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RED ASH Kickstarter crashes n burns (Comcept/Inafune/Hyde making Mega Man Legends 3)

They won't announce a console version due to that stupid poll they have going on :l. They want to 'honor' that and not piss off the other platform holders, so they will leave the only console this lands on up to the backers.....despite the fact we have no idea which platform the game will even land on.

Its seems to be a tie between PS4 and Wii U, but still; they should of announced a PS4 version right from the start so that way people can know "Okay, I can play this on my console then :)" instead of thinking "Well, I love Legends and I want to back this....but don't want to play this on PC due to (it not being powerful enough/don't like playing PC games/want to use my PS4, X1 or Wii U/don't even own a PC).....so I will skip this game :l".

If that's true then they deserve to have this KS fail, everyday thay goes by without them announcing what console is getting the game is a day wasted.

Also making this update so confusing, this is a joke.
They won't announce a console version due to that stupid poll they have going on :l. They want to 'honor' that and not piss off the other platform holders, so they will leave the only console this lands on up to the backers.....despite the fact we have no idea which platform the game will even land on.

Its seems to be a tie between PS4 and Wii U, but still; they should of announced a PS4 version right from the start so that way people can know "Okay, I can play this on my console then :)" instead of thinking "Well, I love Legends and I want to back this....but don't want to play this on PC due to (it not being powerful enough/don't like playing PC games/want to use my PS4, X1 or Wii U/don't even own a PC).....so I will skip this game :l".
They should run that fucking poll and announce the decision BEFORE the campaign ended, not after.

Also, this game is coming out in late 2017. I love my WiiU but I seriously doubt it'll be anything relevant by that time (not to mention least installed base) while the PS4 will continue to be the best selling, and still very important, console. Releasing Red Ash on PC and WiiU only would be suicide.


If that's true then they deserve to have this KS fail, everyday thay goes by without them announcing what console is getting the game is a day wasted.

Also making this update so confusing, this is a joke.

I don't think this Kickstarter will fail, but it will just bearly make its funding goal if things keep going the way their going :l.

Like I said on before, I guess this update means that the full game is happening for sure, but its not 'part' of the Kickstarter; the Kickstarter will be for the Prologue and just that.

Because I don't know what else that update could mean; do they EXPECT funding to magically get better enough to warrant 12 more 'episodes' for a full game with the way things are going?!

My bet is that they found a publisher (Deep Silver or someone else) for the full game and cannot say anything about a publisher for the prologue due to not wanting to lose whatever backers they have.

The game will happen at least but the way its happening is really disappointing :(. The return of Mega Man Legends should be celebrated, not met with such (rightfully) cynical thoughts :(.


I'm even more confused now. I thought the prolog thing was only if the game didn't get enough funding. So if you fund at the prior "get the game" tier, and the game were fully 5m+ funded, you wouldn't get the full game still? They seriously need to cancel, regroup and come back with a prototype and a much more focused message. And just friggin say it's a PS4 console version.


I'm even more confused now. I thought the prolog thing was only if the game didn't get enough funding. So if you fund at the prior "get the game" tier, and the game were fully 5m+ funded, you wouldn't get the full game still? They seriously need to cancel, regroup and come back with a prototype and a much more focused message. And just friggin say it's a PS4 console version.

Its very confusing that update X(.

But I think it means they got a publisher for the 'full' game while the Kickstarter is strictly for the Prologue. I mean, why say people can get 'two' games, if your funding goal isn't even hit yet X(.


This is nuts.. Inafune had soo much good will from the community from the MN9 KS and all of that has gone down the drain because of how seemingly greedy this KS is.

Just to spite this KS and how angry I am, I'm going to up my pledge for Shenmue by 50 more dollars.

I want to support this, but they're just pushing fans away.


This is such a mess, I would be very careful backing this.Like the poster above said they really need to wait and regroup on this one when you know you can guarantee a platform and at least show us something more than an animatic. I wouldn't be surprised if this is already in some sort of production there has to be something they can show.

I really like the idea of this game, the setting and the characters I'm very interested but I certainly would not support this right now plus they haven't even delivered on MN9 yet so I'll wait.


Inafune needs to cancel this shit and try again this time using some common sense.

A. Wait until after Mighty No. 9 comes out. There's a lot of negativity around that project right now which is definitely hurting funding. If you're confident in the game then wait until it's released so you can use it shut the naysayers up. If it's good of course.

B. Announce console ports from the beginning. Or at least stretch goals for them. None of this poll shit. Don't know who the hell thought that was a good idea.

