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Sega brags about major and growing mobile success, 20 new mobile games this fisc year

If the future of Nintendo is making 20+ yearly cash cow whale hunting F2P games...


I will be glad that people won't be losing jobs, and that is more important than fulfilling some superficial need that I would have.


I think the only existing, non-licensed brands there are PuyoPop and Border Break.

I was picking up on the mention of Sonic too but saying that how many console brands have had big success with mobile titles?

DQM: Super Light is the main one that comes to mind.


OP title is reaching no?

We've had SEGA Networks presentations each FY since their implementation - it's a progress report to demonstrate growth potential.

On topic, I'm glad SEGA found a successful footing in the mobile market. The AAA market is viable for so few.

I didn't make the title, that was whichever mod who split copied it from the media create thread, don't blame me! D:

But I expect SEGA Networks to be shown as the goose who lays golden eggs come fiscal reporting time for the whole company.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
The fact that Puyo Puyo!! Quest is probably the biggest thing to happen to the series since Tsu makes me feel empty inside.
I'm old. To me, the real Sega died with the Dreamcast.
I can see that a bit.
I would like Sega to revive old games that I loved. However, they find more success making original games and using the Miku franchise.
I like old Sega, but I also enjoy new Sega.


Slightly related it's interested to see that it's nearly entirely the creation of new brands that have fuelled this success and not the adaptation of their existing brands.

SEGA mentions Crazy Taxi and Super Monkey Ball in their report. Let's Make a Soccer... series is also one of the titles that have half a page dedicated to it talking about potential growth. Total War is also having a new tablet title coming out called Total War: Kingdoms next fiscal year.

So definitely new IPs are the biggest money makers but they have stuff planned for their "core" gaming series.
I was picking up on the mention of Sonic too but saying that how many console brands have had big success with mobile titles?

DQM: Super Light is the main one that comes to mind.
I'm grabbing this from the Japanese iOS 100 top grossing chart:
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Puyo Puyo Quest
DQM Super Light
Tales of Link
Minecraft: Pocket Edition
Monster Hunter Big Hunting Quest

This doesn't include sports titles cause I don't know shit about sports games, and licensed IP that would probably have been long tail titles in past generations


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
I didn't make the title, that was whichever mod who split copied it from the media create thread, don't blame me! D:

But I expect SEGA Networks to be shown as the goose who lays golden eggs come fiscal reporting time for the whole company.

Nirolak pls (asuming by split bump post) :p

SEGA Networks will be instrumental in driving growth opportunities in the Consumer Business segment as SEGA Sammy's other segments haven't demonstrated as such - though Sammy is still leading the company's overall profitability.

I just hope Atlus remains untouched by management until then.


Nirolak pls (asuming by split bump post) :p

SEGA Networks will be instrumental in driving growth opportunities in the Consumer Business segment as SEGA Sammy's other segments haven't demonstrated as such - though Sammy is still leading the company's overall profitability.

I just hope Atlus remains untouched by management until then.

An interesting thing to note is that the CEO of SEGA Networks, Haruki Satomi, is actually the son of CEO and majority shareholder of SEGA Sammy Hajime Satomi. This might be a good way of getting him into position of president without the shareholders getting anxious some kid is taking over the company :p

I feel certain teams will be safe as long as their profitable and SEGA doesn't seem to have crazy expectations half the time.

The other half they expect Phantasy Star Nova to revive the Vita and sell 600,000.
SEGA: "Come on in, Nintendo! The water is great!"

Sony and Microsoft will rue the day when Nintendo and Sega come together to form the glory that will be Dreamcast 2. Mark my words.

Maybe Sega is the reason Nintendo is going mobile

Maybe the NX is the Dreamcast 2

Maybe Shenmue 3 is a launch title


Anything that lines the pockets of SEGA works for me. So far I'm fairly pleased with their mobile output so I'm glad there's more in the pipeline.

Their console successes are conspicuously absent from this bragging. I wonder why. On a totally unrelated note, why won't SEGA do an HD remake of Valkyria Chronicles 3 for PS4 and localize it?
Ooh, crikey.


If the future of Nintendo is making 20+ yearly cash cow whale hunting F2P games...

I will be glad that people won't be losing jobs, and that is more important than fulfilling some superficial need that I would have.

...Sega announced massive layoffs while moving into this mobile-focused-ness. If Nintendo hired a ton of new people and fired most of their existing workforce that's really only superfically "not losing jobs".
...Sega announced massive layoffs while moving into this mobile-focused-ness. If Nintendo hired a ton of new people and fired most of their existing workforce that's really only superfically "not losing jobs".

