to hover over a button longer to keep the gate open haha.


So I got my hands on a copy from Meijer as well. The biggest concern I have with the game right now is with its performance. There are a lot of framerate dips when the combat gets hectic, and there was one point where it dropped to what felt like single digit frames for several seconds (I wasn't in combat so I think this was bug/weather related). It's also got some pretty nasty pop in issues and long load times. I'm hoping whatever patch is out that I can't download fixes some of these things.

Otherwise, it's actually pretty cool. The animations are sort of jank when you're moving fast, but Joule controls surprisingly well. Feels responsive and not nearly as floaty as it has looked on some of the previews. The combat sort of reminds me of Jet Force Gemini on crack. In a lot of ways, it feels more like an action game than a shooter since the emphasis is on being evasive and keeping your combos going. Still pretty early on, but I'm looking forward to playing some more.
Hey guys so I'm playing the game right now. Got it early( see link above). Can't play it too much right now as I need to prepare for a job interview in a little bit, which is tomorrow, but I will play more tomorrow evening.

I have to play it offline, no patch applied yet.

30min in so far

•Colorful game
•Textures are meh, maybe the patch will fix it?
•Love the gameplay so far
•Had to restart the game in the first level after getting stuck in a gate that closed on me as I went through it. I didn't realize at first you had to hover over a button longer to keep the gate open haha.

Any difficulty settings? How many Achievements?
The first install thing I got was 108MB or so.

Only today did it download actual game files. (this was for PC, not xbox.. not sure what that preload size was)


I can finally download the 5GB patch from Live. Gonna see how it affects the performance once its installed


So yeah, looks like the patch fixed some of the framerate issues and retooled some vague command prompts. I don't think it touched the load times or pop in, which is disappointing. It's still pretty great though. I think the people looking forward to it here are going to enjoy it, especially if you're looking for some fun traversal stuff


So yeah, looks like the patch fixed some of the framerate issues and retooled some vague command prompts. I don't think it touched the load times or pop in, which is disappointing. It's still pretty great though. I think the people looking forward to it here are going to enjoy it, especially if you're looking for some fun traversal stuff
I'm always up for this.


So yeah, looks like the patch fixed some of the framerate issues and retooled some vague command prompts. I don't think it touched the load times or pop in, which is disappointing. It's still pretty great though. I think the people looking forward to it here are going to enjoy it, especially if you're looking for some fun traversal stuff

2 nice early impressions, lets see how this progresses


So yeah, looks like the patch fixed some of the framerate issues and retooled some vague command prompts. I don't think it touched the load times or pop in, which is disappointing. It's still pretty great though. I think the people looking forward to it here are going to enjoy it, especially if you're looking for some fun traversal stuff

Nice impressions , i'm waiting for this game.

XO really needs more games like Recore or Ori.
Unfortunately it looks like you can't broadcast it on Twitch. Broadcasting works fine with other games but not Recore.

I can get achievements. But cannot load the achievement list lol.


Unfortunately it looks like you can't broadcast it on Twitch. Broadcasting works fine with other games but not Recore.

I can get achievements. But cannot load the achievement list lol.

Looks like youre on lockdown, is the game still holding up good though?
After the update, framerate still goes down at times. Textures may have improved a little.

I noticed in Notifications I can see achievements I've unlocked so far. Can post them if anyone cares.


Unfortunately it looks like you can't broadcast it on Twitch. Broadcasting works fine with other games but not Recore.

I can get achievements. But cannot load the achievement list lol.

Quite normal if you play a game before release. Probably DVR doesnt work also and dont show up on the activity feed. :)


Designing some OT stuff! Now if any of you guys wanna recommend titles or you wanna intervene and say 'hey cmon get out of here i'm doing the OT' then shoot


I am terrible at OT names lol.

