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Serious question for Nintendo fans: What's the thing that makes you to be excited about Nintendo nowadays?

Oh man, I dont know - games?

I'm well aware that Ninty conferences didn't show much, but I'm also aware that there are some great gems on the system as it stands now.

And idk about you, but almost every first party game from Nintendo always introduces something fresh and new in their games without fail.

And it would also seem, that a lot of Ninty games have a LOT of replay value.

I don't, and never have, owned a Nintendo console personally - but I feel like the games are the obvious answer.


They are usually the only ones who can at least match the Sony first party output. Like everybody, they also have their missteps, like BOTW or the latest Paper Mario, but usually their games are fun to play and different than what their competitors offer, making them the perfect complementary console.
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All I saw was zero innovation, zero new IPs, zero graphics nor new ways to awe me. Only rehashed IPs, re-re-re-releases, HD's ports, third party games running at 15fps with graphics straight from the 7th gen.
This pretty much describes all videogames these days. The videogame industry died somewhere around 2014 and we just live with the remains. Im still waiting for sony to produce a reason to own a ps4 outside bloodborne. its never gonna happen.


i also have been gaming since early 90s and basically I stopped feeling any excitement for Nintendo after the Switch.
So for me now the only things that move me are the expectation to fulfill my nostalgic desires (The Zelda I want and will never get ie.),
New innovative hardware, and return of the classics.
with the latest Direct, nothing picked my interest maybe a little Metroid because I've loved the series, but doesn't seem anything special. BotW 2 i cant say anything yet. Intrigued by the new character though.


Not a Nintendo fan, but you gotta admit they make some great games sometimes still, I like Zelda specially, DK is fun too. But I hate their hardware, it's not just about power but their controllers too need more focus.
I don't know if I can call myself a Nintendo fan anymore as I only really get excited for Mario, Pokémon and classic style Zelda.
I still get the consoles and play other Nintendo games but the majority of their output doesn't do anything for me personally.
I can't comprehend excitement for MParty, Kirby, AC, Smash, Golf or Tennis games.


Gold Member
The fact that M and Sony don't even try to copy their business model makes me very happy.
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The novelty wore off during the Gamecube days, as far as I am concerned. I can hardly justify investing time and money in their first party games, there really isn't much for me there.

They still get some interesting third party offerings every once in a while, but even these cannot really justify buying their consoles anymore. I am keeping my Switch because of Aleste Collection and Brigandine pretty much.


I mean, you criticise the lack of IP, yet Nintendo have the strongest unique library of the big three. And hardware wise, they are the only ones who take any real chances (especially now that portable Playstations aren't a thing anymore, and no, cloud gaming is playing it safe).

So I'm quite happy as a Nintendo fan. Could there be some more games and some more IP? Sure. Fould they court third party developers more? Yes. Could they perhaps do with a high tier of hardware for geeks/nerds/pixel peepers? Yes.

But at the end of the day, I have more than enough to play on my Switch alone before I even get to my PC games backlog.

If there are few Nintendo IPs that appeal to you... then you just aren't a Nintendo person. And that's fine. You probably shouldn't bother buying their consoles and are adequately served by PC/PlayStation/Xbox. That said, their consoles are hardly expensive, but it's your money.
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Again... never said you aren't allowed to. If you do that's great. lol

I just think overall the quality of games coming from Nintendo are low. They're $20-30 games and not worth the full retail price.
I don't agree at all. Sure, some aren't worth the prices they charge, but most are.

If anything, games on other systems (especially PC) are sold too cheaply and are devalued for it. It's led to a lot of entitlement in the hobby. And I don't sympathise much with people who only buy games on sale, as I used to do that a lot but don't anymore. I have ended up not even remembering I own copies of most of them. So I'm happy to play full price for a game I've put some time into considering purchasing.


