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Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter Relaunched


Don't really care, but I just don't trust this. I'll keep my money in my pocket.

If you are a fan of Eternal Darkness, I'd really recommend helping with $5. I understand where you are coming from; the idea of paying just to be able to give someone even more money at a later date can feel a bit... ridiculous. But this game won't get made without our support. The current state of the industry doesn't make it easy for a developer like Precursor and a game like Eternal Darkness to get funded.

The great thing about this new kickstarter is that they've set the perfect amount of money, in the sense that it will only take about every Eternal Darkness fan out there ("only" as in "there are not many of those to begin with") contributing each with $5 for the $750,000 goal to be met. So, if you really want this game to be a reality but are on the fence about supporting this kickstarter, just contributing with those 5 bucks. If every other ED fan does the same, we will see this game.


Why can't people just give them the benefit of the doubt. It's like the stigma of too Human will never leave them.
Why can't people just give them the benefit of the doubt. It's like the stigma of too Human will never leave them.

It's not just the stigma of Too Human. It's the stigma of shoddy business practices repeated year after year after being in a position where they could have been great. They had the respect of Nintendo and could have easily continued that partnership. They squandered away the money Activision gave them to make X-Men Destiny to work on Eternal Darkness 2. It's not just an isolated case of a disappointing game, it's the tale of a company that fucked up royally and ultimately paid the price for their mistakes.

But the problem with that perception is that the man largely responsible for those problems doesn't run the new company in a financial or official sense. Dyack's in the position that he's best in -- working on the creative end. Unfortunately, the years of abject failure they went through and the fact that Dyack historically has been shown to be something of a douche hurt this project's chances considerably. I'd like to see it succeed, but everything that's transpired in the past eight years or so is pretty damning.


So wait, they want less money but are making a full game?

But the last kickstarter was just for the pilot episode, wasn't it? And the remaining episodes would theoretically be cheaper and funded by sales of that episode. With this amount it seems like it would be scaled back a lot.

They have gotten partial outside funding which is why they're asking for less (read the kickstarter page).

The first campaign was for the pilot episode which also serves as the foundation of the game after which they only needed to create more narrative and gameplay content with the engine, assets and mechanics already in the can.


The great thing about this new kickstarter is that they've set the perfect amount of money, in the sense that it will only take about every Eternal Darkness fan out there ("only" as in "there are not many of those to begin with") contributing each with $5 for the $750,000 goal to be met. So, if you really want this game to be a reality but are on the fence about supporting this kickstarter, just contributing with those 5 bucks. If every other ED fan does the same, we will see this game.

That sounds like a very unlikely number of backers, although the people throwing a lot more than $5 at the project will balance things out a bit, of course.

Makes me curious though, does anyone know the highest number of backers for any game-related Kickstarter?


$20 for full non-episodic game is more like it. I'll wait to see how it does though.

If they can pull it off. How do they justify discovering they need less money to make more content? Especially with their history of delays and going overbudget? Game looks interesting, but I think it's a given they'll run out of cash long before it's fit to be released.


A considerable improvement over last time, the bullshit price of enttry is not bullshit anymore, Hayter brings some degree of interest, they will probably make it this time and breaking a couple of strech goals.

Sadly they are still Precursor Games, they are extremely questionable in my eyes and the loss of Kenneth McCulloch doesnt help, obviously the guy had to be let go, but he was by default the better half of the creative team.
That sounds like a very unlikely number of backers, although the people throwing a lot more than $5 at the project will balance things out a bit, of course.

Makes me curious though, does anyone know the highest number of backers for any game-related Kickstarter?
Torment: Tides of Numenera is the current record holder, reaching $4.1 million on Kickstarter alone. Star Citizen, however, has received a lot more money after their KS closed and are marching to the tune of $14 million dollars crowdsourced, making it the largest project of the nature overall. EDIT: Whoops, misread on the backers thing. Double Fine Adventure saw 87,000 backers. Torment had 74,000. Project Eternity had 74,000.


Gold Member
The first campaign was for the pilot episode which also serves as the foundation of the game after which they only needed to create more narrative and gameplay content with the engine, assets and mechanics already in the can.

I've heard that one before.


