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Rosario Dawson arrested during pro-democracy sit-in at US Capitol

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Good on anyone who has the ability and means to protest and then exercise that. Rosario Dawson should be an example to other people who have the means. Big ups.

TYT is awful and not at all credible as a news source, at least for now.

But most of all, I love that like 2 people in this thread are super pissed about people taking away the word "Actress" like they need it. Language changes and "actress" was always unnecessary.


"actor" becoming "gender-neutral" is such fucking bullshit.

English isn't a gendered language like Spanish or French. The random as fuck gendered words we have are remnants of us stealing other language's words. Actress is stolen from the french atrice. Actor in it's original form applied to both men and women since the 1500s. Actor has been considered gender neutral for quite some time. "-or" isn't a masculine word ending either in English. Otherwise we'd have interrogatress, investigatress, distributress, drivtress, doctress, impersonatress, protestress, spectatress, surveytress, or you'd have to give a machine that makes it so lawns can breathe a gender because it's an aerator..


Clothed, sober, cooperative
No it doesn't, it comes from French, a language where professions are generally treated as adjectives and therefore have to agree in gender with the subject or the object to which they are describing. (Note the lack of article here).

"Il est acteur" - He is an actor
"Elle est acrtice" - She is an actress
"Elle est avocate" - She is a lawyer
"Il est avocat" - He is a lawyer

It has nothing to do with ability or sexism or anything. English absorbed a lot of French over the years, vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and a range of other features in a somewhat random and inconsistent manner.
And is inarguably more flexible and agile and dynamic for it. As a person who loves the evolution of language I find protectionism dull and regressive. Languages are not vases or paintings and if you are afraid of the influence of externalities then what you have is a tradition, not a tool.


English isn't a gendered language like Spanish. The random as fuck gendered words we have are remnants of us stealing other language's words. Actress is stolen from the french atrice. Actor in it's original form applied to both men and women since the 1500s.

It's also not bullshit because actor has been considered gender neutral for quite some time. "-or" isn't a masculine word ending either in English. Otherwise we'd have interrogatress, investigatress, distributress, drivtress, doctress, impersonatress, protestress, spectatress, surveytress, or you'd have to give a machine that makes it so lawns can breathe a gender because it's an aerator..

You don't understand, their minds cannot possibly tell the difference between Rosario Dawson and George Clooney unless we separate them via "-or" and "-ress" you should feel sorry for them not lecture them :(


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If it's been a "thing" for 40 years a) how come so many here are surprised b) Why is there best actress awards? Why don't women qualify for best actor awards, supporting actor etc at the Oscar's and others?

I had never hear of this until today. I watch a lot of movies and read some Hollywood related articles and reviews literally never heard of this.

Lots of people get stuck with terms that made sense contextually when they were young. Colored Person used to be polite. Language evolves. Nobody is saying you're a monster or a sexist and as long as you consider what should be currently correct then your prior obliviousness is completely understandable and forgivable.


Democracy Spring argues that elections are dominated by special interests and the activists are pushing for Congress to drop laws that would make it more difficult to vote and overturn supreme court decisions such Citizens United, which they say enhanced the role of big money in politics.

Wait. They want Congress to overturn Citizens United. Congress?

Is that an accurate assessment of Democracy Spring's position?

The only 2 ways Citizens United is getting overturned is via a Constitutional Amendment, or a future supreme court decision that reverses the initial Citizens United ruling.


I think it's important to mention that saying "actress" is still perfectly acceptable but our language is naturally moving away from gendered words and has been since long before the Internet.

So, now you know, actor is just as acceptable as "actress" to describe a woman who acts. Let's move on.


At least she's protesting this asinine law.

Unfortunately money itself is considered free speech so we have to pass an amendment at this point that makes money exempt, or go to publically funded elections which actually solves the issue and a bunch of other ones at the same time.


Neo Member
Unfortunately money itself is considered free speech so we have to pass an amendment at this point that makes money exempt, or go to publically funded elections which actually solves the issue and a bunch of other ones at the same time.
What's so hard of passing a bill in Congress to make money exempt in statewide and national elections.


Good on her for hitting the streets and doing the protesting herself. Many celebrities just pay lip service to political issues, at most, because they don't want to mess up their public image in any way.

As for the impromptu secondary topic of this thread: "Actor" is a gender neutral term. "Actress" is not derogatory. Sometimes one might want to specify a circumstance in which there are male and female actors, and whether one says, "The room was full of male and female actors" or "The room was full of actors and actresses" is a matter of personal phonetic stylistic preference. In the long run, "actress" may very well disappear from common English usage in the way of "authoress" or "poetess", but for the time being, it's a perfectly legitimate word.


What's so hard of passing a bill in Congress to make money exempt in statewide and national elections.

Amendments (in theory) override regular laws below them.

Publically funded elections fix this because

- every candidate that proves viability has the exact same budget for the election, allowing more potential candidates to run, and gives a level playing field to both poor candidates and rich candidates
- they already know what their budget will be
- taxpayer funded so no more private campaign donations allowed, making elections less about money and more actual participation
- we don't have candidates accruing a ton of campaign debt for failed campaigns, which again allows poorer candidates to run


What is the point of having a separate term for a woman in a particular occupation? It's needless delineation.

I speak mainly French so actress is normal for me, but the use of "comedienne" instead of stand up comic always left that same bad taste in my mouth.
What is the point of having a separate term for a woman in a particular occupation? It's needless delineation.

It's just as easy to look at it the other way: that having a female-specific form is sexist because a woman can't hold the same title as a man.