Im thinking

Recore IOTI Corey In The House
Recore IOTI One Corebot Two Corebot Three Corebot Rock
Recore IOTI Its time to J-J-Joule
Recore IOTI ReCon
Recore IOTI You're stuck on the gate aren't you?
Recore IOTI Joule of the Nile


Crazy guy makes grappling hook



Somebody said 'soon'

Well, with the game releasing next week that is not exactly to be precise :)

Thanks for your reply. I saw yesterday 2 long videos on the ReCore's Store page someone recorded and it looks fun. For sure really early in the game as the damage poping was like 7 to 13... Traversal en exploration looked good too


Link here

At this year’s Gamescom, I was luckily enough to spend a brief amount of time with Keiji Inafune (Producer) and Joseph Staten (Lead Writer – whose previous credits include Halo) so as to discuss their forthcoming project – the Microsoft published ReCore. With the game being developed in conjunction with Microsoft Studios, Armature, as well as the famed Mega Man‘s character designer’s own Comcept, ReCore is looking to be one of the more interesting games to emerge from Microsoft’s lineup this year – if only because the game is being directed by Metroid Prime series director Mark Pacini. And with so much talent associated with the third person game, it’ll be interesting to see as to whether the game lives up to the expectations when it launches next week. And in order to discuss this, I got to briefly speak to ReCore‘s Producer and Lead Writer regarding my concerns – with special thanks also going towards Mike McNamara who helped provide translating duties for Keiji Inafune.

ReCore takes place in a desert wasteland that isn’t entirely open-world. Last year, there was another desert wasteland open-world game called Mad Max which was criticised for its game world being quite barren, and as a consequence, there wasn’t much to do. Even though ReCore isn’t entirely open-world, what steps are you taking to ensure that your game doesn’t suffer from the same problems that Mad Max suffered from? What are you doing to ensure that there is always something to do, and that the game doesn’t entirely consist of the player exploring dungeons, collecting cores, and upgrading their items? Is there other stuff going on within ReCore that will keeps players engaged?

Joseph: ReCore is semi open-world. Compared to Mad Max, one of the decisions we made was to keep things small and dense, so there are a lot of gameplay opportunities put into a relatively small space. In some of the areas, it doesn’t take too long to reach a dungeon, and there are a few dungeons to explore in the same area. So there isn’t a lot of transition time between those points of interest, and this helps with keeping things simple and gets you in the action quicker. That’s one thing that Mark at Armature did – to make traversal in the game-world be as enjoyable as possible. Traversal is also pretty fun as you are using your CoreBots – like Seth who gets to climb up spider-rails. But some spider-rails are trickier and require a little bit of mastery. So even just moving around the world is fun, fluid, and enjoyable.

Keiji: What we’ve shown is really just a small slice of the world, and a small part of what the game has to offer. Of course it will depend on the success of this game, but there are many more elements and angles that we hope to be able to explore in ReCore‘s world.

I know that you were responsible for Mighty No 9 which suffered from performance related issues as a consequence of the development team being stretched so thin across a number of platforms. Considering as to how busy you’ve been with addressing Mighty No 9‘s problems, and bearing in mind as to how stretched Comcept were with the project, what steps are you taking to ensure that ReCore doesn’t suffer from the same fate as Mighty No 9 – especially when taking into account Microsoft’s own XBox One / Windows 10 publishing initiative? At the same time, and given that your time was previously taken up with Mighty No 9, what steps have you taken to ensure that ReCore lives up to the expectations set by Microsoft as well as by your own fans?

Keiji: To answer the second question first, at Comcept we always team up with very skilled developers and partners to make sure that we are able to delivery the best possible experience on all the properties we develop and work on. I always have really great teams that I trust around me, and that helps with the allocation of time. And in terms of the performance related issues that you brought up, in ReCore‘s case, since it is a Microsoft first party title, and we’ve been working really closely with Armature and Microsoft, I can pretty comfortably say that there aren’t going to be any performance related issues. Microsoft knows the PC and XBox One hardware inside and out. To lightly touch upon Mighty No 9, it might sound like an excuse, but there were a number of resource related issues and factors that were beyond our control. But I want to assure you that nothing about what happened with Mighty No 9 will affect ReCore in any way, especially because of the amazing partnerships that we have.
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