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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 under development - multiplatform


MMaRsu said:
Maybe not the dudebro crowd but the fallout 3 crowd is more than possible. If the game is good enough :).
I would think a large portion of the Fallout 3 crowd would just be bored or frustrated at a Stalker game if they expected something along the lines of Fallout 3.


I could see it going to the consoles, so they'll have to dumb it down to the lowest common denominator, but as long as the spirit remains I'll be happy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Goldrusher said:
I guess that means PS3/360 ?


Then again, I heard Stalker was only good with modifications? :/

Which reminds me: I really need to find a copy of 1/CS/CoP. I'm not much of a PC gamer but this series is the only thing on PC lately that has me interested.
TheSeks said:
Which reminds me: I really need to find a copy of 1/CS/CoP. I'm not much of a PC gamer but this series is the only thing on PC lately that has me interested.
If you buy one of the first 2 off of Steam, they'll give you a $10 discount on CoP as a "Loyalty Promo".


If the first one is any indication, you'll need to modify the shit out of it. The smelly kind of shit, that is.
I´d be very careful with them console ports.


Ihya said:
I could see it going to the consoles, so they'll have to dumb it down to the lowest common denominator, but as long as the spirit remains I'll be happy.

There's no need for it if they do it right. Metro 2033 or Valve games are good examples to follow; console versions exist, but the PC version offers a significantly better experience beyond just improved graphical features.

What is important is that they remain PC centric and not become console centric, though we won't know if they do until we have more details. Even if they do try to appeal to a wider PC audience, you could expect some changes that would not be to everyone's liking. It's inherent to any sequel.

Then again, I heard Stalker was only good with modifications? :/

The mods only improve on what is already a unique experience. There's nothing that "bad" in vanilla STALKER that should prevent anyone from playing it.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Some anonymous ukranian sources told that the lead programmer constantly rants about POWER PC - CELL. It seems that not having 4 gig of ram in your disposal makes resource management much harder :lol

edit: also multithreading in this case. stalker ran everything on one thread.


I am not Max
LocoMrPollock said:
Never could get into the first one despite trying 3 or 4 times.
You should really try it with either Complete 2012 or L.U.R.K. 1.1 mods. Both are overhauls that provide many gameplay fixes

I never actually finished the game myself until I played through with the Complete mod, it made all the difference


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Multiplatform? /wrists

Inventory system
Vast, non-linear, open design
Assumption of an intelligent, capable player
EviLore said:
Multiplatform? /wrists

Inventory system
Vast, non-linear, open design
Assumption of an intelligent, capable player

Pretty much:

+regenerating health
+tacked on morality system
+bad AI
+cover system, no more lean in PC game

It sounds so negative to just automatically assume all these downgrades when they announce multiplatform development...but it's become the norm now. Let's hope GSC is not like the rest.
4 million copies of the games in the series sold? Not bad on a supposedly dead format. :D

I really don´t think that they will do anything to piss off their fanbase. There are to many examples of companies who lost to much on the console focus. Ion Storm with Deus Ex 2 and Gas Powered Games with Supreme Commander 2 are just two examples they should learn from.


I played the original with the 2009 mod and while I felt the game was great, it seems like it was missing something and I stopped half way through the game. Should I buy CoP?
EviLore said:
Multiplatform? /wrists

Inventory system
Vast, non-linear, open design
Assumption of an intelligent, capable player

The most likely is for them to fix the gunplay, as in make it like every other shooter.
hopefully they'll make the pc version first, then try and fail at scaling it down for consoles and give up while butting heads with certification processes hehe
You know, I bought the first one on Steam, and I could never play it because of the head bobbing. I never could find a way to turn it off, and it literally made me sick. Did anyone ever find a mod or something to make that shit go away?


EviLore said:
Multiplatform? /wrists

Inventory system
Vast, non-linear, open design
Assumption of an intelligent, capable player
This was my first thought when I saw multiplatform, but I personally don't think they will do this. Well, at least I hope they don't.


I hope GSC uses the opportunity to make the game more like Oblivion Lost instead of Shadow of Chernobyl. While Shadow of Chernobyl was an awesome game it never got close to the pre-release hype. Its a shame that areas such as Generators, Dead City and Garbage where cut or heavily edited.