The Direct actually had quite a bit I'm excited for like Super Monkey Ball, Mario Party Superstars, Metroid Dread, etc. Crus'n Blast actually has me pretty hyped, but I think I'm the only one here that cared about that sadly.
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Gold Member
Being excited for new games isn’t a prerequisite for wanting to play games.
What is it that excites people about other game makers’ releases? Graphics? I don’t need the latest graphics to enjoy a game. Story? Most stories are meh anyway. Gameplay? Tell us what games you like and there’s a 100% chance 50% of those who listen will laugh in your face. There’s nothing objective about gameplay, except when a game is totally broken.

You see, I’m not excited for video game releases anymore. I’d have to be 15 again and have tons of free time on hand to feel excited for a new game again. So, I’m as interested in new Nintendo games as I am in new games from any other developer. I don’t need to be excited to buy a Nintendo game. Just like I don’t need to feel excited when I’m about to choose a movie for the evening. Game sounds up my alley, I’ll get it.

Do you people see a little fairy telling you “This is it! This is the game! This is what you want! Buy it, buy it!” when you watch some presentations? Do you need that fairy to sprinkle you with hype powder and send a tingle down your spine to choose your next game to play? I don’t get this “excited” thing.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Waiting several years between their big games. I just love it.

Haven't played my Switch in literally years, if it wasn't for my partner playing Animal Crossing it would have been put away in the box.
Being excited for new games isn’t a prerequisite for wanting to play games.
What is it that excites people about other game makers’ releases? Graphics? I don’t need the latest graphics to enjoy a game. Story? Most stories are meh anyway. Gameplay? Tell us what games you like and there’s a 100% chance 50% of those who listen will laugh in your face. There’s nothing objective about gameplay, except when a game is totally broken.

You see, I’m not excited for video game releases anymore. I’d have to be 15 again and have tons of free time on hand to feel excited for a new game again. So, I’m as interested in new Nintendo games as I am in new games from any other developer. I don’t need to be excited to buy a Nintendo game. Just like I don’t need to feel excited when I’m about to choose a movie for the evening. Game sounds up my alley, I’ll get it.

Do you people see a little fairy telling you “This is it! This is the game! This is what you want! Buy it, buy it!” when you watch some presentations? Do you need that fairy to sprinkle you with hype powder and send a tingle down your spine to choose your next game to play? I don’t get this “excited” thing.
Great post mate.

I was thinking something similar about the "excitement" around E3.

Sure, when a new game I am interested in releases I will look forward to finishing work and firing up the new game on a Friday evening.

I'm not jumping around my bedroom and screaming like a moron if Nintendo shows the title card for Xenoblade 3 or Sony announces the inevitable new Uncharted game.

You'd think everyone would learn the lesson from Cyberpunk. Year after year sitting down in front of E3 hoping for a glimpse of the world, then the gameplay, then it's Keanu, OMG "breathtaking" LOL. Then the game finally arrives and it's pure shit. Years and years of hype and it was all just a wet fart in the end.
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A lot of stuff. I love a lot of what Nintendo has to offer.

Pro tip: move the fuck on. Forget Nintendo, only pop your head out every now and again. That way everything they do is great. If you sit there with a Switch as your primary console expecting the world, you're going to be disappointed as fuck. Nintendo's output is lethargic. So is Sony's. And my god so is Microsoft's. Lesson? Go multi-platform. Yeahhh
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fart town usa

Gold Member
Nothing about the Switch excites me but I love playing the Wii U.

I'm weird like that.

These days I only anticipate mainline Zelda titles, I don't really focus or get hung up on anything related to Nintendo. They lost me during the Wii era. Nintendo is a great company but my relationship with them as a gamer will never be what it once was.
Everyone support yuzu or ryujinx emulator on patreon , so no one needs to waste money buying the switch when there is only 1 or 2 games a year worth playing. Had enough nintendo and game droughts. Im just gonna buy the games i want and play them pc emulation.


Consolidation of portable and console hardware was supposed to put less strain on the poduction pipeline and allow for faster output of new titles. All of that didn't happen but what did happen is that Nintendo can now charge $60 for games that previously would be sold on 3DS for $40 like Link's Awakening and Metroid Dread.

