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Senate committee subpoenas Mike Flynn for records on Russia dealings


WASHINGTON — Days before he was fired, James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, asked the Justice Department for a significant increase in resources for the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the presidential election, according to four congressional officials, including Senator Richard J. Durbin.

Mr. Comey made his appeal to Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, who also wrote the Justice Department’s memo that was used to justify the firing of Mr. Comey this week, the officials said.

“I’m told that as soon as Rosenstein arrived, there was a request for additional resources for the investigation and that a few days afterwards, he was sacked,” said Mr. Durbin, a Democrat of Illinois. “I think the Comey operation was breathing down the neck of the Trump campaign and their operatives, and this was an effort to slow down the investigation.”

Later on Wednesday, in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s own accelerating investigation into Russia’s election interference, Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, was ordered to hand over records of any emails, phone calls, meetings and financial dealings with Russians.

The demand, which came in the first subpoena issued by the committee in its investigation, represented an aggressive new tack for what had been a slowly unfolding inquiry. Senator Richard M. Burr of North Carolina, the Republican chairman of the Intelligence Committee, and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the Democratic vice chairman, said in a statement that they had issued the subpoena after Mr. Flynn declined to voluntarily comply with a request to hand over the information.


A bit more info via Politico: "Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenas Flynn"
The Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed any Russia-related documents from former national security adviser Michael Flynn for its continuing probe into the Kremlin's efforts to manipulate the 2016 election.

The legal order, announced by the panel's bipartisan leaders Sens. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Mark Warner (R-Va.), went out Wednesday after Flynn's attorneys informed the panel they would not cooperate with the probe unless the embattled former general was granted immunity, a congressional source told POLITICO.

Flynn had been asked, along with a spate of other former and current Trump associates, at the end of last month to provide the Intelligence Committee with any documents potentially related to the panel's Russia probe. The investigation is examining, among other questions, whether Flynn or other Trump associates had improper contact with the Russian government throughout the course of the campaign or the transition period.

Former Trump advisor Carter Page has also been asked to provide documents to the committee. He, too, has suggested he won't cooperate. Unlike Flynn, though, Page has been engaging directly with the panel frequently via email. Page has not yet been subpoenaed.



I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Former Trump advisor Carter Page has also been asked to provide documents to the committee. He, too, has suggested he won't cooperate. Unlike Flynn, though, Page has been engaging directly with the panel frequently via email. Page has not yet been subpoenaed.

Squealin' like a pig.
So deny to answer those questions. That doesn't mean you can just say nah fuck off I'm not answering any questions.

presumably they don't want to waste 100 senators' time by having a guy sit there silently

so i guess congress leaks a lot of stuff. don't know how much negotiating someone like flynn could actually hope to do


I hope we can get a clearer picture of what's occurred since the start of the election cycle. As fucked up as it is I really hope the pee pee tape makes a grand reveal soon.
I'm imagining Trump, pacing his office, beet red, with his hands clenched in impudent fists; his mind incapable of comprehending why he can't fire his way out of the problem.


I want to believe that something will finally come of all this, but at the same time I can't help but think that it's all going to fizzle and disappoint.
I will not cooperate without immunity, isn't that obstruction of justice?
I guess you can do that if you're asked to cooperate voluntarily.

But the way I read it, it sounds like instead of giving him immunity, they instead gave him a subpoena. I'm pretty sure not cooperating with that is definitely obstruction of justice.
Eh, as bad as the GOP is, I really don't see them willingly signing their power away to Trump of all people.

Yeah, even as awful as the GOP is, even they have a breaking point.

I'd assume it's when Trump becomes too poisonous for their votes, their money or both.
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