Yes I remember the massive layoffs. What I mean is that I prefer that they create / keep jobs rather than just close shop. Saying that is selfish.


Ya know, I'm rather naive when it comes to sales numbers and such. When I hear that a game that brings in over 300k$ per month is considered a failure, I'm left scratching my head.

Oh well, at least they're raking in the monies. Good for them.


I want the old Sega back. Circa 90's/2000's. Minus the console shenanigans, of course.

You and me both. I still dream about how an Out Run 3 for PS4/Xbox One/PC could look and play, or any of their arcade and Genesis to Dreamcast games for that matter.

At this rate, with the Nintendo, Konami and Sega developments combined, we are quickly nearing the point at which meaty, deep, button-controlled console games from Japan (like Bloodborne, FFXV, Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.) will be nostalgic gaming experiences that only a small handful of the - now exponentionally grown - gaming population will reminisce about fondly. Reality has caught up with us - we are now the weird minority that others scoff at instead of gaming's most stalwart defenders...

With nostalgic shows like Game Centre CX and nostalgia inducing retro collector's shops being so popular there, and with the continued en masse shift towards mobile gaming (which, as far as I can tell, is spurred on by a society working and commuting an unhealthy number of hours per day), Japan already seems to be nearing that point. This of course would leave no choice for Western fans of traditional Japanese output to either shift to Western non-mobile games (while they still exist that is), stick to retro gaming (which now almost automatically also includes PS4, Wii U and 3DS if you think about it) or to embrace mobile gaming as well.

I'm still very unsure if my love for gaming can survive all these changes. I'm not against change or mobile gaming per se, but why oh why do most of the changes in gaming nowadays seem to lead to more people playing and developing relative simple time waster type games that barely require player input (in the traditional sense) and that I simply burn out on quickly? Are people like us really in love with a gaming form that others simply can't appreciate (and in some cases, vice versa), or did the traditional game industry simply fail since the 70's and 80's (and despite console and arcade gaming's initial boom in popularity), to convince the larger public that playing games on a console with a controller is something everyone can enjoy to a degree (a barrier that seems far lower in the mobile market where people already have the devices in hand 24/7)?

And before people remind me: Yes, there is an interesting parallel between arcade games of old and many mobile games when it comes to delivering pick up and play experiences that focus on social aspects like score sharing and that require some kind of continued payment (money for lives, patience for bars to fill etc.), but even those arcade games usually had actual level design and tactile controls that was innovated upon over the years to come. Why throw that all aside now Japan (in many cases)? Why?

Shit, guys, over-reaction and panic mode aside, I really don't know how I should feel about all of this when taken together...


SEGA mentions Crazy Taxi and Super Monkey Ball in their report. Let's Make a Soccer... series is also one of the titles that have half a page dedicated to it talking about potential growth. Total War is also having a new tablet title coming out called Total War: Kingdoms next fiscal year.

So definitely new IPs are the biggest money makers but they have stuff planned for their "core" gaming series.

Yeah, it's just that with Nintendo moving towards mobile a big talking point has been the strength of Nintendo's brand, even Iwata mentioned it, and I think there's some evidence to suggest that the strength of a brand in the traditional segment doesn't always correlate to strength in the mobile segment.

I'm grabbing this from the Japanese iOS 100 top grossing chart:
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Puyo Puyo Quest
DQM Super Light
Tales of Link
Minecraft: Pocket Edition
Monster Hunter Big Hunting Quest

This doesn't include sports titles cause I don't know shit about sports games, and licensed IP that would probably have been long tail titles in past generations

That's a somewhat light list. Bit weird make up too; FF,DQ and MH are much bigger brands than Tales or Puyo Puyo.


we are quickly nearing the point at which meaty, deep, button-controlled console games from Japan (like Bloodborne, FFXV, Zelda, Mario, Metal Gear, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.) will be nostalgic gaming experiences that only a small handful of the - now exponentionally grown - gaming population will reminisce about fondly.

Every game you cited except for Valkyria Chronicles is a high budget, high profile title. Engaging, deep games from Japan are still being made. They're still coming out. CyberConnect2 just announced 3 current generation console games in development a week ago. They're not dead.

The games you want might just not be as high profile as you want them to be or as plentiful, but they're still coming out, and I'll still keep playing them as they do.


Any word on if Puyo Puyo Quest is still being localized for the West by Gumi? I remember the announcement last summer and I've been playing the Japanese version for a while and would be interested in the English version even if I have to abandon my progress. It's not the best thing to happen to the franchise but it was the closest thing to a bone SEGA was going to throw us as far as Puyo is concerned :/


If (when?) Konami falls apart Sega should seriously consider buying up some of their legacy arcade IPs. It would be a natural fit for their mobile ambitions.