Alot of their games really are fun but after 35 years, they are also all very familiar. It's like comfort food for the gaming soul.

Also, they truly are one of the worst companies when it comes to giving the fans what they actually want/ ask for. I have almost 200 Switch games installed on a 1TB SD, I need folder Nintendo, like pronto. It's been 4 years already. Cold storage options would be nice tooo


Here's a unpopular board opinion, but a lot of it is about my kid. He's 6. He can play Mario games, Luigis Mansion, Smash, Animal Crossing, and heaps of other stuff that A. I won't think is garbage baby shovelware, and B. won't turn him into a CHAOS killing edgelord before he's a teenager.

Same, I have three kids aged 8 and under. We had to buy 5 different switch systems between all of us (I have the Pokemon themed Lite) and Nintendo rules our house. I have spent more on Nintendo games than all other systems combined. Then when they are done with them I trade them or sell them since they hold their value.


not tag worthy
A successful Nintendo is a lazy Nintendo. I swear they do it to themselves. Once they start failing they go nuts and do good.

but most likely covid has put a dent in developing games.

Also my kids can go play my switch no worries about shitty mtx

nice couch co-op

also once in a while they do a few excellent games 🤪
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Excited is the wrong word but they have a track record for reliable, innovative gameplay so they are always worth keeping an eye on.
I'm not expecting anything really new but I will most likely be buying Metroid and BOTW2 because they are practically guaranteed to be good.


nintendo is a beacon of light in these trying times. yeah there are indie titles that do what metroid does but how many of them are as good as the metroid series? i love how nintendo is still mostly gameplay/fun focused. so many devs nowadays especially in the AAA category want to "say something" or have some bullshit monetization thing going on. i like how zelda doesn't give you a lecture on third wave feminism in the middle of the game and wario isn't a critique of capitalism. i think they have the best fighting game of all time with smash brothers, the best action adventure of all time series with zelda and the best 3D platformer with mario.
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The Snake

I'm not really a Nintendo fan boy but I really do appreciate the way they innovate at times, as well as the fact that they seem to still care about having some kind of heart and soul in their games. Above all I guess I really appreciate that they just focus mostly on making...games. They don't have to be huge blockbuster AAA titles, just fun games. People still talk about Breath of the Wild, but how many people give a shit about...Days Gone? Assassin's Creed [Subtitle]? I really just appreciate a decent, well-made game over a "spectacle" so to speak.


People have low standards for what is considered fun, but nothing wrong with that. And Fast RMX is the only Nintendo exclusive title worthy of gracing other platforms from a graphics standpoint. Nintendo just keeps recycling the same crap over and over. They should take a stab at an exclusive IP with a more serious tone. Branch out some.


I'm not really a Nintendo fan boy but I really do appreciate the way they innovate at times, as well as the fact that they seem to still care about having some kind of heart and soul in their games. Above all I guess I really appreciate that they just focus mostly on making...games. They don't have to be huge blockbuster AAA titles, just fun games. People still talk about Breath of the Wild, but how many people give a shit about...Days Gone? Assassin's Creed [Subtitle]? I really just appreciate a decent, well-made game over a "spectacle" so to speak.

5 year olds aren't playing Days Gone like Zelda.


Nintendo are simply good at making solid games. They aren't the amazing spectacle of ratchet and spiderman or the super detailed grittiness of the last of us but they make games that are simply super polished gameplay and create worlds that are nostalgic. They for the most part create current indie games with a larger budget. This is probably why those who like Nintendo games are also in to indies.
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Honestly not much. I’m not even really interested in BotW2 even though I really liked BotW. It reminds me of Mario Galaxy and Mario Galaxy 2. I loved Galaxy, but 2 felt like a really big add-on of scrapped ideas from 1. I think BotW2 may end up in a similar way. Maybe I’m wrong.

Metroid and Zelda were always my favorite series from them, with Metroid being one of (if not my #1) favorite series of all time. Metroid has been sort of back-burnered for a while. I’d love to be excited for MP4 and Bayo3, but they’re just nothing at this point.