Now, I wouldn't go so far as to claim sexism, but I would say that just having a standard title for a position regardless of gender is the way to go.

It's needless but is common for multiple occupations and I would argue even more so in other languages.


It's still insane to me that the most ongoing coverage this has had is 13 seconds straight, on what has been the biggest arrest spree ever in DC.

Cause lawl liberals

Nomiki was insane in that interview. She really knows her stuff and being an ex part of the Democratic Party, she has some inside knowledge on how the system is pretty much bs. LOVED when she was on CNN and destroyed Carol Costello's condescending face. Smart gal.

Wait, people are upset at Rosario's letter to Dolores Huerta? Why? She's challenging her on the points she was misrepresenting about Bernie because she's a Hillary endorser. Misrepresenting the truth should be called out even if it's against a legendary activist. I guess one could say that inviting Dolores to side with the "real progressive" can be condescending, but Rosario argues for it with well pointed facts that Dolores might not be aware of due to the relationship she has with Hillary.


Christ's sake. Take this actor/actress thing into its own thread if it needs enough discussion to effectively derail this one.
Rosario has been very passionate about this but I rarely see her get a lot of coverage. She's probably pretty pleased about this because it's making headlines a little more than usual.

Cool that she only had nice things to say about the cops, too.

She's an actor.

There's a reason you don't go visit a Doctress when you're sick. Actress is an archaic diminutive and has become passé.

I consider it the female form of the word with no attached meanings other than the obvious. Should we abolish the words 'sister' and 'waitress' too?
Just sounds like people looking for something to be upset about so that they can feel progressive.

I have no issue with the word actor being used to refer to Rosario. I also have no issue with the word actress, either. It's just descriptive. English is sort of an inconsistent clusterfuck and I enjoy languages that are more consistently descriptive. Are the romance languages passé, too?


Seriously, I thought TYT was done after their Super Tuesday meltdown. I am sick of pretending TYT is credible. it isnt.

I watched them for the first time a few weeks ago.

It also happened to be the last time I will watch them. It was so biased it was embarrassing.

I googled 'Rosario Dawson mugshot' and it returned this.
I consider it the female form of the word with no attached meanings other than the obvious. Should we abolish the words 'sister' and 'waitress' too?
Just sounds like people looking for something to be upset about so that they can feel progressive.
Yeah, I can see "sibling" and "spouse" becoming more popular in the future. "Waiter" and "waitress" are out of favor already, by the way. "Server" is preferred, and there's no "serveress."


Vox is extremely biased towards Hillary and distorts reality so much for her. I prefer Bernie so if I had to pick my poison, I'd go with TYT anyday of the week over Vox.

Yup, the one you find more bearable depends on who you want to vote for.

Still, I skip most TYT political stories now. Part of the problem is that Ben has not been around very often. He does a much better job of reigning in the others.


get some go again
Yup, the one you find more bearable depends on who you want to vote for.

Still, I skip most TYT political stories now. Part of the problem is that Ben has not been around very often. He does a much better job of reigning in the others.
ben might be voting for bernie but he is at least objective. the others can't wait to spin anything into bernies favor.


Aftershock LA
I've always been a fan of Rosario Dawson. She comes of as incredibly personable and funny in various interviews I e seen her in. In always happy when she shows up in a movie or tv show. She's a really good actress. Loved her in Clerks 2 and Daredevil to name only two things. I even watched Josie and the Pussycats because of her! (I actually really like that movie, it has Parker Posey in it too, so by default it's at least watchable, as she is always entertaining).

I give her props for putting her money where her mouth is and getting out and doing something she believes in. Not many of us could do it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Vox is extremely biased towards Hillary and distorts reality so much for her. I prefer Bernie so if I had to pick my poison, I'd go with TYT anyday of the week over Vox.

I'd like some examples. Their tax calculator only looked at the income portion of it which distorted it on both ends of the spectrum. But other than that? TYT is in another league of bias and delusion.


I'd like some examples. Their tax calculator only looked at the income portion of it which distorted it on both ends of the spectrum. But other than that? TYT is in another league of bias and delusion.


Here is a fairly positive Vox article about Sanders.

Has there ever been a neutral to positive article about Hilary Clinton on TYT, USUncut, or The Intercept? I am honestly curious about that since it would raise my opinion of those organizations a bit.


Don't really get what people's problem is with TYT. They take an extremely progressive stance on everything, but it's not like they're PETA-grade crazy. Do people hate Bernie so much that a news source that favors him over Hillary is therefore totally invalid and biased?

It's not even like it's a universal Bernie love-in. They regularly have more pragmatic liberals on that are Hillary supporters.


Don't really get what people's problem is with TYT. They take an extremely progressive stance on everything, but it's not like they're PETA-grade crazy. Do people hate Bernie so much that a news source that favors him over Hillary is therefore totally invalid and biased?

It's not even like it's a universal Bernie love-in. They regularly have more pragmatic liberals on that are Hillary supporters.

There are degrees to everything. It is not about what organization favors which candidate, but to what degree do they favor that candidate and how that bias impacts and colors its reporting.

If a news organization can't have its main personalities say or its writers write a neutral or positive article about the other democratic candidate then I think that is a pretty telling sign. Even if you think Vox, the New York Times, The Atlantic, or whatever are in the bag for Hilary, those organizations do put out neutral to positive stories about Bernie Sanders (and again, if you can find a few examples from TYT and the other places I mentioned I would appreciate it).

And it really doesn't matter if they regularly have more pragmatic liberals on because what defines a pundit news organization is the opinions of the hosts and writers. I mean, hell, Fox News has democrats and liberals on as well.
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