As a person who wants absolutely nothing from their mobile division, this is just depressing.

Good for them, I guess.

I guess... SEGA will never see another penny from me now, not with those games. Too bad cause I used to give them plenty of my cash for decades. Oh well. I'll go back to replaying my SEGA library & backlog. At least I won't get nickled & dimed for replaying my disc games..


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Chain Chronicles is awesome, more of that please.

Just don't farm any more Western Releases to Gumi, they should just publish it themselves. Gumi is poison to the game >___<


I will be glad that people won't be losing jobs, and that is more important than fulfilling some superficial need that I would have.

My preference would be for people employed making the games I enjoy. Those games can still be profitable, just not *the most* profitable, and so public companies will chase that money instead.

Is it OK to blame Capitalism for this?
Their console successes are conspicuously absent from this bragging. I wonder why. On a totally unrelated note, why won't SEGA do an HD remake of Valkyria Chronicles 3 for PS4 and localize it?

In 2012, Sega established Sega Networks Co., Ltd. for its mobile phone business, although separate at first, it will merge with Sega beginning with the FY 2015, and establish Sega Games Co., Ltd. Also in 2012, Sega Entertainment Co., Ltd. was established for Sega's theme park business. And beginning with the FY2015, Sega Interactive Co., Ltd. will be established for the Arcade business.



The 'H' stands for hentai.
They have always been doing well. Sega's main issue is to the console market they don't speak to them well outside of Sonic which has earned them nothing but scorn.

Sega's main issue is the massive layoffs in Japan and America that lost a huge amount of the talent pool. This means that they become heavily reliant on one brand instead of diversifying the portfio.


listen to the mad man

I admit my framing was clearly designed to fan the flames, but I will insist it's not merely trolling, because this is not a zero sum thing. It's not like Sega formed Sega Networks and it's doing its thing, while Sega's console/packaged business is continuing doing its thing. This is a company-wide pivot, and it's happened because they see mobile as a growth industry and console as a sunsetting industry. They may have individual successes in console/packaged stuff, but they are fewer, the company is producing fewer, and they're basically getting out of that business as a major sector. I had hoped that my shock tactic would encourage people who wonder why Sega isn't Kickstarting Shenmue 3 x Bonanza Bros to reflect on this, in light of continued and growing mobile success and silence or mediocre performance in the remaining packaged/console business.
I have no problem with this conceptually. I even enjoy a couple of these games. However, I miss the care that they used to put into their soundtracks. Everything original I've heard on Sega mobile is substandard, derivative filler music and I suppose this will never change since everyone plays on mute. Oh well.


I admit my framing was clearly designed to fan the flames, but I will insist it's not merely trolling, because this is not a zero sum thing. It's not like Sega formed Sega Networks and it's doing its thing, while Sega's console/packaged business is continuing doing its thing. This is a company-wide pivot, and it's happened because they see mobile as a growth industry and console as a sunsetting industry. They may have individual successes in console/packaged stuff, but they are fewer, the company is producing fewer, and they're basically getting out of that business as a major sector. I had hoped that my shock tactic would encourage people who wonder why Sega isn't Kickstarting Shenmue 3 x Bonanza Bros to reflect on this, in light of continued and growing mobile success and silence or mediocre performance in the remaining packaged/console business.

it's their second pivot right after "We'll concentrate on sonic and aliens as pillar franchises, THOSE will never let us down!" which people were also hailing as a great idea
I feel like I'm making a last stand. The day the last gaming company makes the move to mobile gaming, it's the game I go Ron Swanson on this shit.

Oh who am I kidding we'll always have emulators and indies.

Dr. Buni

That is great for SEGA, but not to anyone who isn't into mobile gaming. So eh :| I guess I should stop expecting any console/PC games from them, I guess. Also, I can already see the threads about Nintendo bragging about their success in the mobile scene :|

As someone above said, at least we have indies.


so which of their mobile games are actually good?

I mean, I tried the 3D Sonic runner and it was fine, but it didn't hold my attention for long


Their console successes are conspicuously absent from this bragging. I wonder why. On a totally unrelated note, why won't SEGA do an HD remake of Valkyria Chronicles 3 for PS4 and localize it?

i honestly don't know, man.
Shenmue 3
Bonanza Bros HD
Yakuza Zero (bundled with a PHYSICAL Y5)

instead they focus on a platform NO ONE cares about...so much money on the table too

for real though, i don't know they didn't localize PSO 2.0 yet and also mobile is still booty

Shenmue 3 x Bonanza Bro

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