C. Don't run an anime kickstarter at the same time as your game kickstarter. That's obviously going to hurt funding. Run the game kickstarter, then wait a couple of months and do the anime one.

D. Be clear with your audience and disclose publisher and/or investor involvement from the beginning. People think you're shady Inafune. Best way to fix that is with a good ol' dose of honesty. Check out Bloodstained, right at the beginning IGA told everyone there was a publisher on board who was going to support the project with extra funding if it gets kickstarted. People weren't mad because IGA was honest with his fans.

This is like amateur stuff here Inafune.


I don't mind this KS being before MN9. If they need money and they don't have anything else to do while they wait for the game to release, it makes enough sense.

But the amount of content they provided us with is grossly insufficient. You should have to make an investment into your Kickstarter beforehand, to prove to the backers that it's serious and that it will be quality. From what they've shown us, I have no idea if it's either of those. It looks like they whipped up some storyboards in a week and said "money me now".
I bit on the $49 for both chapters push today, but I hope they really impress me by the end of this. I'm still actively considering pulling the pledge, but I want this thing to exist.


Okay, so this according to this update the KalKanon Incident is set to be 4 chapters but may be less if stretch goals are not reached. According to the stretch goal list1,500,000 gets us the KalKanon Incident chapters 4 and 5, and that's just to fill out about half of the proposed map. This is for a so-called prologue that evidently is 2/3 the size of the "main" game that they want to somehow get a partner on board to produce after proving the concept with this prologue. If you act now you can get a deal on both the prologue and the main game provided it ever gets made (console TBD).

This is one heck of a train wreck. Might as well spend your money on some magic beans.


Neo Member
Basically the $25 tier is the first 8 hours / half of the game. $49 today ($79 later) is going to be all parts of the game.

So 20 hour game in total

Well summarized.

Frankly I'm amazed that they can announce that they're covering the costs out-of-pocket for this, and still get called greedy.

There's no way they can go to a publisher and say "we want you to fund this game, but we've already sold copies. You won't get money from those copies." So they're paying for those copies themselves.

Say what you will about how the campaign's been handled, but no that's not "greedy".
Is this the most dysfunctional legit kickstarter ever? The updates continue to confuse and baffle even the most loyal fans who were all in day 1.
They really need to clarify this one. Is there any difference between paying for the two chapters together, or only the first chapter, if the stretch goals aren't met? Because those stretch goals aren't going to be met.


Is this the most dysfunctional legit kickstarter ever? The updates continue to confuse and baffle even the most loyal fans who were all in day 1.
I really wanted a MML successor...but this Kickstarter has been such a disaster in both presentation and execution that it put me off...and I still LIKE Inafune.

Everything's about it so perplexing yet...mesmerizing in motion.
Wait a minute, the $49 is for TODAY ONLY?

Are they honestly pulling a fucking informercial Kickstarter? Is this fucking real life?


I used to think Inafune was just misguided and made a couple bad gambles on a few decisions with this Kickstarter. Now, I have absolutely no respect for the man. He's a fuckin schmatta salesman, plain and simple! I believed that this Kickstarter would fail, but now it deserves to fail and fail hard.

Splitting a project into two Kickstarters, then splitting the game into a prologue and the full game? Give me a fuckin break.
I think that's still the case, is not secret the M9 campaign turned so well thanks to Ben Judd and 8-4.

Even if it had just been Inafune the "fuck capcom" and "GIVE US MORE MEGAMAN" would have pushed that project to 2-3 million anyways. Heck if he had tried the two KS idea back then he might have got people in such a fever pitch he could have pulled that stunt off.
God, this is confusing, if I go for the $89 pledge that is the physical copy do I get The New Order Conspiracy?
If you pledge today, you will receive the main story of RED ASH for an exclusive pledge price of $49 (normally $79 and up). This offer ends TODAY, July 17th, 24:00 California time (July 18th, 16:00 Japan time).
NOW, when you pledge $79 or more, you will also receive the entirety of RED ASH (main story, estimated at 12 additional hours) when it&#8217;s released! How&#8217;s that for an upgrade?
Wind swiftly dying in my sails here, guys, and I'm a diehard MML dude. This update is everything I don't want in a KS and...fuck.

This was supposed to be better. I hope Comcept gives it a little time and tries again. The anime looks like it'll succeed, get the anime out the door and work on the pitch in the meantime, maybe?


This new update is crazy. Everything is just so vague and untrustworthy. Who knows if the main game will ever get funded by a publisher, I sure don't have confidence. You could be throwing extra money into the void for all you know.