That sounds like a very unlikely number of backers, although the people throwing a lot more than $5 at the project will balance things out a bit, of course.

Makes me curious though, does anyone know the highest number of backers for any game-related Kickstarter?

Double Fine Adventure


Torment: Tides of Numenera is the current record holder, reaching $4.1 million on Kickstarter alone. Star Citizen, however, has received a lot more money after their KS closed and are marching to the tune of $14 million dollars crowdsourced, making it the largest project of the nature overall.

Star Citizen, it deserves mentioning, used pay2win incentives to pad that dollar total. You can spend 250$ to circumvent 60hours of gameplay before the game has even been created. Combine that with insane mindset of multiplayer space sim players (see EVE) and you have a recipe for pure profit.


They had the respect of Nintendo and could have easily continued that partnership.

Nah. Nintendo had no place for Silicon Knights by then. In the end, the break up was mutual, but at the time Nintendo's change in policy (ie: less of a focus on hardcore gamers) was already pretty much in place, and they didn't really care about companies like SK anymore. Not too long before that, Nintendo told Rare to "stop making games for them", just before Microsoft bought them, so there really was no way these companies (SK and Rare) would have stayed with Nintendo, even if they had wanted so.

If they can pull it off. How do they justify discovering they need less money to make more content? Especially with their history of delays and going overbudget? Game looks interesting, but I think it's a given they'll run out of cash long before it's fit to be released.

This is a valid concern. However, it's safe to assume that they would have a near-finished product by the time they run out of funds, and at this point it's much more likely that a publisher will pick them up and throw in whatever money they need to finish the game.

This is going to be a low-budget game, though, and it's going to show. The descriptions we are seeing in their kickstarter already show gameplay mechanics which seem pretty much a copy&paste of Eternal Darkness', an 11 year old game. It's possible that they had ideas for something a bit more different, but then decided to throw those out in favor of something closer to a remake of ED to be able to meet the lower kickstarter goal. My point is, I don't see this game being delayed as much as the original ED was, or Too Human.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Haters be damned (if you can call people who probably objectively assess situation at hand that...) I'd *love* to see this game happen. If I see them getting even remotely close to that amount they're asking for, I'll donate.


The kickstarter has been up for just a few hours, and it's already at 8% of their goal. Things are looking much better for them this turn around. Hopefully it keeps up the pace.
Nah. Nintendo had no place for Silicon Knights by then. In the end, the break up was mutual, but at the time Nintendo's change in policy (ie: less of a focus on hardcore gamers) was already pretty much in place, and they didn't really care about companies like SK anymore. Not too long before that, Nintendo told Rare to "stop making games for them", just before Microsoft bought them, so there really was no way these companies (SK and Rare) would have stayed with Nintendo, even if they had wanted so.
Nintendo was on board for continued SK support in the years before the generation ended. Dyack was not. He was pretty adamant in his vision for a game on next-gen technology and the philosophies Nintendo was using didn't line up with that. I'm sure both parties are at fault, but Dyack's delusions of grandeur likely had the most to do with their split. Nintendo at that point didn't care from a business perspective, but the fact remains that they at one point thought very highly of Silicon Knights.


I kinda like kickstarter. Not just because it helps get otherwise unfunded ideas off the ground but also because...I kinda really like pledge tiers and their associated rewards. I've backed a couple kickstarters more than I probably should have just to get some mundane random crap thrown in for kicks.

It's too bad this one kinda has crappy rewards though. Oh well, I kinda doubt this'll reach its goal but we'll see! *throws money*


Dyack is still involved. Save your money.
Wasn't Dyack involved in Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and Blood Omen? Because i love both of those games.

I think i will give it a chance, i don't have some crazy internet hatred for the guy like a lot of people here do.


Nintendo was on board for continued SK support in the years before the generation ended. Dyack was not. He was pretty adamant in his vision for a game on next-gen technology and the philosophies Nintendo was using didn't line up with that. I'm sure both parties are at fault, but Dyack's delusions of grandeur likely had the most to do with their split. Nintendo at that point didn't care from a business perspective, but the fact remains that they at one point thought very highly of Silicon Knights.