K' Dash said:
So, they want to make a few extra bucks, is that bad?
It isn't, except if they have to tone down certain aspects because otherwise it either wont sell or run on consoles. Toning down the gunplay would be horrible. STALKER is not a game in which you can dive headfirst into a firefight like certain other FPS.

theinfinityissue said:
You know, I bought the first one on Steam, and I could never play it because of the head bobbing. I never could find a way to turn it off, and it literally made me sick. Did anyone ever find a mod or something to make that shit go away?
Plenty of mods that can do that. Personally I use STALKER Complete since the graphical upgrades and tweaks are incredibly nice.


K' Dash said:
So, they want to make a few extra bucks, is that bad?

Cry moar.

*Ellos quieren hacer mas dicero, que hay de malo?


Assuming they'd actually make a few extra bucks, by proportionally selling even more copies to offset the increased dev costs, yes, because making a console game is virtually synonymous with dumbing the game down.

Stalker sold 4 million copies by being "niche" and "hard" and built around the assumption of a mouse and keyboard. By making the game for the console, they're both alienating the playerbase that made it a successful and profitable franchise to begin with, while trying to force themselves into a crowded console genre with an incredibly fickle playerbase.

We're talking about a place where FPS's come out and don't have lean anymore because leaning is too hard. Kiss the inventory system goodbye, among other things.


There are some things that I just don't understand.

It's clear, obvious and evident that whoever bought the Stalker games bought them because of their unique designs, because how awesomely modable they were, because of their little quirks, no one bought the Stalker games because they saw them on some marketing campaign or because of their graphics. Do they really think that the same people who bought these games will buy a sequel that is deprived of pretty much everything that made these games successful in the first place?

Good luck trying to convince people that less is more.


Whats with all the doom and gloom in this thread?

I am sure they understand what their fanbase wants from a STALKER game. All those russians and europeans who bought the first games are not buying some console turd.

We are going to get a fantastic PC game, and a turd-in-a-box for the hapless console gamers will bring in a little extra cash :lol
Get out of here, stalker!

Can't wait. I think I'll always regret not beating the 1st one. I was so close too. Maybe I can find redemption in this one.

Also a little literary nugget, here's an English translated version of the book this series (and the movie Stalker) is very very very loosely based off:

Roadside Picnic

It's a good read.
Plenty of mods that can do that. Personally I use STALKER Complete since the graphical upgrades and tweaks are incredibly nice.
Oh, wow. This looks phenomenal. This game possibly just got a new lease on life for my gaming time.


The 1979 movie Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky is - sort of - based on the book and is worth a look.

Just don't think that it is mainly a sci-fi movie - its not.


DennisK4 said:
The 1979 movie Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky is - sort of - based on the book and is worth a look.

Just don't think that it is mainly a sci-fi movie - its not.

Whoever holds the North American rights for that film needs to give it a bluray treatment.

I keep wanting to buy it but I never do out of the fear a week after I purchase it, someone will announce a bluray.


Multi-platform technology doesn't necessarily mean multi-platform game.

Anyway, the thing with STALKER is that the entire reason its relevant is complexity. Every aspect of the game is hard to understand, literal death zones are right next to the starting area, dudes yell at you in Russian, and so on. That is STALKER. The game will not survive any sort of streamlining. It will become something that is not STALKER.

If anything, STALKER 2 needs to ramp up the craziness. Get real stupid. Spreadsheet stupid. Drawing maps on graph paper stupid.
This made my day even though I'm weary of the multi-platform commitment. Still, I'll never deny myself the pleasure of another STALKER game. Fucking great series.

Thanks for the plug about Stalker. I had no idea this existed. Will definitely check this out. I'd love to see a Criterion Collection treatment of it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The people pissing and moaning about the fact that this is multiplatform remind me of the same console fanboys that piss and moan whenever they lose a console exclusive.

A PC fanboy is still a fanboy.


so 4 million copies devided by 3 titles = 1.3m copies average for each. Pretty great. East-european developer seem to stick to their guns so i'll give Stalker 2 the benefiet of the doubt regarding going multi-plat.


DennisK4 said:
The 1979 movie Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky is - sort of - based on the book and is worth a look.

