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Seduction-age |OT| The only way to win is to play the game

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Hey Devolution, your passive aggressiveness is cute and all, but if you want to reply to me with an argument, just nut up and do it.

It would be easier if you actually stuck to a point. But you don't have one. First you were misconstruing my posts directed at Antitype and defending his attitude towards women. Then it was PUA terminology and concepts don't make women into adversarial marks. Afterwards it was those of us who tell others to treat women like people aren't giving solid advice. Now I don't even know what you're getting at. So which argument should I tackle hmm?
Does it come with the 7-minute abs workout ebook? I'd buy dat
Bro, with my workout you'll have abs exercising only 3 minutes a day for a month.

Then applying the complicated psychosocial techniques dictated in 4 glorious full spectrum black and white e-pages you will find yourself irresistible to the opposite sex.

Since I'm in a giving mood I will release an exert: "When popping your shirt of and revealing you abs never have erect nipples. Flaring nipples will intimidate your target and make them think you're a sop (sex obsessed pervert) instead of a cig (charming irresistible gentleman). Once a woman has a cig it is hard for them to go back to a cigless life--they will seek out cigs as if it was a compulsion. If a cig experienced girl even thinks you're a cig she will wrap her lips around you wamh (without a moment's hesitation). Your goal is to become a cig and the best way to achieve this status is by popping your shirt off and revealing your abs..."

I lied, if you read the above paragraph you have to paypal me a dollar.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
There's no game to play, either she likes you, or she doesn't. Just don't slur your words and get real.


I have a 2 minute method. You're screwed!
I love Seinfeld

Where I live, guards will swarm you if you take off your shirt, seriously.
A lot of the "don't get trapped in the friendzone" advice the I've seen given springs more from "don't willingly let a girl string you along" camp. Plenty of inexperienced guys do ask a girl out, the girl isn't honest, leads him on, and the guy stays in a painful holding pattern for months to years being a surrogate boyfriend.

It's good advice for both sexes, if you're interested in someone, make your move, if they play games, politely move on.

True. I think it's more applicable when you get older. High School/college it's easy to fall into that “trap” if you will. In at least two occasions in my youth I felt like the surrougate boyfriend. Stuff like she says I love you because you told me I should dump that loser that literally gave me a black eye only to find myself a week after prom night driving you to asshole's house and waiting outside while you fuck him so you can have a ride home. I'm not saying I don't enjoy having friends of the opposite sex now, but I over actively try to avoid friendships that can put me in that kind of situation. If you are my friend you are my friend. I posted in the dating thread about a random encounter with a girl I was friend-zoned with about a decade ago. She's married now with two kids, but still asked me to look her up. Yeah, I still have feelings for her, but I'm too godamn old now to play along with that kind of stuff. Sorry, I know this is the pick up thread or something. Don't mean to be off topic.

way more

In the mid 2000's I obtained nearly 10k units of these onyx night, soft black fabric Pimp Hats.


If you want to know just what to say to make anyone your conquest, of you feel uncomfortable talking to strangers, or don't like waking up, PLEASE ORDER THIS HAT! It will change your life! Women are attracted the man that makes the first move and this hat will say "sup baby," for you.

I was semi-into this shit years ago when I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. The "Mystery method" and all the other PUA tactics did seem to work on a consistent basis, but it's not something I'd suggest at all. Maybe only when you first start off, and even then only to break the ice. From there it's best to find your own way, almost certainly stumbling at first, but eventually coming into your own.

Afterall, most of what is at the core of PUA methodology are things that you would gradually learn on your own through regular social/sexual interaction. Basic things, such as not making physical contact awkward (no hover handing) and gradually building upon it (what is humorously called "kino/kinesthetics" in the PUA world), and ultimately knowing when to back off.

Everything else, such as peacocking (see: the photo of Mystery a few posts up looking like an utter tool), is a crutch, and the sooner you realize that the better in my opinion.


In the mid 2000's I obtained nearly 10k units of these onyx night, soft black fabric Pimp Hats.


If you want to know just what to say to make anyone your conquest, of you feel uncomfortable talking to strangers, or don't like waking up, PLEASE ORDER THIS HAT! It will change your life! Women are attracted the man that makes the first move and this hat will say "sup baby," for you.