Also what's with this one day sale?
There, I picked the $89 pledge, this is my first and probably last kickstarter I backed. I played Soul Sacrifice and liked it, Mighty No. 9 I have been liking and the devs are the ones from Megaman Zero so I'm not worried about the game being decent. I'm gonna trust that the game plays and looks good so I still hope that we get all of the Kalkanon stretch goals.

I'm not gonna lie, the Kickstarter gets more confusing after each update so please let this be Inafune's last kickstarter. >_<
This new update is crazy. Everything is just so vague and untrustworthy. Who knows if the main game will ever get funded by a publisher, I sure don't have confidence. You could be throwing extra money into the void for all you know.

Also what's with this one day sale?

Exactly, you're paying for a reward that may never exist.

If you back just the "Prologue" then you're paying for a demo. Geeeee.... what if I save my $79 and just wait and see if a publisher picks it up at all? I doubt the full game will be priced more than $59 when released.


Neo Member
If you're approaching this going "I bet I could get it cheaper after it's made" then you're missing the point.

Kickstarter is not and never has been a pre-order store. Stop treating it like one. It's a way for people to create things that would be extremely difficult for them to pull off otherwise.

Yes, there's a chance the expanded game won't get made.

But frankly, I'd say it's a slim chance. Comcept will have already done the lion's share of the work just by making the ~8-hour basic game and getting it out there. At that point they should not have difficulty finding a publisher willing to fund the other 12 or so hours of content and agree to let Comcept keep the IP.
About 8 hours worth, which is about 8 hours more content done by Legends staff in a Legends style than we ever thought we'd have.

That wasnt clear from the beginning though. I guess everyone who backed it thought they would get a full game.
Not it comes out its actually just a prologue for the main game which might not ever see the light of the day.

And from what I can see from the comments is that even if you ahve backed the physical copy for 89$, you would not get the Prologue but just the main game?
About 8 hours worth, which is about 8 hours more content done by Legends staff in a Legends style than we ever thought we'd have.

Which is a very optimistic stance to take. But that doesn't mean we have to bow down to the way this news is being presented. The update is a confusing jumble, whether you're paying attention or not.

One day sales! Double the content, maybe! Suddenly two games instead of the chapters they spoke of before.

You cannot expect everyone to grasp this immediately, nor that they take it positively.


Neo Member
That wasnt clear from the beginning though.

Yes, it actually was. It's right there in the text and has been From Day One. If you don't read the few paragraphs explaining what you're backing, then yes there's a chance you'll be surprised by what you get.

Here, from the kickstarter:
"That's why for this Kickstarter project, we've decided to start with a prologue chapter we call "The KalKanon Incident." This story has always been planned as a key jumping-on point for the universe, and we hope to use this small, but dense taste of the RED ASH universe as a foundation on which to build future content. Whether it's through additional funding, revenue from "The KalKanon Incident" sales, or teaming up with a publisher, this is a story we are determined to tell, and we want all of our backers to be on the ground floor for the creation of this new game universe. We have a vision of a story and universe that we feel deserves to be told, and we need your support to make it a reality!"

Not it comes out its actually just a prologue for the main game which might not ever see the light of the day.

It's a self-contained story that's a good few hours long which can serve as the springboard for something bigger.

This is almost EXACTLY like the Legends 3 demo that we were going to have to pay for to prove to Capcom that there really was interest in Legends 3.

But then Capcom never gave us the chance to buy it, and fans have been saying for years that Capcom did something wrong and the fanbase was totally there.
Yes, it actually was. It's right there in the text and has been From Day One. If you don't read the few paragraphs explaining what you're backing, then yes there's a chance you'll be surprised by what you get.

Afaik it just showed the more you back, the more chapters are getting developed. From what I remember it was never mentioned that this is a prologue for another game.

Edit: Oh. I see. Didnt know that. Even more of a reason for this KS to fail...


it would have been really smart to wait after the reviews for Mighty No 9 released to gain more interest in this
maybe Inafune isn't confident that MN9 will get good scores?


Neo Member
Afaik it just showed the more you back, the more chapters are getting developed. From what I remember it was never mentioned that this is a prologue for another game.

Edit: Oh. I see. Didnt know that. Even more of a reason for this KS to fail...

You're basically saying Legends 3 deserved to never be made.

it would have been really smart to wait after the reviews for Mighty No 9 released to gain more interest in this
maybe Inafune isn't confident that MN9 will get good scores?

It went over well with just about every site that covered the game at E3.


I'll give you that he should have waited, but right now all signs point to MN9 getting at least decent reviews when it's out.
You're basically saying Legends 3 deserved to never be made.

That's not at all what he's saying, stand down a bit, man.

This KS is mishandled. The pitch is lousy, the management is putting out conflicting messages and the timing could not have been worse.