Metroid Dread has me really excited since I’ve been waiting for that since the DS. Mercury Steam made a pretty good game with Samus Returns and Dread looks like like an all around improvement over that so I’m pretty confident it’ll be good.

Honestly around when Dread comes out I’ll be looking into getting maybe a Switch Lite as cheaply as possible so I can play it and probably No More Heroes 3, but that’s about it.
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Mario and Zelda are more than just re-skins with each new iteration. There is tons of innovation there. Just look at how copied Breath of the Wild has become. Mario and Zelda alone keep me coming back for more. I see Link like I see Tom Cruise…the DNA might be the same, but each new film/game is quite different from the last.


I like Nintendo because they make fun games. That's it. I don't give a fuck about "innovation" when said innovation means turning video games into third rate direct to dvd movies that tell a heartrending story about fatherhood, loss and fighting the patriarchy. Nintendo still make some of the most mechanically polished games in the industry with fundamentally engaging gameplay (a lot of their games are fun at a fundamental level, I'm talking basic movement which is easy to take for granted then you play garbage like Red Dead Redemption 2) but also much more depth than what console warrior shitposters give them credit for. Splatoon for ex is a genuinely deep competitive game with a high skill ceilling but because of the way it looks the usual suspects think it's Fall Guys TPS version.

In fact I'll go as far as saying the fact Nintendo is in a lot of ways stuck in the past is exactly why I like them. I often see posts saying things like "looks like a PS2 game" or similar sentiments expressed obviously as a pejorative description but the only thing I'd reply to it is "good".
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Serious question for Nintendo fans: What's the thing that makes you to be excited about Nintendo nowadays?​

... that we can play Games without waiting for a day one patch that makes the game playable.

Man, come on, there are so many games you can play on switch. And if there is nothing new this year, what's wrong playing all the good games you've left behind.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I think Sony is. PS5 games haven't gotten price drops, even after 6 months. Maybe that's because they're still trying to get PS5s out fast enough, but I have a strong feeling they'll do everything they can to keep those prices up for much longer this generation.
I think you're 100% correct on this one.


For the first time in my life after pumping hundreds of hours in to my N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, Game Boy Colour, DS and 3DS’s I’m seriously apathetic towards Ninty. They seem creatively bankrupt.


- Solid and polished IP.
- Zelda est la vie (*French accent*)
- Lots of old-school JRPGs, even if imperfect, the Switch produces the most: Octopath, SMT III remaster (and SMT V this november), Project Triangle, etc.
- Nintendo does not completely submit to the woke ideology
- We'll get Golden Sun and F-Zero sooner or later, I'm patient.
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They offer something different from Sony and Microsoft's cinema style games, which I enjoy as much as the next man, but I also love chilling out with Animal crossing too, their franchises are top notch as well.
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Again... never said you aren't allowed to. If you do that's great. lol

I just think overall the quality of games coming from Nintendo are low. They're $20-30 games and not worth the full retail price.

Yes Nintendo titles rarely drop in price like a lot of the third party triple AAA games, and sell many more copies, must be they are not worth full price and are low quality, sounds like a very fair and reasonable conclusion to arrive at. ;)
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Gold Member
Nintendo games are pure magic to me... I screamed like a child while my gf laughed while seeing Metroid 5 reveal... I just closed youtube and kept on my things while seeing Ubi "Guerrilla is good, I swear" simulator and some other AAA games revealed.

Nintendo games are just... good. They are GAMES, the same vibe I get from Doom 2016, just pure and honest fun. And it's not that their games look bad lol, I've been feeling overwhelmed by graphics detail with zzzzzzzzz art style, Nintendo for some reason keeps being a breath of fresh air graphically that "just looks right".

The fact that M and Sony don't even try to copy their business model makes me very happy.
They can't. They don't trust their own IP to retain as much value Nintendo ones do and I don't think they would anyway apart from a couple... which is an an advancement.
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