Just don't think that it is mainly a sci-fi movie - its not.
Understatement much?:D


ZealousD said:
The people pissing and moaning about the fact that this is multiplatform remind me of the same console fanboys that piss and moan whenever they lose a console exclusive.

A PC fanboy is still a fanboy.
The people pissing and moaning about the fact that people are pissing and moaning remind me of people pissing and moaning whenever there is pissing and moaning.


ZealousD said:
The people pissing and moaning about the fact that this is multiplatform remind me of the same console fanboys that piss and moan whenever they lose a console exclusive.

A PC fanboy is still a fanboy.

You practice reductionism like a pro. Everything isn't equal, though.

Moving from console to console doesn't change shit. Moving from PC to console does. There are fundamental differences between the PC and a platforms and the HD consoles as platforms.


listen to the mad man
ZealousD said:
The people pissing and moaning about the fact that this is multiplatform remind me of the same console fanboys that piss and moan whenever they lose a console exclusive.

A PC fanboy is still a fanboy.

The difference is that when a PS3 game or an Xbox games goes multiplatform, the original version is generally not negatively impacted. In fact, that's literally never happened. Want to play Final Fantasy 13 in glorious 1080p Blu-Ray, well, it's there. Now, maybe you didn't like the game, but the game is what they wanted it to be.

But when PC-only franchises get console installments, there tends to be significant design changes. Deus Ex 2. BioShock. Thief Deadly Shadows. This isn't a situation like Mafia 2, where the game looks manifestly better on PC but is otherwise the same game. This is a situation where it's pretty likely that many of the things that made people enjoy STALKER are a lot less likely to be around.

Now, there are definitely cases from this generation where it didn't happen; Metro 2033, Tropico 3, some others... but the concern isn't based on platform superiority complexes, it's based on the worrying loss of PC-centric design ideas.
Huggy said:
If the first one is any indication, you'll need to modify the shit out of it. The smelly kind of shit, that is.
I´d be very careful with them console ports.

The first one was a masterpiece, wrapped in brilliance, which was then encased in some orca fat dudes turd.

CoP though is just fantastic.
Boonoo said:
You practice reductionism like a pro. Everything isn't equal, though.

Moving from console to console doesn't change shit. Moving from PC to console does. There are fundamental differences between the PC and a platforms and the HD consoles as platforms.

So true, I don't see how he could have missed that point. I personally am not overly concerned because I think GSC knows their audience and will do their best to maintain the integrity of the series on PC while adapting it for other platforms if that is their plan. However, a PC-console transition is fucking huge and fans of any series that this happens to have a right to worry.

boiled goose

good with gravy
:/ worried about this.

STALKER is a unique experience unlike any console shooter.
It actually requires you to aim and you will die very easily if shot! After several years of not having a capable PC and playing 360 shooters, the switch to STALKER took a while


I think this will be like Risen where it's a great PC game that gets an awful Xbox port, but the Xbox port is the only version reviewers will aknowledge so it gets trashed on metacritic.


ZealousD said:
The people pissing and moaning about the fact that this is multiplatform remind me of the same console fanboys that piss and moan whenever they lose a console exclusive.

A PC fanboy is still a fanboy.
You don't get it.
Other than graphical fidelity and buttons instead of keys, what really is the reason for this huge divide between console games and PC games? Is it that console gamers somehow don't have the chops to handle more complicated inventories and gameplay mechanics? I don't see why the original Stalker couldn't have made it over.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
EviLore said:
Multiplatform? /wrists

Vast, non-linear, open design

yeah, like Far Cry 2 and FO3 didn't have it. Also STALKER was always very linear except COP (which was boring unfortunately).

kamspy said:

might as well make it an on-rails shooter.

man you know nothing about the game, calm down :lol they just make it multiplatform and there are decent open-world games.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
DennisK4 said:
Whats with all the doom and gloom in this thread?

I am sure they understand what their fanbase wants from a STALKER game. All those russians and europeans who bought the first games are not buying some console turd.

We are going to get a fantastic PC game, and a turd-in-a-box for the hapless console gamers will bring in a little extra cash :lol

yeah, pretty much this because I don't think they'll do a good console port.
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