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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)

REV 09

at least we'll get another thread about MS losing exclusives.

In seriousness, maybe they thought MS could help them promote the title against Uncharted.

Handy Fake

Well, MS drew first. Whether they missed or not remains to be seen.

Certainly not a system-seller title and, as said they must have paid through the nose to secure the rights.

I wonder what Sony's reaction will be.

Mind, I think it's safe to assume that if they've spunked, say $125m on another exclusive which doesn't help sales they're in serious shit. As they may be if Sony decide to reply in kind.

We shall see, we shall see.


Trying to position Tomb Raider as the AAA competitor to Uncharted, eh? Makes sense, making a game exclusive lends them some mystical fanboy aura they will likely to exploit.

Also means MS doesn't have to have internal studios making first-party games. This will be just another "exclusive" on Xbox One to later jump to PC/PS4.


What the fuck. With the monstrous budget that Rise of the Tomb Raider is going to have, it would have been much better for them release on all major consoles. Plus its a crossgen? piss off
i wonder if they got this exclusive before the next gen console release? when ms had the drm?

i can see square supporting the drm.


Most of the responsibility here is the publisher valuing Microsoft's money over the consumer's money. I'm not mad at Microsoft, just disappointed at Squeenix and Crystal D.

Edit: Mostly Squeenix as I doubt the dev had much of a say.

well, TR 2013 isn't considered a "success" by Squeenix, right?
if MS paid them what they wanted the 2nd one to make on 3 platforms just to keep them on 1 platform it'd be dumb not to go for it.

Less work, guaranteed pay.

good for them, sucky for me.
The Xbone will be 300€ by then - still, i don't want all this cable, controller, power brick clutter :(
i might just skip it and get it cheap with the Xbone slim.

Damn shame. I was super excited about the franchise and absolutely loved TR 2013

Makes a good point

maybe square needs teh cash \(._.)/


Gold Member
That must have been a really expensive exclusive to secure. Probably when they say that the game is fully exclusive, they are talking about this version, in the same way that Ninja Gaiden was exclusive to Xbox, while Tecmo used the Sigma series to release on PS3. Wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of Definitive Edition for PS4 and PC on 2015.

Now, definitiely, this is a huge exclusive.


I guarantee you there are people screencapping the responses here for use in future threads discussing the "Worst/Funniest GAF Meltdowns".

Hello future people.


That why a came here. Aahhhhhh the salt. but, but, but, it's "Timed" right? Ummm no, neither is/was Titanfall.

I have a hard time believing that Squeenix will settle for the sales numbers of a single platform over three. This is the company that was expecting the first game to sell 6+ million units in the first month.

If it is a permanent exclusive, I just won't play it so I'm hoping it does go multi eventually.
Really smart of MS.
They probably want something that can go head to head with UC4 and TR is perfect for that.

Hopefully it works out for them.


Honest question what the sense of this move? Because I don't think anyone will buy xone just for TR.
Doesn't have to be *just* for this game. Its just an additional exclusive game to add to the list. Cumulatively, exclusives get people to buy consoles.
Honest question what the sense of this move? Because I don't think anyone will buy xone just for TR.

Quite the opposite, this just permanently pushed me away. The faster MS is out, the better. It's obvious they don't give a crap about working on their first party.


To put this in perspective, the game shipped 6.5 million copies, which is more than the last update we got for Final Fantasy XIII (6.3 million copies).

They actually took the biggest franchise they have and made it exclusive to a system where they'd have to sell to over 50% of the userbase to even get in the realm of their previous success.
This is the kind of exclusive that rubs me the wrong way. A franchise thats always been multiplatform snatched from owners of all platforms except one.

People were understandibly salty about Bloodborne, but the difference is that it was a brand new game that wouldnt be made without Sony's consultation. I highly doubt TR wouldnt have been made without MS intervening, but if that is the case so be it!

Congrats to the Xbox guys who get to enjoy this game!


Now that is just insulting.
I love the Tomb Raider games, played pretty much all of the games on PC, applaud CD for what they've done to that franchise so far but making it exclusive to one platform or even console seems just as insulting, imo.


Well, this is SE. Would you really be surprised? TR isn't a huge franchise (last one only sold 6 million), and MS is desperate probably throwing money where ever it sticks. Put two and two together (maybe SE felt threatened by UC?).

But yea, not going to be buying an X1 anytime soon now, $299 or not, MS just permanently lost me

I'm surprised. While TR isn't the biggest franchise and since SE seems disappointed with recent numbers, they're not doing anyone a favour! Didn't SE want to boost sales of the TR series? Cause honestly - SE or not - this is basically a prime example off the "how to kill a franchise" textbook.


There really is little doubt that Uncharted 4 factored in to this decision.

Also if FFXV or KH3 ever went exclusive to XB1 the shitstorm would be like nothing ever seen before.

would rage so hard and end up with permban


This thread is so angry. This is why being a Wii U owner is good for your health, you don't expect shit to come anyway!
Wait it's a full exclusive?

Insane. Tomb Raider shipped almost 7m units, I would be surprised if even 2m were on the 360. They Xbox One is doing appreciably worse than the 360 so Microsoft will have to make up the difference. That's a lot of money.

On the back of a fag packet I would say around $125m has changed hands. Probably more.

Crazy for a game that won't help push units.

More than that right? If it is a true exclusive they would essentially have to buy out roughly 3-4 million copies and I am sure Square would like some sweetheart money on top of that. Gotta be closer to $200 million. Which is kind boggling. Like we are talking Avengers level movie budget to buy exclusivity of a game, and good look trying to figure out the ecomincs of how MS makes their money back. Lol


Considering the majority of the fanbase for this franchise is on Sony consoles, it all comes off as a massive middle finger to PS gamers.


Good for MS, bad for Squeenix (in the long run). This may well hurt the long term viability of the rebooted TR series if they decided to go mulitplat after this game again.


This is really surprising. I haven't bought a PS4 or an Xbox One yet but I did play the reboot on the PC and really enjoyed it. I didn't think I would but I really did by the end. So this is going to be a factor going forward. I'm glad to see Microsoft is doing what it can to get exclusives, if only possibly timed, and making the library for the Xbox One more appealing. I've always been leaning toward the Xbox in general for it's features and after being disappointed by what I've sen of Fable I was wondering if anything would help push me further toward it. This might. I'm not going to buy one just for this game. I didn't enjoy the reboot that much but it will be one of the games that influences the purchase.
Good thing I'm getting older and slowly losing interest in gaming. the whole concept of paying for exclusives, DLC, In-app purchases, etc is really starting to piss me off. And i never played a Tomb Raider since TR2 so I dont care about this. But the whole practice just sounds bleeergh


I have an Xbox One and PS4 so this doesn't really affect me. It is an interesting choice to snag as an exclusive. Definitely more weight than Titanfall for example as Tomb Raider is a pretty well established franchise.


Ya know, when you own all the consoles you get to have all the fun. Just sayin;.

Or you could buy just one and get really angry on the internet. That's an option too, I suppose.
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