I will do nearly anything for MML3. But that doesn't mean they're infallible.
You're basically saying Legends 3 deserved to never be made.

I am saying this KS is managed in a worse way than the Shenmue 3 KS and he should relaunch the KS in a few months if you ask me. We still didnt see any footage and just promises now.
I mean it seems a lot of people even in this thread is confused about the game they backed.


Neo Member
That's not at all what he's saying

He stated that a reason this shouldn't get made is because they're selling a self-contained prologue game that's a few hours long to prove fans have interest in a larger game.

That's exactly what we were going to get for Legends 3, before Capcom pulled the plug.

If charging people for a shorter self-contained game to prove there's interest in a bigger one is a reason why Red Ash should fail, it's a reason why Legends 3 should never have been made.

I'll certainly agree that Comcept has made some sizable mistakes with this campaign, but this particular aspect very closely resembles what happened with Legends 3.


I'll give you that he should have waited, but right now all signs point to MN9 getting at least decent reviews when it's out.

oh dont get me wrong, i totally believe in this game
ive played a bunch of it and i love it myself
it's just weird that Inafune would treat it like it'd fail for some reason


Unconfirmed Member
I don't mind this KS being before MN9. If they need money and they don't have anything else to do while they wait for the game to release, it makes enough sense.
The thing is, they don't, since this game is being developed by a different studio to MM9.
He stated that a reason this shouldn't get made is because they're selling a self-contained prologue game that's a few hours long to prove fans have interest in a larger game.

That's exactly what we were going to get for Legends 3, before Capcom pulled the plug.

If charging people for a shorter self-contained game to prove there's interest in a bigger one is a reason why Red Ash should fail, it's a reason why Legends 3 should never have been made.

I'll certainly agree that Comcept has made some sizable mistakes with this campaign, but this particular aspect very closely resembles what happened with Legends 3.

Can I ask what the definition of 'insanity' is?

The prologue is not the 'reason why Red Ash should fail'. It 'should' fail, hypothetically, so that they can polish up and have more to show. They should have spent more time on this.


I was in for $90 on day one, but this thing has been all kinds of mishandled. The straw that broke the camel's back is the one day sale shit. No, no, no. Pulled out entirely. You don't get to fake a "last day drive" scenario this early and keep my pledge.


Neo Member
The thing is, they don't, since this game is being developed by a different studio to MM9.

The head positions of the dev team - director, lead artist, UI designer, etc - are mostly different, although there is some overlap. However Comcept are likely to have a lot of support staff that are working on this that worked on MN9.

The fact that Comcept co-develops with other studios doesn't change the fact that they have staff of their own that work on these projects.

Can I ask what the definition of 'insanity' is?

I think you're fishing for the joke "doing the same thing twice and expecting different results" definition. I'd agree if the Legends 3 demo was released and did poorly. But Capcom never even gave it a chance, so this isn't not the same thing. Fans have been saying for years that they'd totally have supported the demo if they'd been given the chance. Of course this isn't Legends 3, but it's got a lot of the same people working on it, so it's not surprising they thought fans meant it when they said they'd buy a shorter self-contained game to prove they want a bigger expanded one. If anything, comcept's been acting sane, trying to make a separate smaller self-contained demo and expecting the same results, i.e. Legends fans saying that they're willing to support it to get the expanded game.

The prologue is not the 'reason why Red Ash should fail'. It 'should' fail, hypothetically, so that they can polish up and have more to show.

Staff have done multiple interviews in Japan and America, they've arranged things with multiple partners, they've passed the halfway point in funding, gotten a large amount of press attention, and they've made promises to backers that will cut into their own take of profits from any publishing deal. At this point there's a good chance it will get funded, although how many stretch deals it may hit is up in the air. If it doesn't, however, Comcept is not going to walk it off and risk putting it on kickstarter just to be humiliated again. That's not going to happen. In the unlikely event that they even continue trying to make it, they'd be doing it with bits and pieces of profit from other games, meaning that the release would be pushed back by years. They're in way too deep at this point to just call for a "do-over" on the kickstarter.

I was in for $90 on day one, but this thing has been all kinds of mishandled. The straw that broke the camel's back is the one day sale shit. No, no, no. Pulled out entirely. You don't get to fake a "last day drive" scenario this early and keep my pledge.

They said that everyone who pledged at least $49 before the 17th is essentially getting "early bird" status with the pledge to get the expanded game, and they decided to include anyone that also pledged on the 17th to keep things simple. That's not faking a "last day" scenario. Maybe if they had a countdown with Inafune on twitch today... but they don't.
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