Is he wearing those binoculars to scope out hot women?


ITT: women are allowed to use perks, but it's creepy when men do.

Fucking GAF.
PUA is only good for creating identity issues. Wanna meet a hot nerd? Go to places where nerds hang. Think you'll get her by being suave? She's a nerd, so probably NOT. Be a confident nerd. That's it. This shit is stupid and you can see right through someone who's trying too hard to be someone they're not.

Looking good is not cheating. Pulling back from someone who's playing games or leading you on is not bucking the system. Its called having self respect.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I was tuned onto PUA stuff by a friend at work, and read a few blogs out of curiosity. From what I've gathered, it's a few nuggets of gold surrounded by layers upon layers of poop.

Maybe its fine if you're just looking to get laid, but would you guys really want a relationship with a girl who succumbs to PUA/Mystery Method stuff?

Building inner confidence and getting over your fears of approaching is the absolute best thing to do.

In my opinion, there's only a few "products" worth looking at, the main one being Aaron Sleazy's "Minimal Game" (ignore the dodgy name -it's good stuff!). It's cheap, will help you get laid more and won't turn you into a weirdo.

Is that what they call picking up women on ketamene during a Richie Hawtin DJ set?
if so, I have a bit of experience in this "minimal game" :p
I just want to chime in and say that I don't believe in any of this nonsense. Be confident. Once you're in, don't be clingy or needy. That's all you need to know. This is no science.
PUA is only good for creating identity issues. Wanna meet a hot nerd? Go to places where nerds hang. Think you'll get her by being suave? She's a nerd, so probably NOT. Be a confident nerd. That's it. This shit is stupid and you can see right through someone who's trying too hard to be someone they're not.

Looking good is not cheating. Pulling back from someone who's playing games or leading you on is not bucking the system. Its called having self respect.

Not defending mistery here, but what if you don't want to meet a hot nerd?


Some people need some kind of 'tool' to think they're ahead of the game, this gives them the confidence to go out and actually do stuff and try something. It's a placebo.

Well i can agree with the placebo effect, but i read some of the mistery stuff and my douchery detector reached critical mass.
I didn't even finish reading the stuff the only good thing that i learned was the 5 second rule to approach a girl.
Well i can agree with the placebo effect, but i read some of the mistery stuff and my douchery detector reached critical mass.
I didn't even finish reading the stuff the only good thing that i learned was the 5 second rule to approach a girl.
I could never defend most of what the PUA industry tries to portray as advice. But the truth is you gotta find out what works for you. At best, it's a bunch of guys sharing stories and throwing around ideas that might have potential. For some people it was an important and fulfilling step for their social lives and identities.
boo hoo nerdy guys use shitty routines to pick up girls.

Let me just get in here and cry about it. It's not like the girls can just say no or anything.


There's a guy on another forum I post at, who doesn't go into PUA stuff, but instead goes on and on about books like Sperm Wars, and his favorite, "The Manipulated Man."


It's such vile crap.

I actually bought it for Kindle, just to be able to read it and make fun of it.

It makes PUA stuff look like feminism.

I've read both of those books. Manipulated man is interesting. Gotta say, much of the feminist stuff I've seen is far more vile (*cough*SCUM MANIFESTO*cough*). There are many valid questions about man's role in society, and about the usual dogma that women are always the oppressed gender.

Sperm wars is... very weird. BUT it is interesting to think about human behaviour in terms of genetic competition. It's a framework that explains a great deal


Oh, that's deep.
Not really :) (and look above) Most guys spend so much time trying to convince women and talk them into liking them, that they get bored and in effect, get talked OUT of it. Women like sex and companionship just as much as men. They want to chase someone too, but they rarely get the opportunity because that's not how our society work.

I only attract the crazies and the large women. I do not like being hunted.
If you keep telling yourself that, that's what your life will continue to be, yeah.


Wait, what?
It's sort of like confirmation bias, really. You have this belief that only ugly chicks chase you. And you see these things happening to you, which confirm and strengthen your belief about it. Vicious cycle to get trapped in. I used to think in a similar way and I changed it to the opposite, women I might be interested in chase me.
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