I don't know, man. There is no doubt that Rare was (or should have been) way more valuable to Nintendo than Silicon Knights was, and yet, they outright told them to "stop making games", not too long before SK left. If they told that to a company like Rare, I very much doubt that they had any interest whatsoever in continuing a relationship with Silicon Knights.

But yeah, Dyack was quite eager to jump into next-generation, and Nintendo just didn't fit into his vision for the company, that's for sure.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
And backed. $20. We'll see.
After completing Eternal Darkness for the first time a couple months ago I'll throw in $20 for the chance of a decent "spiritual successor".

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
They squandered away the money Activision gave them to make X-Men Destiny to work on Eternal Darkness 2.
Silicon Knights has flatly denied this, and insisted that they spent their own money on it in addition to Activision's and that they tried their hardest. Believe them or not, they are innocent of this until proven guilty.

It'd be such a shame if we never see Eternal Darkness 2 because of one Kotaku article with nothing more than anonymous sources. :(


Silicon Knights has flatly denied this, and insisted that they spent their own money on it in addition to Activision's and that they tried their hardest. Believe them or not, they are innocent of this until proven guilty.

It'd be such a shame if we never see Eternal Darkness 2 because of one Kotaku article with nothing more than anonymous sources. :(

Yes without a source it's just hear say and it can't be proven, but they are guilty of it anyway that's logical.


It shows how little I understand about game development, but how can something of the magnitude of the gameplay trailer be done with 750.000 $?
Anyway, Klára is rather cute, so I will probably back it when there are more infos released in the future.
Okay, yeah you know what? I'll back this. I have extreme reservations about Precursor Games and Dyack's involvement not only as a leader but in a large capacity, but an 8-10 hour game with a lower Kickstarter goal as a spiritual succesor to a really good game... I'll bite.

And plus, I love a good redemption story.


This is a valid concern. However, it's safe to assume that they would have a near-finished product by the time they run out of funds, and at this point it's much more likely that a publisher will pick them up and throw in whatever money they need to finish the game.

This is going to be a low-budget game, though, and it's going to show. The descriptions we are seeing in their kickstarter already show gameplay mechanics which seem pretty much a copy&paste of Eternal Darkness', an 11 year old game. It's possible that they had ideas for something a bit more different, but then decided to throw those out in favor of something closer to a remake of ED to be able to meet the lower kickstarter goal. My point is, I don't see this game being delayed as much as the original ED was, or Too Human.

Er... how is it safe to assume they will have a near-finished game when they run out of money? How is it safe to assume that any publisher would take their word when they say "the project is almost done, we just need a little more money to finish it!" given how inaccurate/common that situation is in this industry in combination with Silicon Knight's past? They are now promising a larger game for less money, and they're operating out of Canada where 750k doesn't go very far for game developer salaries. Even if they just remade Eternal Darkness, gameplay and all, for 2013 it would cost more than 750k to make.

Combine that with the fact that this is a developer with a shady past and fairly convincing ex-employee accounts of squandering tens of millions of dollars on their previous projects and it becomes even less likely that this 750k will result in anything approaching a finished game.

I've contributed to a dozen Kickstarters so far and felt fairly comfortable about the chances of those Kickstarters resulting in something approaching what was promised in the original pledge, but contributing to this project seems akin to burning your money.


I backed this game before, and I just backed it again. Dennis made some pretty big mistakes in the past, but I am willing to give him another chance. Listening to him on podcasts now, he seems to realize how big of a dick and dumb-ass he was a few years back.

I am always down to give a person (and to an extension Precursor Games) another chance, plus I really like what I have seen from this game.


I sure do feel good knowing that I'll be secretly paying for the bail for that pedophile they had working for them a couple of months ago (that, or Dyack's gambling debts, whichever is more pressing)

Look, read my comment a couple of posts up, im not gonna back this but you are gonna have to provide clear evidence of the stuff you are saying if you are gonna pass them as facts.


The Birthday Skeleton
I sure do feel good knowing that I'll be secretly paying for the bail for that pedophile they had working for them a couple of months ago (that, or Dyack's gambling debts, whichever is more pressing)

I don't know, is this really allowed here? Throwing very serious accusations without any proof?
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